Why are most of the people complaining about tariffs hurting the consumers

What type of grammar is that? Are you saying that the dollar has loss value and gain value, then it is okay. But are you trying to say that the dollar has less value? That is good for the country, for then our goods are cheaper overseas and more are sent, thus balancing the trade deficit. Of course being that you are liberal, and have no clue about economics, maybe it is "loss value" that you only know?
That’s an interesting concept I haven’t thought much about. You’re saying that a lower dollar value is a good thing because it helps balance the trade deficit? Did I get that right?
In Automotive Trade Deficit, a Silver Lining for U.S.
IT helps to have a weak dollar and a declining auto market. At least it helps if you want to lower the American trade deficit.

The overall trade deficit for the United States peaked last summer and has been bouncing around since then, but with an overall downward direction. A significant part of the improvement has come in the American auto industry.
So since debt is a major driver for the value of the dollar, are you supporting Obama’s economic policies that weakened the dollar as something that helped our trade deficit?
Wait, I thought Obama was doing everything in his power to make the economy ROAR? which is it?
I’m just trying to understand your logic, so please answer. I never said anything about Obama’s roar, don’t change the subject.

Who are you talking to?
What type of grammar is that? Are you saying that the dollar has loss value and gain value, then it is okay. But are you trying to say that the dollar has less value? That is good for the country, for then our goods are cheaper overseas and more are sent, thus balancing the trade deficit. Of course being that you are liberal, and have no clue about economics, maybe it is "loss value" that you only know?
That’s an interesting concept I haven’t thought much about. You’re saying that a lower dollar value is a good thing because it helps balance the trade deficit? Did I get that right?
In Automotive Trade Deficit, a Silver Lining for U.S.
IT helps to have a weak dollar and a declining auto market. At least it helps if you want to lower the American trade deficit.

The overall trade deficit for the United States peaked last summer and has been bouncing around since then, but with an overall downward direction. A significant part of the improvement has come in the American auto industry.
So since debt is a major driver for the value of the dollar, are you supporting Obama’s economic policies that weakened the dollar as something that helped our trade deficit?
Wait, I thought Obama was doing everything in his power to make the economy ROAR? which is it?
I’m just trying to understand your logic, so please answer. I never said anything about Obama’s roar, don’t change the subject.
Obama had the FED print 4 trillion dollars to allow Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs and other liberal elites to borrow at zero percent interest, while they bought back their own stock thus making the market go up. But also, we watch GE, GM, Apple and other companies fleeing this country because not only the high taxes of ACA but the ridiculous regulations that Obama and his EPA forced upon them. Obama knew nothing about economies, except how to destroy them, but his liberal buddies got much richer while shitfucks like you got more poorer, yet you wont pull your heads out of Uranus. I used to feel sorry for you, but not anymore, as I cant feel sorry for the people who vote for the very people who keep their sorry asses poor.
That’s an interesting concept I haven’t thought much about. You’re saying that a lower dollar value is a good thing because it helps balance the trade deficit? Did I get that right?
In Automotive Trade Deficit, a Silver Lining for U.S.
IT helps to have a weak dollar and a declining auto market. At least it helps if you want to lower the American trade deficit.

The overall trade deficit for the United States peaked last summer and has been bouncing around since then, but with an overall downward direction. A significant part of the improvement has come in the American auto industry.
So since debt is a major driver for the value of the dollar, are you supporting Obama’s economic policies that weakened the dollar as something that helped our trade deficit?
Wait, I thought Obama was doing everything in his power to make the economy ROAR? which is it?
I’m just trying to understand your logic, so please answer. I never said anything about Obama’s roar, don’t change the subject.

Who are you talking to?
Anaronim. Been going back and forth with him for a few posts now
I'm sick of stupid shit politicians who let China, Canada, Mexico and other countries screw us over by dumping product into the U.S. at cost to bankrupt U.S. manufacturers to take over our markets. What country in their right minds would allow that?

You must be talking about Nixon, Reagan, Bush SR and Bush Jr. and the Corps themselves.

Yes hello!
That’s an interesting concept I haven’t thought much about. You’re saying that a lower dollar value is a good thing because it helps balance the trade deficit? Did I get that right?
In Automotive Trade Deficit, a Silver Lining for U.S.
IT helps to have a weak dollar and a declining auto market. At least it helps if you want to lower the American trade deficit.

The overall trade deficit for the United States peaked last summer and has been bouncing around since then, but with an overall downward direction. A significant part of the improvement has come in the American auto industry.
So since debt is a major driver for the value of the dollar, are you supporting Obama’s economic policies that weakened the dollar as something that helped our trade deficit?
Wait, I thought Obama was doing everything in his power to make the economy ROAR? which is it?
I’m just trying to understand your logic, so please answer. I never said anything about Obama’s roar, don’t change the subject.
Obama had the FED print 4 trillion dollars to allow Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs and other liberal elites to borrow at zero percent interest, while they bought back their own stock thus making the market go up. But also, we watch GE, GM, Apple and other companies fleeing this country because not only the high taxes of ACA but the ridiculous regulations that Obama and his EPA forced upon them. Obama knew nothing about economies, except how to destroy them, but his liberal buddies got much richer while shitfucks like you got more poorer, yet you wont pull your heads out of Uranus. I used to feel sorry for you, but not anymore, as I cant feel sorry for the people who vote for the very people who keep their sorry asses poor.
Are you talking about bond auctions through quantitative easing? You think that is equivalent to “printing money and giving it to rich guys?”
Sorry to burst your bubble, as you divert from my original question for a second time, but I guess I’ll let that go.... the sale of bonds is a mechanism to keep interest rates low, the result of low interest rates is more home and business loans which are important elements in growing an economy. Why are you now against corporations having more money to invest in jobs and growth? I thought that was the genius of this new tax plan? You’re full of contradictions. Letting your partisanship get in the way it appears
I'm sick of stupid shit politicians who let China, Canada, Mexico and other countries screw us over by dumping product into the U.S. at cost to bankrupt U.S. manufacturers to take over our markets. What country in their right minds would allow that?

The same country that allows shithole nations to dump their dependent shithole people in their country for taxpayers to spoon feed.

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