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Why Are Dems Scared Of Fox News?

both of those men have written more stuff on toilet paper, wiped their asses with it, and flushed it down the shitter than you have ever known or ever will know.

as I said - liberals hacks...................

Olbermann Revels in 'Racist' Limbaugh Getting Yanked Like Imus: 'Best Thing I've Heard'
Posted by Brent Baker on April 12, 2007 - 22:02.
Keith Olbermann opened his Wednesday MSNBC show by displaying video of Rush Limbaugh on screen as he smeared conservative talk radio as “racist,” asking, “Why have none from the racist right been protested, boycotted or fired?” He then delighted Thursday night when guest Sam Seder, of the far-left Air America Radio, predicted “the next time Limbaugh slips up, which I think is inevitable, I think you're going to see this sort of same type of reaction.” A pleased Olbermann exclaimed: “It's the best thing I've heard in a couple of days. From your lips to God's ears!” Olbermann had asked Seder: “How does Rush Limbaugh or Michael Savage get away with worse than what Don Imus said?”

With “SELECTIVE OUTRAGE: Imus Was Not Alone” on screen, Olbermann teased Wednesday's Countdown by wondering: “Where's the other outrage? Rush Limbaugh calls Barack Obama 'Halfrican-American.' Michael Savage says the Voting Rights Act means 'a chad in every crack house.' Neal Boortz says Cynthia McKinney looks like a 'ghetto-slut.' Why have none from the racist right been protested, boycotted or fired?” He soon cued up race-hustler Jesse Jackson: “Why are there not efforts to remove them from the air?”

Olbermann's crusade to remove conservatives from the air matched the spin forwarded Tuesday night on CNN's Paula Zahn Now, as recounted in Matthew Balan's NewsBusters post. Zahn set up an April 10 taped piece: ”Conservative Rush Limbaugh, who has offended just about every minority group, drew special criticism for attacking actor Michael J. Fox.” After regurgitating that controversy, Zahn moved to the very same quote highlighted by Olbermann: “Limbaugh later apologized. But the criticism for that low blow hasn't stopped him from lashing out at presidential hopeful, Barack Obama, calling him 'Halfrican.'” Viewers then heard audio of Limbaugh: “Barack Obama has picked up another endorsement, Halfrican-American actress Halle Berry. As a Halfrican-American, I am honored to have Ms. Berry's support, as well as the support of other Halfrican-Americans.” Zahn proceeded to highlight the same Boortz comment about McKinney as Olbermann would do 24 hours later.

Olbermann and Zahn are humor-challenged since Limbaugh's “Halfrican-American”quip was obviously a play on “African-American,” since Obama had a white mother and an African father, not a charge that he's only half American.

A brief transcript of the relevant portion of the exchange between Olbermann and Seder on the April 12 Countdown:

Keith Olbermann: “I'll ask you the ten million dollar question: How does Rush Limbaugh or Michael Savage get away with worse than what Don Imus said?”

Sam Seder of Air America: “I'll tell you something, well I think one there's a certain expectation that they're going to hear it more from Limbaugh although, you know, he, Dick Cheney was on his program several weeks ago. I listened in to Limbaugh today and he's already warning his audience that they're going to be coming for Limbaugh next. And I think, frankly, he's got to be a little bit worried now because the bar has just been raised. I mean, corporations have said we're not going to tolerate this any more and the next time Limbaugh slips up, which I think is inevitable, I think you're going to see this sort of same type of reaction.”

Olbermann: “It's the best thing I've heard in a couple of days.”

Seder, over Olbermann: “I hope so.”

Olbermann: “From your lips to God's ears!”

Relax there Edward, there's no need to be so angry and abusive. If you're not interested in discussing issues with people who may not be like minded, I'd venture to say that this isn't the place for you. I am certain you'll be able to find a message board somewhere full of like minded people where you can agree with every post and not work yourself into a tizzy.

I am neither angry or abusive. I am speaking the truth and telling it like I see it and if you don't like it and want me to play nice and to tell you and everyone else how great and how good you are than you are in for a rude awakening. I am discussing the issues and I am doing it in the way that I want to do it and discussing the issues I want to discuss. I am also not worked into a tizzy. It is you and these other jackasses who have worked yourselves up over me calling others fucking idiots. If you don't like my fucking opinions of others than you should find a place full of people who will pontificate out of their asses while saying nothing of substance. Just because I don't do what you want me to do does not mean that I am not discussing the issues. Now either address the fucking issues you stupid ass **** or shut the fuck up because I don't have time for retarded morons.
easy to call it a joke when you get called on it.....

why would we think you had any knowledge of Israeli small arms?

That's a good point. It is always easy to try to save face by saying it was a joke when called on it but it is entirely a different matter when someone else does it. Will this jackass be saying it is a joke if I were to say that all of my opinions of his retarded ass were just a joke? I suspect that the loser would not be thinking my comments were just a joke even if I said they were which they are not because I do think he is a retarded idiot.
much lke the tar baby shot - you just don't get them

Only idiots such as yourself would get such moronic drivel. I suggest you get a life you fucking loser because the only people on here who get anything you say are as retarded as you are and I am sure that if any of your retarded asses were to run for office that the other retards would vote for them.
That's a good point. It is always easy to try to save face by saying it was a joke when called on it but it is entirely a different matter when someone else does it. Will this jackass be saying it is a joke if I were to say that all of my opinions of his retarded ass were just a joke? I suspect that the loser would not be thinking my comments were just a joke even if I said they were which they are not because I do think he is a retarded idiot.

Why are you so angry?

Mommy and Daddy did not show you enough attention?
Why are you so angry?

Mommy and Daddy did not show you enough attention?

I am not angry you stupid jackass. Telling you what I think of you does not make me angry and speaking my mind does not make me angry. Take your retarded comments about my being on Prozac or my Mommy and Daddy not showing me enough attention and go fuck your wife. I don't know what your problem is nor do I care. Did your Mommy and Daddy drop your retarded ass on your head? I don't know and I don't give a damn why you are a retard.
I am not angry you stupid jackass. Telling you what I think of you does not make me angry and speaking my mind does not make me angry. Take your retarded comments about my being on Prozac or my Mommy and Daddy not showing me enough attention and go fuck your wife. I don't know what your problem is nor do I care. Did your Mommy and Daddy drop your retarded ass on your head? I don't know and I don't give a damn why you are a retard.

No, Moomy and Daddy di not show you enought attention

THEY ran away from home
No, Moomy and Daddy di not show you enought attention

THEY ran away from home

I suggest you stop projecting your childhood experiences onto others you retarded moron. I am not your psychitrist and I am not her to help you resolve the problems you developed as a result of being the child of retarded parents who dropped you on your head and ran away from home. If you want to discuss your issues with someone than you should seek help you stupid ass bitch because I don't give a shit what the reason is for your being a retard instead all that matters to me is that you are in fact a retard. :eusa_boohoo:
I suggest you stop projecting your childhood experiences onto others you retarded moron. I am not your psychitrist and I am not her to help you resolve the problems you developed as a result of being the child of retarded parents who dropped you on your head and ran away from home. If you want to discuss your issues with someone than you should seek help you stupid ass bitch because I don't give a shit what the reason is for your being a retard instead all that matters to me is that you are in fact a retard. :eusa_boohoo:

You may not be one - but you desperatly need one
You may not be one - but you desperatly need one

Nice one retard! Maybe that can be your campaign slogan when you run for Retard of the Year because Retard of the Decade and Century are taken by your mother and father. Maybe you can be runner up for Retard of the Eon after your whore wife wins that distinct honor for producing your retarded offspring.
pot....meet kettle

Libs are the ones who nned shrinks

I loved it when I read how libs suffered from PEST after John Boy Kerry lost the election.

The liberal media actually did stories over depressed libs seeking help over their grief

Libs are the ones who nned shrinks

I loved it when I read how libs suffered from PEST after John Boy Kerry lost the election.

The liberal media actually did stories over depressed libs seeking help over their grief


what is "PEST"?

I mean, besides a word that refers to rodents and insects...and you, of course?

what is "PEST"?

I mean, besides a word that refers to rodents and insects...and you, of course?


Dozens more Kerry supporters flock to Florida therapists
American Health Association reacts with free ‘post-election selection trauma’ counseling

Published Wednesday, November 10, 2004 1:00 pm
by Sean Salai

More shocked John Kerry supporters on Wednesday sought psychological help with “post-election selection trauma” in South Florida, prompting the American Health Association to officially release symptoms of the disorder and open its doors for free counseling.

“When someone commits suicide in New York and Kerry’s loss is even slightly connected, it’s serious,” Rob Gordon, executive director of the AHA, told the Boca Raton News. “There’s a lot of older Democrats here and they outnumber Republicans and you don’t want an epidemic of suicides with the elderly. So our counseling center is now open free to those with post-election selection depression, PEST, who need to exorcise their demons.”

According to Gordon, the Boca-based AHA has formally defined the symptoms of PEST and will offer the free sessions through the end of the year. He said approximately 30 people had contacted AHA for psychological counseling since Kerry conceded the presidential race to President Bush on Nov. 3.

Gordon said symptoms of the trauma are similar to post-traumatic stress disorder and include loss of appetite, sleeplessness, nightmares and pervasive moodiness.

The AHA’s actions come after the Boca Raton News reported Tuesday that Palm Beach County psychotherapist Douglas Schooler has already treated 15 Kerry supporters using intense hypnotherapy. Schooler, contacted Wednesday, said four more people had already set up appointments for the onetime therapy session since the article was picked up internationally and cited on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show.

“The problem is out there and it’s not going to go away anytime soon,” Schooler said. “Conservatives are calling me to say these people are weak-kneed kooks, but they’re not acknowledging that this is a normal psychological response to a severe and disillusioning situation. Any suggestion that this is not a serious problem arises from a political agenda. The Republicans don’t want this talked about.”

Nancy M. Tabet, a mental health counselor with a small practice in Delray Beach, said she had helped about five clients deal with the post-election trauma in their therapy sessions.

“It’s interesting to me that people in Palm Beach County, because they vote for Kerry and thoroughly expected him to win, are in somewhat of a disbelief stage,” Tabet said. “We talk it out in our sessions and I help them realize there are people who share their viewpoint and who are there for them throughout this ordeal.”

Asked when the Kerry-related trauma would end, Tabet said, “I think the jury’s still out on that one. I think it depends on the swing of the politics.”

Elizabeth Foxman, a cognitive therapist in Delray, took issue with the AHA’s decision to label the Kerry-related stress as a new sort of trauma.

“I don’t disagree with their diagnosis, but I wouldn’t use the word trauma,” Foxman said. “That’s a loaded term. I would say there’s more sadness and anxiety than trauma. My own patients have been stressed, but only one or two have mentioned the election as a topic in therapy.”

Gordon, the AHA psychotherapist, said his agency was referring his 30 callers — most of them men — to other support groups prior to Wednesday. He said the post-election trauma will require three to four support group sessions at his agency’s counseling center, but added that he thinks the problem will fade as the troubled Kerry supporters adjust to reality.

“The support group structure means you have to bring these people together for several sessions,” Gordon said. “But every day is a new day. John Ashcroft’s resignation is going to help because Democrats certainly felt the cause of their stress was bigger than President Bush. If Condoleeza Rice and a few others resign, that will help cure their animosity as well.”

Gordon said he had received a flood of phone calls from Republicans since Limbaugh, the conservative radio talk show host who lives in South Florida, read his name on the air Tuesday.

“It’s a shame that so many Republicans are calling and saying, ‘Why can’t these people handle reality?’ Some can’t. And what is with these right-wing radio warlords who think they need to bask in the misery of others? Rush Limbaugh, of all people, should be compassionate because he lives right here in Palm Beach County. I’m ashamed that he’s picked up this Boca News story to rub it in Democrats’ faces.”

Gordon added, “Post-election selection trauma affects many people and they have a right to be taken seriously and to seek counseling. This is a real need and we’re a charity. This is not a matter of Republicans and Democrats.”

http://www.bocanews.com/index.php?src=news&prid=10147&category=Local News
It's too bad this thread is an example of what this messageboard has to offer people looking for debate on issues. The same 5 right wingers screaming ad hominems at the same 5 lefties who are quick to scream back gets old quick. I had hoped to find something a bit more relevant and diverse after the right wing choke hold let up on this board. Why don't you all agree to disagree like gentlemen and try to find common ground instead of acting like teenaged pussies hellbent on proving your opinion via the same old insults and the same old posting of threads that you think is salt in a wound but is really just another nail in the coffin of a half dead messageboard?

now... pepper me with neg rep as you see fit..


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