Why are Females under 45 not supporting Hillary Clinton?

Will the Younger Democratic Female Voter cost Hillary Clinton the Nomination?

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  • No

  • Pineapple

  • Bonzi

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" And yet, that's exactly what's happening in today's presidential race when it comes to Hillary Clinton's support from younger women. Some 64% of women Democratic voters younger than 45 backed Bernie Sanders, while just 35% supported Clinton, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC/Marist College poll in New Hampshire last week. When it comes to women 45 and older, Clinton leads Sanders by 9 percentage points, the poll found. "

There seem to be something Hillary Clinton is not conveying to the younger Democratic Female voter, so what is it?

Is it her older supporters comments?

" First, Gloria Steinem on "Real Time With Bill Maher" suggested that young women are only supporting Sanders because they want to meet men. "When you're young, you're thinking: 'Where are the boys? The boys are with Bernie,' " Ms. Steinem said. (She has since apologized for those comments, saying she "misspoke" and called it a "case of talk-show Interruptus.") "

" former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright uttered something she has said repeatedly over the past several years about women helping women crack glass ceilings, but did it for the first time at a rally for and with Clinton in New Hampshire.

"There is a special place in hell for women who don't help each other," she said. "

Why the female generational divide for Hillary Clinton? - CNN.com

Will this problem cause her to lose the nomination?

She's ahead by double-digits in National Polls.

She is going to be the next POTUS.
Because younger females realize Hillary is a pro-corporate **** that isn't worth voting for.
" And yet, that's exactly what's happening in today's presidential race when it comes to Hillary Clinton's support from younger women. Some 64% of women Democratic voters younger than 45 backed Bernie Sanders, while just 35% supported Clinton, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC/Marist College poll in New Hampshire last week. When it comes to women 45 and older, Clinton leads Sanders by 9 percentage points, the poll found. "

There seem to be something Hillary Clinton is not conveying to the younger Democratic Female voter, so what is it?

Is it her older supporters comments?

" First, Gloria Steinem on "Real Time With Bill Maher" suggested that young women are only supporting Sanders because they want to meet men. "When you're young, you're thinking: 'Where are the boys? The boys are with Bernie,' " Ms. Steinem said. (She has since apologized for those comments, saying she "misspoke" and called it a "case of talk-show Interruptus.") "

" former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright uttered something she has said repeatedly over the past several years about women helping women crack glass ceilings, but did it for the first time at a rally for and with Clinton in New Hampshire.

"There is a special place in hell for women who don't help each other," she said. "

Why the female generational divide for Hillary Clinton? - CNN.com

Will this problem cause her to lose the nomination?

They haven't reached senility?
its still a mystery why any female woman would support Hillary, unless they have an IQ under 42 and no work skills. kinda like Ed Bundys wife.
i am hoping that someone polls hamsters and mice.lets see if they support Hillary.
Because they didn't sell their souls to a woman who attacks rape victims for her personal gain
Because younger women don't care about women's lib and all that old shit
Your generation is standing on the shoulders of a lot of women who went through a lot of shit to get you where you are. That's okay, it is as it should be. You don't have to care about it, but please don't call women's lib "old shit."

I'm 52 - I wish I got to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.
I have no ambitions though....
But for women that do, I'm sure the battle was worth it.
As for me, I'd rather just be taking care of raise kids and cooking.
I have a college degree from a major university - so what?
As it is, I suck at pretty much everything in life.... at least if I learned to cook and raise kids I could have been a success there....
You're great at keeping USMB posters amused with your threads; I think of you as the den mother or well prepared nanny who always has mints, wet wipes and string for cats cradle in her bag to keep the restless amused. You are way too hard on yourself. Sorry I assumed you were younger.
It will be interesting to see the voting in states with higher non-white pops. From the comments I've read in news articles, younger women do not believe Hillary has any right to their vote simply because she's a woman. I take that to mean they believe Bernie is equally committed to choice. And, they don't like her Iraq vote (who does), and they like Bernie's pro-populism and let's rob the banks message.

I saw Rubio actually did will in Minn with women, which amazes me since he is for "forced birthing of teen rape victims" or something, I thought, but maybe not. Other than that, it's not much good news for the gop in the natl with the "fairer sex."
Hillary has a huge support base. They may not post here, but it will be an absolute miracle if she is not the Democratic presidential candidate. Depressing, yes. And with Republicans all embracing pro-life gun lover LGBT hating stances, it's hard for me to choose an alternative from that side.
Because younger women don't care about women's lib and all that old shit
Your generation is standing on the shoulders of a lot of women who went through a lot of shit to get you where you are. That's okay, it is as it should be. You don't have to care about it, but please don't call women's lib "old shit."

I'm 52 - I wish I got to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.
I have no ambitions though....
But for women that do, I'm sure the battle was worth it.
As for me, I'd rather just be taking care of raise kids and cooking.
I have a college degree from a major university - so what?
As it is, I suck at pretty much everything in life.... at least if I learned to cook and raise kids I could have been a success there....
You're great at keeping USMB posters amused with your threads; I think of you as the den mother or well prepared nanny who always has mints, wet wipes and string for cats cradle in her bag to keep the restless amused. You are way too hard on yourself. Sorry I assumed you were younger.

Awww... that is SO NICE of you to say! Yeah, in my head I'm still 20 something! I guess that comes out in the way I type/communicate on here.

Thanks again for the compliments. Very much appreciated... (as well as the reprimand for being too hard on myself...) <hugs!>

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