Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

people are only resentful of corruption but not honest success

Good point. And key to the discussion I think. People resent Unions because, rather than demanding fair and equal treatment, they've lobbied for much more - special perks from government that individuals and other groups don't receive.
Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

"Carol" has an opinion. She speaks for "Carol", and no one else. Most "average" Republicans have jobs. Some are good paying jobs and some are not. Some are union and some are not. Your straw man argument is failed logic.

I was an active union member and union official for many years. I respect unions and understand their worth, both to labor and management. I also have concerns about public service unions, and the evil partnership of national unions and the Democrat party. The latter was clearly on display in the auto industry bailout, and the former got the lions share of the stimulus funds.

As a conservative, I value honesty, and a government that is fair to all, not just to the financial supporters of the party in power. Try it, you might like it.
There is nothing wrong with unions. There is nothing wrong with corporations.

In both cases, people create collectives to further a set of goals. With a corporation, the goal is to finance a business venture, the promise is a return of the profit as shares are paid dividends and/or appreciation. With a union, the workers for a firm or concern collectively bargain for better wages and benefits.

Both of these are honest and honorable methods of interacting with the market. Problems arise when monopolies and trusts form. Ask any union member and they will rail against monopolies in corporations, or trusts with price fixing. BUT this is exactly what we have with unions, monopolies that engage in price fixing. The problem isn't that the workers of XYZ corp formed a union to create greater leverage, the problem is that the AFL/CIO is a massive monopoly that fixes prices across the board and shits all over market mechanisms. We have anti-trust laws, but they are not applied to the corrupt unions.

Here are some basic facts;

No monopoly can exist without the collusion of government. It simply isn't possible. Monopolies require coercion to exist. No corporation can maintain a monopoly without the means to stop entrepreneurs from entering the market and offering a better value proposition. Monopolies in business use the government, as AT&T did, to prohibit competition.

Unions use violence to maintain their monopoly, murder, assault, and arson are the tools of the AFL/CIO, but these can only be used with the express collusion of the government. How can you tell that there is a monopoly? Well, consider if Walmart wanted to raise prices 4% - then all other stores refused to sell to the public until people accepted the 4% increase. Sound wrong, should be illegal? Well, that's exactly what union monopolies do. If the Grocery Clerks union demands a raise from $40 an hour for swiping the barcodes on items to $50 an hour, then the truck drivers (Teamsters) will refuse to deliver goods until the business agrees to gouge customers on behalf of the union. Sound wrong, should be illegal?

Apply anti-trust laws as vigorously against unions as they are against business.
No fork lift can lift 12 tons. Top weight for them is about 2 1/2 tons.

That's good to know.


You are talking about something else.



A 5th grader could operate a fork lift. Takes little to NO brains.

I've got people picking up 12 ton tools off of racks all day, I sure don't want a 5th grader running the fork lift.

Accidents and deaths occur when fools underestimate the job and the equipment.

Dude, there are ALL kinds of fork lifts. 5th graders can drive a tractor fine but not a bulldozer. Fork lift I last saw my buddy have his 6th grader load my tile on my truck was a 2500kg max job. And anyone can operate those.
Apples and oranges.
Dude, there are ALL kinds of fork lifts. 5th graders can drive a tractor fine but not a bulldozer. Fork lift I last saw my buddy have his 6th grader load my tile on my truck was a 2500kg max job. And anyone can operate those.
Apples and oranges.

NO ONE gets on a forklift at my place of business without formal certification. We keep the OIR down, both for keeping the WC rates down AND because we really don't want anyone hurt.

You and I come from the same perspective, employees are assets which are purchased (and can be replaced) but they are VALUABLE assets. A key worker injured harms the business as a whole.
Dude, there are ALL kinds of fork lifts. 5th graders can drive a tractor fine but not a bulldozer. Fork lift I last saw my buddy have his 6th grader load my tile on my truck was a 2500kg max job. And anyone can operate those.
Apples and oranges.

NO ONE gets on a forklift at my place of business without formal certification. We keep the OIR down, both for keeping the WC rates down AND because we really don't want anyone hurt.

You and I come from the same perspective, employees are assets which are purchased (and can be replaced) but they are VALUABLE assets. A key worker injured harms the business as a whole.

That IS your business so I defer to your expertise on that.
I no longer believe a 5th grader should be anywhere near a fork lift!
I stand corrected on forklift safety procedures. I worked a fork lift case in a Sams store years ago. They were loading metal chairs to the top racks up about 20 feet. Later those chairs fell and hit our client. Sams (Walmart) denied the claim, as they deny all claims, and stated it was the fault of the woman. Settled after suit was filed. Do not remember if we had any info on the certification of the high school kid operating it but it was asked for in discovery.
I do not make over 250K a year dumb ass. That is your boy Obama's plan.
But you are right as we are a nation of the haves which are hard working folk like me and the I want to haves which is you.
You are jealous and envious of all of us that outwork you and have more than you.
You want to work your 40 hour week and have us work our 7 days a week so you can sit on your ass and have what we have.
Same as it was when I played ball. Those that worked their asses off got to play and those like you that wanted a free ride did not play.
"Fair" is never part of the equation if YOU work hard.

What, you don't make 250K? I thought you were like rich, rubbing it in other people's faces.

Yawn... life isn't a football game. You really need to stop reliving your glory season, you weren't good enough to get into the pros.

There are people who work two jobs, 7 days a week, and don't get anything but screwed. Hell, there are people who work harder than I do and make less than I do.

Last job I had, I put in 60 hour weeks. They still fired me when I got sick. Fuck the Plutocrats.

I have no glory season to relive!!:lol::lol:
I work 3 jobs Joe.

and you drive a lamborgini and your dick is 12 inches long... whatever, guy. Don't care.
The government can find anything they want to put in those records to begin with. Hostess will do what companies in similar situations always do. Sell off the assets, the distribution of which will be overseen by the bankruptcy trustee. The workers will get whatever they are awarded and the company will go out of business. Over 18,000 people will lose their jobs but who cares, they can always go on welfare. The corporate CEOs that ran things will go on to other companies, probably out of the US, and run things there. It will be someplace that doesn't have a union stranglehold.

Most of the rest of the industrialized world has stronger unions than we do.

I'd say run bankruptcies the way GM was run. The workers get taken care of and the investors get shit.
What, you don't make 250K? I thought you were like rich, rubbing it in other people's faces.

Yawn... life isn't a football game. You really need to stop reliving your glory season, you weren't good enough to get into the pros.

There are people who work two jobs, 7 days a week, and don't get anything but screwed. Hell, there are people who work harder than I do and make less than I do.

Last job I had, I put in 60 hour weeks. They still fired me when I got sick. Fuck the Plutocrats.

I have no glory season to relive!!:lol::lol:
I work 3 jobs Joe.

and you drive a lamborgini and your dick is 12 inches long... whatever, guy. Don't care.

Why your fascination with my dick Joe?
What, you don't make 250K? I thought you were like rich, rubbing it in other people's faces.

Yawn... life isn't a football game. You really need to stop reliving your glory season, you weren't good enough to get into the pros.

There are people who work two jobs, 7 days a week, and don't get anything but screwed. Hell, there are people who work harder than I do and make less than I do.

Last job I had, I put in 60 hour weeks. They still fired me when I got sick. Fuck the Plutocrats.

I have no glory season to relive!!:lol::lol:
I work 3 jobs Joe.

and you drive a lamborgini and your dick is 12 inches long... whatever, guy. Don't care.

I drive a Toyota with 283K on int.
If you do not care do not respond.
I repo'ed a Lamb one time.
Was fun stealing folks cars legally.

I'm sure it was for you, but you're kind of a douchebag anyway...

Someone that does not pay their lease on a Lamb should have it re-poed.
I know you believe they should get it for free but that is not how the real world operates.
But at least you are over with your fascination with my dick.
I repo'ed a Lamb one time.
Was fun stealing folks cars legally.

I'm sure it was for you, but you're kind of a douchebag anyway...

Someone that does not pay their lease on a Lamb should have it re-poed.
I know you believe they should get it for free but that is not how the real world operates.
But at least you are over with your fascination with my dick.

Okay, let's talk about that.

Why would you lease a Lambo to someone who couldn't afford it?

Oh, that's right. Because you have a system that rewards greed.

the ETHICAL thing to do would be to sell that guy a car he could afford. But, nope, better to let him lease a car he can't afford, then send a sleazebag ex-cop out to repo it when he can't make the payments...

Yeah, that's the ticket...

(And Im sure that your dick is still pretty tiny, giving the amount of boasting you do here. You have some seirous self-esteem issues, dont you? )
I'm sure it was for you, but you're kind of a douchebag anyway...

Someone that does not pay their lease on a Lamb should have it re-poed.
I know you believe they should get it for free but that is not how the real world operates.
But at least you are over with your fascination with my dick.

Okay, let's talk about that.

Why would you lease a Lambo to someone who couldn't afford it?

Oh, that's right. Because you have a system that rewards greed.

the ETHICAL thing to do would be to sell that guy a car he could afford. But, nope, better to let him lease a car he can't afford, then send a sleazebag ex-cop out to repo it when he can't make the payments...

Yeah, that's the ticket...

(And Im sure that your dick is still pretty tiny, giving the amount of boasting you do here. You have some seirous self-esteem issues, dont you? )

S0 everyone that does not pay their bills can not afford it?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Joe, you ARE A fucking riot!!
Someone that does not pay their lease on a Lamb should have it re-poed.
I know you believe they should get it for free but that is not how the real world operates.
But at least you are over with your fascination with my dick.

Okay, let's talk about that.

Why would you lease a Lambo to someone who couldn't afford it?

Oh, that's right. Because you have a system that rewards greed.

the ETHICAL thing to do would be to sell that guy a car he could afford. But, nope, better to let him lease a car he can't afford, then send a sleazebag ex-cop out to repo it when he can't make the payments...

Yeah, that's the ticket...

(And Im sure that your dick is still pretty tiny, giving the amount of boasting you do here. You have some seirous self-esteem issues, dont you? )

S0 everyone that does not pay their bills can not afford it?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Joe, you ARE A fucking riot!!

Don't know. Are you saying this guy just "forgot" to pay for his overpriced car?

But it's okay, man, I'm sure you enjoy being the enforcer for plutocrats...

Some day they may even let you lick their boots.
S0 everyone that does not pay their bills can not afford it?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Joe, you ARE A fucking riot!!

Joeb proves that the old saying is true; "Communists, they're just fucking stupid."

Joe is telling us that is okay to offer proof of income that YOU CAN afford the lease and then when you REFUSE TO PAY, "it was their fault because they loaned it to me".
Turned out my memory tells me the guy on that Lamb loan was a pro basketball player for the Hawks making 2.8 million a year.

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