Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

They are not stop making shit up,if anyone is resentful of successful people is the wacky left.
I remember...:eusa_shhh:
You really think Obama and the Democrats aren't just as beholden to the plutocracy as Romney? How much did big money "invest" in Obama?

It's probably the case that many of those who voted for Obama thought they were striking a blow against the vested interests. But they didn't. They endorsed them.

I'm sure the rich hedged their bets and sent money to Obama. They did the same in 2008 when it was clear he was going to win.

But the plutocrats still ended up with ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank, which they sure as hell didn't want, which is why they threw as much money trying to unseat Obama this time as they did.

Largest business in the world is insurance and the highest profits in insurance are health insurance.
And you claim they do not like Obamacare.
Mandatory to buy the insurance and you claim that hurts private business.
You ave no clue on anything economic.
Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

They are not stop making shit up,if anyone is resentful of successful people is the wacky left.

The right is with the employers over the workers, while liberals are for the employers working with the workers for a better and safer work place and product
Yes, you are because you demand that they pay more in taxes. Next.

Is the butcher resentful of the cow?

Dainty isn't resentful, he's just greedy and wants to take by force the wealth of others for himself. The middle class is a cash cow for the left. They intend to bleed us and consume us. When they have destroyed us, they will be lost, because there will be nothing more to loot.
Being the greedy no good sorry ass low life capitalist I am I just completed subdividing the property I SPECULATED on 4 years ago and divided it into 3 lots.
Have over 130K in it and may make a profit.
May lose $$$ in the long run. If I sold lots now I would be lucky to break even.
But IT IS OK to the moocher and parasite class if I lose $$$ but I AM SCUM if I dare make any money off my capital speculating.
So whenever I do sell AND MAKE $$$ the people buying it will grade it, build 3 homes on it and employ how many people doing so?
And if the market stays like it is what happens? NOTHING. Nada, zilch, zero.
Speculation is a good thing. Keeps investment dollars flowing and CREATES JOBS.
Socialism is the exact opposite. Everything is fair and the manual labor worker is to be worshipped and anyone that dare save THEIR CASH THEY EARNED THROUGH HARD WORK to invest and speculate is the scum of the earth.
And they wonder why work ethic is almost gone.
Whatever, I'm done talking to Plutocrat tools and apologists like you..

You're awfully bitter, considering the extreme left swept the election. We are well on the way to the workers paradise you've fought for.

You should be happy, we'll be Cuba soon enough!

You mean all the right wingers will get on leaky boats and leave?

OH, be still my beating heart.
Whatever, I'm done talking to Plutocrat tools and apologists like you..

You're awfully bitter, considering the extreme left swept the election. We are well on the way to the workers paradise you've fought for.

You should be happy, we'll be Cuba soon enough!

Joe is angry that there are others that make more than him.
It isn't fair.

No, Joe's mad that the greedy keep fucking up the economy for the rest of us, and then act like their shit don't stink.

Probably what these people thought, too.

Whatever, I'm done talking to Plutocrat tools and apologists like you..

You're awfully bitter, considering the extreme left swept the election. We are well on the way to the workers paradise you've fought for.

You should be happy, we'll be Cuba soon enough!

You mean all the right wingers will get on leaky boats and leave?

OH, be still my beating heart.

Why don't you move to Cuba where all the right wingers have been shot?

That sounds like your idea of paradise.
You're awfully bitter, considering the extreme left swept the election. We are well on the way to the workers paradise you've fought for.

You should be happy, we'll be Cuba soon enough!

Joe is angry that there are others that make more than him.
It isn't fair.

No, Joe's mad that the greedy keep fucking up the economy for the rest of us, and then act like their shit don't stink.

Probably what these people thought, too.


So you're comparing Republicans to the Romanovs? Do you think they should all beb executed like the Romanovs were?

You sound more like a commie every time you post.
You're awfully bitter, considering the extreme left swept the election. We are well on the way to the workers paradise you've fought for.

You should be happy, we'll be Cuba soon enough!

Joe is angry that there are others that make more than him.
It isn't fair.

No, Joe's mad that the greedy keep fucking up the economy for the rest of us, and then act like their shit don't stink.

Probably what these people thought, too.


Who cares how folks act?
That is for the women to worry about.
You still have not given any definition of "greed".
You're awfully bitter, considering the extreme left swept the election. We are well on the way to the workers paradise you've fought for.

You should be happy, we'll be Cuba soon enough!

You mean all the right wingers will get on leaky boats and leave?

OH, be still my beating heart.

Why don't you move to Cuba where all the right wingers have been shot?

That sounds like your idea of paradise.

My grandfather bought 150 acres in Clintondale NY in 1899. Cultivated it for 20 years with apple orchards that still stand today. By the 50s he had saved enough $$$ farming to buy 450 acres in Cuba on a lake there. He would drive to Miami and charter a DC-3, fly to Cuba and fly migrant workers over to Miami and then drive them to NY to pick his apples each year. Their descendants still live in the Hudson Valley region there. And they HATE AND DESPISE anything and everything Castro and socialism.
Castro stole that land and shot 2 of my grandfathers business partners with another fruit company there.
That is what they really want here. Why else would a union thug beat up an old woman wanting to work?

So you're comparing Republicans to the Romanovs? Do you think they should all beb executed like the Romanovs were?

You sound more like a commie every time you post.

There were a bunch of places where the Romanov's could have done what the Windsors had the good sense to do....

And they didn't do them.

Which is why the Windsors are still around doing embarassing things and the Romanovs found themselves at the bottom of a shallow grave.

Our ruling class seems to be acting more like Romanovs than Windsors.

My grandfather bought 150 acres in Clintondale NY in 1899. Cultivated it for 20 years with apple orchards that still stand today. By the 50s he had saved enough $$$ farming to buy 450 acres in Cuba on a lake there. He would drive to Miami and charter a DC-3, fly to Cuba and fly migrant workers over to Miami and then drive them to NY to pick his apples each year. Their descendants still live in the Hudson Valley region there. And they HATE AND DESPISE anything and everything Castro and socialism.
Castro stole that land and shot 2 of my grandfathers business partners with another fruit company there.
That is what they really want here. Why else would a union thug beat up an old woman wanting to work?

Because that old woman was stealing his job?

Oh, I'm sure the people who got out, the wealthy and the boot-lickers hate Castro.

But you guys have thrown everything you have at Castro, and he's still there. We've spent 50 years punishing Cuba for flipping us off, and they still are.

But let's listen to what a Great American said about Cuba..

"I believe that there is no country in the world including any and all the countries under colonial domination, where economic colonization, humiliation and exploitation were worse than in Cuba, in part owing to my country’s policies during the Batista regime. I approved the proclamation which Fidel Castro made in the Sierra Maestra, when he justifiably called for justice and especially yearned to rid Cuba of corruption. I will even go further: to some extent it is as though Batista was the incarnation of a number of sins on the part of the United States. Now we shall have to pay for those sins. In the matter of the Batista regime, I am in agreement with the first Cuban revolutionaries. That is perfectly clear."

— U.S. President John F. Kennedy, interview with Jean Daniel, 24 October 1963[11]

Fuckin' Commie JFK. Doesn't he know the Cubans were all happy living in slums while Corporations owned all their land?
You're awfully bitter, considering the extreme left swept the election. We are well on the way to the workers paradise you've fought for.

You should be happy, we'll be Cuba soon enough!

Joe is angry that there are others that make more than him.
It isn't fair.

No, Joe's mad that the greedy keep fucking up the economy for the rest of us, and then act like their shit don't stink.

Probably what these people thought, too.


It is definitely the people who making and spending money that have fucked up the economy.

My grandfather bought 150 acres in Clintondale NY in 1899. Cultivated it for 20 years with apple orchards that still stand today. By the 50s he had saved enough $$$ farming to buy 450 acres in Cuba on a lake there. He would drive to Miami and charter a DC-3, fly to Cuba and fly migrant workers over to Miami and then drive them to NY to pick his apples each year. Their descendants still live in the Hudson Valley region there. And they HATE AND DESPISE anything and everything Castro and socialism.
Castro stole that land and shot 2 of my grandfathers business partners with another fruit company there.
That is what they really want here. Why else would a union thug beat up an old woman wanting to work?

Because that old woman was stealing his job?

Oh, I'm sure the people who got out, the wealthy and the boot-lickers hate Castro.

But you guys have thrown everything you have at Castro, and he's still there. We've spent 50 years punishing Cuba for flipping us off, and they still are.

But let's listen to what a Great American said about Cuba..

"I believe that there is no country in the world including any and all the countries under colonial domination, where economic colonization, humiliation and exploitation were worse than in Cuba, in part owing to my country’s policies during the Batista regime. I approved the proclamation which Fidel Castro made in the Sierra Maestra, when he justifiably called for justice and especially yearned to rid Cuba of corruption. I will even go further: to some extent it is as though Batista was the incarnation of a number of sins on the part of the United States. Now we shall have to pay for those sins. In the matter of the Batista regime, I am in agreement with the first Cuban revolutionaries. That is perfectly clear."

— U.S. President John F. Kennedy, interview with Jean Daniel, 24 October 1963[11]

Fuckin' Commie JFK. Doesn't he know the Cubans were all happy living in slums while Corporations owned all their land?

Jobs are not owned, they are EARNED.
How does one earn a job with a picket sign in their hands?
Whatever, I'm done talking to Plutocrat tools and apologists like you..

You're awfully bitter, considering the extreme left swept the election. We are well on the way to the workers paradise you've fought for.

You should be happy, we'll be Cuba soon enough!

You mean all the right wingers will get on leaky boats and leave?

OH, be still my beating heart.

They won't be leaky boats but cargo ships and when they leave they will take their industry with them.

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