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Why Are Dems Scared Of Fox News?

alll I ever tried to do was to get RSR to actually WRITE something of substance and to engage in actual dialog. If I have grown testy over time, it is because he has willfully and totally refused to EVER answer a single question that I have posed to him. he makes outlandish unsupportable statements that I, quite calmly - initially, try to ask him to substantiate. He literally NEVER has done so. I finally reached the end of my patience this very morning and put him on IGNORE. I think my blood pressure has noticeably diminished.
I understand your frustration...

however, why would he have any reason to change his tactic while it seems to be working to illicit a response that, im betting, he was looking for in the first place?

American unity won't be the product of one side conforming to the opinions of the other. American unity will be the product of common ground among disagreement. I dunno... I guess i'm just dissapointed that www.usmessageboard.com is still a bastion of shit thats not worth typing in the URL this side of the right wing choke hold. I mean, hell.. if RSR seems incapable of engaging in debate then why feed the troll?
I understand your frustration...

however, why would he have any reason to change his tactic while it seems to be working to illicit a response that, im betting, he was looking for in the first place?

American unity won't be the product of one side conforming to the opinions of the other. American unity will be the product of common ground among disagreement. I dunno... I guess i'm just dissapointed that www.usmessageboard.com is still a bastion of shit thats not worth typing in the URL this side of the right wing choke hold. I mean, hell.. if RSR seems incapable of engaging in debate then why feed the troll?

I have belatedly come to that conclusion and will no longer be feeding him. :eusa_wall:
Nice one retard! Maybe that can be your campaign slogan when you run for Retard of the Year because Retard of the Decade and Century are taken by your mother and father. Maybe you can be runner up for Retard of the Eon after your whore wife wins that distinct honor for producing your retarded offspring.

Why havent you been banned yet?
The Dims are scared of Fox News for the same reason I like Fox News: it's fair and balanced, unlike the rabidly leftist news sources patronized by libtards, i.e. the Communist News Network, The LA & NY Slimes, Airhead America and PMSNBC.

oh...how clever and witty the way you twisted those network names around.

did you and your geeky pals come up with that during homeroom?

oh...and did your hanky dry out yet?:rofl:
The Dims are scared of Fox News for the same reason I like Fox News: it's fair and balanced, unlike the rabidly leftist news sources patronized by libtards, i.e. the Communist News Network, The LA & NY Slimes, Airhead America and PMSNBC.

that's a great album you've got for your pic, Snowman...

do you think Dave Mustaine would be impressed by the premise of your post? If I agree that MSNBC tilts left with the occasional conservative voice (joe scarborough) will you admit that fox news tilts right with the occasional left voice (alan colmes)?
Dave Mustaine would certainly disagree with my take on Fox News. In fact, politically he and I are diametric opposites; doesn't change the fact that he's a fucking genius.

See, unlike certain DNC loyalist libtarded whackos, who will remain unnamed (well, okay, fine, we'll just say he posts here and he has a picture of himself in his avatar where he's holding an American flag... but again, I don't wanna single anyone out ) I can admire people with whom I happen to have deep philosophical agreements. What I REFUSE to do is change my opinion just so I'll be in agreement with some rock star.

My life philosophy is that if you want to be in the right, adopt the position that's the diametric opposite of conventional wisdom, and you're good to go. Conventional wisdom dictates that Fox News is an RNC mouthpiece... I'm sure you're intelligent enough to figure out the rest.
alll I ever tried to do was to get RSR to actually WRITE something of substance and to engage in actual dialog. If I have grown testy over time, it is because he has willfully and totally refused to EVER answer a single question that I have posed to him. he makes outlandish unsupportable statements that I, quite calmly - initially, try to ask him to substantiate. He literally NEVER has done so. I finally reached the end of my patience this very morning and put him on IGNORE. I think my blood pressure has noticeably diminished.

Translation - RSR keeps posting facts and I recoil like a vampire expsoed to sunlight

I cannot counter his facts so I have to twist, duck, dodge, and if all else fails, fall back on persnal attacks
oh...how clever and witty the way you twisted those network names around.

did you and your geeky pals come up with that during homeroom?

oh...and did your hanky dry out yet?:rofl:

Actually it is the Clinton News Network, PMSNBC, and Dead Air America
that's a great album you've got for your pic, Snowman...

do you think Dave Mustaine would be impressed by the premise of your post? If I agree that MSNBC tilts left with the occasional conservative voice (joe scarborough) will you admit that fox news tilts right with the occasional left voice (alan colmes)?

Liberal Bias For What They DON’T Say, Too
Posted by Warner Todd Huston on April 15, 2007 - 03:42.
For the last few weeks I have been watching two stories that, were they about Conservatives or Republicans, would have been scandals that would have shaken the rafters of the MSM. But, since these stories are about two favored Liberals, one old and one newly minted, we have seen no faux outrage, no shocked commentary, no calls for heads on pikes to be posted at the entrance to Congress, and no calls for resignations. Oh, the stories were reported all right, but all sensationalism was eschewed with the usual extrapolation to the level of a “culture of corruption” cast aside for a straight, newsy style atypical to their normal means against Republicans.

These two stories and the lack of passionate coverage of them by the MSM shows that the MSM employs as much liberal bias in what they chose not to cover as they do in what they chose to go ahead and focus upon.

The two stories I’ve been following are:

Story one: Dem Senator Resigns Post Because Husband Makes Money on US Contracts She Controls
Story Two: Senator’s Aide Brings Senator’s Gun Into Senate Offices
With the first story, Senator Diane Feinstein (D, CA) has resigned as chairwoman and ranking member of the Senate's military construction appropriations subcommittee over charges that she has a “conflict of interest” because her husband has mysteriously made a hefty sum of money as a result of military contracts awarded to firms he has investments in.

As the Patriot Post has it:

California Senator Dianne Feinstein abruptly stepped down from the Military Construction Appropriations Subcommittee this week, hoping to stem the tide of questions surfacing about the role she has played in defense contracts won by her husband, Richard Blum. An investigation pursued by the liberal California press and funded by The Nation magazine's investigative fund revealed that a number of defense contracts awarded to Blum's companies have interesting links to appropriations actions made during Feinstein's term on the committee.

Now, it's good that, as the Patriot Post puts it, a "liberal California press" pushed this story. But have you heard it outside of California? I have seen this story all over the place in the right leaning Blogosphere. Michelle Malkin, Paul Mirengoff of Powerline, News Max, Judicial Watch, and of course Newsbusters. All have reported on the story. I have also seen it in the Sacramento Bee, and a small paper in California called Metro Newspapers did a very extensive story on the issue. I have also seen a few terse and short notices in other traditional MSM sources, but no sensationalized or editorialized accounts.

So, where are the Haliburton-like calls of impropriety? Where are the charges of the “culture of corruption” and the claims of the unseemly connections? Where are calls for Senator Di Fi to step down and leave the Senate over her “appearance of graft”? Where are the Network’s talking heads sternly reporting on this depredation of ethics? Where are the outraged pundits?

Curiously, they remain practically silent.

Who can doubt that, were this a Republican, the MSM would sponsor a drumbeat of attacks against the perpetrator of such an ethics violation? Who doubts that the Democrat Congress would take up the MSMs drumbeat and the news over the issue would be inescapable, showing up everywhere you turn? And wouldn’t this story be a natural one to highlight after the lie that the Democrat's handed us upon their take over of Congress? After all didn't they claim they would be bringing back an “ethical” Congress?

Story Two: Senator’s Aide Arrested Bringing Gun Into Senate Offices

In part, the AP reported this on the day of the incident:

An aide to Sen. Jim Webb was arrested Monday when he entered a Senate office building with a loaded pistol belonging to the senator.

Capitol Police spokeswoman Sgt. Kimberly Schneider said the aide was charged with carrying a pistol without a license and possessing an unregistered firearm and unregistered ammunition.

A congressional official briefed on the incident said Webb gave the gun to Thompson when the assistant drove him to an airport earlier in the day. Thompson, upon entering the Senate building, forgot he was carrying the weapon.

"To our knowledge, this incident was an oversight," Webb's office said in a statement. It said it had no other details.

An “oversight”? This is a claim that the MSM seems to have taken for granted as if this is all there is to the story. It has since been dropped like a hot potato.

Now, this story got a bit more coverage by the MSM than the first one did, but I found only one report that seemed to go beyond a straight just-the-facts report of the incident in any way. That was a piece by the Washington Post’sDana Milbank who treated the story more with lighthearted amusement than condemnation.

But most of the reports were matter of fact affairs that simply reported the facts of the case.

MSNBC , Reuters , The New York Times , The Hill, and the L.A. Times all took on the story with no hint of editorializing… again a far cry from what they would do if this were a story about a Republican.

The story quickly faded into the past with no more notice paid it, all denizens of the MSM giving Senator Webb a pass and deciding en masse that it was to be a non-story. This whole incident showed quite well that leftists really don’t care about individual candidates -- even their own -- but only about beating the GOP. Webb, despite what he has said in the past or truly believes in, was thought able to beat the left’s enemy du jour, George Allen, back during the 2006 midterms. On that basis alone they support him and continue to do so.

After all, Webb is very high on the 2nd Amendment and is well known for his off the wall positions on race and American history. In his book “Born Fighting: How the Scots-Irish Shaped America”, Webb comes to the conclusion that his white southern kinsmen should rise up and take back their country from whatever enemy he sees ruining his beloved south which would be considered a "racist" position if a Republican took it. Not to mention that Webb had been a Republican until about 5 minutes before he announced his run for the Senate as a Democrat. Also not to mention that he obviously is sort of a creep with his personal relationships and comportment -- which even this story proved by Webb’s quickly throwing his own aide under the bus.

Yet, the left was able to look away from what Webb really believes in so that they could support a candidate that could beat George Allen. The candidate did not matter as long as he could win.

Imagine what they would have made of this story if Webb were a Republican… or should I say if Webb was still a Republican!

And that is really the nub of the point of this story. The left doesn’t care about the facts and they don’t really stand on any principle as an insoluble point. All matters are fungible if they can be used to defeat the foe. The anti-gun issue would have been a perfect club for the left to beat an enemy in the Senate over the head with, but Webb is one of their boys. So, that whole anti-gun thing is forgotten. Being against corruption and ethics violations is great to use as a weapon against the GOP, but Senator Feinstein is their girl, so the issue is quickly and quietly dropped.

The left is just as hypocritical with what they don’t say as with what they do say and as one of the left’s most important allies the MSM provides as much cover as needed to score the win. Even if that means letting a good story go away… or two stories as the case may be.

Dave Mustaine would certainly disagree with my take on Fox News. In fact, politically he and I are diametric opposites; doesn't change the fact that he's a fucking genius.

See, unlike certain DNC loyalist libtarded whackos, who will remain unnamed (well, okay, fine, we'll just say he posts here and he has a picture of himself in his avatar where he's holding an American flag... but again, I don't wanna single anyone out ) I can admire people with whom I happen to have deep philosophical agreements. What I REFUSE to do is change my opinion just so I'll be in agreement with some rock star.

My life philosophy is that if you want to be in the right, adopt the position that's the diametric opposite of conventional wisdom, and you're good to go. Conventional wisdom dictates that Fox News is an RNC mouthpiece... I'm sure you're intelligent enough to figure out the rest.

Oh I agree with your opinion of Mustaine.. Sometimes I wonder what the world would have been like if Dave was still in Metallica and Cliff never died..

I guess i'm just of the mind that both Fox and MSNBC try to appeal to a demographic just like any other company hoping to maximize profit margins. I won't pretend that Chris Matthiews, Kieth Olberman and the like are trying to sell their news in one direction as long as we can also agree that Brit Hume, Bill Oreilly, Sean Hannity, John Gibson and the like are doing the same in the other direction at fox. I guess this is where personal critical thinking, consideration for opposing opinions, and compromise becomes more important that blindly wearing team jerseys and scoring flacid points against fellow Americans..
Oh I agree with your opinion of Mustaine.. Sometimes I wonder what the world would have been like if Dave was still in Metallica and Cliff never died..

I guess i'm just of the mind that both Fox and MSNBC try to appeal to a demographic just like any other company hoping to maximize profit margins. I won't pretend that Chris Matthiews, Kieth Olberman and the like are trying to sell their news in one direction as long as we can also agree that Brit Hume, Bill Oreilly, Sean Hannity, John Gibson and the like are doing the same in the other direction at fox. I guess this is where personal critical thinking, consideration for opposing opinions, and compromise becomes more important that blindly wearing team jerseys and scoring flacid points against fellow Americans..

Fox News rules the cable news networks - people choose not to get their news in a slanted and shaped way
Fox News rules the cable news networks - people choose not to get their news in a slanted and shaped way

Misperceptions, the Media and the Iraq War

October 02, 2003

A new study based on a series of seven US polls conducted from January through September of this year reveals that before and after the Iraq war, a majority of Americans have had significant misperceptions and these are highly related to support for the war in Iraq.

The polling, conducted by the Program on International Policy (PIPA) at the University of Maryland and Knowledge Networks, also reveals that the frequency of these misperceptions varies significantly according to individuals’ primary source of news.

Those who primarily watch Fox News are significantly more likely to have misperceptions, while those who primarily listen to NPR or watch PBS are significantly less likely.

An in-depth analysis of a series of polls conducted June through September found

48% incorrectly believed that evidence of links between Iraq and al Qaeda have been found,

22% that weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq,

and 25% that world public opinion favored the US going to war with Iraq.

Overall 60% had at least one of these three misperceptions.

Such misperceptions are highly related to support for the war. Among those with none of the misperceptions listed above,

only 23% support the war.

Among those with one of these misperceptions,
53% support the war, rising to 78% for those who have two of the misperceptions, and to 86% for those with all 3 misperceptions.

Steven Kull, director of PIPA, comments, “While we cannot assert that these misperceptions created the support for going to war with Iraq, it does appear likely that support for the war would be substantially lower if fewer members of the public had these misperceptions.”

So to libs, if people do not believe what they say - they are stupid

This is one of the basic foundations of liberalism - people are to dimb to think on their own

They need libs to tell them what to thinkl and do

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