Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

I would have to disagree with known facts that liberals had a monopoly on lying till 1987 in the media when the fairness doctrine ended.... The Republicans and the right wing media have a long way to go to catch up.
Give me 3 liberal lies.
Marvin Olasky, in "The Tragedy of American Compassion," explains that human needs were taken care of by other human beings- not by bureaucracies. The important difference was that the latter may take care of food and shelter...but the former also dealt with the human spirit and behavior.
Welfare programs today, are Liberal….conservatives don’t look for material solutions, but understand that changing values is what solves the problem of poverty..

What is poverty?
Poverty is the situation of not having enough money.

What is the solution to poverty?
People having more money.

Where does one get money from?
A job.

The solution to poverty from a liberal point of view is give people the money they need. It may give some relief from poverty but certainly prolongs it at the same time. The solution to poverty is not giving people money other people make, the solution is people in poverty creating their own money and being able to pull themselves out of poverty.

Very true. The problem here is that many on the right who claim to want to help the poor, don't actually.

How do you help the poor?

Well, number one is with good education. Education that is aimed at producing workers. Education that is aimed at producing good adults.

The problem on the right is that they'll demand that people work all hours god gives them in order to earn enough money, and then they'll complain that their marriages are breaking up. Er... what?

The problem is that the right doesn't look at education as a means of producing productive workers, they look on it as a way of indoctrinating people and so tell poor people that the govt is trying to fuck with them.

The other problem is the lack of democracy, the right, as well as the left, don't want this to change, but a change is necessary in order to have things working properly.

A lot of people are looking out for their own interests and are clearly not interested in poor people moving up in the world with better education, a better situation etc. If you really want a situation where people can feel like a part of a functioning society, then a MAJOR overhaul is necessary, but the rich don't want it, their lapdog Congressmen and women don't want it, and they don't tell the people to want it, so they don't want it either.

Oh please with these unfounded conspiracy theories.

Again, no industrial country in the entire world spends more per capita on primary education than the United States, and we only have mediocre results to show for that money. More money is not the answer. It never was and never will be.

"The right" has no ability to indoctrinate in public schools--only the left does. The right doesn't complain about how long marriages last. It's never been an issue. The right has fought for school choice, the right has fought for school vouchers, the right has fought for home schooling. It's the left that opposed any change in the status quo to support their union teacher buddies. The left doesn't care about results, the left cares about politics.

Stopping poverty is easy. Quit allowing and encouraging poor people into procreating more poor people. You can't stop poverty when you also support expanding it. Poor people will likely create more poor people, just like middle-class will likely create more middle-class people and wealthy create more wealthy people.

Again, spending money on education doesn't mean good education.

As for the right has no ability to indoctrinate in public schools, er... what they fuck? How about religion? How about trying to get rid of evolution and replacing it with creationism?

Yes, how about religion? You know, when the community that financially supports a school are not allowed to have religion in their school because of one liberal? Not even allowed to keep religious artifacts like a cross on the wall that hung there for generations?

Liberals have always run our public schools because of unions. As you correctly pointed out, conservatives "try" and are defeated by liberals. And if you're not talking about more money for schools, then WTF are you talking about?

Why would anyone want religion in their school?

That is why you have churches
Your opinion is duly noted, and utterly dismissed. As usual.
You win debates by addressing an opponents point, not dismissing it.

Yes, well, you HOLD a debate for people to attempt to "win" by MAKING a point, rather than expressing an opinion. Since I know you're a leftist, let me further explain: YOUR OPINION IS NOT A POINT. You know what the old cliche says opinions are like, right?
What is poverty?
Poverty is the situation of not having enough money.

What is the solution to poverty?
People having more money.

Where does one get money from?
A job.

The solution to poverty from a liberal point of view is give people the money they need. It may give some relief from poverty but certainly prolongs it at the same time. The solution to poverty is not giving people money other people make, the solution is people in poverty creating their own money and being able to pull themselves out of poverty.

Very true. The problem here is that many on the right who claim to want to help the poor, don't actually.

How do you help the poor?

Well, number one is with good education. Education that is aimed at producing workers. Education that is aimed at producing good adults.

The problem on the right is that they'll demand that people work all hours god gives them in order to earn enough money, and then they'll complain that their marriages are breaking up. Er... what?

The problem is that the right doesn't look at education as a means of producing productive workers, they look on it as a way of indoctrinating people and so tell poor people that the govt is trying to fuck with them.

The other problem is the lack of democracy, the right, as well as the left, don't want this to change, but a change is necessary in order to have things working properly.

A lot of people are looking out for their own interests and are clearly not interested in poor people moving up in the world with better education, a better situation etc. If you really want a situation where people can feel like a part of a functioning society, then a MAJOR overhaul is necessary, but the rich don't want it, their lapdog Congressmen and women don't want it, and they don't tell the people to want it, so they don't want it either.

Oh please with these unfounded conspiracy theories.

Again, no industrial country in the entire world spends more per capita on primary education than the United States, and we only have mediocre results to show for that money. More money is not the answer. It never was and never will be.

"The right" has no ability to indoctrinate in public schools--only the left does. The right doesn't complain about how long marriages last. It's never been an issue. The right has fought for school choice, the right has fought for school vouchers, the right has fought for home schooling. It's the left that opposed any change in the status quo to support their union teacher buddies. The left doesn't care about results, the left cares about politics.

Stopping poverty is easy. Quit allowing and encouraging poor people into procreating more poor people. You can't stop poverty when you also support expanding it. Poor people will likely create more poor people, just like middle-class will likely create more middle-class people and wealthy create more wealthy people.

Again, spending money on education doesn't mean good education.

As for the right has no ability to indoctrinate in public schools, er... what they fuck? How about religion? How about trying to get rid of evolution and replacing it with creationism?

Yes, how about religion? You know, when the community that financially supports a school are not allowed to have religion in their school because of one liberal? Not even allowed to keep religious artifacts like a cross on the wall that hung there for generations?

Liberals have always run our public schools because of unions. As you correctly pointed out, conservatives "try" and are defeated by liberals. And if you're not talking about more money for schools, then WTF are you talking about?

That is why you have churches

"Why would anyone want religion in their school?"

"Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physicalsins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes." Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913 Lenin 55. TO MAXIM GORKY

Lenin'd be soooo proud of you.

Exactly who and what you are should be eminently clear to all by now.
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I would have to disagree with known facts that liberals had a monopoly on lying till 1987 in the media when the fairness doctrine ended.... The Republicans and the right wing media have a long way to go to catch up.
Give me 3 liberal lies.

You can keep your doctor.

Bush stole 2000 election.

Bush stole 2004 election.

Bush lied to get us into war.

Republicans want dirty air, water, starve children, starve the elderly.

There is a few, you can have lots more. Neither party is immune to lies.
Marvin Olasky, in "The Tragedy of American Compassion," explains that human needs were taken care of by other human beings- not by bureaucracies. The important difference was that the latter may take care of food and shelter...but the former also dealt with the human spirit and behavior.
Welfare programs today, are Liberal….conservatives don’t look for material solutions, but understand that changing values is what solves the problem of poverty..

What is poverty?
Poverty is the situation of not having enough money.

What is the solution to poverty?
People having more money.

Where does one get money from?
A job.

The solution to poverty from a liberal point of view is give people the money they need. It may give some relief from poverty but certainly prolongs it at the same time. The solution to poverty is not giving people money other people make, the solution is people in poverty creating their own money and being able to pull themselves out of poverty.

Very true. The problem here is that many on the right who claim to want to help the poor, don't actually.

How do you help the poor?

Well, number one is with good education. Education that is aimed at producing workers. Education that is aimed at producing good adults.

The problem on the right is that they'll demand that people work all hours god gives them in order to earn enough money, and then they'll complain that their marriages are breaking up. Er... what?

The problem is that the right doesn't look at education as a means of producing productive workers, they look on it as a way of indoctrinating people and so tell poor people that the govt is trying to fuck with them.

The other problem is the lack of democracy, the right, as well as the left, don't want this to change, but a change is necessary in order to have things working properly.

A lot of people are looking out for their own interests and are clearly not interested in poor people moving up in the world with better education, a better situation etc. If you really want a situation where people can feel like a part of a functioning society, then a MAJOR overhaul is necessary, but the rich don't want it, their lapdog Congressmen and women don't want it, and they don't tell the people to want it, so they don't want it either.

Oh please with these unfounded conspiracy theories.

Again, no industrial country in the entire world spends more per capita on primary education than the United States, and we only have mediocre results to show for that money. More money is not the answer. It never was and never will be.

"The right" has no ability to indoctrinate in public schools--only the left does. The right doesn't complain about how long marriages last. It's never been an issue. The right has fought for school choice, the right has fought for school vouchers, the right has fought for home schooling. It's the left that opposed any change in the status quo to support their union teacher buddies. The left doesn't care about results, the left cares about politics.

Stopping poverty is easy. Quit allowing and encouraging poor people into procreating more poor people. You can't stop poverty when you also support expanding it. Poor people will likely create more poor people, just like middle-class will likely create more middle-class people and wealthy create more wealthy people.

Again, spending money on education doesn't mean good education.

As for the right has no ability to indoctrinate in public schools, er... what they fuck? How about religion? How about trying to get rid of evolution and replacing it with creationism?

Yes, how about religion? You know, when the community that financially supports a school are not allowed to have religion in their school because of one liberal? Not even allowed to keep religious artifacts like a cross on the wall that hung there for generations?

Liberals have always run our public schools because of unions. As you correctly pointed out, conservatives "try" and are defeated by liberals. And if you're not talking about more money for schools, then WTF are you talking about?

Jeez, I'm not really sure what you're going on about, but it doesn't seem my time to bother responding to this.

Religion. Why should religion need to be in schools? You want religion, go to a freaking church. It's not that hard, is it?

You're the one who brought up some supposed, unproven, fact about the US spending the most money, and then you want to know why I'm talking about money? Seriously?
Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever. Great job. And letting infrastructure go for 35 years now. We may be a banana republic any day now...
A scared, hungry worker is not in a position to negotiate better wages

Republican paradise

"Union membership has plummeted in the U.S., from nearly one-third of workers 50 years ago to one in 10 American workers today."
The incredible decline of American unions, in one animated map

You Bolsheviks want to FORCE the workers of the world into unions when they don't want to be in them?
Reagan's vision from 30 years ago has come to fruition
Bust the unions and force people to bargain individually
That is why job security, wages and benefits have disappeared
We are not all in this together, it does not take a fucking Village, there does not need to be a safe space on every corner for snowflakes. Getting along is way overrated
I got mine....fuck everyone else

A concept the Republican Party was built on
What a remarkably stupid thing to say.
Republicans have propped up the wealthy since Reagan trickle down

Break the unions, reduce competition, hold back wages
A scared workforce is not in a position to demand more pay

Then, blame the poor because workers are struggling
Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever. Great job. And letting infrastructure go for 35 years now. We may be a banana republic any day now...

"Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever."

Every one due to Liberal/Democrat policies.
What Conservative Republican policies have helped cut college costs, provided low cost training or loans?
liberal policies haven't cut college costs
the idea that the government guarantees loans ofr students has done nothing but leave us with a trillion dollar debt bomb
Liberal policies haven't been PASSED in 30 years.
Men can follow 10 year old girls into the locker room at the gym
100,000 cops on the street
Motor Voter
EITC expansion
Direct Student Loan Program

Still want to continue that failed argument?
I would have to disagree with known facts that liberals had a monopoly on lying till 1987 in the media when the fairness doctrine ended.... The Republicans and the right wing media have a long way to go to catch up.
Give me 3 liberal lies.

You can keep your doctor.

Bush stole 2000 election.

Bush stole 2004 election.

Bush lied to get us into war.

Republicans want dirty air, water, starve children, starve the elderly.

There is a few, you can have lots more. Neither party is immune to lies.

I kept my doctor
I would have to disagree with known facts that liberals had a monopoly on lying till 1987 in the media when the fairness doctrine ended.... The Republicans and the right wing media have a long way to go to catch up.
Give me 3 liberal lies.

You can keep your doctor.

Bush stole 2000 election.

Bush stole 2004 election.

Bush lied to get us into war.

Republicans want dirty air, water, starve children, starve the elderly.

There is a few, you can have lots more. Neither party is immune to lies.

I kept my doctor

I kept my barber too, but I paid directly for her like you did with your doc.
I would have to disagree with known facts that liberals had a monopoly on lying till 1987 in the media when the fairness doctrine ended.... The Republicans and the right wing media have a long way to go to catch up.
Give me 3 liberal lies.

Jesus are you serious? So did you ever wonder why Brain Williams is not on NBC nightly news?

Shovel ready jobs

Hillary saying she came under sniper fire

Harry Reid proud about lying about Romney's tax return...

I did not have sex with that woman..

I would have to disagree with known facts that liberals had a monopoly on lying till 1987 in the media when the fairness doctrine ended.... The Republicans and the right wing media have a long way to go to catch up.
Give me 3 liberal lies.

You can keep your doctor.

Bush stole 2000 election.

Bush stole 2004 election.

Bush lied to get us into war.

Republicans want dirty air, water, starve children, starve the elderly.

There is a few, you can have lots more. Neither party is immune to lies.

I kept my doctor

Good for you, but many didn't.
I would have to disagree with known facts that liberals had a monopoly on lying till 1987 in the media when the fairness doctrine ended.... The Republicans and the right wing media have a long way to go to catch up.
Give me 3 liberal lies.

You can keep your doctor.

Bush stole 2000 election.

Bush stole 2004 election.

Bush lied to get us into war.

Republicans want dirty air, water, starve children, starve the elderly.

There is a few, you can have lots more. Neither party is immune to lies.

I kept my doctor

Good for you, but many didn't.
Less than 10%
I would have to disagree with known facts that liberals had a monopoly on lying till 1987 in the media when the fairness doctrine ended.... The Republicans and the right wing media have a long way to go to catch up.
Give me 3 liberal lies.

You can keep your doctor.

Bush stole 2000 election.

Bush stole 2004 election.

Bush lied to get us into war.

Republicans want dirty air, water, starve children, starve the elderly.

There is a few, you can have lots more. Neither party is immune to lies.

I kept my doctor

Good for you, but many didn't.
Less than 10%

That would be 30 million people and you cry about 12 million? Who 6 million of them lost their health care under Obama in the first place.

Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever. Great job. And letting infrastructure go for 35 years now. We may be a banana republic any day now...

"Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever."

Every one due to Liberal/Democrat policies.
What Conservative Republican policies have helped cut college costs, provided low cost training or loans?
liberal policies haven't cut college costs
the idea that the government guarantees loans ofr students has done nothing but leave us with a trillion dollar debt bomb
Liberal policies haven't been PASSED in 30 years.

what do you call Obama care?
ACA. lol. The exception that proves the rule.
I would have to disagree with known facts that liberals had a monopoly on lying till 1987 in the media when the fairness doctrine ended.... The Republicans and the right wing media have a long way to go to catch up.
Give me 3 liberal lies.

You can keep your doctor.

Bush stole 2000 election.

Bush stole 2004 election.

Bush lied to get us into war.

Republicans want dirty air, water, starve children, starve the elderly.

There is a few, you can have lots more. Neither party is immune to lies.

I kept my doctor

I would have to disagree with known facts that liberals had a monopoly on lying till 1987 in the media when the fairness doctrine ended.... The Republicans and the right wing media have a long way to go to catch up.
Give me 3 liberal lies.

You can keep your doctor.

Bush stole 2000 election.

Bush stole 2004 election.

Bush lied to get us into war.

Republicans want dirty air, water, starve children, starve the elderly.

There is a few, you can have lots more. Neither party is immune to lies.

I kept my doctor

Good for you, but many didn't.
Less than 10%

So he did lie, thanks!
"Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever."

Every one due to Liberal/Democrat policies.
What Conservative Republican policies have helped cut college costs, provided low cost training or loans?
liberal policies haven't cut college costs
the idea that the government guarantees loans ofr students has done nothing but leave us with a trillion dollar debt bomb
Liberal policies haven't been PASSED in 30 years.

what do you call Obama care?
ACA. lol. The exception that proves the rule.

yeah Obammycare is the ONLY liberal thin g that has been signed into law in 30 years

are you fucking high?
Give me 3 liberal lies.

You can keep your doctor.

Bush stole 2000 election.

Bush stole 2004 election.

Bush lied to get us into war.

Republicans want dirty air, water, starve children, starve the elderly.

There is a few, you can have lots more. Neither party is immune to lies.

I kept my doctor

Good for you, but many didn't.
Less than 10%

So he did lie, thanks!

Actually, he replied to the Republican lie that everyone would lose their doctor

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