Why are ranchers considered terrorists but not OWS?

I only know one rancher like that. He's a welfare queen. Getting for free what every other rancher in the country pays for.

It's strange the way right wingers only seem to have the lowest values and morals of others. When you point out what Bush did, the right wingers say, "But Clinton". When you point out Republicans having strategy sessions charged to the GOP base at a faux bondage lesbian bar, they say, but Democrats did something else.

It's as if they have no morals or values beyond what they imagine others have. Their defense is always, "But they did it first" as if that absolves them of any wrong doing.

This is the first time I ever heard of a rancher refusing to pay the federal government grazing fees and they have turned him into a hero, along with Zimmerman, Koresh, and others of that ilk.

You quote yourself like you're in 3rd person. What the hell is wrong with you? And you didn't even answer the op
And he absolutely projects well, doesn't he? Trick is...WE are onto him...:eusa_shhh:
let me hazard a guess.....OWS are dependent deadbeats who need the government while ranchers are independent people who work for a living and don't want government interference in their lives...

Both were fighting for just causes.

'income equality' is a just cause....? that's really just more socialism nonsense...

a few had good points.....like the corruption between government and business...

The main contention among OWS was Too Big To Fail, certainly a just cause.
Both were fighting for just causes.

'income equality' is a just cause....? that's really just more socialism nonsense...

a few had good points.....like the corruption between government and business...

The main contention among OWS was Too Big To Fail, certainly a just cause.

Not according to the right wing. For them, it's "Never Big Enough".

Look at them protesting a group that was protesting Wall Street for bringing down the economy. But making a hero out of a man who refused to pay the fees every other rancher in the US pays.

It's like they worship "greed".
I seem to recall several OWS being arrested. Regardless, peaceful protest isn't illegal. Hindering a police action is.
'income equality' is a just cause....? that's really just more socialism nonsense...

a few had good points.....like the corruption between government and business...

The main contention among OWS was Too Big To Fail, certainly a just cause.

Not according to the right wing. For them, it's "Never Big Enough".

Look at them protesting a group that was protesting Wall Street for bringing down the economy. But making a hero out of a man who refused to pay the fees every other rancher in the US pays.

It's like they worship "greed".

Every other rancher?

You're clueless. EVERY OTHER RANCHER was run off in Nevada.

I bet you have no idea how many free grazers there are in America.

I bet your Google knows....get busy tool
good grief, rdean is on a repetitive roll again

the same ole same ole. they worship greed, but the greed was this administration, wanting this ranchers land and cattle (HIS AND HIS FAMILY'S LIVELIHOOD) and they were going to take it with BRUTE FORCE if necessary...how nice it seems you on the left see nothing wrong with that...but then they worship a group, the OWS that took over and occupied people's parks, capital buildings, etc....I guess that isn't greedy in your twisted minds to deny people access to place's THEY PAY TAXES on...personally I didn't give a crap about that group, they weren't a bother in my state, thankfully...This rancher did nothing to you personally (unless you planned on going to eat the grass his cattle was) but you hate him and his supporters for basically doing the same the OWS was...PROTESTING and taking a stand

just warped and twisted

rdean, You vote for and have some of the greediest, corrupted, wealthiest politicians (Reid, Pelosi, Kerry-Heinz, etc) in the Democrat party and stand by them calling American citizens, terrorist then accuse others of worshiping greed
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OWS actually terrorized many of the areas they occupied. People were actually injured and property was damaged. But the ranchers are the terrorists?

Does not compute

Prior to calling in a bunch of fruitloopy militia men, Bundy was not considered a terrorist, just a criminal illegally using public land. About the same class of person as those that do the illegal grow operations on BLM and Forest Service land.

And don't try to paint all ranchers as people like Bundy. I have people in my family that are ranchers, and they are not criminals.
The main contention among OWS was Too Big To Fail, certainly a just cause.

Not according to the right wing. For them, it's "Never Big Enough".

Look at them protesting a group that was protesting Wall Street for bringing down the economy. But making a hero out of a man who refused to pay the fees every other rancher in the US pays.

It's like they worship "greed".

Every other rancher?

You're clueless. EVERY OTHER RANCHER was run off in Nevada.

I bet you have no idea how many free grazers there are in America.

I bet your Google knows....get busy tool

Free grazers? What the hell are you talking about? You pay grazing fees if you use public land. And, no, every other rancher was not ran off in Nevada. The area there is currently in a decades long drought. And, even in the best of times, the land is marginal for ranching.

But, the truth is irrelevant to you Rightwingnut fruitloops. You want a shooting war with the rest of us. You want your chance to emulate the Brownshirts. If you get such, you are going to be dismayed at the outcome.
The main contention among OWS was Too Big To Fail, certainly a just cause.

Not according to the right wing. For them, it's "Never Big Enough".

Look at them protesting a group that was protesting Wall Street for bringing down the economy. But making a hero out of a man who refused to pay the fees every other rancher in the US pays.

It's like they worship "greed".

Every other rancher?

You're clueless. EVERY OTHER RANCHER was run off in Nevada.

I bet you have no idea how many free grazers there are in America.

I bet your Google knows....get busy tool

I'm sorry. I missed your link. Did it get deleted?
"Listen up, Pilgrim". This here is free grazin' land, and we don't cotton to no barbed wire salesmen or sheep herders, so saddle up, and let me see the West end of your horse headed East...."
"Every other rancher?

You're clueless. EVERY OTHER RANCHER was run off in Nevada."

You don't get out much, do you gramps? I lived in Nevada for over 10 years, and there are thousands of ranchers in Nevada. And that doesn't even include the Moonlight Bunny Ranch....
OWS actually terrorized many of the areas they occupied. People were actually injured and property was damaged. But the ranchers are the terrorists?

Does not compute

You're making the mistake of being logical and expecting equal treatment under the Rule of Law.

We now live in a country where the Whim of the Bureaucrat is used to silence political enemies.

Got it?
"Every other rancher?

You're clueless. EVERY OTHER RANCHER was run off in Nevada."

You don't get out much, do you gramps? I lived in Nevada for over 10 years, and there are thousands of ranchers in Nevada. And that doesn't even include the Moonlight Bunny Ranch....

Every other rancher was driven out of business in Clark County.
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OWS actually terrorized many of the areas they occupied. People were actually injured and property was damaged. But the ranchers are the terrorists?

Does not compute

You're making the mistake of being logical and expecting equal treatment under the Rule of Law.

We now live in a country where the Whim of the Bureaucrat is used to silence political enemies.

Got it?

OWS actually terrorized many of the areas they occupied. People were actually injured and property was damaged. But the ranchers are the terrorists?

Does not compute

Clive Bundy is not considered a terrorist. At least not yet. He's a criminal.

The "Oath Takers", yeah..those are terrorists.

Much has been written about Bundy’s belief that he is not beholden to the laws of the United States, why he hates America, and why conservative media and Fox News rushed to defend Bundy and encourage right wing militias, but there is a dearth of information about one of Bundy’s greatest supporters. Fox News not only gave criminal Bundy air time to spread his insane anarchist’s views about why the nation’s laws apply to everyone but him, but they also provided a national forum for a dangerous vigilante, former sheriff, board member of Oath Keepers militia, Mormon, and John Birch acolyte Richard Mack. Bundy likely got the idea to order the local sheriff to disarm and confiscate Park Service and federal agents’ firearms and deliver them directly to him from Richard Mack. In fact, on Fox News Bundy told Sean Hannity that “We’re standing, and we’re going to stand until all county sheriffs take the guns away from all those federal bureaucracies, and then we’ll start making America great one more time.”
How Fox News Gave Cliven Bundy a National Forum to Incite Violence Against the Government
"Every other rancher?

You're clueless. EVERY OTHER RANCHER was run off in Nevada."

You don't get out much, do you gramps? I lived in Nevada for over 10 years, and there are thousands of ranchers in Nevada. And that doesn't even include the Moonlight Bunny Ranch....

We are not talking about 10 years ago. We are talking about the tradition of cattle free grazing and Bundy is the last.

And "getting out" isn't a prerequisite for being informed.
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more than 50 other ranchers have been bankrupted, intimidated, and forced to give up their land and legal property rights. He is, he points out, “the last man standing”; and now that generations of ranching families have been driven out, federal officials have dropped the pretense that it is all about saving the “endangered” tortoise and have actually been killing the reptiles by the hundreds.
"Every other rancher?

You're clueless. EVERY OTHER RANCHER was run off in Nevada."

You don't get out much, do you gramps? I lived in Nevada for over 10 years, and there are thousands of ranchers in Nevada. And that doesn't even include the Moonlight Bunny Ranch....

We are not talking about 10 years ago. We are talking about the tradition of cattle free grazing and Bundy is the last.

And "getting out" isn't a prerequisite for being informed.

Well it kinda is..
"Every other rancher?

You're clueless. EVERY OTHER RANCHER was run off in Nevada."

You don't get out much, do you gramps? I lived in Nevada for over 10 years, and there are thousands of ranchers in Nevada. And that doesn't even include the Moonlight Bunny Ranch....

We are not talking about 10 years ago. We are talking about the tradition of cattle free grazing and Bundy is the last.

And "getting out" isn't a prerequisite for being informed.

Well it kinda is..

Bullshit. When was the last time ANY OF US visited Clarke County Nevada?

Most likely never, now shut up troll

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