Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Nobody hates the poor, what a stupid thing to say. Conservatives generally believe it's better to create an environment where the poor can help themselves as opposed to making them dependent of the gov't.
Where do you get off by stating that "liberals" want to make people dependent on the government.

I am probably what you would call a liberal and I cant think of anything worse than being dependent on anybody.

But I do recognise that life is a bit more complicated than your simplistic assumptions and that people sometimes need a bit of help.

Ive had to work hard for everything I have got and I have never claimed a penny. But the best thing is that I have managed to hang on to my humanity and I dont look down on those who dont have it so good.
Nobody hates the poor, what a stupid thing to say. Conservatives generally believe it's better to create an environment where the poor can help themselves as opposed to making them dependent of the gov't.

Proven over and over.

" In fact, since

President Obama took office, federal welfare

spending has increased by 41 percent, more

than $193 billion per year. Despite this government largess, more than 46 million Americans continue to live in poverty. Despite nearly $15

trillion in total welfare spending since Lyndon

Johnson declared war on poverty in 1964, the

poverty rate is perilously close to where we began more than 40 years ago.

Throwing money at the problem has neither

reduced poverty nor made the poor self-sufficient."
addiction isn't a disease it's just a way for addicts to rationalize that it's not their fault they're addicts

I agree with you 100%. At the same time, if calling it a disease helps someone get into recovery, whatever floats their boat.
Nobody hates the poor, what a stupid thing to say. Conservatives generally believe it's better to create an environment where the poor can help themselves as opposed to making them dependent of the gov't.
Where do you get off by stating that "liberals" want to make people dependent on the government.

I am probably what you would call a liberal and I cant think of anything worse than being dependent on anybody.

But I do recognise that life is a bit more complicated than your simplistic assumptions and that people sometimes need a bit of help.

Ive had to work hard for everything I have got and I have never claimed a penny. But the best thing is that I have managed to hang on to my humanity and I dont look down on those who dont have it so good.

Liberals who do not want to create dependencies on the gov't have a funny way of showing it. Sure some people a bit of temporary help, but the democrats never want to end the handouts. Extension after extension, entitlement after entitlement, free this and free that. As for condescension, seems as though you're pretty quick to jump to conclusions. Are you sure you're not a little bit condescending to conservatives who in your opinion have not hung onto their humanity?
Nobody hates the poor, what a stupid thing to say. Conservatives generally believe it's better to create an environment where the poor can help themselves as opposed to making them dependent of the gov't.
Where do you get off by stating that "liberals" want to make people dependent on the government.
I am probably what you would call a liberal and I cant think of anything worse than being dependent on anybody.

But I do recognise that life is a bit more complicated than your simplistic assumptions and that people sometimes need a bit of help.

Ive had to work hard for everything I have got and I have never claimed a penny. But the best thing is that I have managed to hang on to my humanity and I dont look down on those who dont have it so good.

Liberals who do not want to create dependencies on the gov't have a funny way of showing it. Sure some people a bit of temporary help, but the democrats never want to end the handouts. Extension after extension, entitlement after entitlement, free this and free that. As for condescension, seems as though you're pretty quick to jump to conclusions. Are you sure you're not a little bit condescending to conservatives who in your opinion have not hung onto their humanity?

Im looking at 2600 posts from a group of people whose attitude can be summed up as follows.


I am sure that you would all care if it didnt cost you anything but essentially you have hearts of flint.

What you dont seem to comprehend is that your "beggar my neighbour" philosophy actually costs you more in terms of the breakdown of your society. No wonder you need so many guns.
We all know, Markle, that conservatives only allow the poor to go homeless and hungry out of their compassion for the poor....

What was the result of the Newt Gingrich 1996 Welfare Reform Act?

What was the result when petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama canceled the act through his failed Stimulus Plan?

Tell him, Markie....
Slap him in the kisser with the facts:

"...the reform was shockingly successful, exceeding even the expectations of its most ardent supporters. The old AFDC rolls were reduced by two-thirds nationwide, even more in states that pushed work most aggressively, because the poor formerly on the program went to work, or married someone working. Because of all this renewed work effort, the total income of these low income families formerly on welfare increased by about 25% over this period, as Ron Haskins of the Brookings Institution reports in his 2006 book evaluating the 1996 welfare reforms, Work Over Welfare.

.... child poverty declined every year, falling by 2000 to levels not seen since 1978. “y 2000, the poverty rate of black children was the lowest it had ever been. The percentage of families in deep poverty, defined as half the poverty level…also declined until 2000, falling about 35% during the period,” ...

This decline in poverty “was widespread across demographic groups,” and “the decline was caused by increased employment and earnings of females headed families.” Based on total income, poverty among these female headed households declined by one-third, which meant that nearly 4.2 million single mothers and children climbed out of poverty. Haskins cites a study by the liberal Isabel Sawhill of the Urban Institute and Paul Jargowsky concluding,

“So great was the decline in poverty that the number of neighborhoods with concentrated poverty fell precipitously, as did the number of neighborhoods classified as underclass because of the concentration of poverty and the high frequency of problems such as school dropout, female headed families, welfare dependency, and labor force dropout by adult males.”
We Can Liberate The Poor From Poverty In America, Forever
Nobody hates the poor, what a stupid thing to say. Conservatives generally believe it's better to create an environment where the poor can help themselves as opposed to making them dependent of the gov't.
Where do you get off by stating that "liberals" want to make people dependent on the government.
I am probably what you would call a liberal and I cant think of anything worse than being dependent on anybody.

But I do recognise that life is a bit more complicated than your simplistic assumptions and that people sometimes need a bit of help.

Ive had to work hard for everything I have got and I have never claimed a penny. But the best thing is that I have managed to hang on to my humanity and I dont look down on those who dont have it so good.

Liberals who do not want to create dependencies on the gov't have a funny way of showing it. Sure some people a bit of temporary help, but the democrats never want to end the handouts. Extension after extension, entitlement after entitlement, free this and free that. As for condescension, seems as though you're pretty quick to jump to conclusions. Are you sure you're not a little bit condescending to conservatives who in your opinion have not hung onto their humanity?

Im looking at 2600 posts from a group of people whose attitude can be summed up as follows.


I am sure that you would all care if it didnt cost you anything but essentially you have hearts of flint.

What you dont seem to comprehend is that your "beggar my neighbour" philosophy actually costs you more in terms of the breakdown of your society. No wonder you need so many guns.

Soooo....which are you more....a liar or a fool???

"....the reform was shockingly successful, exceeding even the expectations of its most ardent supporters. The old AFDC rolls were reduced by two-thirds nationwide, even more in states that pushed work most aggressively, because the poor formerly on the program went to work, or married someone working. Because of all this renewed work effort, the total income of these low income families formerly on welfare increased by about 25% over this period, as Ron Haskins of the Brookings Institution reports in his 2006 book evaluating the 1996 welfare reforms, Work Over Welfare.

.... child poverty declined every year, falling by 2000 to levels not seen since 1978. “y 2000, the poverty rate of black children was the lowest it had ever been. The percentage of families in deep poverty, defined as half the poverty level…also declined until 2000, falling about 35% during the period,” ...

This decline in poverty “was widespread across demographic groups,” and “the decline was caused by increased employment and earnings of females headed families.” Based on total income, poverty among these female headed households declined by one-third, which meant that nearly 4.2 million single mothers and children climbed out of poverty. Haskins cites a study by the liberal Isabel Sawhill of the Urban Institute and Paul Jargowsky concluding,

“So great was the decline in poverty that the number of neighborhoods with concentrated poverty fell precipitously, as did the number of neighborhoods classified as underclass because of the concentration of poverty and the high frequency of problems such as school dropout, female headed families, welfare dependency, and labor force dropout by adult males.”

.... in real dollars total federal and state spending on TANF by 2006 was down 31% from AFDC spending in 1995, and down by more than half of what it would have been under prior trends. Consequently, poverty declined sharply, while taxpayers saved on 50% of the cost of the program."
We Can Liberate The Poor From Poverty In America, Forever

"A decade later, the worst fears of liberals haven't materialized. States did not enter what critics feared would be a money-saving "race to the bottom." Thousands of poor children did not wind up "sleeping on grates," as Democratic senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan predicted."
USATODAY.com - How welfare reform changed America
Nobody hates the poor, what a stupid thing to say. Conservatives generally believe it's better to create an environment where the poor can help themselves as opposed to making them dependent of the gov't.
Where do you get off by stating that "liberals" want to make people dependent on the government.

I am probably what you would call a liberal and I cant think of anything worse than being dependent on anybody.

But I do recognise that life is a bit more complicated than your simplistic assumptions and that people sometimes need a bit of help.

Ive had to work hard for everything I have got and I have never claimed a penny. But the best thing is that I have managed to hang on to my humanity and I dont look down on those who dont have it so good.

At least in our country, political parties wish to expand their tent. Government dependents vote Democrat. So the more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters come election time. It only makes sense for Democrat politicians to create more government dependents.
We all know, Markle, that conservatives only allow the poor to go homeless and hungry out of their compassion for the poor....

Well........let's say that you take 100 poor and we take 100 poor, and we each treat their poverty our own way.

Which group of 100 will likely have less people in poverty a year from now, your group or ours?
Nobody hates the poor, what a stupid thing to say. Conservatives generally believe it's better to create an environment where the poor can help themselves as opposed to making them dependent of the gov't.
Where do you get off by stating that "liberals" want to make people dependent on the government.

I am probably what you would call a liberal and I cant think of anything worse than being dependent on anybody.

But I do recognise that life is a bit more complicated than your simplistic assumptions and that people sometimes need a bit of help.

Ive had to work hard for everything I have got and I have never claimed a penny. But the best thing is that I have managed to hang on to my humanity and I dont look down on those who dont have it so good.

At least in our country, political parties wish to expand their tent. Government dependents vote Democrat. So the more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters come election time. It only makes sense for Democrat politicians to create more government dependents.
Its bollox Ray. Very few people want to be dependent on handouts. Its a myth.
Nobody hates the poor, what a stupid thing to say. Conservatives generally believe it's better to create an environment where the poor can help themselves as opposed to making them dependent of the gov't.

Absolutely! Nothing teaches a drowning man how to swim as effectively as telling him to fend for himself as he is going down for the third time!

We could do things the Democrat way: keep saving the drowning person and tossing them back in the water.
I don't think the
Nobody hates the poor, what a stupid thing to say. Conservatives generally believe it's better to create an environment where the poor can help themselves as opposed to making them dependent of the gov't.
Where do you get off by stating that "liberals" want to make people dependent on the government.
I am probably what you would call a liberal and I cant think of anything worse than being dependent on anybody.

But I do recognise that life is a bit more complicated than your simplistic assumptions and that people sometimes need a bit of help.

Ive had to work hard for everything I have got and I have never claimed a penny. But the best thing is that I have managed to hang on to my humanity and I dont look down on those who dont have it so good.

Liberals who do not want to create dependencies on the gov't have a funny way of showing it. Sure some people a bit of temporary help, but the democrats never want to end the handouts. Extension after extension, entitlement after entitlement, free this and free that. As for condescension, seems as though you're pretty quick to jump to conclusions. Are you sure you're not a little bit condescending to conservatives who in your opinion have not hung onto their humanity?

Im looking at 2600 posts from a group of people whose attitude can be summed up as follows.


I am sure that you would all care if it didnt cost you anything but essentially you have hearts of flint.

What you dont seem to comprehend is that your "beggar my neighbour" philosophy actually costs you more in terms of the breakdown of your society. No wonder you need so many guns.

1. Trying to get people to be more self sufficient is not a beggar thy neighbor policy.
2. Who says that making handouts temporary instead of permanent leads to a breakdown in our society? I think it's the other way around, creating a dependency on gov't is far more damaging to an individual and family.
3. "Your" society? Not our society? Are you an American citizen? If not then STFU.
Nobody hates the poor, what a stupid thing to say. Conservatives generally believe it's better to create an environment where the poor can help themselves as opposed to making them dependent of the gov't.
Where do you get off by stating that "liberals" want to make people dependent on the government.

I am probably what you would call a liberal and I cant think of anything worse than being dependent on anybody.

But I do recognise that life is a bit more complicated than your simplistic assumptions and that people sometimes need a bit of help.

Ive had to work hard for everything I have got and I have never claimed a penny. But the best thing is that I have managed to hang on to my humanity and I dont look down on those who dont have it so good.

At least in our country, political parties wish to expand their tent. Government dependents vote Democrat. So the more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters come election time. It only makes sense for Democrat politicians to create more government dependents.
Its bollox Ray. Very few people want to be dependent on handouts. Its a myth.

Don't you believe it. Remember in our country, poverty is a choice, not an affliction. You don't have to be poor here. You are only dependent on government because you're too lazy to work or apply yourself. You keep making irresponsible choices and bad decisions.

Every morning my sick old ass gets up for work. I drive a tractor-trailer all day long so I can support younger healthier people than myself. Can you explain the equity in that? Neither can I.

Oh, but maybe I'm just so lucky to have a job! Well, we need over 60,000 guys to take jobs like mine that industry can't find. Help Wanted signs everywhere begging people to come to work.

So you'll have to excuse my lack of empathy.
Nobody hates the poor, what a stupid thing to say. Conservatives generally believe it's better to create an environment where the poor can help themselves as opposed to making them dependent of the gov't.
Where do you get off by stating that "liberals" want to make people dependent on the government.

I am probably what you would call a liberal and I cant think of anything worse than being dependent on anybody.

But I do recognise that life is a bit more complicated than your simplistic assumptions and that people sometimes need a bit of help.

Ive had to work hard for everything I have got and I have never claimed a penny. But the best thing is that I have managed to hang on to my humanity and I dont look down on those who dont have it so good.

At least in our country, political parties wish to expand their tent. Government dependents vote Democrat. So the more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters come election time. It only makes sense for Democrat politicians to create more government dependents.
Its bollox Ray. Very few people want to be dependent on handouts. Its a myth.

I suspect that it's a lot more than a "very few". Got anything to back that up or are you spewing BS?
That's not the issue. Parents who teach their kids are the ones who care enough to do so. Most people don't have that skill.

There are hundreds of services, associations, and materials available so the real issue is whether or not the parents have the determination and commitment.
If Trump can cut just a little deeper into the budget of Meals on Wheels, he will have enough money to bail at Goldman Sacks again, now that the financial institutions have been deregulated again!
Meals on wheels is funded by grants from charitable organizations...not the government.

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