Why are ranchers considered terrorists but not OWS?

OWS actually terrorized many of the areas they occupied. People were actually injured and property was damaged. But the ranchers are the terrorists?

Does not compute

Indeed. Impeded people from conducting their normal business...shitting in cop cars...property damage...trash all over anywhere they 'occupied'...what's not to like about them?
Why are ranchers considered terrorists but not OWS?

let me hazard a guess.....OWS are dependent deadbeats who need the government while ranchers are independent people who work for a living and don't want government interference in their lives...
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OWS actually terrorized many of the areas they occupied. People were actually injured and property was damaged. But the ranchers are the terrorists?

Does not compute

let me hazard a guess.....OWS are dependent deadbeats who need the government while ranchers are independent people who work for a living and don't want government interference in their lives...

Both were fighting for just causes.
OWS actually terrorized many of the areas they occupied. People were actually injured and property was damaged. But the ranchers are the terrorists?

Does not compute

let me hazard a guess.....OWS are dependent deadbeats who need the government while ranchers are independent people who work for a living and don't want government interference in their lives...

Both were fighting for just causes.

'income equality' is a just cause....? that's really just more socialism nonsense...

a few had good points.....like the corruption between government and business...
Ranchers are not considered to be terrorist. The assholes that latched themselves onto a ranchers issue and brought weapons to the demonstration, set themselves up in sniper positions with the unarmed demonstrators, including children, in between themselves and the law enforcement people at the site are the ones considered to be terrorist.
Because the left launches that accusation at anyone who isn't a liberal supporting their policies. Simple as that! Never mind the disgusting behavior of the OWS protesters, which was largely dismissed by the liberal media. They committed serious crimes including theft, rape, assault and even murder. But the media felt that since their intentions were good, the bad stuff should be excused.

Veterans are also under constant attack. You'd think our veterans and all retired military were now the equivalent of al Qaeda operatives. Meanwhile, the real terrorists gain strength and continue to plot against us infidels while the administration looks the other way.

Things are so screwed up right now, in fact everything is backwards. Give money to the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists and take benefits from retired service members. Charge ranchers with the horrible crime of letting their cattle graze and allow illegals to come here and get benefits and stop deportations. While we're at it, let the illegals sign up for Obamacare, welfare and fight to allow them to practice law here so they can represent more illegals who want to invade. Bash Christians for not supporting gay marriage and abortion, but protect the Muslims who behead gays and treat women like possessions. That is all part of the fundamentally transformed America. How ya liking it so far?
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OWS actually terrorized many of the areas they occupied. People were actually injured and property was damaged. But the ranchers are the terrorists?

Does not compute

It's "progressivism".

It's logically impossible for anything they stand for to compute in a rational thought process.

We're dealing with dangerously stupid people here.

People that ordinarily would have died accidentally, but we put guard rails up all over the place 40 years ago reproduced, and now "no child left behind" is upset they're too genetically retarded to accomplish anything.
How come it's bad for low income people to get welfare but not the rich, or companies????

It's bad for "poor" people to get free sustainment bed wetter, because it takes away their motivation to achieve anything. It destroys their independence to the point where they will fight for further dependence. Like a slave taking up arms against their liberators, and it has happened.

For those of us who adhere to conservative principles it's also wrong for the gov't to favor corporations over others. That's called fascism.

If you had any brains at all you'd recognize the biggest fascist of all time were FDR, LBJ and your very own moonbat messiah.
How come it's bad for low income people to get welfare but not the rich, or companies????

It's bad for "poor" people to get free sustainment bed wetter, because it takes away their motivation to achieve anything. It destroys their independence to the point where they will fight for further dependence. Like a slave taking up arms against their liberators, and it has happened.

For those of us who adhere to conservative principles it's also wrong for the gov't to favor corporations over others. That's called fascism.

If you had any brains at all you'd recognize the biggest fascist of all time were FDR, LBJ and your very own moonbat messiah.

still have that disease of hate I see......surely you are a better person than that....Fascist were called facists because they carried the symbol of the faces......a Roman staff, a symbol of a magistrate's power. Do you see any today using the symbol?
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OWS actually terrorized many of the areas they occupied. People were actually injured and property was damaged. But the ranchers are the terrorists?

Does not compute

Where else would they protest? In free speech zones out in the desert? As far as I know, OWS people didn't show up armed like these wannabees did in Nevada.
The answer is simple. Ranchers work. They put food on the tables of others. Their horses work. Their dog's work. The cats work. The only thing ranchers want is to be left alone. OWS wants free condoms.
Why are ranchers considered terrorists but not OWS?

let me hazard a guess.....OWS are dependent deadbeats who need the government while ranchers are independent people who work for a living and don't want government interference in their lives...

Except for getting to use government land....for free.

I wonder how many OWS'rs were doing what the guys in this article were doing?

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How come it's bad for low income people to get welfare but not the rich, or companies????

It's bad for "poor" people to get free sustainment bed wetter, because it takes away their motivation to achieve anything. It destroys their independence to the point where they will fight for further dependence. Like a slave taking up arms against their liberators, and it has happened.

For those of us who adhere to conservative principles it's also wrong for the gov't to favor corporations over others. That's called fascism.

If you had any brains at all you'd recognize the biggest fascist of all time were FDR, LBJ and your very own moonbat messiah.

FDR. The commander in chief that helped defeat fascist Germany and Italy, was a fascist. Another brilliancy from a voice on the right.

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