Why are poorest states mostly GOP; Richest mostly Dem???

"The party that identifies itself as home to labor unions and middle-class families might be in for a wake-up call. A recent report from The Heritage Foundation says that the Democratic Party is the new "party of the rich."

A review of Internal Revenue Service data conducted by Michael Franc, vice president of government relations at Heritage — a conservative think-tank — found that Democrats control the majority of the country's wealthiest congressional jurisdictions, and that more than half of the most affluent households are located in the 18 states where Democrats control both Senate seats."

Heritage Foundation Study Finds Democrats Represent More Wealthy Districts Than Republicans | Fox News

See I can find articles on the Internet that say just the opposite.

That's what makes a democrat, a democrat. They are fighting to raise their own taxes and fight against their own personal interests, as it's the right thing to do to better the nation.

Republicans are greedy bastards that want to rape the poor and middle class as much as they can to better the richest of the rich.

The democrats want to help pave the way so everyone has the opportunity to be as successful as they are.
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California and Connecticut are rich because of defense contracts.

Take a look at where the produce you buy is grown; how many tourists come to California, how many visit the Red States?
Guess which ports receive all those I phones, it ain't in Texas or Alabama; how about your shoes, shirts and computer - yep, port of Oakland, Port of Long Beach.

Connecticut is also the insurance capital of the world. The financial and insurance services sector earned 40 percent of corporate profits this decade.


Yep, insurance and financial services - two of the most effective industries in the redistribution of wealth in America.
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"The party that identifies itself as home to labor unions and middle-class families might be in for a wake-up call. A recent report from The Heritage Foundation says that the Democratic Party is the new "party of the rich."

A review of Internal Revenue Service data conducted by Michael Franc, vice president of government relations at Heritage — a conservative think-tank — found that Democrats control the majority of the country's wealthiest congressional jurisdictions, and that more than half of the most affluent households are located in the 18 states where Democrats control both Senate seats."

Heritage Foundation Study Finds Democrats Represent More Wealthy Districts Than Republicans | Fox News

See I can find articles on the Internet that say just the opposite.

Of course they do. Look at the blue states on the map of the U.S. Northeast Atlantic coast starting with Virginia (the Washington suburb), across the great lake states and of course all the Pacific coast states. That's where the concentration of wealth has always been in this country. And for years those ldiots have made their rich Republican claim. Total B.S. then. Total B.S. NOW.

By the way...that is their reasoning behind their desire to eliminate the Electoral College.

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America's 10 Poorest States: 24/7 Wall St.

If the Democrats only vote to give more free shit to the poor....why are their states usually more wealthy? And if GOP policies are truly meant to make everyone wealthier, to REALLY help the poor by getting them jobs.......then why are the poorest states so RED???

Poorest: Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, W Virginia, Louisiana, South Carolina (look at the pic, they have the yellow "Dont Tread on Me" flag flying ABOVE their own state flag what a bunch of yahoos), Kentucky, Alabama, North Carolina.

America’s Richest States - 24/7 Wall St.

Richest: Maryland, Alaska, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Virginia, Hawaii, Delaware, California.

With the exception of Alaska....few of the richest states seem to hold a high number of...Tea Partiers. But among the poorest states.....seems there is a Tea Party every weekend.

I dont get it. Seems the poorest states would be filled with the most Democrats (vote to give more to the poor) and the richest states would vote to give less aid to the poor and be filled with Republicans.

It's a known fact that smarter and educated people tend to vote Democrats. They also tend to have higher incomes. So no surprises here.
America's 10 Poorest States: 24/7 Wall St.

If the Democrats only vote to give more free shit to the poor....why are their states usually more wealthy? And if GOP policies are truly meant to make everyone wealthier, to REALLY help the poor by getting them jobs.......then why are the poorest states so RED???

Poorest: Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, W Virginia, Louisiana, South Carolina (look at the pic, they have the yellow "Dont Tread on Me" flag flying ABOVE their own state flag what a bunch of yahoos), Kentucky, Alabama, North Carolina.

America’s Richest States - 24/7 Wall St.

Richest: Maryland, Alaska, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Virginia, Hawaii, Delaware, California.

With the exception of Alaska....few of the richest states seem to hold a high number of...Tea Partiers. But among the poorest states.....seems there is a Tea Party every weekend.

I dont get it. Seems the poorest states would be filled with the most Democrats (vote to give more to the poor) and the richest states would vote to give less aid to the poor and be filled with Republicans.
They also have some of the most dense population centers and/or most desirable real estate in the nation...It only follows that there would be more wealthy people located there.

I figgered out why you've flipped to the socialist side...There isn't a single analytical thought in your head.
Except for Romney and Bush of course. How can republicans only care about the rich as you idiots always whine but still be poor?


There are mega rich greedy myopic Pubs, and then there are Pub dupes, like you.

Pubs ruin the nonrich and the country (sig pp 1) and lie and fear monger the dupes (sig pp3). Change the channel. LOL!

There are also mega rich democrats, many of them in congress, who do the same thing, fear mongering and all. And there are poor democrats who are controlled by the democrats promise of entitlements.

These facts make your post vapid.

But those rich Dems' POLICIES are pro the nonrich, for raising their OWN TAXES, for more opportunities in education and training- and their fear mongering is FACTUAL. Voodoo tax rates and Pub policies are killing the country and DEMAND, not to mention the wild deregulation and pathetic oversight that gave us a cronyism/corruption bubble and a DEPRESSION.
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"The party that identifies itself as home to labor unions and middle-class families might be in for a wake-up call. A recent report from The Heritage Foundation says that the Democratic Party is the new "party of the rich."

A review of Internal Revenue Service data conducted by Michael Franc, vice president of government relations at Heritage — a conservative think-tank — found that Democrats control the majority of the country's wealthiest congressional jurisdictions, and that more than half of the most affluent households are located in the 18 states where Democrats control both Senate seats."

Heritage Foundation Study Finds Democrats Represent More Wealthy Districts Than Republicans | Fox News

See I can find articles on the Internet that say just the opposite.

That is right -- Republican party is not a party of rich, it is the party of super-rich, of top 1%. Those super-rich have enough money to pay Heritage Fundation and the likes for brainwashing white working males and Evangelicals, who are gullible enough to swallow right-wing lies. That is how Republican party manages to stay afloat.

But keeping a lot of people voting against their own interests is an uphill battle -- and Republicans are slowly but surely losing it.
I have been a Conservative since long before it was cool to be conservative, and I will put my intelligence up against anyone here.

But I have often bemoaned the fact that a Conservative used to be the smartest person in the room but that an UnConservative of today is likely to be so rabid as to require dispatching.

I guess that's why some of them mistake me for a leftie when I do so...:badgrin:
But keeping a lot of people voting against their own interests is an uphill battle -- and Republicans are slowly but surely losing it.
Who the hell are you to try to tell people whom you don't know what's in their best interests, you arrogant ass?
America's 10 Poorest States: 24/7 Wall St.

If the Democrats only vote to give more free shit to the poor....why are their states usually more wealthy? And if GOP policies are truly meant to make everyone wealthier, to REALLY help the poor by getting them jobs.......then why are the poorest states so RED???

Poorest: Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, W Virginia, Louisiana, South Carolina (look at the pic, they have the yellow "Dont Tread on Me" flag flying ABOVE their own state flag what a bunch of yahoos), Kentucky, Alabama, North Carolina.

America’s Richest States - 24/7 Wall St.

Richest: Maryland, Alaska, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Virginia, Hawaii, Delaware, California.

With the exception of Alaska....few of the richest states seem to hold a high number of...Tea Partiers. But among the poorest states.....seems there is a Tea Party every weekend.

I dont get it. Seems the poorest states would be filled with the most Democrats (vote to give more to the poor) and the richest states would vote to give less aid to the poor and be filled with Republicans.

I don't think governors have as much to do with jobs in states as the federal government does.

Look at the way Obama is going after the coal industry, which many southern states depended on for their income.

Even though wealthy people are in every state, many state budgets are bought down by high levels of welfare recipients. The number of lifetime welfare recipients doesn't always have anything to do with the number of jobs available since they aren't interested.

A lot of Democrat voters are wealthy and the Dems cater to them as much as anyone on the right. If they didn't, who would they run to every election for campaign donations?

All this breakdown does is destroys the myth that Dems are for the little guy. Both parties want to help the poor. The Repubs want to help them by encouraging them to elevate themselves and the Dems just want to send them a bigger check.

Many southern states tend to have more illegal immigrants as well and that adds to the burden and the availability of jobs.

California might still have a lot of wealthy people because of Hollywood, but many of the wealthy and middle class have fled some of the cities because of the high crime and high taxes.

So many factors to consider here.
Probably because Dems value education more than Reps and spend accordingly. ignorant people don't thrive.
Poorest: Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, W Virginia, Louisiana, South Carolina (look at the pic, they have the yellow "Dont Tread on Me" flag flying ABOVE their own state flag what a bunch of yahoos), Kentucky, Alabama, North Carolina.

Only two of those states are outside the top ten states of blacks by percentage of population.

At number one, Mississippi is over 37% black.

And blacks, as a demographic, are much poorer than whites.


And how is that at all relevant?
Which explains the inner cities, that protected voting bloc of the wealthy dems who live in MASS.
But keeping a lot of people voting against their own interests is an uphill battle -- and Republicans are slowly but surely losing it.
Who the hell are you to try to tell people whom you don't know what's in their best interests, you arrogant ass?

It's a very common mistake -- confusing my brilliance for arrogance. Don't be too hard on yourself, it happens a lot.
Poorest: Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, W Virginia, Louisiana, South Carolina (look at the pic, they have the yellow "Dont Tread on Me" flag flying ABOVE their own state flag what a bunch of yahoos), Kentucky, Alabama, North Carolina.

Only two of those states are outside the top ten states of blacks by percentage of population.

At number one, Mississippi is over 37% black.

And blacks, as a demographic, are much poorer than whites.


And how is that at all relevant?

You seriously need that explained to you? Is your bias that dense?

"Gosh, Wilma, a high concentration of blacks can't possibly have anything to do with findings of high rates of poverty! It hasta be somethin' else! It just hasta!"

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An inside look at the republican voters on their home turf:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E48QqcTOXeY]Shockingly Stupid Republicans: What's the Matter with Mississippi? - YouTube[/ame]
Probably because Dems value education more than Reps and spend accordingly. ignorant people don't thrive.

Then why did your deal leader Moabmam pull the vouchers from DC, sentenacing those kids to a failing school system. Dept of education, a dem invention, has wasted almost 1.5 Trillion dollars over the last 32 years, just to get more drop outs and lower test scores.

Explain that and tell me again how much the dems value education.

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