Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Private charity is incapable of providing the service government does

In Louisiana, Private Disaster Relief Outperforms the Government | Kevin Boyd
Kevin Boyd
August 22, 2016

The recent flooding that hit Louisiana is the worst natural disaster to hit the United States since Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey in 2012. So far we know that at least 13 are dead and tens of thousands were left homeless in the flooding. Even worse, most of those affected do not have flood insurance. Up to $21 billion worth of housing stock was wiped out by the deluge of rain.

The recovery will be long and difficult in one of the poorest states in the country. There is the challenge of finding employment and housing for all these displaced people. Given the fact that Louisiana is a hot and humid state most of the year, there will also be the issues of dealing with mold and increased injuries as people try to rebuild.

But one of the greatest stories of the Louisiana flooding is how the people and free markets are playing a role in helping to both rescue people and deliver relief much quicker than the government.

Citizens to the Rescue

The rains that swamped parts of Louisiana over a period of a few days were relentless. Local governments and first responders were overwhelmed with calls for help from people trapped in their homes by rising waters.

Instead of waiting for the government to come rescue them, the people of Louisiana used their own boats to save their neighbors.Instead of waiting for the government to come rescue them, the people of Louisiana used their own privately-owned boats to save their neighbors. This "Cajun Navy" drew its ranks and fleet from Louisiana's large numbers of sportsmen. People who needed rescue contacted a Facebook group and the boats used smartphone apps such as the GPS app Glympse and the walkie talkie app Zello to coordinate. The “Cajun Navy” was responsible for saving the lives of thousands of Louisianians and their pets and livestock.

Walmart to the rescue...

One of the few success stories from Hurricane Katrina was how Walmart was able to deliver food, water, diapers, baby formula, and other needed essentials into the storm ravaged areas. The retailer was able to utilize its impressive logistical infrastructure to send trucks where they were needed to deliver goods when their customers needed them.

Walmart proved to be a miracle worker once again. The corporation has its own on-staff meteorologists that gave constant weather updates in order to determine where trucks needed to be. Plus, the company was able shift deliveries from nearby distribution centers and stores to the disaster area. Finally, the company was able to prioritize deliveries of products such as water and diapers while shifting other items to other stores.

There were numerous stories of private individuals and companies stepping up to help their neighbors in need. Sarah Joy Hays became a one-woman FEMA, delivering tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of relief supplies. She set up a GoFundMe account and ensured transparency by listing the items she needed on an Amazon Wish List. Her operation was so successful that Trader Joe’s Community Outreach used her to distribute supplies to their employees. She got those supplies around by using Uber to move volunteers and goods, on Trader Joe’s dime. Ironically, she became the point of contact for the local mail carriers’ union as well.

And, yet, I lived through Katrina, and spent 6 months rebuilding my home, while living off of combat rations and water distributed daily by the National guard, without ever encountering anyone from Walmart doing anything for us, in spite of the fact that one was located less than 2 miles from where I lived.....

Was it open? Did it look like a store in socialist Venezuela?

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Not only was it not open, the National guard moved in, and did not let anyone to drive into the city for three weeks. Since the electricity was off, no one was allowed to open any stores until all the rotten frozen food had been cleaned out of the stores, and all the fixtures were sterilized. That took another two weeks. So, in short, the whole thing about Walmart driving trucks in and giving away diapers was bullshit. The only private charities that were there for us was the Red Cross and the food bank.

You need to read instead of listening to your leaders.

Public and Private Responses to Katrina - Mary L. G. Theroux
Congratulations on producing a picture of people trying to get in to a store after Katrina, Bear. I stood in line for 3 hours to get in to a Popeye's restaurant myself, at week, 5. of course, there is nothing to indicate that the store is a Walmart, and there is nothing to indicate that Walmart was giving anything away for free, but I will freely verify that we all stood in line for hours to buy anything. In fact, on the morning of the evacuation, I was in line at the gas station to fill up my tank to get out of town at a price of $5.99 per gallon! Private Enterprise is a wonderful thing if you own a gas station in the path of a hurricane!
So... Somalia? You think Somalia has a better society?

What makes a better society exactly? Certainly I've been places where govt made society better, and I've been places with less government that weren't better for it.

What makes society better are people helping people out---not government helping people out. When government helps people out, it becomes political and expensive like Commie Care. People become entitled and dependent on government.

Then when you even suggest that we get rid of some of that government, people make idiotic comparisons like to slavery, 14 hour days in sweat shops, and Somalia. To those people, even the slightest reduction in government is the end of the Fn world.
People helping people out works when you have a small community and a family loses their house to a fire. Everyone chips in to help them

What happens when an entire community loses all its jobs? What happens when a hurricane wipes out one third of a state? Passing the hat does not work
Private charities spend a good portion of their resources just on fund raising. Government has a steady flow of revenue with funds budgeted to help the needy
Why don't people become dependent on private charities? Government offers job training, educational benefits, small business loans to help people out of poverty......charities don't

For one, private charities give to help those truly in need. Government on the other hand passes out money to those for the asking.

Long term disaster relief and house fires are two different things. To put it another way, do you really believe that if we ended welfare as we know it today, that charity contributions would be the same or less? Of course not. Americans are the most generous people in the world. Private donations would increase ten fold.

When government wastes money, it's barely reported. If you wish to give to a charity, you can look up exactly where every penny goes on the site Charity Navigator. org. They tell you how much the charity collects, how much they pay out, how much they use for advertising, how much the use for administration, everything. So unlike government, if you believe the charity you had in minds wastes too much money, you simply don't give to that charity.

Marvin Olasky, in "The Tragedy of American Compassion," explains that human needs were taken care of by other human beings- not by bureaucracies. The important difference was that the latter may take care of food and shelter...but the former also dealt with the human spirit and behavior.
Welfare programs today, are Liberal….conservatives don’t look for material solutions, but understand that changing values is what solves the problem of poverty..

What is poverty?
Poverty is the situation of not having enough money.

What is the solution to poverty?
People having more money.

Where does one get money from?
A job.

The solution to poverty from a liberal point of view is give people the money they need. It may give some relief from poverty but certainly prolongs it at the same time. The solution to poverty is not giving people money other people make, the solution is people in poverty creating their own money and being able to pull themselves out of poverty.

Very true. The problem here is that many on the right who claim to want to help the poor, don't actually.

How do you help the poor?

Well, number one is with good education. Education that is aimed at producing workers. Education that is aimed at producing good adults.

The problem on the right is that they'll demand that people work all hours god gives them in order to earn enough money, and then they'll complain that their marriages are breaking up. Er... what?

The problem is that the right doesn't look at education as a means of producing productive workers, they look on it as a way of indoctrinating people and so tell poor people that the govt is trying to fuck with them.

The other problem is the lack of democracy, the right, as well as the left, don't want this to change, but a change is necessary in order to have things working properly.

A lot of people are looking out for their own interests and are clearly not interested in poor people moving up in the world with better education, a better situation etc. If you really want a situation where people can feel like a part of a functioning society, then a MAJOR overhaul is necessary, but the rich don't want it, their lapdog Congressmen and women don't want it, and they don't tell the people to want it, so they don't want it either.
"In Brookhaven, Miss., for example, where Wal-Mart operates a vast distribution center, the company had 45 trucks full of goods loaded and ready for delivery before Katrina made landfall. To keep operating near capacity, Wal-Mart secured a special line at a nearby gas station to ensure that its employees could make it to work."

Utter BS. As I said before, the National guard closed every highway into New Orleans for three weeks, to prevent looting. NObody but FEMA got in. Also, i am amused about the "special line at the gas station". Every gas pump in Louisiana is electric, and there was no electricity after the storm for at least TWO WEEKS!
Congratulations on producing a picture of people trying to get in to a store after Katrina, Bear. I stood in line for 3 hours to get in to a Popeye's restaurant myself, at week, 5. of course, there is nothing to indicate that the store is a Walmart, and there is nothing to indicate that Walmart was giving anything away for free, but I will freely verify that we all stood in line for hours to buy anything. In fact, on the morning of the evacuation, I was in line at the gas station to fill up my tank to get out of town at a price of $5.99 per gallon! Private Enterprise is a wonderful thing if you own a gas station in the path of a hurricane!

Your unwillingness to not read a story and just look at pictures is duly noted.. Also with your partisan close mind to not at least giving credit where credit is due..is also noted

Once more I even high lighted it for you in color.

Over the next few days, Wal-Mart's response to Katrina -- an unrivaled $20 million in cash donations, 1,500 truckloads of free merchandise, food for 100,000 meals and the promise of a job for every one of its displaced workers -- has turned the chain into an unexpected lifeline for much of the Southeast and earned it near-universal praise at a time when the company is struggling to burnish its image.
"In Brookhaven, Miss., for example, where Wal-Mart operates a vast distribution center, the company had 45 trucks full of goods loaded and ready for delivery before Katrina made landfall. To keep operating near capacity, Wal-Mart secured a special line at a nearby gas station to ensure that its employees could make it to work."

Utter BS. As I said before, the National guard closed every highway into New Orleans for three weeks, to prevent looting. NObody but FEMA got in. Also, i am amused about the "special line at the gas station". Every gas pump in Louisiana is electric, and there was no electricity after the storm for at least TWO WEEKS!

So you saying the Washington Post a ultra liberal newspaper lies?


"In Brookhaven, Miss., for example, where Wal-Mart operates a vast distribution center, the company had 45 trucks full of goods loaded and ready for delivery before Katrina made landfall. To keep operating near capacity, Wal-Mart secured a special line at a nearby gas station to ensure that its employees could make it to work."

Utter BS. As I said before, the National guard closed every highway into New Orleans for three weeks, to prevent looting. NObody but FEMA got in. Also, i am amused about the "special line at the gas station". Every gas pump in Louisiana is electric, and there was no electricity after the storm for at least TWO WEEKS!

Then how were 3 Walmart trucks operating in Louisiana and turned away from the dome?

Government Denied Water to New Orleans Residents During Katrina, Relief Workers Say

Even three Wal-mart trucks loaded with drinking water were denied entry and turned away. No water was allowed into New Orleans. Evenchick says that "this was a brazen attempt to starve people out."
Congratulations on producing a picture of people trying to get in to a store after Katrina, Bear. I stood in line for 3 hours to get in to a Popeye's restaurant myself, at week, 5. of course, there is nothing to indicate that the store is a Walmart, and there is nothing to indicate that Walmart was giving anything away for free, but I will freely verify that we all stood in line for hours to buy anything. In fact, on the morning of the evacuation, I was in line at the gas station to fill up my tank to get out of town at a price of $5.99 per gallon! Private Enterprise is a wonderful thing if you own a gas station in the path of a hurricane!

Your unwillingness to not read a story and just look at pictures is duly noted.. Also with your partisan close mind to not at least giving credit where credit is due..is also noted

Once more I even high lighted it for you in color.

Over the next few days, Wal-Mart's response to Katrina -- an unrivaled $20 million in cash donations, 1,500 truckloads of free merchandise, food for 100,000 meals and the promise of a job for every one of its displaced workers -- has turned the chain into an unexpected lifeline for much of the Southeast and earned it near-universal praise at a time when the company is struggling to burnish its image.

Bear, I am not calling your story bullshit because I am partisan. I am calling it bullshit because I WAS THERE! Nobody was giving anything away for free, except the red Cross and the food bank. I have heard all about everyone who came down and rescued us. mormons, Walmart, Winn Dixie, virtually every religious group short of the Scientologists. All complete BS. If anyone was giving away anything to eat, i would have known about it. If you have ever eaten combat rations, you would know what it was like to live off of it for 2 months. I lost 30 pounds.
"In Brookhaven, Miss., for example, where Wal-Mart operates a vast distribution center, the company had 45 trucks full of goods loaded and ready for delivery before Katrina made landfall. To keep operating near capacity, Wal-Mart secured a special line at a nearby gas station to ensure that its employees could make it to work."

Utter BS. As I said before, the National guard closed every highway into New Orleans for three weeks, to prevent looting. NObody but FEMA got in. Also, i am amused about the "special line at the gas station". Every gas pump in Louisiana is electric, and there was no electricity after the storm for at least TWO WEEKS!

Then how were 3 Walmart trucks operating in Louisiana and turned away from the super dome?

Government Denied Water to New Orleans Residents During Katrina, Relief Workers Say

Even three Wal-mart trucks loaded with drinking water were denied entry and turned away. No water was allowed into New Orleans. Evenchick says that "this was a brazen attempt to starve people out."

Jeeze, Bear, are you that naive? Why in the hell do you think these people were AT the superdome? BECAUSE IT WAS THE ONLY PLACE NOT UNDERWATER! I have yet to see a truck that can drive under water.

Congratulations on producing a picture of people trying to get in to a store after Katrina, Bear. I stood in line for 3 hours to get in to a Popeye's restaurant myself, at week, 5. of course, there is nothing to indicate that the store is a Walmart, and there is nothing to indicate that Walmart was giving anything away for free, but I will freely verify that we all stood in line for hours to buy anything. In fact, on the morning of the evacuation, I was in line at the gas station to fill up my tank to get out of town at a price of $5.99 per gallon! Private Enterprise is a wonderful thing if you own a gas station in the path of a hurricane!

Your unwillingness to not read a story and just look at pictures is duly noted.. Also with your partisan close mind to not at least giving credit where credit is due..is also noted

Once more I even high lighted it for you in color.

Over the next few days, Wal-Mart's response to Katrina -- an unrivaled $20 million in cash donations, 1,500 truckloads of free merchandise, food for 100,000 meals and the promise of a job for every one of its displaced workers -- has turned the chain into an unexpected lifeline for much of the Southeast and earned it near-universal praise at a time when the company is struggling to burnish its image.

Bear, I am not calling your story bullshit because I am partisan. I am calling it bullshit because I WAS THERE! Nobody was giving anything away for free, except the red Cross and the food bank. I have heard all about everyone who came down and rescued us. mormons, Walmart, Winn Dixie, virtually every religious group short of the Scientologists. All complete BS. If anyone was giving away anything to eat, i would have known about it. If you have ever eaten combat rations, you would know what it was like to live off of it for 2 months. I lost 30 pounds.

I still can't believe you want me to believe you after story after story I copied and paste from left and right media...

Your starting to sound like that asshole liberal who post on here from Seattle and you never seemed like that type.
What makes society better are people helping people out---not government helping people out. When government helps people out, it becomes political and expensive like Commie Care. People become entitled and dependent on government.

Then when you even suggest that we get rid of some of that government, people make idiotic comparisons like to slavery, 14 hour days in sweat shops, and Somalia. To those people, even the slightest reduction in government is the end of the Fn world.
People helping people out works when you have a small community and a family loses their house to a fire. Everyone chips in to help them

What happens when an entire community loses all its jobs? What happens when a hurricane wipes out one third of a state? Passing the hat does not work
Private charities spend a good portion of their resources just on fund raising. Government has a steady flow of revenue with funds budgeted to help the needy
Why don't people become dependent on private charities? Government offers job training, educational benefits, small business loans to help people out of poverty......charities don't

For one, private charities give to help those truly in need. Government on the other hand passes out money to those for the asking.

Long term disaster relief and house fires are two different things. To put it another way, do you really believe that if we ended welfare as we know it today, that charity contributions would be the same or less? Of course not. Americans are the most generous people in the world. Private donations would increase ten fold.

When government wastes money, it's barely reported. If you wish to give to a charity, you can look up exactly where every penny goes on the site Charity Navigator. org. They tell you how much the charity collects, how much they pay out, how much they use for advertising, how much the use for administration, everything. So unlike government, if you believe the charity you had in minds wastes too much money, you simply don't give to that charity.

Marvin Olasky, in "The Tragedy of American Compassion," explains that human needs were taken care of by other human beings- not by bureaucracies. The important difference was that the latter may take care of food and shelter...but the former also dealt with the human spirit and behavior.
Welfare programs today, are Liberal….conservatives don’t look for material solutions, but understand that changing values is what solves the problem of poverty..

What is poverty?
Poverty is the situation of not having enough money.

What is the solution to poverty?
People having more money.

Where does one get money from?
A job.

The solution to poverty from a liberal point of view is give people the money they need. It may give some relief from poverty but certainly prolongs it at the same time. The solution to poverty is not giving people money other people make, the solution is people in poverty creating their own money and being able to pull themselves out of poverty.

Very true. The problem here is that many on the right who claim to want to help the poor, don't actually.

How do you help the poor?

Well, number one is with good education. Education that is aimed at producing workers. Education that is aimed at producing good adults.

The problem on the right is that they'll demand that people work all hours god gives them in order to earn enough money, and then they'll complain that their marriages are breaking up. Er... what?

The problem is that the right doesn't look at education as a means of producing productive workers, they look on it as a way of indoctrinating people and so tell poor people that the govt is trying to fuck with them.

The other problem is the lack of democracy, the right, as well as the left, don't want this to change, but a change is necessary in order to have things working properly.

A lot of people are looking out for their own interests and are clearly not interested in poor people moving up in the world with better education, a better situation etc. If you really want a situation where people can feel like a part of a functioning society, then a MAJOR overhaul is necessary, but the rich don't want it, their lapdog Congressmen and women don't want it, and they don't tell the people to want it, so they don't want it either.

Wait I am confused reading this,are you saying both right and left don't care about education and the poor?

Also when you say the rich don't want a major overhual? Rich meaning right and left or which rich group doesn't want a big change
Congratulations on producing a picture of people trying to get in to a store after Katrina, Bear. I stood in line for 3 hours to get in to a Popeye's restaurant myself, at week, 5. of course, there is nothing to indicate that the store is a Walmart, and there is nothing to indicate that Walmart was giving anything away for free, but I will freely verify that we all stood in line for hours to buy anything. In fact, on the morning of the evacuation, I was in line at the gas station to fill up my tank to get out of town at a price of $5.99 per gallon! Private Enterprise is a wonderful thing if you own a gas station in the path of a hurricane!

Your unwillingness to not read a story and just look at pictures is duly noted.. Also with your partisan close mind to not at least giving credit where credit is due..is also noted

Once more I even high lighted it for you in color.

Over the next few days, Wal-Mart's response to Katrina -- an unrivaled $20 million in cash donations, 1,500 truckloads of free merchandise, food for 100,000 meals and the promise of a job for every one of its displaced workers -- has turned the chain into an unexpected lifeline for much of the Southeast and earned it near-universal praise at a time when the company is struggling to burnish its image.

Bear, I am not calling your story bullshit because I am partisan. I am calling it bullshit because I WAS THERE! Nobody was giving anything away for free, except the red Cross and the food bank. I have heard all about everyone who came down and rescued us. mormons, Walmart, Winn Dixie, virtually every religious group short of the Scientologists. All complete BS. If anyone was giving away anything to eat, i would have known about it. If you have ever eaten combat rations, you would know what it was like to live off of it for 2 months. I lost 30 pounds.

I still can't believe you want me to believe you after story after story I copied and paste from left and right media...

Your starting to sound like that asshole liberal who post on here from Seattle and you never seemed like that type.

There are two things that I take seriously on these message boards. One is health insurance, because I was a health insurance executive for 50 years. The other is Katrina, because everybody seems to know all about about it, even though i lived through it, and they did not. It aged me five years, easily. The crap and misinformation I have read about it for the last 12 years turns my stomach, and I WILL call out bullshit from people who don't have the slightest idea of what it was like, because they were not there. I really don't give a rat's ass about revisionist history from people who did not live through the greatest natural disaster in this country's history.
What makes society better are people helping people out---not government helping people out. When government helps people out, it becomes political and expensive like Commie Care. People become entitled and dependent on government.

Then when you even suggest that we get rid of some of that government, people make idiotic comparisons like to slavery, 14 hour days in sweat shops, and Somalia. To those people, even the slightest reduction in government is the end of the Fn world.
People helping people out works when you have a small community and a family loses their house to a fire. Everyone chips in to help them

What happens when an entire community loses all its jobs? What happens when a hurricane wipes out one third of a state? Passing the hat does not work
Private charities spend a good portion of their resources just on fund raising. Government has a steady flow of revenue with funds budgeted to help the needy
Why don't people become dependent on private charities? Government offers job training, educational benefits, small business loans to help people out of poverty......charities don't

For one, private charities give to help those truly in need. Government on the other hand passes out money to those for the asking.

Long term disaster relief and house fires are two different things. To put it another way, do you really believe that if we ended welfare as we know it today, that charity contributions would be the same or less? Of course not. Americans are the most generous people in the world. Private donations would increase ten fold.

When government wastes money, it's barely reported. If you wish to give to a charity, you can look up exactly where every penny goes on the site Charity Navigator. org. They tell you how much the charity collects, how much they pay out, how much they use for advertising, how much the use for administration, everything. So unlike government, if you believe the charity you had in minds wastes too much money, you simply don't give to that charity.

Marvin Olasky, in "The Tragedy of American Compassion," explains that human needs were taken care of by other human beings- not by bureaucracies. The important difference was that the latter may take care of food and shelter...but the former also dealt with the human spirit and behavior.
Welfare programs today, are Liberal….conservatives don’t look for material solutions, but understand that changing values is what solves the problem of poverty..

What is poverty?
Poverty is the situation of not having enough money.

What is the solution to poverty?
People having more money.

Where does one get money from?
A job.

The solution to poverty from a liberal point of view is give people the money they need. It may give some relief from poverty but certainly prolongs it at the same time. The solution to poverty is not giving people money other people make, the solution is people in poverty creating their own money and being able to pull themselves out of poverty.

Very true. The problem here is that many on the right who claim to want to help the poor, don't actually.

How do you help the poor?

Well, number one is with good education. Education that is aimed at producing workers. Education that is aimed at producing good adults.

The problem on the right is that they'll demand that people work all hours god gives them in order to earn enough money, and then they'll complain that their marriages are breaking up. Er... what?

The problem is that the right doesn't look at education as a means of producing productive workers, they look on it as a way of indoctrinating people and so tell poor people that the govt is trying to fuck with them.

The other problem is the lack of democracy, the right, as well as the left, don't want this to change, but a change is necessary in order to have things working properly.

A lot of people are looking out for their own interests and are clearly not interested in poor people moving up in the world with better education, a better situation etc. If you really want a situation where people can feel like a part of a functioning society, then a MAJOR overhaul is necessary, but the rich don't want it, their lapdog Congressmen and women don't want it, and they don't tell the people to want it, so they don't want it either.

Interesting perspective, not accurate and plenty of bias and bigotry.
What makes society better are people helping people out---not government helping people out. When government helps people out, it becomes political and expensive like Commie Care. People become entitled and dependent on government.

Then when you even suggest that we get rid of some of that government, people make idiotic comparisons like to slavery, 14 hour days in sweat shops, and Somalia. To those people, even the slightest reduction in government is the end of the Fn world.
People helping people out works when you have a small community and a family loses their house to a fire. Everyone chips in to help them

What happens when an entire community loses all its jobs? What happens when a hurricane wipes out one third of a state? Passing the hat does not work
Private charities spend a good portion of their resources just on fund raising. Government has a steady flow of revenue with funds budgeted to help the needy
Why don't people become dependent on private charities? Government offers job training, educational benefits, small business loans to help people out of poverty......charities don't

For one, private charities give to help those truly in need. Government on the other hand passes out money to those for the asking.

Long term disaster relief and house fires are two different things. To put it another way, do you really believe that if we ended welfare as we know it today, that charity contributions would be the same or less? Of course not. Americans are the most generous people in the world. Private donations would increase ten fold.

When government wastes money, it's barely reported. If you wish to give to a charity, you can look up exactly where every penny goes on the site Charity Navigator. org. They tell you how much the charity collects, how much they pay out, how much they use for advertising, how much the use for administration, everything. So unlike government, if you believe the charity you had in minds wastes too much money, you simply don't give to that charity.

Marvin Olasky, in "The Tragedy of American Compassion," explains that human needs were taken care of by other human beings- not by bureaucracies. The important difference was that the latter may take care of food and shelter...but the former also dealt with the human spirit and behavior.
Welfare programs today, are Liberal….conservatives don’t look for material solutions, but understand that changing values is what solves the problem of poverty..

What is poverty?
Poverty is the situation of not having enough money.

What is the solution to poverty?
People having more money.

Where does one get money from?
A job.

The solution to poverty from a liberal point of view is give people the money they need. It may give some relief from poverty but certainly prolongs it at the same time. The solution to poverty is not giving people money other people make, the solution is people in poverty creating their own money and being able to pull themselves out of poverty.

Very true. The problem here is that many on the right who claim to want to help the poor, don't actually.

How do you help the poor?

Well, number one is with good education. Education that is aimed at producing workers. Education that is aimed at producing good adults.

The problem on the right is that they'll demand that people work all hours god gives them in order to earn enough money, and then they'll complain that their marriages are breaking up. Er... what?

The problem is that the right doesn't look at education as a means of producing productive workers, they look on it as a way of indoctrinating people and so tell poor people that the govt is trying to fuck with them.

The other problem is the lack of democracy, the right, as well as the left, don't want this to change, but a change is necessary in order to have things working properly.

A lot of people are looking out for their own interests and are clearly not interested in poor people moving up in the world with better education, a better situation etc. If you really want a situation where people can feel like a part of a functioning society, then a MAJOR overhaul is necessary, but the rich don't want it, their lapdog Congressmen and women don't want it, and they don't tell the people to want it, so they don't want it either.

Oh please with these unfounded conspiracy theories.

Again, no industrial country in the entire world spends more per capita on primary education than the United States, and we only have mediocre results to show for that money. More money is not the answer. It never was and never will be.

"The right" has no ability to indoctrinate in public schools--only the left does. The right doesn't complain about how long marriages last. It's never been an issue. The right has fought for school choice, the right has fought for school vouchers, the right has fought for home schooling. It's the left that opposed any change in the status quo to support their union teacher buddies. The left doesn't care about results, the left cares about politics.

Stopping poverty is easy. Quit allowing and encouraging poor people into procreating more poor people. You can't stop poverty when you also support expanding it. Poor people will likely create more poor people, just like middle-class will likely create more middle-class people and wealthy create more wealthy people.
Congratulations on producing a picture of people trying to get in to a store after Katrina, Bear. I stood in line for 3 hours to get in to a Popeye's restaurant myself, at week, 5. of course, there is nothing to indicate that the store is a Walmart, and there is nothing to indicate that Walmart was giving anything away for free, but I will freely verify that we all stood in line for hours to buy anything. In fact, on the morning of the evacuation, I was in line at the gas station to fill up my tank to get out of town at a price of $5.99 per gallon! Private Enterprise is a wonderful thing if you own a gas station in the path of a hurricane!

Your unwillingness to not read a story and just look at pictures is duly noted.. Also with your partisan close mind to not at least giving credit where credit is due..is also noted

Once more I even high lighted it for you in color.

Over the next few days, Wal-Mart's response to Katrina -- an unrivaled $20 million in cash donations, 1,500 truckloads of free merchandise, food for 100,000 meals and the promise of a job for every one of its displaced workers -- has turned the chain into an unexpected lifeline for much of the Southeast and earned it near-universal praise at a time when the company is struggling to burnish its image.

Bear, I am not calling your story bullshit because I am partisan. I am calling it bullshit because I WAS THERE! Nobody was giving anything away for free, except the red Cross and the food bank. I have heard all about everyone who came down and rescued us. mormons, Walmart, Winn Dixie, virtually every religious group short of the Scientologists. All complete BS. If anyone was giving away anything to eat, i would have known about it. If you have ever eaten combat rations, you would know what it was like to live off of it for 2 months. I lost 30 pounds.

I still can't believe you want me to believe you after story after story I copied and paste from left and right media...

Your starting to sound like that asshole liberal who post on here from Seattle and you never seemed like that type.

There are two things that I take seriously on these message boards. One is health insurance, because I was a health insurance executive for 50 years. The other is Katrina, because everybody seems to know all about about it, even though i lived through it, and they did not. It aged me five years, easily. The crap and misinformation I have read about it for the last 12 years turns my stomach, and I WILL call out bullshit from people who don't have the slightest idea of what it was like, because they were not there. I really don't give a rat's ass about revisionist history from people who did not live through the greatest natural disaster in this country's history.

What revisionist history? I am giving you news reports from that day, from the left and right media, not my opinion and not hear say years later....

Yes, and the right has terrible judgment at times and tend to cowtow to liberals. They need to learn that the left will attack no matter what so time to grow a set and fight back.
So the left will attack no matter what? Then explain why at a left wing town hall, a tea bagger can get in the face of a US Senator and not get arrested...

...but a journalist at a right wing town hall, who simply asks a valid question, is hauled off to jail.

If what you said is true, then it would be the bagger getting arrested, not the journalist.
It has always been my firm belief that the leaders of the Republican Party do not have a complete set of cojones amongst them. Frustrates me to no end.
Now that's what I think about the Democrats.
And here is the first relief supplies arriving at the Superdome, 4 days after the storm, by HELICOPTER!

New Orleans' Superdome after Hurricane Katrina 29Aug05


I just see some ol picture of a helicopter and people

Where is the water? Where is the superdome? That picture could of been taken in Afghanistan for all I know.

It has always been my firm belief that the leaders of the Republican Party do not have a complete set of cojones amongst them. Frustrates me to no end.
Now that's what I think about the Democrats.

Not true. It takes balls to lie that outrageously, in public, with a straight face.

Democrats lack both morals and common sense, but they don't lack cojones.

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