Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

Case I worked on a year ago settled today. I located an eye witness to a truck accident that killed 2 people, the tractor trailer driver ran a stop sign and ran over these folks.
Insurance carrier denied the claim and forced them to sue. Case was called Monday morn for trial and today they settled.
I had 7 witnesses under subpoena for the trial and the insurance company caved in because the truth was NOT on their side.
I was bonused out 20K for my work as the family of the deceased was overwhelmed with the settlement they received today.
But according to Joe I am a scum bag greedy know it all fuck for working for myself and accepting the cash that the family has bonused me.
Yes, having 43 relatives of the deceased tell me "THANK GOD FOR YOU" today was worth far more than the 20K but the cash WAS APPRECIATED.

How many manhours did you put in that merited 20K?

How much did the parasite lawyers get?

The fact you are mistaking a family's closure (is whatever fraction of the settlement you let them have really worth the lives lost? Probably not) for your own value.

again, the rest of the world doesn't have this whole legal system adding cost to everything.

Oh, one more point. The ONLY reason why that insurance company (a big rich corporation you otherwise think is wonderful) decided to settle was because a GOVERNMENT court would have made them pay a lot more if they took it to a jury of 12 working stiffs.

Which is why the plutocrats put at the top of their list "tort reform"... to make sure they keep their ill gotten gains...

And also to write / figure the price of the ramifications of slipshod (cost-effective) practices into their business budget, in order to more efficiently pass those costs on to the consumer!

There IS a secondary benefit though. The lawyers and firms they work for are also more likely to donate to liberal politicians and causes, and limiting their working budgets through tort reform also limits what and who they can donate to, which FURTHER privatizes help to the needy, and activism that promotes government policies that help the most vulnerable among us and regulations that codify responsible corporate actions.
I'm almost positive we are not getting the whole story here.

What kind of place do you sleep at your workplace?

Comrade Joeb; you work for the UAW, right? So you spend the majority of your working time sleeping, right?

UAW Assembler A - Schedule:

8:30 - Clock in
8:45 - Breakfast
10:00 - Nap
11:00 - Push button to start press
11:30 - lunch
1:00 - Push button to unload press
2:00 - Nap
3:00 - Break
4:00 - Breaks over, time to push a button to move the part down the line
4:30 - Clock out
Horseshit. The government hardly spent a dime on the internet. Almost all the key technical developments were achieved by private corporations. The few steps accomplished by the government were the natural progressions.

Darpa did fund Khan and Cerf in developing TCP/IP - but this was after Cerf had already developed NCP.

Bob Metcalfe (who you know I've had personal dealings with) did get funding from DARPA for his research when developing Ethernet at PARC.

But it is funny that both Cerf and Metcalfe came from PARC. Xerox had a vast amount of influence on the creation of the internet.

Here is where reality kicks in and right wing bullshit gets put into the garbage can

‘Father of The Internet’, Vint Cerf, Says Government Gets Credit For Inventing Web


A Misunderstanding

Actually, the government did invent the Internet and Crovitz doesn’t really understand what he’s talking about, according to a Scientific American rebuttal written by Michael Moyer. No private company could have accomplished such a huge undertaking as the Internet, he wrote.

Crovitz is confused about technology, Moyer wrote. Just because Xerox invented Ethernet, doesn’t mean it also invented “the” Internet – it didn’t, Moyer wrote. Connecting several computers together isn’t the same thing as a worldwide computer network. Robert Metcalfe, a researcher at Xerox PARC who co-invented the Ethernet protocol, jokingly referenced the idea on July 23 in a tweet that read, “Is it possible I invented the whole damn Internet?”

“The most important part of what we now know of as the Internet is the TCP/IP protocol, which was invented by Vincent Cerf [sic] and Robert Kahn,” Moyer wrote. “Crovitz mentions TCP/IP, but only in passing, calling it (correctly) ‘the Internet’s backbone.’ He fails to mention that Cerf and Kahn developed TCP/IP while working on a government grant.”

Moyer also pointed out that several others criticized Crovitz for his misunderstandings, perhaps most notably the author of Dealers of Lightning, a history of Xerox PARC that Crovitz used as his main source of material. “While I’m gratified in a sense that he cites my book,” Michael Hiltzik wrote, “it’s my duty to point out that he’s wrong. My book bolsters, not contradicts, the argument that the Internet had its roots in the ARPANET, a government project.”

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5th grader can run a forklift.

I know I don't want a 5th grader pulling a 12 ton tool off of a 30 foot rack with me around.

I'm just saying...

No fork lift can lift 12 tons. Top weight for them is about 2 1/2 tons.
You are talking about something else.
A 5th grader could operate a fork lift. Takes little to NO brains.
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I keep hearing from the union folks that it is THEIR job they are using terror tactics to keep.
Fact is the jobs at my company ARE MY JOBS.
Same with every company. The jobs belong to THE OWNERS of the company.
Workers trade their time and skills to the company FOR CASH COMPENSATION.
All jobs belong to the owners of the company.
Take a look at the dumbass union folk at Hostess and see what happened to them.
Funny as hell that they could be that ignorant.
Not funny that as usual, their union and union lawyers lied to them.
I keep hearing from the union folks that it is THEIR job they are using terror tactics to keep.
Fact is the jobs at my company ARE MY JOBS.
Same with every company. The jobs belong to THE OWNERS of the company.
Workers trade their time and skills to the company FOR CASH COMPENSATION.
All jobs belong to the owners of the company.

No, they belong to all of us.

No business would survive for a minute without the goodwill of the society in general. Well, maybe strip joints and brothels... but frankly, I suspect you are below them.
I keep hearing from the union folks that it is THEIR job they are using terror tactics to keep.
Fact is the jobs at my company ARE MY JOBS.
Same with every company. The jobs belong to THE OWNERS of the company.
Workers trade their time and skills to the company FOR CASH COMPENSATION.
All jobs belong to the owners of the company.

No, they belong to all of us.

Wrong, turd. They belong to the people who own them. Every office building and factory has a title that says who owns it, and it ain't "all of us."

No business would survive for a minute without the goodwill of the society in general.

You mean if a mob decided to loot a business it could? Yep, they can also string up darkies and smash the windows of Jewish owned shops. Civilized people, on the other hand, understand what kind of people engage in such behavior.

Well, maybe strip joints and brothels... but frankly, I suspect you are below them.

Also the post office and the DMV.
I worked in grocery store for 15 years. Hard work, unloading trucks, stocking, overnights - manual labor. I was a union member.
Worked my way up to a bit under $12 per hour - that was in the late 80's. Pretty good money for a young man who worked hard; a career. The union provided good health beni's too.
Fast forward 15 years.
There's only a few full timers left from the old days at this store - they still make about $12 per hour. No one else - other than management get's full time. Top pay is about $9 hour. Store owners slowly beat the unions down and took more and more away.

If a young hard working man came along and wanted to do what I did - make a living at the blue collar life - that door ain't wide open anymore.

I'm just amazed at the amount of people who work 2 - 3 jobs to make ends meet these days at lack luster wages.

So much for the work hard and get ahead.

No offense to you as you obviously have a strong work ethic.
Manual labor is only worth $9 an hour. Takes no skills to unload a truck.
Do not mean to insult you but the market demands that wage.
Part time high school kids can do that job. Not hard to train one's self to do something that is more in demand with some skills.

Ever run a forklift, dude? I'm guessing not...because if you had, you wouldn't say that!

Loaded a plat of tile 3 months ago and put it in my truck bed.
Not hard.
Take a look at the dumbass union folk at Hostess and see what happened to them.
Funny as hell that they could be that ignorant.
Not funny that as usual, their union and union lawyers lied to them.

Actually, the Hostess thing was a lot more complicated than that... mostly doing with bad management decisions.

Yep. Management made the bad decision of agreeing to union extortion.
Case I worked on a year ago settled today. I located an eye witness to a truck accident that killed 2 people, the tractor trailer driver ran a stop sign and ran over these folks.
Insurance carrier denied the claim and forced them to sue. Case was called Monday morn for trial and today they settled.
I had 7 witnesses under subpoena for the trial and the insurance company caved in because the truth was NOT on their side.
I was bonused out 20K for my work as the family of the deceased was overwhelmed with the settlement they received today.
But according to Joe I am a scum bag greedy know it all fuck for working for myself and accepting the cash that the family has bonused me.
Yes, having 43 relatives of the deceased tell me "THANK GOD FOR YOU" today was worth far more than the 20K but the cash WAS APPRECIATED.

How many manhours did you put in that merited 20K?

How much did the parasite lawyers get?

The fact you are mistaking a family's closure (is whatever fraction of the settlement you let them have really worth the lives lost? Probably not) for your own value.

again, the rest of the world doesn't have this whole legal system adding cost to everything.

Oh, one more point. The ONLY reason why that insurance company (a big rich corporation you otherwise think is wonderful) decided to settle was because a GOVERNMENT court would have made them pay a lot more if they took it to a jury of 12 working stiffs.

Which is why the plutocrats put at the top of their list "tort reform"... to make sure they keep their ill gotten gains...

The lawyers got EXACTLY what they had contracted to get.
Same as any UNION man gets, spelled out in a CONTRACT.
Ever heard of a contract Joe?
Most of my work is not by the hour. Hourly workers are usually for low skilled jobs.
DUMBASS, government courts NEVER have any authority EVER to make any one pay anything.
You are stupid as a box of rocks. They settled BECAUSE of the hundreds of hours I put in INTERVIEWING THE WITNESSES and building the case.
Without witnesses and work how does a jury know how to award a penny Joe? Who shows the liability? The police?:lol::lol::lol::lol: They are not allowed to offer their opinion as THEY WERE NOT THERE when the accident happened.
Who does that Joe? Government? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
The insurance company has millions of dollars to fight these cases and do so at every turn.
And you support that and oppose us going out and fighting for the rights of the maimed and injured.
And you would have us do it for free.
Without us, the champions of the injured and maimed, NO insurance company would ever pay up.
Stick to your hammer. You know nothing of the real world.
Take a look at the dumbass union folk at Hostess and see what happened to them.
Funny as hell that they could be that ignorant.
Not funny that as usual, their union and union lawyers lied to them.

Actually, the Hostess thing was a lot more complicated than that... mostly doing with bad management decisions.

Yep. Management made the bad decision of agreeing to union extortion.

No, their mistake was letting their biggest competitor - Dolly Madison - buy them out. This is their second bankruptcy in two years, and they insist they need to cut wages by 8%.

The thing is, whenever there is one of these things, investors and managers and CEO's never seem to need to take a hit. Nope, it's those damned workers actually baking the goods.
For all you morons buying the Plutocratic Line..

Hostess Brands is in bankruptcy for the second time in eight years. Since the first bankruptcy in 2004, BCTGM members across the country have taken dramatic wage and benefit concessions and watched as 21 Hostess plants were shut down and thousands of jobs lost. At the time of the first bankruptcy, Hostess workers were assured by management that money saved via concessions or plant closings would help make the company stronger, more vibrant, and more competitive.

Instead, helpless Hostess employees watched as money that was supposed to go towards capital investment, product development, plant improvement and new equipment went to executive bonuses and payouts to the hedge funds that own Hostess Brands. They watched as the company illegally withdrew from all Taft-Hartley pension plans, saving more than $50 million in the first five months. The BCTGM learned that the then Hostess CEO was to be awarded a 300% raise, and at least nine other top executives were to receive raises ranging between 35% and 80%.

Since the company ceased making contractually obligated payments to the Hostess workers' pensions in July 2011, it has pocketed approximately $160 million – money earned by and owed to its dedicated workforce.

StreetInsider.com - BCTGM Members Initiate National Strike at Hostess Brands

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