Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Nobody hates the poor, what a stupid thing to say. Conservatives generally believe it's better to create an environment where the poor can help themselves as opposed to making them dependent of the gov't.
Where do you get off by stating that "liberals" want to make people dependent on the government.

I am probably what you would call a liberal and I cant think of anything worse than being dependent on anybody.

But I do recognise that life is a bit more complicated than your simplistic assumptions and that people sometimes need a bit of help.

Ive had to work hard for everything I have got and I have never claimed a penny. But the best thing is that I have managed to hang on to my humanity and I dont look down on those who dont have it so good.
Good the post office needs people like you to volunteer for their next yearly food drive. I hear they are taking volunteers for the Month of May to help collect food.
So why does the CEO of a volunteer organization deserve a salary seven times the amount of a typical government executive?

Simple, they're not working for the government and whose business is it besides the CEO and the organization for whom they work?
Now you are talking.......College for the affluent
A Republican ideal

How's that Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College degree workin' out for you?
More valuable than a degree from Trump University

C'mon....you know my alma mater.
Cut and Paste University

Surely you can defend your words....can't you?

Here's a chance:
Several times you have used the term 'cut and paste' as a pejorative, but when I ask you to explain your attempt, you run and hide.

I infer that you were simply trying to object to the posts without a legitimate reason to do so.
That's the truth....isn't it: you're effectively defenseless in the face of well supported posts.

Let me suggest that you don't have the breadth or depth of knowledge that would allow you to draw on the number of sources that would allow you to 'cut and paste.'

Can you....one of those who never deviates from the messages of the NYTimes, the DNC, MSNBC, etc... Liberal plagiarism.......explain what problem you.could possibly have with substance posted via copy and paste?
As a graduate of CPU (Cut and Paste University) you learned how passing off the work of others in lieu of original thought is acceptable academics

Makes for a great future Trump Voter
So why does the CEO of a volunteer organization deserve a salary seven times the amount of a typical government executive?

Simple, they're not working for the government and whose business is it besides the CEO and the organization for whom they work?
It is the business of those trying to justify why charities are superior to government welfare
So why does the CEO of a volunteer organization deserve a salary seven times the amount of a typical government executive?

Simple, they're not working for the government and whose business is it besides the CEO and the organization for whom they work?
It is the business of those trying to justify why charities are superior to government welfare
No it isn't. Charities don't take money out of donors paychecks by force. Unlike the government.
So why does the CEO of a volunteer organization deserve a salary seven times the amount of a typical government executive?

Simple, they're not working for the government and whose business is it besides the CEO and the organization for whom they work?
It is the business of those trying to justify why charities are superior to government welfare
No it isn't. Charities don't take money out of donors paychecks by force. Unlike the government.
The government is...us
So why does the CEO of a volunteer organization deserve a salary seven times the amount of a typical government executive?

Simple, they're not working for the government and whose business is it besides the CEO and the organization for whom they work?
It is the business of those trying to justify why charities are superior to government welfare
No it isn't. Charities don't take money out of donors paychecks by force. Unlike the government.
The government is...us
Why don't you make your democratic politicians pay their taxes? You know...Instead of whining about the salaries of the CEO's of charities you don't support?
More valuable than a degree from Trump University

C'mon....you know my alma mater.
Cut and Paste University

Surely you can defend your words....can't you?

Here's a chance:
Several times you have used the term 'cut and paste' as a pejorative, but when I ask you to explain your attempt, you run and hide.

I infer that you were simply trying to object to the posts without a legitimate reason to do so.
That's the truth....isn't it: you're effectively defenseless in the face of well supported posts.

Let me suggest that you don't have the breadth or depth of knowledge that would allow you to draw on the number of sources that would allow you to 'cut and paste.'

Can you....one of those who never deviates from the messages of the NYTimes, the DNC, MSNBC, etc... Liberal plagiarism.......explain what problem you.could possibly have with substance posted via copy and paste?
As a graduate of CPU (Cut and Paste University) you learned how passing off the work of others in lieu of original thought is acceptable academics

Makes for a great future Trump Voter

So what's wrong with that?

If somebody makes a claim that you disagree with, all you're going to do is demand proof of their claim.
So why does the CEO of a volunteer organization deserve a salary seven times the amount of a typical government executive?

Simple, they're not working for the government and whose business is it besides the CEO and the organization for whom they work?
It is the business of those trying to justify why charities are superior to government welfare
No it isn't. Charities don't take money out of donors paychecks by force. Unlike the government.
The government is...us
Why don't you make your democratic politicians pay their taxes? You know...Instead of whining about the salaries of the CEO's of charities you don't support?

Let's start with making our President pay taxes and reveal his foreign investments and deductions
Simple, they're not working for the government and whose business is it besides the CEO and the organization for whom they work?
It is the business of those trying to justify why charities are superior to government welfare
No it isn't. Charities don't take money out of donors paychecks by force. Unlike the government.
The government is...us
Why don't you make your democratic politicians pay their taxes? You know...Instead of whining about the salaries of the CEO's of charities you don't support?

Let's start with making our President pay taxes and reveal his foreign investments and deductions
He did at a higher percentage than Obama. So what's you excuse for giving all of your democratic politicians a pass on tax dodging again?
Where do you get off by stating that "liberals" want to make people dependent on the government.

By simply observing the policies they demand and who are their voter base.

Posting a few of your favourite videos doesnt prove that. I think that you have it the wrong way round. Poor people wont vote Republican because they recognise that the Republicans represent rich people. Only an idiot would vote against their own interest.

Happens over here. After a few years in the wilderness people forget the real horror of the tories and vote them back in. Then they take money from the poor and give it to their rich mates. Its bizarre.
If nanny government bureaucrats were parents, they'd be the ones who never taught their children to fend for themselves. They make excuses for everything and never want to hold anyone accountable for their actions. When someone else suggests that the best way to cut the umbilical cord is to allow the child to learn some lessons to help them grow, they are called cruel.

What's cruel is encouraging a person to depend on others their entire lives and preach victimhood to ensure they never stop being angry long enough to think for themselves.

The left took a minor problem and turned it into a huge problem just to benefit themselves. Liberals are cruel.
Name one problem conservatives have admitted causing?

Leftists being taken seriously in political discussions. I'm afraid we'll have to own that.

Yes, and the right has terrible judgment at times and tend to cowtow to liberals. They need to learn that the left will attack no matter what so time to grow a set and fight back.
Where do you get off by stating that "liberals" want to make people dependent on the government.

By simply observing the policies they demand and who are their voter base.

Posting a few of your favourite videos doesnt prove that. I think that you have it the wrong way round. Poor people wont vote Republican because they recognise that the Republicans represent rich people. Only an idiot would vote against their own interest.

Happens over here. After a few years in the wilderness people forget the real horror of the tories and vote them back in. Then they take money from the poor and give it to their rich mates. Its bizarre.

That begs the question: how do they take money from people that don't have any to begin with?

Over here, voting Republican means voting for more personal responsibility and less government. If you value the US Constitution, you vote Republican. If not, you vote Democrat.

Given the fact that the top 10% of wage earners in our country pay 70% of all collected income taxes, some believe that the rich are paying too much. Maybe it's time for the other 90% of us to pay our fair share.
If nanny government bureaucrats were parents, they'd be the ones who never taught their children to fend for themselves. They make excuses for everything and never want to hold anyone accountable for their actions. When someone else suggests that the best way to cut the umbilical cord is to allow the child to learn some lessons to help them grow, they are called cruel.

What's cruel is encouraging a person to depend on others their entire lives and preach victimhood to ensure they never stop being angry long enough to think for themselves.

The left took a minor problem and turned it into a huge problem just to benefit themselves. Liberals are cruel.
Name one problem conservatives have admitted causing?

Leftists being taken seriously in political discussions. I'm afraid we'll have to own that.

Yes, and the right has terrible judgment at times and tend to cowtow to liberals. They need to learn that the left will attack no matter what so time to grow a set and fight back.

It has always been my firm belief that the leaders of the Republican Party do not have a complete set of cojones amongst them. Frustrates me to no end.
More valuable than a degree from Trump University

C'mon....you know my alma mater.
Cut and Paste University

Surely you can defend your words....can't you?

Here's a chance:
Several times you have used the term 'cut and paste' as a pejorative, but when I ask you to explain your attempt, you run and hide.

I infer that you were simply trying to object to the posts without a legitimate reason to do so.
That's the truth....isn't it: you're effectively defenseless in the face of well supported posts.

Let me suggest that you don't have the breadth or depth of knowledge that would allow you to draw on the number of sources that would allow you to 'cut and paste.'

Can you....one of those who never deviates from the messages of the NYTimes, the DNC, MSNBC, etc... Liberal plagiarism.......explain what problem you.could possibly have with substance posted via copy and paste?
As a graduate of CPU (Cut and Paste University) you learned how passing off the work of others in lieu of original thought is acceptable academics

Makes for a great future Trump Voter

Soooo....you imagine (I almost said 'think') my amazingly accurate posts....the ones you are unable to dent....are put together in a random fashion?

So, I've gotten you to lie again?

Reminder: every post of mine is a creation based on original thought, sourced and linked, and the basic thought behind each is to destroy you and every Liberal meme.

And I do.

Now....you explanation for the plagiarism in which you engage by not giving credit to the DNC, MSNBC, the NYTimes, etc.?

You do so because you are a low-life, and not bright enough to do the job I do?

More valuable than a degree from Trump University

C'mon....you know my alma mater.
Cut and Paste University

Surely you can defend your words....can't you?

Here's a chance:
Several times you have used the term 'cut and paste' as a pejorative, but when I ask you to explain your attempt, you run and hide.

I infer that you were simply trying to object to the posts without a legitimate reason to do so.
That's the truth....isn't it: you're effectively defenseless in the face of well supported posts.

Let me suggest that you don't have the breadth or depth of knowledge that would allow you to draw on the number of sources that would allow you to 'cut and paste.'

Can you....one of those who never deviates from the messages of the NYTimes, the DNC, MSNBC, etc... Liberal plagiarism.......explain what problem you.could possibly have with substance posted via copy and paste?
As a graduate of CPU (Cut and Paste University) you learned how passing off the work of others in lieu of original thought is acceptable academics

Makes for a great future Trump Voter

Soooo....you imagine (I almost said 'think') my amazingly accurate posts....the ones you are unable to dent....are put together in a random fashion?

So, I've gotten you to lie again?

Reminder: every post of mine is a creation based on original thought, sourced and linked, and the basic thought behind each is to destroy you and every Liberal meme.

And I do.

Now....you explanation for the plagiarism in which you engage by not giving credit to the DNC, MSNBC, the NYTimes, etc.?

You do so because you are a low-life, and not bright enough to do the job I do?

Original thought my ass..
C'mon....you know my alma mater.
Cut and Paste University

Surely you can defend your words....can't you?

Here's a chance:
Several times you have used the term 'cut and paste' as a pejorative, but when I ask you to explain your attempt, you run and hide.

I infer that you were simply trying to object to the posts without a legitimate reason to do so.
That's the truth....isn't it: you're effectively defenseless in the face of well supported posts.

Let me suggest that you don't have the breadth or depth of knowledge that would allow you to draw on the number of sources that would allow you to 'cut and paste.'

Can you....one of those who never deviates from the messages of the NYTimes, the DNC, MSNBC, etc... Liberal plagiarism.......explain what problem you.could possibly have with substance posted via copy and paste?
As a graduate of CPU (Cut and Paste University) you learned how passing off the work of others in lieu of original thought is acceptable academics

Makes for a great future Trump Voter

Soooo....you imagine (I almost said 'think') my amazingly accurate posts....the ones you are unable to dent....are put together in a random fashion?

So, I've gotten you to lie again?

Reminder: every post of mine is a creation based on original thought, sourced and linked, and the basic thought behind each is to destroy you and every Liberal meme.

And I do.

Now....you explanation for the plagiarism in which you engage by not giving credit to the DNC, MSNBC, the NYTimes, etc.?

You do so because you are a low-life, and not bright enough to do the job I do?

Original thought my ass..

You're the little lying weazel who told these lies about me, aren't you?
I know it's gilding the lily to prove you a liar.....you do that so well all by yourself...but....I challenge you to find my quotes that prove your lie:

1. "...all the brown people you discriminate against..."

2. "...your hate of brown people is well noted..."

3. "....you edited your original OP to exclude your use of brown people..."
Still waiting, you lying low-life.
Inauguration 'Brown-Out'???

"I know, you are such a bitch when it comes to truth and honesty in positioning yourself,, and the demeaning manner you pretend to be white..."
The Danger of Democrats....

Still can't back up any of those?

Then you can return to the sewer where you belong.
If Trump can cut just a little deeper into the budget of Meals on Wheels, he will have enough money to bail at Goldman Sacks again, now that the financial institutions have been deregulated again!
Meals on wheels is funded by grants from charitable organizations...not the government.

False. Funded by both

#LetThemDie: 'Heartless' Donald Trump Blasted For Slashing Meals On Wheels Funds | The Huffington Post

It is so easy to Google things, thus avoiding making yourself look like a fool....

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