Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Cut and Paste University

Surely you can defend your words....can't you?

Here's a chance:
Several times you have used the term 'cut and paste' as a pejorative, but when I ask you to explain your attempt, you run and hide.

I infer that you were simply trying to object to the posts without a legitimate reason to do so.
That's the truth....isn't it: you're effectively defenseless in the face of well supported posts.

Let me suggest that you don't have the breadth or depth of knowledge that would allow you to draw on the number of sources that would allow you to 'cut and paste.'

Can you....one of those who never deviates from the messages of the NYTimes, the DNC, MSNBC, etc... Liberal plagiarism.......explain what problem you.could possibly have with substance posted via copy and paste?
As a graduate of CPU (Cut and Paste University) you learned how passing off the work of others in lieu of original thought is acceptable academics

Makes for a great future Trump Voter

Soooo....you imagine (I almost said 'think') my amazingly accurate posts....the ones you are unable to dent....are put together in a random fashion?

So, I've gotten you to lie again?

Reminder: every post of mine is a creation based on original thought, sourced and linked, and the basic thought behind each is to destroy you and every Liberal meme.

And I do.

Now....you explanation for the plagiarism in which you engage by not giving credit to the DNC, MSNBC, the NYTimes, etc.?

You do so because you are a low-life, and not bright enough to do the job I do?

Original thought my ass..

You're the little lying weazel who told these lies about me, aren't you?
I know it's gilding the lily to prove you a liar.....you do that so well all by yourself...but....I challenge you to find my quotes that prove your lie:

1. "...all the brown people you discriminate against..."

2. "...your hate of brown people is well noted..."

3. "....you edited your original OP to exclude your use of brown people..."
Still waiting, you lying low-life.
Inauguration 'Brown-Out'???

"I know, you are such a bitch when it comes to truth and honesty in positioning yourself,, and the demeaning manner you pretend to be white..."
The Danger of Democrats....

Still can't back up any of those?

Then you can return to the sewer where you belong.
Yes you do have bad habit of doing what you accuse others of doing..And I bet you steal candy from poor babies..
More valuable than a degree from Trump University

C'mon....you know my alma mater.
Cut and Paste University

Surely you can defend your words....can't you?

Here's a chance:
Several times you have used the term 'cut and paste' as a pejorative, but when I ask you to explain your attempt, you run and hide.

I infer that you were simply trying to object to the posts without a legitimate reason to do so.
That's the truth....isn't it: you're effectively defenseless in the face of well supported posts.

Let me suggest that you don't have the breadth or depth of knowledge that would allow you to draw on the number of sources that would allow you to 'cut and paste.'

Can you....one of those who never deviates from the messages of the NYTimes, the DNC, MSNBC, etc... Liberal plagiarism.......explain what problem you.could possibly have with substance posted via copy and paste?
As a graduate of CPU (Cut and Paste University) you learned how passing off the work of others in lieu of original thought is acceptable academics

Makes for a great future Trump Voter

Soooo....you imagine (I almost said 'think') my amazingly accurate posts....the ones you are unable to dent....are put together in a random fashion?

So, I've gotten you to lie again?

Reminder: every post of mine is a creation based on original thought, sourced and linked, and the basic thought behind each is to destroy you and every Liberal meme.

And I do.

Now....you explanation for the plagiarism in which you engage by not giving credit to the DNC, MSNBC, the NYTimes, etc.?

You do so because you are a low-life, and not bright enough to do the job I do?


C'mon....you know my alma mater.
Cut and Paste University

Surely you can defend your words....can't you?

Here's a chance:
Several times you have used the term 'cut and paste' as a pejorative, but when I ask you to explain your attempt, you run and hide.

I infer that you were simply trying to object to the posts without a legitimate reason to do so.
That's the truth....isn't it: you're effectively defenseless in the face of well supported posts.

Let me suggest that you don't have the breadth or depth of knowledge that would allow you to draw on the number of sources that would allow you to 'cut and paste.'

Can you....one of those who never deviates from the messages of the NYTimes, the DNC, MSNBC, etc... Liberal plagiarism.......explain what problem you.could possibly have with substance posted via copy and paste?
As a graduate of CPU (Cut and Paste University) you learned how passing off the work of others in lieu of original thought is acceptable academics

Makes for a great future Trump Voter

Soooo....you imagine (I almost said 'think') my amazingly accurate posts....the ones you are unable to dent....are put together in a random fashion?

So, I've gotten you to lie again?

Reminder: every post of mine is a creation based on original thought, sourced and linked, and the basic thought behind each is to destroy you and every Liberal meme.

And I do.

Now....you explanation for the plagiarism in which you engage by not giving credit to the DNC, MSNBC, the NYTimes, etc.?

You do so because you are a low-life, and not bright enough to do the job I do?



Now....your explanation for the plagiarism in which you engage by not giving credit to the DNC, MSNBC, the NYTimes, etc.?

You do so because you are a low-life, and not bright enough to do the job I do?
It is the business of those trying to justify why charities are superior to government welfare

Not at all. There is nothing the government does, other than write checks, which is more efficient or done better by private industry.
Private charity is incapable of providing the service government does

Here's the job that Liberal welfare policy does:

"The government’s own statistics show that people who are said to be “living in poverty” spend more than $1.50 for each dollar of income they claim." http://theghostfighters.wordpress.c...ding-ovation-the-faculty-were-deathly-silent/
Nobody hates the poor, what a stupid thing to say. Conservatives generally believe it's better to create an environment where the poor can help themselves as opposed to making them dependent of the gov't.

Proven over and over.

" In fact, since

President Obama took office, federal welfare

spending has increased by 41 percent, more

than $193 billion per year. Despite this government largess, more than 46 million Americans continue to live in poverty. Despite nearly $15

trillion in total welfare spending since Lyndon

Johnson declared war on poverty in 1964, the

poverty rate is perilously close to where we began more than 40 years ago.

Throwing money at the problem has neither

reduced poverty nor made the poor self-sufficient."
Had nothing to do with Obama, everything with the corrupt GOP/Booosh meltdown of 2008 DUHHHH, dupe.
Cut and Paste University

Surely you can defend your words....can't you?

Here's a chance:
Several times you have used the term 'cut and paste' as a pejorative, but when I ask you to explain your attempt, you run and hide.

I infer that you were simply trying to object to the posts without a legitimate reason to do so.
That's the truth....isn't it: you're effectively defenseless in the face of well supported posts.

Let me suggest that you don't have the breadth or depth of knowledge that would allow you to draw on the number of sources that would allow you to 'cut and paste.'

Can you....one of those who never deviates from the messages of the NYTimes, the DNC, MSNBC, etc... Liberal plagiarism.......explain what problem you.could possibly have with substance posted via copy and paste?
As a graduate of CPU (Cut and Paste University) you learned how passing off the work of others in lieu of original thought is acceptable academics

Makes for a great future Trump Voter

Soooo....you imagine (I almost said 'think') my amazingly accurate posts....the ones you are unable to dent....are put together in a random fashion?

So, I've gotten you to lie again?

Reminder: every post of mine is a creation based on original thought, sourced and linked, and the basic thought behind each is to destroy you and every Liberal meme.

And I do.

Now....you explanation for the plagiarism in which you engage by not giving credit to the DNC, MSNBC, the NYTimes, etc.?

You do so because you are a low-life, and not bright enough to do the job I do?



Now....your explanation for the plagiarism in which you engage by not giving credit to the DNC, MSNBC, the NYTimes, etc.?

You do so because you are a low-life, and not bright enough to do the job I do?
Sad you are incapable of original thought

I guess that is why conservatism is so attractive to you
Surely you can defend your words....can't you?

Here's a chance:
Several times you have used the term 'cut and paste' as a pejorative, but when I ask you to explain your attempt, you run and hide.

I infer that you were simply trying to object to the posts without a legitimate reason to do so.
That's the truth....isn't it: you're effectively defenseless in the face of well supported posts.

Let me suggest that you don't have the breadth or depth of knowledge that would allow you to draw on the number of sources that would allow you to 'cut and paste.'

Can you....one of those who never deviates from the messages of the NYTimes, the DNC, MSNBC, etc... Liberal plagiarism.......explain what problem you.could possibly have with substance posted via copy and paste?
As a graduate of CPU (Cut and Paste University) you learned how passing off the work of others in lieu of original thought is acceptable academics

Makes for a great future Trump Voter

Soooo....you imagine (I almost said 'think') my amazingly accurate posts....the ones you are unable to dent....are put together in a random fashion?

So, I've gotten you to lie again?

Reminder: every post of mine is a creation based on original thought, sourced and linked, and the basic thought behind each is to destroy you and every Liberal meme.

And I do.

Now....you explanation for the plagiarism in which you engage by not giving credit to the DNC, MSNBC, the NYTimes, etc.?

You do so because you are a low-life, and not bright enough to do the job I do?



Now....your explanation for the plagiarism in which you engage by not giving credit to the DNC, MSNBC, the NYTimes, etc.?

You do so because you are a low-life, and not bright enough to do the job I do?
Sad you are incapable of original thought

I guess that is why conservatism is so attractive to you

It's late....time for you to slither back under the rock.
Again, your claim is the reports were written two years before the attacks, why didn't Clinton have a plan in place? Seems to me if the threat was as serious as claimed, the Clinton administration would have been all over it and would have captured Bin Laden when he had been given the chance.

If you can't answer the question or don't understand the question or just want to play stupid, it is all good with me. You are confirming what everyone already knows.
Only fake news says Clinton ignored any clues, dupe- unlike W. He was also busy defending himself against a tidal wave of GOP bs propaganda for 8 years. You and your party are a disgrace.

Dude, you are the one saying he knew ahead of time, go read your post!!! LOL! You don't know what the hell you post? Are you really as dumb as you appear to be?
Bush was totally incompetent. So much evidence of that, NOT for Clinton. DUH.
Please post the exact information that Bush had that Bubba did not.
What do you want, a diagram? lol
No, a simple list will do, with corroboration, of course.
It is the business of those trying to justify why charities are superior to government welfare

Not at all. There is nothing the government does, other than write checks, which is more efficient or done better by private industry.
Private charity is incapable of providing the service government does

In Louisiana, Private Disaster Relief Outperforms the Government | Kevin Boyd
Kevin Boyd
August 22, 2016

The recent flooding that hit Louisiana is the worst natural disaster to hit the United States since Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey in 2012. So far we know that at least 13 are dead and tens of thousands were left homeless in the flooding. Even worse, most of those affected do not have flood insurance. Up to $21 billion worth of housing stock was wiped out by the deluge of rain.

The recovery will be long and difficult in one of the poorest states in the country. There is the challenge of finding employment and housing for all these displaced people. Given the fact that Louisiana is a hot and humid state most of the year, there will also be the issues of dealing with mold and increased injuries as people try to rebuild.

But one of the greatest stories of the Louisiana flooding is how the people and free markets are playing a role in helping to both rescue people and deliver relief much quicker than the government.

Citizens to the Rescue

The rains that swamped parts of Louisiana over a period of a few days were relentless. Local governments and first responders were overwhelmed with calls for help from people trapped in their homes by rising waters.

Instead of waiting for the government to come rescue them, the people of Louisiana used their own boats to save their neighbors.Instead of waiting for the government to come rescue them, the people of Louisiana used their own privately-owned boats to save their neighbors. This "Cajun Navy" drew its ranks and fleet from Louisiana's large numbers of sportsmen. People who needed rescue contacted a Facebook group and the boats used smartphone apps such as the GPS app Glympse and the walkie talkie app Zello to coordinate. The “Cajun Navy” was responsible for saving the lives of thousands of Louisianians and their pets and livestock.
It is the business of those trying to justify why charities are superior to government welfare

Not at all. There is nothing the government does, other than write checks, which is more efficient or done better by private industry.
Private charity is incapable of providing the service government does

In Louisiana, Private Disaster Relief Outperforms the Government | Kevin Boyd
Kevin Boyd
August 22, 2016

The recent flooding that hit Louisiana is the worst natural disaster to hit the United States since Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey in 2012. So far we know that at least 13 are dead and tens of thousands were left homeless in the flooding. Even worse, most of those affected do not have flood insurance. Up to $21 billion worth of housing stock was wiped out by the deluge of rain.

The recovery will be long and difficult in one of the poorest states in the country. There is the challenge of finding employment and housing for all these displaced people. Given the fact that Louisiana is a hot and humid state most of the year, there will also be the issues of dealing with mold and increased injuries as people try to rebuild.

But one of the greatest stories of the Louisiana flooding is how the people and free markets are playing a role in helping to both rescue people and deliver relief much quicker than the government.

Citizens to the Rescue

The rains that swamped parts of Louisiana over a period of a few days were relentless. Local governments and first responders were overwhelmed with calls for help from people trapped in their homes by rising waters.

Instead of waiting for the government to come rescue them, the people of Louisiana used their own boats to save their neighbors.Instead of waiting for the government to come rescue them, the people of Louisiana used their own privately-owned boats to save their neighbors. This "Cajun Navy" drew its ranks and fleet from Louisiana's large numbers of sportsmen. People who needed rescue contacted a Facebook group and the boats used smartphone apps such as the GPS app Glympse and the walkie talkie app Zello to coordinate. The “Cajun Navy” was responsible for saving the lives of thousands of Louisianians and their pets and livestock.

Walmart to the rescue...

One of the few success stories from Hurricane Katrina was how Walmart was able to deliver food, water, diapers, baby formula, and other needed essentials into the storm ravaged areas. The retailer was able to utilize its impressive logistical infrastructure to send trucks where they were needed to deliver goods when their customers needed them.

Walmart proved to be a miracle worker once again. The corporation has its own on-staff meteorologists that gave constant weather updates in order to determine where trucks needed to be. Plus, the company was able shift deliveries from nearby distribution centers and stores to the disaster area. Finally, the company was able to prioritize deliveries of products such as water and diapers while shifting other items to other stores.

There were numerous stories of private individuals and companies stepping up to help their neighbors in need. Sarah Joy Hays became a one-woman FEMA, delivering tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of relief supplies. She set up a GoFundMe account and ensured transparency by listing the items she needed on an Amazon Wish List. Her operation was so successful that Trader Joe’s Community Outreach used her to distribute supplies to their employees. She got those supplies around by using Uber to move volunteers and goods, on Trader Joe’s dime. Ironically, she became the point of contact for the local mail carriers’ union as well.

It is the business of those trying to justify why charities are superior to government welfare

Not at all. There is nothing the government does, other than write checks, which is more efficient or done better by private industry.
Private charity is incapable of providing the service government does

In Louisiana, Private Disaster Relief Outperforms the Government | Kevin Boyd
Kevin Boyd
August 22, 2016

The recent flooding that hit Louisiana is the worst natural disaster to hit the United States since Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey in 2012. So far we know that at least 13 are dead and tens of thousands were left homeless in the flooding. Even worse, most of those affected do not have flood insurance. Up to $21 billion worth of housing stock was wiped out by the deluge of rain.

The recovery will be long and difficult in one of the poorest states in the country. There is the challenge of finding employment and housing for all these displaced people. Given the fact that Louisiana is a hot and humid state most of the year, there will also be the issues of dealing with mold and increased injuries as people try to rebuild.

But one of the greatest stories of the Louisiana flooding is how the people and free markets are playing a role in helping to both rescue people and deliver relief much quicker than the government.

Citizens to the Rescue

The rains that swamped parts of Louisiana over a period of a few days were relentless. Local governments and first responders were overwhelmed with calls for help from people trapped in their homes by rising waters.

Instead of waiting for the government to come rescue them, the people of Louisiana used their own boats to save their neighbors.Instead of waiting for the government to come rescue them, the people of Louisiana used their own privately-owned boats to save their neighbors. This "Cajun Navy" drew its ranks and fleet from Louisiana's large numbers of sportsmen. People who needed rescue contacted a Facebook group and the boats used smartphone apps such as the GPS app Glympse and the walkie talkie app Zello to coordinate. The “Cajun Navy” was responsible for saving the lives of thousands of Louisianians and their pets and livestock.

Walmart to the rescue...

One of the few success stories from Hurricane Katrina was how Walmart was able to deliver food, water, diapers, baby formula, and other needed essentials into the storm ravaged areas. The retailer was able to utilize its impressive logistical infrastructure to send trucks where they were needed to deliver goods when their customers needed them.

Walmart proved to be a miracle worker once again. The corporation has its own on-staff meteorologists that gave constant weather updates in order to determine where trucks needed to be. Plus, the company was able shift deliveries from nearby distribution centers and stores to the disaster area. Finally, the company was able to prioritize deliveries of products such as water and diapers while shifting other items to other stores.

There were numerous stories of private individuals and companies stepping up to help their neighbors in need. Sarah Joy Hays became a one-woman FEMA, delivering tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of relief supplies. She set up a GoFundMe account and ensured transparency by listing the items she needed on an Amazon Wish List. Her operation was so successful that Trader Joe’s Community Outreach used her to distribute supplies to their employees. She got those supplies around by using Uber to move volunteers and goods, on Trader Joe’s dime. Ironically, she became the point of contact for the local mail carriers’ union as well.

And, yet, I lived through Katrina, and spent 6 months rebuilding my home, while living off of combat rations and water distributed daily by the National guard, without ever encountering anyone from Walmart doing anything for us, in spite of the fact that one was located less than 2 miles from where I lived.....
It is the business of those trying to justify why charities are superior to government welfare

Not at all. There is nothing the government does, other than write checks, which is more efficient or done better by private industry.
Private charity is incapable of providing the service government does

In Louisiana, Private Disaster Relief Outperforms the Government | Kevin Boyd
Kevin Boyd
August 22, 2016

The recent flooding that hit Louisiana is the worst natural disaster to hit the United States since Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey in 2012. So far we know that at least 13 are dead and tens of thousands were left homeless in the flooding. Even worse, most of those affected do not have flood insurance. Up to $21 billion worth of housing stock was wiped out by the deluge of rain.

The recovery will be long and difficult in one of the poorest states in the country. There is the challenge of finding employment and housing for all these displaced people. Given the fact that Louisiana is a hot and humid state most of the year, there will also be the issues of dealing with mold and increased injuries as people try to rebuild.

But one of the greatest stories of the Louisiana flooding is how the people and free markets are playing a role in helping to both rescue people and deliver relief much quicker than the government.

Citizens to the Rescue

The rains that swamped parts of Louisiana over a period of a few days were relentless. Local governments and first responders were overwhelmed with calls for help from people trapped in their homes by rising waters.

Instead of waiting for the government to come rescue them, the people of Louisiana used their own boats to save their neighbors.Instead of waiting for the government to come rescue them, the people of Louisiana used their own privately-owned boats to save their neighbors. This "Cajun Navy" drew its ranks and fleet from Louisiana's large numbers of sportsmen. People who needed rescue contacted a Facebook group and the boats used smartphone apps such as the GPS app Glympse and the walkie talkie app Zello to coordinate. The “Cajun Navy” was responsible for saving the lives of thousands of Louisianians and their pets and livestock.

Walmart to the rescue...

One of the few success stories from Hurricane Katrina was how Walmart was able to deliver food, water, diapers, baby formula, and other needed essentials into the storm ravaged areas. The retailer was able to utilize its impressive logistical infrastructure to send trucks where they were needed to deliver goods when their customers needed them.

Walmart proved to be a miracle worker once again. The corporation has its own on-staff meteorologists that gave constant weather updates in order to determine where trucks needed to be. Plus, the company was able shift deliveries from nearby distribution centers and stores to the disaster area. Finally, the company was able to prioritize deliveries of products such as water and diapers while shifting other items to other stores.

There were numerous stories of private individuals and companies stepping up to help their neighbors in need. Sarah Joy Hays became a one-woman FEMA, delivering tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of relief supplies. She set up a GoFundMe account and ensured transparency by listing the items she needed on an Amazon Wish List. Her operation was so successful that Trader Joe’s Community Outreach used her to distribute supplies to their employees. She got those supplies around by using Uber to move volunteers and goods, on Trader Joe’s dime. Ironically, she became the point of contact for the local mail carriers’ union as well.

And, yet, I lived through Katrina, and spent 6 months rebuilding my home, while living off of combat rations and water distributed daily by the National guard, without ever encountering anyone from Walmart doing anything for us, in spite of the fact that one was located less than 2 miles from where I lived.....

Was it open? Did it look like a store in socialist Venezuela?

What makes society better are people helping people out---not government helping people out. When government helps people out, it becomes political and expensive like Commie Care. People become entitled and dependent on government.

Then when you even suggest that we get rid of some of that government, people make idiotic comparisons like to slavery, 14 hour days in sweat shops, and Somalia. To those people, even the slightest reduction in government is the end of the Fn world.
People helping people out works when you have a small community and a family loses their house to a fire. Everyone chips in to help them

What happens when an entire community loses all its jobs? What happens when a hurricane wipes out one third of a state? Passing the hat does not work
Private charities spend a good portion of their resources just on fund raising. Government has a steady flow of revenue with funds budgeted to help the needy
Why don't people become dependent on private charities? Government offers job training, educational benefits, small business loans to help people out of poverty......charities don't

For one, private charities give to help those truly in need. Government on the other hand passes out money to those for the asking.

Long term disaster relief and house fires are two different things. To put it another way, do you really believe that if we ended welfare as we know it today, that charity contributions would be the same or less? Of course not. Americans are the most generous people in the world. Private donations would increase ten fold.

When government wastes money, it's barely reported. If you wish to give to a charity, you can look up exactly where every penny goes on the site Charity Navigator. org. They tell you how much the charity collects, how much they pay out, how much they use for advertising, how much the use for administration, everything. So unlike government, if you believe the charity you had in minds wastes too much money, you simply don't give to that charity.

Marvin Olasky, in "The Tragedy of American Compassion," explains that human needs were taken care of by other human beings- not by bureaucracies. The important difference was that the latter may take care of food and shelter...but the former also dealt with the human spirit and behavior.
Welfare programs today, are Liberal….conservatives don’t look for material solutions, but understand that changing values is what solves the problem of poverty..
Only in right wing fantasy. Bail out the wealthiest, and then, let it trickle down, is government policy.
we have had leftiest socialist dogma for a 100 years running the country why are there still poor people? Funny thing is the only time we do have less poor is when we stop using socialist dogma ...
Nothing but right wing propaganda and rhetoric. We have the Best form of Socialism in the entire world; not only can the wealthiest keep their multimillion dollar bonuses while on means tested corporate welfare, the poor can still have steak and lobster on their EBT cards.
Nobody hates the poor, what a stupid thing to say. Conservatives generally believe it's better to create an environment where the poor can help themselves as opposed to making them dependent of the gov't.
just right wing propaganda and rhetoric at the expense of the poor; when the rich can be considered, "too big to fail" and get a socialized bailout that even lets them keep their multimillion dollar bonuses.
Nobody hates the poor, what a stupid thing to say. Conservatives generally believe it's better to create an environment where the poor can help themselves as opposed to making them dependent of the gov't.

Absolutely! Nothing teaches a drowning man how to swim as effectively as telling him to fend for himself as he is going down for the third time!
social Darwinism for the poor, a socialized bailout for the rich.
Nobody hates the poor, what a stupid thing to say. Conservatives generally believe it's better to create an environment where the poor can help themselves as opposed to making them dependent of the gov't.

Proven over and over.

" In fact, since

President Obama took office, federal welfare

spending has increased by 41 percent, more

than $193 billion per year. Despite this government largess, more than 46 million Americans continue to live in poverty. Despite nearly $15

trillion in total welfare spending since Lyndon

Johnson declared war on poverty in 1964, the

poverty rate is perilously close to where we began more than 40 years ago.

Throwing money at the problem has neither

reduced poverty nor made the poor self-sufficient."
increasing defense spending never engenders more peace.
Not at all. There is nothing the government does, other than write checks, which is more efficient or done better by private industry.
Private charity is incapable of providing the service government does

In Louisiana, Private Disaster Relief Outperforms the Government | Kevin Boyd
Kevin Boyd
August 22, 2016

The recent flooding that hit Louisiana is the worst natural disaster to hit the United States since Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey in 2012. So far we know that at least 13 are dead and tens of thousands were left homeless in the flooding. Even worse, most of those affected do not have flood insurance. Up to $21 billion worth of housing stock was wiped out by the deluge of rain.

The recovery will be long and difficult in one of the poorest states in the country. There is the challenge of finding employment and housing for all these displaced people. Given the fact that Louisiana is a hot and humid state most of the year, there will also be the issues of dealing with mold and increased injuries as people try to rebuild.

But one of the greatest stories of the Louisiana flooding is how the people and free markets are playing a role in helping to both rescue people and deliver relief much quicker than the government.

Citizens to the Rescue

The rains that swamped parts of Louisiana over a period of a few days were relentless. Local governments and first responders were overwhelmed with calls for help from people trapped in their homes by rising waters.

Instead of waiting for the government to come rescue them, the people of Louisiana used their own boats to save their neighbors.Instead of waiting for the government to come rescue them, the people of Louisiana used their own privately-owned boats to save their neighbors. This "Cajun Navy" drew its ranks and fleet from Louisiana's large numbers of sportsmen. People who needed rescue contacted a Facebook group and the boats used smartphone apps such as the GPS app Glympse and the walkie talkie app Zello to coordinate. The “Cajun Navy” was responsible for saving the lives of thousands of Louisianians and their pets and livestock.

Walmart to the rescue...

One of the few success stories from Hurricane Katrina was how Walmart was able to deliver food, water, diapers, baby formula, and other needed essentials into the storm ravaged areas. The retailer was able to utilize its impressive logistical infrastructure to send trucks where they were needed to deliver goods when their customers needed them.

Walmart proved to be a miracle worker once again. The corporation has its own on-staff meteorologists that gave constant weather updates in order to determine where trucks needed to be. Plus, the company was able shift deliveries from nearby distribution centers and stores to the disaster area. Finally, the company was able to prioritize deliveries of products such as water and diapers while shifting other items to other stores.

There were numerous stories of private individuals and companies stepping up to help their neighbors in need. Sarah Joy Hays became a one-woman FEMA, delivering tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of relief supplies. She set up a GoFundMe account and ensured transparency by listing the items she needed on an Amazon Wish List. Her operation was so successful that Trader Joe’s Community Outreach used her to distribute supplies to their employees. She got those supplies around by using Uber to move volunteers and goods, on Trader Joe’s dime. Ironically, she became the point of contact for the local mail carriers’ union as well.

And, yet, I lived through Katrina, and spent 6 months rebuilding my home, while living off of combat rations and water distributed daily by the National guard, without ever encountering anyone from Walmart doing anything for us, in spite of the fact that one was located less than 2 miles from where I lived.....

Was it open? Did it look like a store in socialist Venezuela?

View attachment 119954

Not only was it not open, the National guard moved in, and did not let anyone to drive into the city for three weeks. Since the electricity was off, no one was allowed to open any stores until all the rotten frozen food had been cleaned out of the stores, and all the fixtures were sterilized. That took another two weeks. So, in short, the whole thing about Walmart driving trucks in and giving away diapers was bullshit. The only private charities that were there for us was the Red Cross and the food bank.
Private charity is incapable of providing the service government does

In Louisiana, Private Disaster Relief Outperforms the Government | Kevin Boyd
Kevin Boyd
August 22, 2016

The recent flooding that hit Louisiana is the worst natural disaster to hit the United States since Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey in 2012. So far we know that at least 13 are dead and tens of thousands were left homeless in the flooding. Even worse, most of those affected do not have flood insurance. Up to $21 billion worth of housing stock was wiped out by the deluge of rain.

The recovery will be long and difficult in one of the poorest states in the country. There is the challenge of finding employment and housing for all these displaced people. Given the fact that Louisiana is a hot and humid state most of the year, there will also be the issues of dealing with mold and increased injuries as people try to rebuild.

But one of the greatest stories of the Louisiana flooding is how the people and free markets are playing a role in helping to both rescue people and deliver relief much quicker than the government.

Citizens to the Rescue

The rains that swamped parts of Louisiana over a period of a few days were relentless. Local governments and first responders were overwhelmed with calls for help from people trapped in their homes by rising waters.

Instead of waiting for the government to come rescue them, the people of Louisiana used their own boats to save their neighbors.Instead of waiting for the government to come rescue them, the people of Louisiana used their own privately-owned boats to save their neighbors. This "Cajun Navy" drew its ranks and fleet from Louisiana's large numbers of sportsmen. People who needed rescue contacted a Facebook group and the boats used smartphone apps such as the GPS app Glympse and the walkie talkie app Zello to coordinate. The “Cajun Navy” was responsible for saving the lives of thousands of Louisianians and their pets and livestock.

Walmart to the rescue...

One of the few success stories from Hurricane Katrina was how Walmart was able to deliver food, water, diapers, baby formula, and other needed essentials into the storm ravaged areas. The retailer was able to utilize its impressive logistical infrastructure to send trucks where they were needed to deliver goods when their customers needed them.

Walmart proved to be a miracle worker once again. The corporation has its own on-staff meteorologists that gave constant weather updates in order to determine where trucks needed to be. Plus, the company was able shift deliveries from nearby distribution centers and stores to the disaster area. Finally, the company was able to prioritize deliveries of products such as water and diapers while shifting other items to other stores.

There were numerous stories of private individuals and companies stepping up to help their neighbors in need. Sarah Joy Hays became a one-woman FEMA, delivering tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of relief supplies. She set up a GoFundMe account and ensured transparency by listing the items she needed on an Amazon Wish List. Her operation was so successful that Trader Joe’s Community Outreach used her to distribute supplies to their employees. She got those supplies around by using Uber to move volunteers and goods, on Trader Joe’s dime. Ironically, she became the point of contact for the local mail carriers’ union as well.

And, yet, I lived through Katrina, and spent 6 months rebuilding my home, while living off of combat rations and water distributed daily by the National guard, without ever encountering anyone from Walmart doing anything for us, in spite of the fact that one was located less than 2 miles from where I lived.....

Was it open? Did it look like a store in socialist Venezuela?

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Not only was it not open, the National guard moved in, and did not let anyone to drive into the city for three weeks. Since the electricity was off, no one was allowed to open any stores until all the rotten frozen food had been cleaned out of the stores, and all the fixtures were sterilized. That took another two weeks. So, in short, the whole thing about Walmart driving trucks in and giving away diapers was bullshit. The only private charities that were there for us was the Red Cross and the food bank.

Funny even the ultra liberal Washington compost had a story on it... I call your story bull shit...

Wal-Mart at Forefront of Hurricane Relief

People stand in line to get food and supplies at a Wal-Mart in Slidell, La., that let customers in a few at a time Saturday. (By Greg Pearson -- Associated Press)



By Michael Barbaro and Justin Gillis
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, September 6, 2005

At 8 a.m. on Wednesday, as New Orleans filled with water, Wal-Mart chief executive H. Lee Scott Jr. called an emergency meeting of his top lieutenants and warned them he did not want a "measured response" to the hurricane.


"I want us to respond in a way appropriate to our size and the impact we can have," he said, according to an executive who attended the meeting. At the time, Wal-Mart had pledged $2 million to the relief efforts. "Should it be $10 million?" Scott asked.

Over the next few days, Wal-Mart's response to Katrina -- an unrivaled $20 million in cash donations, 1,500 truckloads of free merchandise, food for 100,000 meals and the promise of a job for every one of its displaced workers -- has turned the chain into an unexpected lifeline for much of the Southeast and earned it near-universal praise at a time when the company is struggling to burnish its image.

While state and federal officials have come under harsh criticism for their handling of the storm's aftermath, Wal-Mart is being held up as a model for logistical efficiency and nimble disaster planning, which have allowed it to quickly deliver staples such as water, fuel and toilet paper to thousands of evacuees.

In Brookhaven, Miss., for example, where Wal-Mart operates a vast distribution center, the company had 45 trucks full of goods loaded and ready for delivery before Katrina made landfall. To keep operating near capacity, Wal-Mart secured a special line at a nearby gas station to ensure that its employees could make it to work.
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The point went entirely over your head, and that is government is not supposed to be micromanaging our lives from birth until death. If we would ever approve of government following us around every day, keeping a point system to decide how much to tax us based on our personal decisions, then we've surrendered all our liberty.

No, it didn't go over my head. I'm also not in favor of the govt micromanaging our lives.

However there are certain things, like education, in which the govt is best placed on a mass scale, to carry out. However in the US the problem seems to be a nationwide attitude that is just plain wrong. Okay, some states do better than others, but still there are plenty of problems out there.

The problem is Ray, the govt ALREADY DOES THIS. So where's your liberty? It's in the hands of the rich right now. They want you to be fat, because a 36% obesity level makes a lot of rich people richer.

Now you're being silly. Nobody gives a rats ass how much I or anybody else weighs. Rich people don't get rich on seeing others get fat, rich people get rich by investing their money into making products or services the public uses.

Yeah, for the most part government is totally involved in our education, and how's that working out for us?

Then again rich people will get richer by using inferior products that are likely to cause more harm to the body, rather than use better quality in order to make a quick buck.

Your argument that because govt is involved in education and it's not great, therefore the govt shouldn't be involved in education is another example of how you compartmentalize everything in order to make bad arguments.

Education can be good. The problem in the US is that the govt in the US isn't good. A change in the way govt works is essential for the US to change this mentality that people like you have about the way things work.

Or.......maybe we should try education without government totally. Nah, that might work out too well.

Leftists have no interest in an education plan that would actually leave people intelligent and informed. I'm sure the reason is obvious.

Wider generalized statements that just attack the other side. Another example of bullshit partisan politics.

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