Why are MadMax and Pelosi Handing Trump a Mid-term Landslide

Both parties have a knack for screwing up a sure thing.
Half the country doesn't bother, leaving two hyper partisan parties fighting for the scraps of Independents who must plug their noses every election cycle.

Both parties appear quite despicable in my view.
They may be sleazy and even drugged out but they are good enough politicians to know the results of their actions and speeches so their actions are part of a political strategy but what is it?

If they get schlonged in the mid term elections, it really relieves them of actually having to govern next year.

A lot more fun to dissent, particularly when the Trump economy is booming and they are doing great financially.
The tax advice about the election and out migration is the big unknown. If the ballot is filled with brand new taxes and CFOs/bookkeepers say get to a lower tax state all bets are off.
The Alt Right continues to use terms like ‘far left base.’ Real America has realized that if it continues voting for the Trumpers, that America will become an one-party dictatorship. The dems will try to move the great middle to reject GOP candidates and vote Dem in the fall.

Consider the divisive, hurtful and generally untrue language the Alt Right and their allies use. They also deny their was Russian meddling, although all, including them, know that is a lie. The Dems will hammer the pubs.

The Obama economy is continuing to boom, even though the tariffs are leading to rising prices and eventually job lay offs. That will be in effect by early September at the latest. The Dems will hammer the Pubs.

Trump has shot himself in the foot with the immigration mess. There is no wall. Mexico won’t pay for it.

The Alt Right is in trouble, and the AR knows it.

That's why they start lying from the time they get up until the go to sleep, and then they dream lies.

ps: the Russians help them.
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