Why are Democrats so quick to discuss and ‘fix’ white supremacy and yet so against discussing or fixing black criminality?

Because they have failed at fixing black criminality for 60 years so they figure it will be easier to get rid of something that doesn't exist.
It goes beyond that.
The left let out millions of hardened criminals out of prison using COVID as an excuse.
They put in place DAs that refuse to enforce the laws and then passed laws making looting a minor offense.
They're screwing up our children and breeding criminals.
Criminals start out doing petty theft and soon graduate to violent crimes later.
Meanwhile the left keeps using Bill Maher and The View to tell us that the GOP is bad and we're better off electing a severed head in a jar of blue fluid than a Republican.
Cultural change takes lifetimes. I don't think this would work. Also aggressive police zones would probably create ripples for all citizens.
How do you suppose Giuliani was able to yield the results he did?
It goes beyond that.
The left let out millions of hardened criminals out of prison using COVID as an excuse.
They put in place DAs that refuse to enforce the laws and then passed laws making looting a minor offense.
They're screwing up our children and breeding criminals.
Criminals start out doing petty theft and soon graduate to violent crimes later.
Meanwhile the left keeps using Bill Maher and The View to tell us that the GOP is bad and we're better off electing a severed head in a jar of blue fluid than a Republican.
Revisionist History in Real Time
Why is the issue of black criminality such taboo for Democrats…and Republicans really?
How do legislatures / politicians ‘fix’ something they are scared shitless to discuss?
There’s no such thing as ‘black criminality,’ that’s a hateful contrivance of the racist right.

The notion that black are ‘predisposed to crime’ is a lie.
There’s no such thing as ‘black criminality,’ that’s a hateful contrivance of the racist right.

The notion that black are ‘predisposed to crime’ is a lie.
Oh…but there is white supremacy…right?
Pretending black criminality doesn’t exist is ignorant contrivance of the plantation owning left. If you really gave two fucks about black lives wouldn’t you have the balls to discuss the number one killer of them?
There’s no such thing as ‘black criminality,’ that’s a hateful contrivance of the racist right.

The notion that black are ‘predisposed to crime’ is a lie.
Yeah....all of those times I saw blacks stomping people's head in never happened.

Why are Democrats so quick to discuss and ‘fix’ white supremacy and yet so against discussing or fixing black criminality?​

Come now, BL, you know the answer--- you are only against discussing things when they are RIGHT WHERE YOU WANT THEM and you want things left alone. The democrats found their perfect patsie--- for 500 years they have been using and abusing Africans for their own benefit because 85% of them aren't smart enough to realize that and keep on voting for them even today!

Why is the issue of black criminality such taboo for Democrats…and Republicans really?

The real problem (and complaint, within the black community if you really asked them) is one of OPPORTUNITY and RESPONSIBILITY. People born in the ghetto have one big extra hurdle to get out of to make it to self-actualization. Likewise is the responsibility of government in not creating ghettos in the first place which they cannot do until they take the responsibility of getting those in there out and creating the opportunity to keep new people from not needing to get in, in the first place.

The ghetto is the government's way of dropping its responsibility on a certain segment of society which fall through the cracks they conveniently created to suit themselves in the first place in allowing the situation to occur to begin with.
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Why is the issue of black criminality such taboo for Democrats…and Republicans really?
How do legislatures / politicians ‘fix’ something they are scared shitless to discuss?

Because being a Christian I know that any ideals of racial superiority are the work of the devil.

Given the relatively low number of criminals that commit most of the violent crime I say bring back three strike sentencing.....With a twist.

The third strike gets you a choice of either life in prison or of offshore immigration and your citizenship voluntarily revoked.

I'm sure we could pay-off some African country to take them.....Money well spent.....What happens to them afterwards you might ask?....Who cares?

I don't see the citizenship thing being much of a hurtle either since the convict can renounce it by choice.
The demented LEFT have to make up a problem to HIDE the REAL PROBLEM.
They are despicable shape shifting LIARS!!!!!
How to we focus on “building black folks up” when Democrats are shoving Mexico’s people down our throats by the millions?

Unkotare is that a racist statement?

Ignorant LOSER yet again seems to think every illegal alien in America is Mexican. Holy shit, he's stupid.
Because being a Christian I know that any ideals of racial superiority are the work of the devil.

Nobody is superior out of the womb as we are all pure….some become superior as their behavior and achievements dictate.
Rather than choosing to use the Bible to self manipulate you should probably research the definition of “superior” and apply it wherever it may fit….it’s a real word.

Why would you lefties work your asses off with all the civil rights, affirmative action, ”woke” and “equity” bullshit but then refuse to talk about how to protect blacks from themselves?
Nobody is superior out of the womb as we are all pure….some become superior as their behavior and achievements dictate.
Rather than choosing to use the Bible to self manipulate you should probably research the definition of “superior” and apply it wherever it may fit….it’s a real word.

Why would you lefties work your asses off with all the civil rights, affirmative action, ”woke” and “equity” bullshit but then refuse to talk about how to protect blacks from themselves?
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Another racist post.

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