Why are ranchers considered terrorists but not OWS?

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more than 50 other ranchers have been bankrupted, intimidated, and forced to give up their land and legal property rights. He is, he points out, “the last man standing”; and now that generations of ranching families have been driven out, federal officials have dropped the pretense that it is all about saving the “endangered” tortoise and have actually been killing the reptiles by the hundreds.

You guys keep repeating this marlarkey.

Federal funds are running out at the Desert Tortoise Conservation Center and officials plan to close the site and euthanize hundreds of the tortoises they've been caring for since the animals were added to the endangered species list in 1990.

"It's the lesser of two evils, but it's still evil," said U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service desert tortoise recovery coordinator Roy Averill-Murray during a visit to the soon-to-be-shuttered reserve at the southern edge of the Las Vegas Valley last week.
Back at the conservation center, a large refrigerator labeled "carcass freezer" hummed in the desert sun as scientists examined the facility's 1,400 inhabitants to find those hearty enough to release into the wild. Officials expect to euthanize more than half the animals in the coming months in preparation for closure at the end of 2014.

The desert tortoise is a survivor that has toddled around the Southwest for 200 million years. But ecologists say the loss of the conservation center represents a harmful blow in southern Nevada for an animal that has held onto some unfortunate evolutionary quirks that impede its coexistence with strip malls, new homes and solar plants.

Laws to protect the panicky plodders ban hikers from picking them up, since the animals are likely dehydrate themselves by voiding a year's worth of stored water when handled. When they're moved, they nearly always attempt to trudge back to their burrows, foiling attempts to keep them out of harm's way. They're also beset by respiratory infections and other illnesses.

No more than 100,000 tortoises are thought to survive in the habitat where millions once burrowed across parts of Utah, California, Arizona and Nevada.

The animals were once so abundant that tourists would scoop them up as souvenirs. Many quickly realized the shy grass-eaters don't make ideal pets. (For one thing, they can live for 100 years.) And once the species was classified as threatened on the endangered species list, people rushed to give them back.

Former pets make up the majority of the tortoises at the conservation center, where they spend their days staring down jackrabbits and ducking out of the sun into protective PVC piping tucked into the rocky desert floor. Most of these animals are not suitable for release, either infected with disease or otherwise too feeble to survive.
The ranchers in the area and around the country all agree bundy is a tax cheat ,him and his band of nutbag militiamen deserve jail time

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OWS actually terrorized many of the areas they occupied. People were actually injured and property was damaged. But the ranchers are the terrorists?

Does not compute

Where else would they protest? In free speech zones out in the desert? As far as I know, OWS people didn't show up armed like these wannabees did in Nevada.

They committed numerous crimes, on private property, without permission. They failed to clean up after they left. They allowed robbery, rape, drugs run through their camps while denying law enforcement to take care of the criminals.

They weren't protesting, they were living in anarchy.

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Well it kinda is..

Bullshit. When was the last time ANY OF US visited Clarke County Nevada?

Most likely never, now shut up troll

I've been to Nevada.

Actually..I've seen most of the country.

As have I but that's not the point. Were you at the Bundy ranch during this situation? No you weren't and the implications that not being there (getting out) means we're ill informed is idiotic. Being somewhere doesn't mean you're informed on its local events.

Next troll?
Organized gangs of armed men show up ready to use violence or the threat of violence strictly for the purpose of advancing or defending a particular political view that conflicts with the law of the land?

I would define that at the very least as a very close relative of terrorism.

btw, if you put that into the perspective of the Right, who believe that Muslims can be considered supporters of Islamic terrorism just for not expressing enough condemnation of it to suit the Right,

I'd say then that it's a very easy jump to defining these armed gangs calling themselves 'militias' as terrorists.
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good grief, rdean is on a repetitive roll again

the same ole same ole. they worship greed, but the greed was this administration, wanting this ranchers land and cattle (HIS AND HIS FAMILY'S LIVELIHOOD) and they were going to take it with BRUTE FORCE if necessary...how nice it seems you on the left see nothing wrong with that...but then they worship a group, the OWS that took over and occupied people's parks, capital buildings, etc....I guess that isn't greedy in your twisted minds to deny people access to place's THEY PAY TAXES on...personally I didn't give a crap about that group, they weren't a bother in my state, thankfully...This rancher did nothing to you personally (unless you planned on going to eat the grass his cattle was) but you hate him and his supporters for basically doing the same the OWS was...PROTESTING and taking a stand

just warped and twisted

rdean, You vote for and have some of the greediest, corrupted, wealthiest politicians (Reid, Pelosi, Kerry-Heinz, etc) in the Democrat party and stand by them calling American citizens, terrorist then accuse others of worshiping greed

I stood with OWS and I stand with Bundy and both for the same reason. As long as you people continue to argue politics and side with your "party", nothing in this country is going to get better, it'll only continue to get worse.
We are not talking about 10 years ago. We are talking about the tradition of cattle free grazing and Bundy is the last.

And "getting out" isn't a prerequisite for being informed.

Well it kinda is..

Bullshit. When was the last time ANY OF US visited Clarke County Nevada?

Most likely never, now shut up troll

In view of the fact that my daughter lives there, I am up there quite a bit. In fact, at least 4 times per year, sometimes 6.
Mormons control most all of the Clark County government, especially the Bunker family. Mormons do NOT want war with the US government. It took them over a hundred years to even get on the good side of the US government, and they want to stay that way. Bundyis a Mormon, and I suspect that he is going to get have a visit from church leaders pretty soon. He will not get any support from the church. At best, they will remain totally silent. To a Mormon, this is like a slap in the face. This guy is going to end up isolated and alienated from everybody who counts in Clark County. His only pals are going to be Idaho and Montana militia men. These are NOT the kind of people who win fights with the government.
We are not talking about 10 years ago. We are talking about the tradition of cattle free grazing and Bundy is the last.

And "getting out" isn't a prerequisite for being informed.

Well it kinda is..

Bullshit. When was the last time ANY OF US visited Clarke County Nevada?

Most likely never, now shut up troll

Las Vegas is in Clark County. I've been there 4-5 times, most recently about 6 months ago...
Bullshit. When was the last time ANY OF US visited Clarke County Nevada?

Most likely never, now shut up troll

I've been to Nevada.

Actually..I've seen most of the country.

As have I but that's not the point. Were you at the Bundy ranch during this situation? No you weren't and the implications that not being there (getting out) means we're ill informed is idiotic. Being somewhere doesn't mean you're informed on its local events.

Next troll?

Wait what?

I watched Bundy speak. He doesn't "recognize" the Federal Government.

Thus, he stopped paying taxes and fees.

He is in violation of the law.

And you folks didn't give one whit of concern when cops broke up the OWS camps. And did so in a rather violent manner in California.
I've been to Nevada.

Actually..I've seen most of the country.

As have I but that's not the point. Were you at the Bundy ranch during this situation? No you weren't and the implications that not being there (getting out) means we're ill informed is idiotic. Being somewhere doesn't mean you're informed on its local events.

Next troll?

Wait what?

I watched Bundy speak. He doesn't "recognize" the Federal Government.

Thus, he stopped paying taxes and fees.

He is in violation of the law.

And you folks didn't give one whit of concern when cops broke up the OWS camps. And did so in a rather violent manner in California.

I believe in Bundys cause. I didn't believe ows even had one. They were, to put it mildly, a disorganized mess.
Bullshit. When was the last time ANY OF US visited Clarke County Nevada?

Most likely never, now shut up troll

Las Vegas is in Clark County. I've been there 4-5 times, most recently about 6 months ago...

Im sorry I thought it was pretty obvious that we weren't talking about Vegas.

How is that "obvious" from your claim that "most likely none of us" have ever been to Clark County?
Las Vegas is in Clark County. I've been there 4-5 times, most recently about 6 months ago...

Im sorry I thought it was pretty obvious that we weren't talking about Vegas.

How is that "obvious" from your claim that "most likely none of us" have ever been to Clark County?

Bunkerville is about the halfway point between Las Vegas and Zion National Park and also the route to Bryce Canyon National Park. Millions of people take that route in both directions every year. It's a fantastic motorcycle run, one of the best in the country IMO. Desert in Nevada, Canyon's as you enter Utah and eventually the Rockies. Coming from the east you pop out of the Canyon's and have a day run that finish's up in Las Vegas.
The muslim terrorist killing Americans at Fort Hood wasn't a "terrorist" to Democraps, but ranchers protesting without firing a shot....are terrorists.

That about sums up the scum called Democraps.
Protesting with semi auto weapons putting women and children in the front line so if there is violence they are the first
Real men
Real patriots
Real scum

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Organized gangs of armed men show up ready to use violence or the threat of violence strictly for the purpose of advancing or defending a particular political view that conflicts with the law of the land?

I would define that at the very least as a very close relative of terrorism.

btw, if you put that into the perspective of the Right, who believe that Muslims can be considered supporters of Islamic terrorism just for not expressing enough condemnation of it to suit the Right,

I'd say then that it's a very easy jump to defining these armed gangs calling themselves 'militias' as terrorists.


In order to be consistent with their accusations of ‘Islamic terrorism,’ conservatives would need to condemn armed militia movements as terrorist organizations as well.

Of course, conservatives are for the most part hypocrites and inconsistent.

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