Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

Joe is telling us that is okay to offer proof of income that YOU CAN afford the lease and then when you REFUSE TO PAY, "it was their fault because they loaned it to me".
Turned out my memory tells me the guy on that Lamb loan was a pro basketball player for the Hawks making 2.8 million a year.

Well in that case, maybe he couldn't afford it... Steroids can get really expensive. ;)
Joe is telling us that is okay to offer proof of income that YOU CAN afford the lease and then when you REFUSE TO PAY, "it was their fault because they loaned it to me".
Turned out my memory tells me the guy on that Lamb loan was a pro basketball player for the Hawks making 2.8 million a year.

Amazing how you add these little details to sound like less of a douchebag...
I'm sure it was for you, but you're kind of a douchebag anyway...

Someone that does not pay their lease on a Lamb should have it re-poed.
I know you believe they should get it for free but that is not how the real world operates.
But at least you are over with your fascination with my dick.

Okay, let's talk about that.

Why would you lease a Lambo to someone who couldn't afford it?

Oh, that's right. Because you have a system that rewards greed.

the ETHICAL thing to do would be to sell that guy a car he could afford. But, nope, better to let him lease a car he can't afford, then send a sleazebag ex-cop out to repo it when he can't make the payments...

Yeah, that's the ticket...

(And Im sure that your dick is still pretty tiny, giving the amount of boasting you do here. You have some seirous self-esteem issues, dont you? )

Yeah Joe -- Everytime I try to drive past that Lambo dealership, they throw down the nail spikes, blindfold me, and lock me into one of those 4ft cubicles and threaten to sodomize me with a jeweled gear shift lever if I don't sign a lease.

Yeah Joe -- Everytime I try to drive past that Lambo dealership, they throw down the nail spikes, blindfold me, and lock me into one of those 4ft cubicles and threaten to sodomize me with a jeweled gear shift lever if I don't sign a lease.

I think you miss the point.

But that's okay, man. Big corporations and the rich are never to blame for the problems...

It's those damned working people, actually expecting too much.

Yeah Joe -- Everytime I try to drive past that Lambo dealership, they throw down the nail spikes, blindfold me, and lock me into one of those 4ft cubicles and threaten to sodomize me with a jeweled gear shift lever if I don't sign a lease.

I think you miss the point.

But that's okay, man. Big corporations and the rich are never to blame for the problems...

It's those damned working people, actually expecting too much.

No, we get your "point".

Corporations and the producers ARE ALWAYS TO BLAME when people are irresponsible and do not pay their bills.

Yeah Joe -- Everytime I try to drive past that Lambo dealership, they throw down the nail spikes, blindfold me, and lock me into one of those 4ft cubicles and threaten to sodomize me with a jeweled gear shift lever if I don't sign a lease.

I think you miss the point.

But that's okay, man. Big corporations and the rich are never to blame for the problems...

It's those damned working people, actually expecting too much.

No, we get your "point".

Corporations and the producers ARE ALWAYS TO BLAME when people are irresponsible and do not pay their bills.

When the inevitable comes, I would really like to see all the "producers"
locked in a prison camp and actually forced to "produce" something.

That would be amusing.
I think you miss the point.

But that's okay, man. Big corporations and the rich are never to blame for the problems...

It's those damned working people, actually expecting too much.

No, we get your "point".

Corporations and the producers ARE ALWAYS TO BLAME when people are irresponsible and do not pay their bills.

When the inevitable comes, I would really like to see all the "producers"
locked in a prison camp and actually forced to "produce" something.

That would be amusing.

Stalin would be proud of you Joe.
No offense to you as you obviously have a strong work ethic.
Manual labor is only worth $9 an hour. Takes no skills to unload a truck.
Do not mean to insult you but the market demands that wage.
Part time high school kids can do that job. Not hard to train one's self to do something that is more in demand with some skills.

Ever run a forklift, dude? I'm guessing not...because if you had, you wouldn't say that!

5th grader can run a forklift.

In other words: no, you have never run a forklift. I thought as much. You'd be the dude on YouTube driving through the side of a trailer or ramming a pallet into a light fixture!
5th grader can run a forklift.

I know I don't want a 5th grader pulling a 12 ton tool off of a 30 foot rack with me around.

I'm just saying...

No fork lift can lift 12 tons. Top weight for them is about 2 1/2 tons.
You are talking about something else.
A 5th grader could operate a fork lift. Takes little to NO brains.

Wow, you just proved-conclusively-that you are bloviating about a subject where you know absolutely nothing! Heck, the old one I drove 15+ years ago was rated for more than four tons! The Toyotas at work are rated for more than 5. I have seen some rated for 30+.
No, we get your "point".

Corporations and the producers ARE ALWAYS TO BLAME when people are irresponsible and do not pay their bills.

When the inevitable comes, I would really like to see all the "producers"
locked in a prison camp and actually forced to "produce" something.

That would be amusing.

Stalin would be proud of you Joe.

Stalin happened for a reason.

I'd like to avoid that, personally, but you guys keep tearing down the middle class firewall that protects you from that sort of thing.


Riddle me this, Batman!

Do you really think a guy as far to the left as Obama could have gotten elected in 1976? In 1992? Nope. The Democrats only won in those elections because the nominated Southern, Centrist Democrats who kind of went along with the Plutocrats, and the Plutocrats in those days didn't fuck with a bad situation.

Not today. Today, Plutocrats overstepped, got Obama, and instead of backing down a bit, just kept trying to suck the last bit of dignity out of the middle class like the cream filling of a Twinky.


And surprise, surprise, they waged a class warfare, and the working class said, "Stick your plutocrat, we're voting for the Community Organizer again!"
Ever run a forklift, dude? I'm guessing not...because if you had, you wouldn't say that!

5th grader can run a forklift.

In other words: no, you have never run a forklift. I thought as much. You'd be the dude on YouTube driving through the side of a trailer or ramming a pallet into a light fixture!

Ran one a few weeks ago as I am remodeling my home.
Scroll back a few and see where I stated that I defer all fork lift duties now on to CFLO only!
But in fact a few weeks ago when getting a truck load of tile the kid that loaded it is in the 6th grade, not 5th.
So I do stand corrected!
When the inevitable comes, I would really like to see all the "producers"
locked in a prison camp and actually forced to "produce" something.

That would be amusing.

Stalin would be proud of you Joe.

Stalin happened for a reason.

I'd like to avoid that, personally, but you guys keep tearing down the middle class firewall that protects you from that sort of thing.


Riddle me this, Batman!

Do you really think a guy as far to the left as Obama could have gotten elected in 1976? In 1992? Nope. The Democrats only won in those elections because the nominated Southern, Centrist Democrats who kind of went along with the Plutocrats, and the Plutocrats in those days didn't fuck with a bad situation.

Not today. Today, Plutocrats overstepped, got Obama, and instead of backing down a bit, just kept trying to suck the last bit of dignity out of the middle class like the cream filling of a Twinky.


And surprise, surprise, they waged a class warfare, and the working class said, "Stick your plutocrat, we're voting for the Community Organizer again!"

So after 4 years of it how has it been working?

So after 4 years of it how has it been working?

You miss the point.

Frankly, I agree, we have not recovered. And if the GOP had nominated someone other than the fucking Mormon, I might have considered them.

The point was, though, that the Plutocrat message is no longer trusted in this country. We know we aren't in recovery,and we know who caused the mess to begin with.

The same people who spent a billion dollars to get Romney elected, and now insist they don't have the money to create new jobs.
Stalin happened for a reason.

Yep, and you're the reason - stupid and jealous.

I'd like to avoid that, personally, but you guys keep tearing down the middle class firewall that protects you from that sort of thing.

Middle Class firewall?

You know stupid, the the Bourgeoisie you attack at the behest of your rulers IS the middle class, the rich are the Aristocracy - moron.

Riddle me this, Batman!

Do you really think a guy as far to the left as Obama could have gotten elected in 1976? In 1992? Nope. The Democrats only won in those elections because the nominated Southern, Centrist Democrats who kind of went along with the Plutocrats, and the Plutocrats in those days didn't fuck with a bad situation.

Our nation is disintegrating, we are seeing the decline and fall of America; with fucktard leftists like you as the root cause.

Not today. Today, Plutocrats overstepped, got Obama, and instead of backing down a bit, just kept trying to suck the last bit of dignity out of the middle class like the cream filling of a Twinky.

We have a far left government and will pay a heavy price. I doubt the nation will survive.

And surprise, surprise, they waged a class warfare, and the working class said, "Stick your plutocrat, we're voting for the Community Organizer again!"

We want welfare, not jobs. We want dependance, not liberty.
Amazing how ignorant the left is on job creation.
They claim the economy NEVER grows. They are so stupid they do not even know that economic growth has been going on for centuries here.
And government policies can slow or stop it. Obama is Exhibit A.
Yes, many want government to guarantee their "right" to a job and a "good job" with "good pay" WTF that is, no one knows.
Amazing they love it that since Obama took office the economy has responded with for every new job out there over the last 4 years 8 additional adults have been put on food stamps.
And they believe that government dependence is a good and "fair" thing.
Fair, for those of us that have to compete ON OUR OWN every second fair is never part of the equation.
We are successful because WE DO treat employees fairly and see economic growth in our companies because WE ARE FAIR TO OUT CUSTOMERS.
Amazing how ignorant the left is on job creation.

Last four recessionswere under Republicans... And most of the ones before that.

You don't get to lecture us on this anymore..

You're like the preacher who's been caught in the Whorehouse.
Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

they aren't.

You are just making shit up

Amazing how ignorant the left is on job creation.

Last four recessionswere under Republicans... And most of the ones before that.

You don't get to lecture us on this anymore..

You're like the preacher who's been caught in the Whorehouse.

I get to lecture you all day, everyday and twice on Sundays because the preacher is in the whorehouse.

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