Why are ranchers considered terrorists but not OWS?

As have I but that's not the point. Were you at the Bundy ranch during this situation? No you weren't and the implications that not being there (getting out) means we're ill informed is idiotic. Being somewhere doesn't mean you're informed on its local events.

Next troll?

Wait what?

I watched Bundy speak. He doesn't "recognize" the Federal Government.

Thus, he stopped paying taxes and fees.

He is in violation of the law.

And you folks didn't give one whit of concern when cops broke up the OWS camps. And did so in a rather violent manner in California.

I believe in Bundys cause. I didn't believe ows even had one. They were, to put it mildly, a disorganized mess.

Bundy doesn’t have a ‘cause.’

Violating the law, violating court orders, and threatening Federal officials performing their lawful duty with violence isn’t a ‘cause,’ it’s terrorism.

What you ‘believe in’ is an ignorant, pathetic fantasy – Bundy’s no ‘hero,’ he’s not ‘standing up’ to anyone, he only looks foolish and ridiculous, as do those who support him.
OWS actually terrorized many of the areas they occupied. People were actually injured and property was damaged. But the ranchers are the terrorists?

Does not compute

The rancher isn't a terrorist. He is a freeloader who doesn't respect property law.
How come it's bad for low income people to get welfare but not the rich, or companies????

Don't mistake a tax break or incentive as welfare. But, if you insist, how many jobs do low income people create? How much taxes are low income people contributing? Demonization of high income earners and companies solves nothing.
The ranchers in the area and around the country all agree bundy is a tax cheat ,him and his band of nutbag militiamen deserve jail time

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Yeah I'm sure you spoke to all of them and they told you that personally..
you are the nutbag you expect us to believe this post...you might not need jail but a padded room would do fine

and you got two atta boys for this post

P.T Barnum was right:lol:
OWS actually terrorized many of the areas they occupied. People were actually injured and property was damaged. But the ranchers are the terrorists?

Does not compute

You're making the mistake of being logical and expecting equal treatment under the Rule of Law.

We now live in a country where the Whim of the Bureaucrat is used to silence political enemies.

Got it?

No, we live in a country where the rightwing thinks losing elections is tyranny.
So I guess if these kids had been armed with automatic weapons you rightwingers would have been on their side,

instead of on the cops' side?


I doubt it.
Nice try!
One group was doing something in a peaceful manner, the other group was setting up sniper positions to kill.

Why are ranchers considered terrorists but not OWS?

let me hazard a guess.....OWS are dependent deadbeats who need the government while ranchers are independent people who work for a living and don't want government interference in their lives...
How come it's bad for low income people to get welfare but not the rich, or companies????

Don't mistake a tax break or incentive as welfare. But, if you insist, how many jobs do low income people create? How much taxes are low income people contributing? Demonization of high income earners and companies solves nothing.

Corporations donate to politicians and politicians pay them back by passing laws to protect their corporations, the ACA is a fine example, and TARP...
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more than 50 other ranchers have been bankrupted, intimidated, and forced to give up their land and legal property rights. He is, he points out, “the last man standing”; and now that generations of ranching families have been driven out, federal officials have dropped the pretense that it is all about saving the “endangered” tortoise and have actually been killing the reptiles by the hundreds.

Where do you guys come up with these right wing blogs. They say they are affiliated with the John Birth Society and they use the Heritage Foundation as "evidence".

You can always tell right winger blogs. Go to where they promote "values and morals" and they defend the wealthy, blame the middle class and poor and want to ban abortion. Since most abortion happens in the middle class and poor, you would think they would support women's rights. Instead, they want them and unwanted babies to suffer. Heartless, right wingers are heartless. How else can you describe their evil selves?
You know what would make this forum, as a venue for intelligent debate, a 100% better?

If at least occasionally you rightwingers, when you start a thread, would try to premise your topic within a country mile of the facts, you know,

just once in a while throw a bone to credibility...

Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI

Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI | The Economic Populist

Now, start over...
How come it's bad for low income people to get welfare but not the rich, or companies????

Don't mistake a tax break or incentive as welfare. But, if you insist, how many jobs do low income people create? How much taxes are low income people contributing? Demonization of high income earners and companies solves nothing.

Corporations donate to politicians and politicians pay them back by passing laws to protect their corporations, the ACA is a fine example, and TARP...
so true....

Those ranchers are a part of the white bourgeoisie in this country so they don't get any sympathy. Now if they were hispanic ranchers being terrorized by white terrorist then we would see some action.
How come it's bad for low income people to get welfare but not the rich, or companies????

Don't mistake a tax break or incentive as welfare. But, if you insist, how many jobs do low income people create? How much taxes are low income people contributing? Demonization of high income earners and companies solves nothing.

Corporations donate to politicians and politicians pay them back by passing laws to protect their corporations, the ACA is a fine example, and TARP...
so true....


I saw your picture? How do corporations have any power at all? I never seen the CEO of McDonalds come in and order me to do anything at all.
How come it's bad for low income people to get welfare but not the rich, or companies????

Don't mistake a tax break or incentive as welfare. But, if you insist, how many jobs do low income people create? How much taxes are low income people contributing? Demonization of high income earners and companies solves nothing.

Corporations donate to politicians and politicians pay them back by passing laws to protect their corporations, the ACA is a fine example, and TARP...
so true....


I saw your picture? How do corporations have any power at all? I never seen the CEO of McDonalds come in and order me to do anything at all.
That is not what my post is about.

Our large corps seek and receive protection (bailouts, regulations, favorable taxation, etc) from the central government and in return, those corps give lots of money to politicians and the two major parties. A protection racket of sorts, much like the Mafia.

The criminal in this arrangement, is the central government.

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