Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

You know, I noticed you skipped over my whole Cuba discussion, probably too scary for you. I get that. The last thing you want to consider is that the Plutocratic class is only tolerated by the rest of us until we get sick of it.

Point is, that job only exists because the rest of us patronize that business. Therefore, we all owe it to each other to make sure the owners and plutocrats are playing fair wiht their workers.

That's what the guys with the picket signs do, because left to their own devices, we'd get more of this kind of shit from the plutocrats...

Workers of the world unite, eh Comrade?
You know, I noticed you skipped over my whole Cuba discussion, probably too scary for you. I get that. The last thing you want to consider is that the Plutocratic class is only tolerated by the rest of us until we get sick of it.

Point is, that job only exists because the rest of us patronize that business. Therefore, we all owe it to each other to make sure the owners and plutocrats are playing fair wiht their workers.

That's what the guys with the picket signs do, because left to their own devices, we'd get more of this kind of shit from the plutocrats...

Workers of the world unite, eh Comrade?

Or "United We Stand, Divided We Fall"... all depends on your point of view, doesn't it.

Since I honestly doubt you are rich, or ever will be rich, I just don't see why you side with them.

I"m not sure if it's more akin to "Battered Housewife Syndrome" or "Stockholm Syndrome".
You know, I noticed you skipped over my whole Cuba discussion, probably too scary for you. I get that. The last thing you want to consider is that the Plutocratic class is only tolerated by the rest of us until we get sick of it.

Point is, that job only exists because the rest of us patronize that business. Therefore, we all owe it to each other to make sure the owners and plutocrats are playing fair wiht their workers.

That's what the guys with the picket signs do, because left to their own devices, we'd get more of this kind of shit from the plutocrats...

Workers of the world unite, eh Comrade?

Or "United We Stand, Divided We Fall"... all depends on your point of view, doesn't it.

Since I honestly doubt you are rich, or ever will be rich, I just don't see why you side with them.

I"m not sure if it's more akin to "Battered Housewife Syndrome" or "Stockholm Syndrome".

What does being rich have to do with thinking people shouldn't have to give up their private property? Would you want everyone to pay 100% of their income to the government and then let the government spend it as it thinks wise? If no, why not?
What does being rich have to do with thinking people shouldn't have to give up their private property? Would you want everyone to pay 100% of their income to the government and then let the government spend it as it thinks wise? If no, why not?

Why are you so limited in your thinking that you have to go to one extreme or the other?

Fact is, our civilized society exists because we have government. Otherwise, the world would look like a Mad Max movie. Government provides services, it provides security to prosper for the rich, and it should provide protections for the rest of us from being abused by the rich.

And it costs money to do that.

And asking the rich to pay their fair share isn't unreasonable.
What does being rich have to do with thinking people shouldn't have to give up their private property? Would you want everyone to pay 100% of their income to the government and then let the government spend it as it thinks wise? If no, why not?

Why are you so limited in your thinking that you have to go to one extreme or the other?

Fact is, our civilized society exists because we have government. Otherwise, the world would look like a Mad Max movie. Government provides services, it provides security to prosper for the rich, and it should provide protections for the rest of us from being abused by the rich.

And it costs money to do that.

And asking the rich to pay their fair share isn't unreasonable.

It was just a question to gauge your thinking on the issue. Calm down.

The flaw in your argument is that nobody is asking anybody to do anything. The government is just taking by force from people. Also just a heads up, if the Bush tax cuts expire, everyone's taxes go up, not just "rich" people, as if their success somehow earned them the right to be stolen from at a higher rate.

A lot of things cost money, this internet I'm using for example, yet I manage to pay for it without robbing my neighbors.
If "the rich" 2% are already paying for 30% of the Fed Govt -- how is it they are not "paying their fair share" -- if 1/2 of the taxable citizens are paying nothing in Income tax???

Give me a good argument for "fairness" and I might convert.. (LOL). And where do you think that addtnl money is gonna go?? TO THE F'IN POOR??? No -- to GE for energy star dishwashers. to buy more naked Xray scanners at airports. To every flushing boondoogle that needs to be CUT FIRST -- before we start DEMANDING more from the producers of this nation..

You'd be surprised at how many of us would sign on to taxation if only you leftists made a good faith effort to spend it more wisely... It's actually that easy Joe....

It was just a question to gauge your thinking on the issue. Calm down.

The flaw in your argument is that nobody is asking anybody to do anything. The government is just taking by force from people. Also just a heads up, if the Bush tax cuts expire, everyone's taxes go up, not just "rich" people, as if their success somehow earned them the right to be stolen from at a higher rate.

A lot of things cost money, this internet I'm using for example, yet I manage to pay for it without robbing my neighbors.

The internet wouldn't exist if the government hadn't invested billions to develop it and maintain it. If your cable bill reflected that cost, you wouldn't be here whining about them welfare folks...

Incidently, I don't think we are going to solve our problems without tax increases on everyone AND serious cuts in spending. And, yes, the country works better when the wealthy pay their fair share.

We had our greatest prosperity when the Rich paid a higher rate.
Jobs are not owned, they are EARNED.
How does one earn a job with a picket sign in their hands?

You know, I noticed you skipped over my whole Cuba discussion, probably too scary for you. I get that. The last thing you want to consider is that the Plutocratic class is only tolerated by the rest of us until we get sick of it.

In other words, you're all a bunch of thugs.

Point is, that job only exists because the rest of us patronize that business. Therefore, we all owe it to each other to make sure the owners and plutocrats are playing fair wiht their workers.

I don't owe you shit, and the people who own corporations owe you even less.

That's what the guys with the picket signs do, because left to their own devices, we'd get more of this kind of shit from the plutocrats...

There are no "plutocrats," asshole. That's just a euphemism turds like you use to refer to the people who provide you with a job and who you envy.
If "the rich" 2% are already paying for 30% of the Fed Govt -- how is it they are not "paying their fair share" -- if 1/2 of the taxable citizens are paying nothing in Income tax???

Give me a good argument for "fairness" and I might convert.. (LOL). And where do you think that addtnl money is gonna go?? TO THE F'IN POOR??? No -- to GE for energy star dishwashers. to buy more naked Xray scanners at airports. To every flushing boondoogle that needs to be CUT FIRST -- before we start DEMANDING more from the producers of this nation..

You'd be surprised at how many of us would sign on to taxation if only you leftists made a good faith effort to spend it more wisely... It's actually that easy Joe....

the top 1% controls 37% of the wealth in this country. The top 10% controls 90% of the wealth.

You also do the usual RW cock and bull of pretending that income taxes are the only taxes. But I totally get that... math isn't your strong suit.

Also, i get sick of calling the rich "producers". They don't produce shit. The producers are the people who go to their jobs every day and do the things we need to get done. And it ain't the rich.

They are parasites that have convinced you they are vital organs.

It was just a question to gauge your thinking on the issue. Calm down.

The flaw in your argument is that nobody is asking anybody to do anything. The government is just taking by force from people. Also just a heads up, if the Bush tax cuts expire, everyone's taxes go up, not just "rich" people, as if their success somehow earned them the right to be stolen from at a higher rate.

A lot of things cost money, this internet I'm using for example, yet I manage to pay for it without robbing my neighbors.

The internet wouldn't exist if the government hadn't invested billions to develop it and maintain it. If your cable bill reflected that cost, you wouldn't be here whining about them welfare folks...

Horseshit. The government hardly spent a dime on the internet. Almost all the key technical developments were achieved by private corporations. The few steps accomplished by the government were the natural progressions.

Incidently, I don't think we are going to solve our problems without tax increases on everyone AND serious cuts in spending.

A statist leftwinger supports tax increases? How would ever have thunk it?

And, yes, the country works better when the wealthy pay their fair share.

Their "fair share" of your bills is zilch.

We had our greatest prosperity when the Rich paid a higher rate.

Another total lie.

It was just a question to gauge your thinking on the issue. Calm down.

The flaw in your argument is that nobody is asking anybody to do anything. The government is just taking by force from people. Also just a heads up, if the Bush tax cuts expire, everyone's taxes go up, not just "rich" people, as if their success somehow earned them the right to be stolen from at a higher rate.

A lot of things cost money, this internet I'm using for example, yet I manage to pay for it without robbing my neighbors.

The internet wouldn't exist if the government hadn't invested billions to develop it and maintain it. If your cable bill reflected that cost, you wouldn't be here whining about them welfare folks...

Incidently, I don't think we are going to solve our problems without tax increases on everyone AND serious cuts in spending. And, yes, the country works better when the wealthy pay their fair share.

We had our greatest prosperity when the Rich paid a higher rate.

You certainly can't prove the Internet wouldn't exist when basically every innovation ever didn't come from government.

So answer my question? What is fair for everyone?

Government is best when it is limited and people are free. Many dead formerly great nations/empires died from getting to bloated and taking too many liberties from people.

There are no "plutocrats," asshole. That's just a euphemism turds like you use to refer to the people who provide you with a job and who you envy.

What provides me with a job is that I'm very good at what I do, and the mother fucking plutocrats STILL try to rip me off at every oppurtunity.

What provides me with a job is that average people need the products my company produces. Not that some plutocrat did anything but suck on the proceeds of other people's labor.

Obama is exactly what the Plutocrats deserve. They could have simply shared reasonably fairly, but as Herbert Hoover said, "The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists; they're too damned greedy!"
Having a good paying job and being a paid thug is two different things.

i belong to a Union.....i dont remember mugging anyone.....

Ever been on strike and union members find out the home address of a few non union members who cross the picket line?
Don't they get threaten for doing that?

My uncle carries a beat-up hunk of metal in his pocket and has for 30+ years. It is the rifle slug that a "union brother" fired at him, intended to take his head off while he slept. He had the unmitigated GALL to demand the idiot on the forklift load his truck correctly!

Modern unions are domestic terrorist groups and should be treated as such.
You know, I noticed you skipped over my whole Cuba discussion, probably too scary for you. I get that. The last thing you want to consider is that the Plutocratic class is only tolerated by the rest of us until we get sick of it.

Point is, that job only exists because the rest of us patronize that business. Therefore, we all owe it to each other to make sure the owners and plutocrats are playing fair wiht their workers.

That's what the guys with the picket signs do, because left to their own devices, we'd get more of this kind of shit from the plutocrats...

Workers of the world unite, eh Comrade?

Or "United We Stand, Divided We Fall"... all depends on your point of view, doesn't it.

Nope, those both mean the same thing. They were both coined by America hating commies.

Since I honestly doubt you are rich, or ever will be rich, I just don't see why you side with them.

I"m not sure if it's more akin to "Battered Housewife Syndrome" or "Stockholm Syndrome".

It's the same reason some Germans sided with the Jews even though they weren't Jewish: because if they can take the Jews, then they can take you next.
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My uncle carries a beat-up hunk of metal in his pocket and has for 30+ years. It is the rifle slug that a "union brother" fired at him, intended to take his head off while he slept. He had the unmitigated GALL to demand the idiot on the forklift load his truck correctly!

Modern unions are domestic terrorist groups and should be treated as such.

I'm almost positive we are not getting the whole story here.

What kind of place do you sleep at your workplace?

There are no "plutocrats," asshole. That's just a euphemism turds like you use to refer to the people who provide you with a job and who you envy.

What provides me with a job is that I'm very good at what I do, and the mother fucking plutocrats STILL try to rip me off at every oppurtunity.

How do the plutocrats rip you off? I'd really like to know.

One thing we know for certain, Obama is ripping off everyone who has to produce something for a living.

What provides me with a job is that average people need the products my company produces. Not that some plutocrat did anything but suck on the proceeds of other people's labor.

Nope. Without those "plutocrats" you despise so much, there would be no corporation for you to work for. The people who buy their products would have nothing to purchase.

Obama is exactly what the Plutocrats deserve. They could have simply shared reasonably fairly, but as Herbert Hoover said, "The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists; they're too damned greedy!"

Why is anyone obligated to share what he has earned with you? Can you explain that?

You sound just like a petulant child who is crying to his mother because the kid next door has better toys.
Since I honestly doubt you are rich, or ever will be rich, I just don't see why you side with them.

I"m not sure if it's more akin to "Battered Housewife Syndrome" or "Stockholm Syndrome".

It's the same reason some Germans sided with the Jews even thought they weren't Jewish: Because if they can take the Jews, then they can take you next.

I like my theory better.

THe rich are hardly oppressed if we ask them to pay the same level of taxes they paid under Clinton and they enjoyed unprecendented profits.

That you'd lay down for people who'd downsize you for an extra number on a balance sheet is kind of telling.

You really don't know who your friends are.

And frankly, until about five years ago, I was the same way.
Answer Joe.

How much tax should each bracket pay. What do you think is fair?

Answer me this, if everyone was taxed 100% would you call that slavery?
that's ridiculous. Unions don't guarantee a great vehicle.

Tell ya what... you keep your union-made AMC Pacer, Ford Pinto or chevy Vega

I'll drive a toyota or honda... safe, reliable... and made in the USA by qualified non-union shops, that for some reason, never need bailing out.

And they last longer than any POS GM car...

Guy, the vast majority of Toyotas and Nissans are made by unionized Japanese workers in Japan.

Actually, no, most Toyotas sold here are built here.

Who are compensated as well as their American counterparts, and Japanese unions even have a say in runs the company. Their health care is paid for by the government.

But since you brought up the AMC Pacer (Made by Mitt ROmney's Dad!) or the Pinto, let's go there.

Did the workers put them together wrong?

Frequently. I have seen things like stuff under carpets, trash inside rocker panels (no way it could have gotten there any other way), parts missing, incorrect, or installed wrong...my uncle's F-250 left Dearborn badged an "XLT Custom" on one side and an "XLT Ranger" on the other (it's an XLT Ranger). I saw a truck built with a glove jammed between the bed and the frame! Someone I know was disassembling a car for restoration. Under the carpet, he found a roach clip!

During labor troubles at GM, a batch of Camaros had to be recalled because a line worker pissed in a paint vat and contaminated it.

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