why are feminists silent on the Taliban's treatment of women? Bill Maher and Dennis Prager call them out

What exactly are "feminists" supposed to do? "Boo, you guys are really bad".

LOL, do you suppose that will change them?

They should create an army and do what the regular army couldn't do?
pknopp Maybe they could scream and protest about women being stoned, raped and oppressed. They sure aren't shy about protecting their right to terminate fetuses.
i'd rather live in Denmark than Afghanistan, and there's a reason for that, my friends!

They aren't silent on it. These guys are both wrong. They should be complaining more that their actual words and deeds are not being publicized. Both had a chance to expand the forum of women's groups, and chose instead to exaggerate and lie and insult them. So, if they want to see why the women's groups are not being publicized more, they can roll the tape on their own piece of shit interview.
While these two guys have sat around and lazily and self servingly said "everything sucks, therefore i can never be wrong", groups like UN Women have been opening girls schools in Afghanistan and pressuring Saudi Arabia for women's rights.

Bill Maher is often thoughtful and makes am effort to be honest. But nothing short of women's groups blaming the religion of Islam and blowing hot air on only this will please him on this issue. That is not how a public policy group that pressures governments is going to operate. Ever. Maher is right that Islam is a scourge on this, but sitting in a comedian's chair and pointing and cackling or blogging to a preprescribed audience to affirm them and yourself (Prager) is much different from actually affecting the policies of foreign governments.
While these two guys have sat around and lazily and self servingly said "everything sucks, therefore i can never be wrong", groups like UN Women have been opening girls schools in Afghanistan and pressuring Saudi Arabia for women's rights.

Bill Maher is often thoughtful and makes am effort to be honest. But nothing short of women's groups blaming the religion of Islam and blowing hot air on only this will please him on this issue. That is not how a public policy group that pressures governments is going to operate. Ever. Maher is right that Islam is a scourge on this, but sitting in a comedian's chair and pointing and cackling or blogging to a preprescribed audience to affirm them and yourself (Prager) is much different from actually affecting the policies of foreign governments.

Women in Saudi Arabia have been making remarkable progress for 25 years.
Women in Saudi Arabia have been making remarkable progress for 25 years.
Sure, but that's quite a low bar you have set there. And it was done quite in spite of the primitive Saudi monarchy and of the squealing muslim fundies. So let's remember who to thank for that progress:

Not Maher. Not Prager. Not the primitive Saudi monarchs. Not islam.

Women's advocacy groups within and without Saudi Arabia.
i'd rather live in Denmark than Afghanistan, and there's a reason for that, my friends!

For the same reason fake "liberals," can't rationally parse the risk of this virus versus the global loss of civil liberties a civil rights.

They are, primarily, materialists and atheists. They only give lip service to their values, and when the rubber meets the road, are basically all sell outs to those who pay their salaries.

IOW? They are all sell-outs, every last damn one of them. They are a disgrace to the founding principles of this nation.


Sure, but that's quite a low bar you have set there. And it was done quite in spite of the primitive Saudi monarchy and of the squealing muslim fundies. So let's remember who to thank for that progress:

Not Maher. Not Prager. Not the primitive Saudi monarchs. Not islam.

Women's advocacy groups within and without Saudi Arabia.

I've been there , visited their businesses, factories and schools.

They are turning out lawyers, doctors, architects, pilots, engineers etc.
I've been there , visited their businesses, factories and schools.
So what? Your personal anecdotes are useless. In fact, your immediate retreat to such a spurious, useless point shows the weakness and falsity of your position.
What exactly are "feminists" supposed to do? "Boo, you guys are really bad".

LOL, do you suppose that will change them?

They should create an army and do what the regular army couldn't do?
You have to understand, this is Dennis Prager. He is not trying to forward the rights of women. He would scrape a foreign woman off of his shoe. he is grave dancing and engaging in lies and ad hominem, because he is trying to make a dollar or two off of people who dislike feminist groups and want affirmation. If Dennis Prager were born in Afghanistan, he would be one of the turban-wearing fuckers blowing up girls' schools.
What exactly are "feminists" supposed to do? "Boo, you guys are really bad".

LOL, do you suppose that will change them?

They should create an army and do what the regular army couldn't do?

What is the OP doing to help the women and children of Afghanistan?
So what? Your personal anecdotes are useless. In fact, your immediate retreat to such a spurious, useless point shows the weakness and falsity of your position.

You don't know anything about Saudi Arabia, its people or its leadership. They are by no means primitives. You are a walking, ignorant stereotype.

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