Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?


Exactly, I am NOT indespensible.
But you union dudes want GUARANTEES for your job.
The market DEMANDS that I know every second I am on the job that I am NOT indespensible.
You have to have a guarantee of that.
Because your milk is too weak to compete without it.

Guy, I don't belong to a union. I wish I did, and they've be mandetory(sic) for all workplaces if I had my way.

So the cloak comes off...you ARE a fascist.
TAXES . . . and the stupid

When your taxes pay for the Hoover Dam and the Interstate System, than there is a significant multiplier effect. So you need to distinguish between paying for the advanced industrial infrastructure that commerce needs versus other forms of spending.

Or what about the postwar years when massive government spending on the war time economy ended the depression. We could have built the bombs and thrown them into the ocean, but the result would have been the same: more Americans were employed and those Americans had massive new sums of "spending money", which provided an incentive to the capitalist, who invested and created jobs to capture that demand.

Or what about the legal system required by capitalism to enforce contracts so that investors have the needed protection/predictability to put their money at risk. Your tax dollars pay for this. You should be able to give an in depth account of how dependent capital transactions are upon our considerable legal infrastructure. You need to turn off talk radio.

Our what about the global economy where our goods are safely shipped from potentially unstable places like Honduras or Vietnam. Capital investment would come to a halt if our global supply chains were not protected and stabilized by the Pentagon. Guess what pays for this? Taxes.

Go back to school. Make an effort to separate necessary and helpful spending from wasteful spending. FYI: I'm with you on the waste, but you put yourself at a disadvantage if your view of the bigger picture is clouded by bumper stickers about "spending".
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Case I worked on a year ago settled today. I located an eye witness to a truck accident that killed 2 people, the tractor trailer driver ran a stop sign and ran over these folks.
Insurance carrier denied the claim and forced them to sue. Case was called Monday morn for trial and today they settled.
I had 7 witnesses under subpoena for the trial and the insurance company caved in because the truth was NOT on their side.
I was bonused out 20K for my work as the family of the deceased was overwhelmed with the settlement they received today.
But according to Joe I am a scum bag greedy know it all fuck for working for myself and accepting the cash that the family has bonused me.
Yes, having 43 relatives of the deceased tell me "THANK GOD FOR YOU" today was worth far more than the 20K but the cash WAS APPRECIATED.
why must we suffer stupid threads like this?

For better or worse stupid is covered under freedom of speech.

When your taxes pay for the Hoover Dam and the Interstate System, than there is a significant multiplier effect. So you need to distinguish between paying for the advanced industrial infrastructure that commerce needs versus other forms of spending.

Or what about the postwar years when massive government spending on the war time economy ended the depression. We could have built the bombs and thrown them into the ocean, but the result would have been the same: more Americans were employed and those Americans had massive new sums of "spending money", which provided an incentive to the capitalist, who invested and created jobs to capture that demand.

Or what about the legal system required by capitalism to enforce contracts so that investors have the needed protection/predictability to put their money at risk. Your tax dollars pay for this. You should be able to give an in depth account of how dependent capital transactions are upon our considerable legal infrastructure. You need to turn off talk radio.

Our what about the global economy which makes sure our goods are safely shipped from places like Honduras or Vietnam. Capital investment would come to a halt if global supply chains were not protected and stabilized by the Pentagon. Guess what pays for this? Taxes.

Go back to school.

If the bombs were "thrown into the ocean" you would be speaking German now.
I worked in grocery store for 15 years. Hard work, unloading trucks, stocking, overnights - manual labor. I was a union member.
Worked my way up to a bit under $12 per hour - that was in the late 80's. Pretty good money for a young man who worked hard; a career. The union provided good health beni's too.
Fast forward 15 years.
There's only a few full timers left from the old days at this store - they still make about $12 per hour. No one else - other than management get's full time. Top pay is about $9 hour. Store owners slowly beat the unions down and took more and more away.

If a young hard working man came along and wanted to do what I did - make a living at the blue collar life - that door ain't wide open anymore.

I'm just amazed at the amount of people who work 2 - 3 jobs to make ends meet these days at lack luster wages.

So much for the work hard and get ahead.

No offense to you as you obviously have a strong work ethic.
Manual labor is only worth $9 an hour. Takes no skills to unload a truck.
Do not mean to insult you but the market demands that wage.
Part time high school kids can do that job. Not hard to train one's self to do something that is more in demand with some skills.

Ever run a forklift, dude? I'm guessing not...because if you had, you wouldn't say that!

My uncle carries a beat-up hunk of metal in his pocket and has for 30+ years. It is the rifle slug that a "union brother" fired at him, intended to take his head off while he slept. He had the unmitigated GALL to demand the idiot on the forklift load his truck correctly!

Modern unions are domestic terrorist groups and should be treated as such.

I'm almost positive we are not getting the whole story here.

What kind of place do you sleep at your workplace?

I cannot believe I have to explain this, but: he was an OTR trucker, sleeping in his truck.
I worked in grocery store for 15 years. Hard work, unloading trucks, stocking, overnights - manual labor. I was a union member.
Worked my way up to a bit under $12 per hour - that was in the late 80's. Pretty good money for a young man who worked hard; a career. The union provided good health beni's too.
Fast forward 15 years.
There's only a few full timers left from the old days at this store - they still make about $12 per hour. No one else - other than management get's full time. Top pay is about $9 hour. Store owners slowly beat the unions down and took more and more away.

If a young hard working man came along and wanted to do what I did - make a living at the blue collar life - that door ain't wide open anymore.

I'm just amazed at the amount of people who work 2 - 3 jobs to make ends meet these days at lack luster wages.

So much for the work hard and get ahead.

No offense to you as you obviously have a strong work ethic.
Manual labor is only worth $9 an hour. Takes no skills to unload a truck.
Do not mean to insult you but the market demands that wage.
Part time high school kids can do that job. Not hard to train one's self to do something that is more in demand with some skills.

Ever run a forklift, dude? I'm guessing not...because if you had, you wouldn't say that!

5th grader can run a forklift.
TAXES . . . and the stupid

When your taxes pay for the Hoover Dam and the Interstate System, than there is a significant multiplier effect. So you need to distinguish between paying for the advanced industrial infrastructure that commerce needs versus other forms of spending.

Or what about the postwar years when massive government spending on the war time economy ended the depression. We could have built the bombs and thrown them into the ocean, but the result would have been the same: more Americans were employed and those Americans had massive new sums of "spending money", which provided an incentive to the capitalist, who invested and created jobs to capture that demand.

Or what about the legal system required by capitalism to enforce contracts so that investors have the needed protection/predictability to put their money at risk. Your tax dollars pay for this. You should be able to give an in depth account of how dependent capital transactions are upon our considerable legal infrastructure. You need to turn off talk radio.

Our what about the global economy where our goods are safely shipped from potentially unstable places like Honduras or Vietnam. Capital investment would come to a halt if our global supply chains were not protected and stabilized by the Pentagon. Guess what pays for this? Taxes.

Go back to school. Make an effort to separate necessary and helpful spending from wasteful spending. FYI: I'm with you on the waste, but you put yourself at a disadvantage if your view of the bigger picture is clouded by bumper stickers about "spending".

Gee Thanks for the condescending meat pie governor...

Wanna try getting permits to build the Hoover Dam TODAY? How about the great safety and compensation packages those distressed Depression workers got from the govt?? What to try exploiting displaced workers like that today? And WTF does ANY of that have to do with this thread?
No offense to you as you obviously have a strong work ethic.
Manual labor is only worth $9 an hour. Takes no skills to unload a truck.
Do not mean to insult you but the market demands that wage.
Part time high school kids can do that job. Not hard to train one's self to do something that is more in demand with some skills.

Ever run a forklift, dude? I'm guessing not...because if you had, you wouldn't say that!

5th grader can run a forklift.

Don't know -- I got the keys to the forklift taken away in a summer job I had at a roof truss yard. Seems like I messed up a couple piles of trusses in one day.. Then they found out I knew how to run one of those new fangled "scientific calculators" and they moved me into the air-conditioning. Paid to stay awake in trig class. Trigonometry is the main ingredient in a roof truss.

There IS talent required for moving stuff around efficiently and safely. But to be honest, these jobs (and jobs like grocery clerking) are severely endangered. Ever see how Amazon fills orders in their warehouse? Ever used a self-checkout lane?

The very nature of a job is changing. And as I said pages ago -- the Unions are still thinking 18th Century. There's not much hope they're gonna wake up in time and start worrying about CAREERS rather than monotontous and rigid work rules. And the NEW factories that COULD come back to US are gonna require flexible and higher skilled labor.

So however you want to cut it -- low-skilled labor is endangered and the Unions are all but extinct unless they adapt to reality.
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Exactly, I am NOT indespensible.
But you union dudes want GUARANTEES for your job.
The market DEMANDS that I know every second I am on the job that I am NOT indespensible.
You have to have a guarantee of that.
Because your milk is too weak to compete without it.

Guy, I don't belong to a union. I wish I did, and they've be mandetory(sic) for all workplaces if I had my way.

So the cloak comes off...you ARE a fascist.

Nope, just a pragmatist. Since most employers are lying sacks of shit, you need worker advocates. Period.

My uncle carries a beat-up hunk of metal in his pocket and has for 30+ years. It is the rifle slug that a "union brother" fired at him, intended to take his head off while he slept. He had the unmitigated GALL to demand the idiot on the forklift load his truck correctly!

Modern unions are domestic terrorist groups and should be treated as such.

I'm almost positive we are not getting the whole story here.

What kind of place do you sleep at your workplace?

I cannot believe I have to explain this, but: he was an OTR trucker, sleeping in his truck.

Okay, so why was he sleeping in his truck at the place where he just got into an altercation with the workers there.... that doesn't sound very smart.

Unless he was frequently there and had really worn out his welcome.
Case I worked on a year ago settled today. I located an eye witness to a truck accident that killed 2 people, the tractor trailer driver ran a stop sign and ran over these folks.
Insurance carrier denied the claim and forced them to sue. Case was called Monday morn for trial and today they settled.
I had 7 witnesses under subpoena for the trial and the insurance company caved in because the truth was NOT on their side.
I was bonused out 20K for my work as the family of the deceased was overwhelmed with the settlement they received today.
But according to Joe I am a scum bag greedy know it all fuck for working for myself and accepting the cash that the family has bonused me.
Yes, having 43 relatives of the deceased tell me "THANK GOD FOR YOU" today was worth far more than the 20K but the cash WAS APPRECIATED.

How many manhours did you put in that merited 20K?

How much did the parasite lawyers get?

The fact you are mistaking a family's closure (is whatever fraction of the settlement you let them have really worth the lives lost? Probably not) for your own value.

again, the rest of the world doesn't have this whole legal system adding cost to everything.

Oh, one more point. The ONLY reason why that insurance company (a big rich corporation you otherwise think is wonderful) decided to settle was because a GOVERNMENT court would have made them pay a lot more if they took it to a jury of 12 working stiffs.

Which is why the plutocrats put at the top of their list "tort reform"... to make sure they keep their ill gotten gains...
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Why is anyone obligated to share what he has earned with you? Can you explain that?

You sound just like a petulant child who is crying to his mother because the kid next door has better toys.

Naw, I'd have just beaten the shit out of the other kid and broke his toys... if he got snotty about it.

The point is, the plutocrat isn't earning anything. I could stick the investors of my company in our factory, lock them in, and say, "We'll only delivery you food when you produce X amount of product", and they'd starve to death because they wouldn't know what to do.

And shit, I'd be nice enough to even leave them the work instructions.
Or "United We Stand, Divided We Fall"... all depends on your point of view, doesn't it.

My perspective is that of a freedom loving capitalist. Yours is that of a Bolshevik.

Since I honestly doubt you are rich, or ever will be rich, I just don't see why you side with them.

The way of the left is to create an "us" versus "them" dichotomy.

I support the right of free men to trade with each other. Trade is the most noble of human deeds, it benefits all involved. I get what I need and want by offering value to those who have what I need and want. I provide value commensurate with the value I take.

You support theft and coercion, using guns and whips to get what you want. You offer only escape from imprisonment or death in exchange for what you take.

I"m not sure if it's more akin to "Battered Housewife Syndrome" or "Stockholm Syndrome".

In your case, it's simple greed, the desire of something for nothing.
The internet wouldn't exist if the government hadn't invested billions to develop it and maintain it.

What does the government do to maintain the internet, exactly?

If your cable bill reflected that cost, you wouldn't be here whining about them welfare folks...

Then educate us, comrade.

Incidently, I don't think we are going to solve our problems without tax increases on everyone AND serious cuts in spending. And, yes, the country works better when the wealthy pay their fair share.

What IS their "fair share," comrade? Every dollar taken in excess of what you have?

Petty jealousy and greed are the foundations of communism. You display this well.

We had our greatest prosperity when the Rich paid a higher rate.


So comrade, in 1958 when the top marginal tax was 70%, we had MORE prosperity for the lowest levels of society, right?
Horseshit. The government hardly spent a dime on the internet. Almost all the key technical developments were achieved by private corporations. The few steps accomplished by the government were the natural progressions.

Darpa did fund Khan and Cerf in developing TCP/IP - but this was after Cerf had already developed NCP.

Bob Metcalfe (who you know I've had personal dealings with) did get funding from DARPA for his research when developing Ethernet at PARC.

But it is funny that both Cerf and Metcalfe came from PARC. Xerox had a vast amount of influence on the creation of the internet.

A statist leftwinger supports tax increases? How would ever have thunk it?

Joeb is a communist, pure and simple.

Their "fair share" of your bills is zilch.

What does an armed robber see as his "fair share" of the contents of your wallet?

That is all Joeb and other Bolsheviks want from "the rich."

Another total lie.

Comrade Joeb asked if I was "rich." I sure don't think I am, but I suspect he would say I am as he robbed me.

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