Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

It has always been my firm belief that the leaders of the Republican Party do not have a complete set of cojones amongst them. Frustrates me to no end.
Now that's what I think about the Democrats.
And here is the first relief supplies arriving at the Superdome, 4 days after the storm, by HELICOPTER!

New Orleans' Superdome after Hurricane Katrina 29Aug05


I just see some ol picture of a helicopter and people

Where is the water? Where is the superdome? That picture could of been taken in Afghanistan for all I know.

New Orleans' Superdome after Hurricane Katrina 29Aug05

276 × 345 - Hurricane Katrina photo gallery - confusion and mobs at the Superdome.
People helping people out works when you have a small community and a family loses their house to a fire. Everyone chips in to help them

What happens when an entire community loses all its jobs? What happens when a hurricane wipes out one third of a state? Passing the hat does not work
Private charities spend a good portion of their resources just on fund raising. Government has a steady flow of revenue with funds budgeted to help the needy
Why don't people become dependent on private charities? Government offers job training, educational benefits, small business loans to help people out of poverty......charities don't

For one, private charities give to help those truly in need. Government on the other hand passes out money to those for the asking.

Long term disaster relief and house fires are two different things. To put it another way, do you really believe that if we ended welfare as we know it today, that charity contributions would be the same or less? Of course not. Americans are the most generous people in the world. Private donations would increase ten fold.

When government wastes money, it's barely reported. If you wish to give to a charity, you can look up exactly where every penny goes on the site Charity Navigator. org. They tell you how much the charity collects, how much they pay out, how much they use for advertising, how much the use for administration, everything. So unlike government, if you believe the charity you had in minds wastes too much money, you simply don't give to that charity.

Marvin Olasky, in "The Tragedy of American Compassion," explains that human needs were taken care of by other human beings- not by bureaucracies. The important difference was that the latter may take care of food and shelter...but the former also dealt with the human spirit and behavior.
Welfare programs today, are Liberal….conservatives don’t look for material solutions, but understand that changing values is what solves the problem of poverty..

What is poverty?
Poverty is the situation of not having enough money.

What is the solution to poverty?
People having more money.

Where does one get money from?
A job.

The solution to poverty from a liberal point of view is give people the money they need. It may give some relief from poverty but certainly prolongs it at the same time. The solution to poverty is not giving people money other people make, the solution is people in poverty creating their own money and being able to pull themselves out of poverty.

Very true. The problem here is that many on the right who claim to want to help the poor, don't actually.

How do you help the poor?

Well, number one is with good education. Education that is aimed at producing workers. Education that is aimed at producing good adults.

The problem on the right is that they'll demand that people work all hours god gives them in order to earn enough money, and then they'll complain that their marriages are breaking up. Er... what?

The problem is that the right doesn't look at education as a means of producing productive workers, they look on it as a way of indoctrinating people and so tell poor people that the govt is trying to fuck with them.

The other problem is the lack of democracy, the right, as well as the left, don't want this to change, but a change is necessary in order to have things working properly.

A lot of people are looking out for their own interests and are clearly not interested in poor people moving up in the world with better education, a better situation etc. If you really want a situation where people can feel like a part of a functioning society, then a MAJOR overhaul is necessary, but the rich don't want it, their lapdog Congressmen and women don't want it, and they don't tell the people to want it, so they don't want it either.

Wait I am confused reading this,are you saying both right and left don't care about education and the poor?

Also when you say the rich don't want a major overhual? Rich meaning right and left or which rich group doesn't want a big change

More or less. The point is that too many people are interested in their own partisan politics, rather than actually what happens to the people. They try and say the right things, but their actions aren't actually aimed at improving things for the people.

The politicians are paid for by the rich, not all, but a lot, and generally the ones who can do something about anything.

Yes, rich meaning left and right, it's hard to know the ins and outs of the rich who control the politicians, but it's there.
It has always been my firm belief that the leaders of the Republican Party do not have a complete set of cojones amongst them. Frustrates me to no end.
Now that's what I think about the Democrats.

Not true. It takes balls to lie that outrageously, in public, with a straight face.

Democrats lack both morals and common sense, but they don't lack cojones.
Sure they do. They let RW lies go by all the time. You dupes believe a pile of crap.
People helping people out works when you have a small community and a family loses their house to a fire. Everyone chips in to help them

What happens when an entire community loses all its jobs? What happens when a hurricane wipes out one third of a state? Passing the hat does not work
Private charities spend a good portion of their resources just on fund raising. Government has a steady flow of revenue with funds budgeted to help the needy
Why don't people become dependent on private charities? Government offers job training, educational benefits, small business loans to help people out of poverty......charities don't

For one, private charities give to help those truly in need. Government on the other hand passes out money to those for the asking.

Long term disaster relief and house fires are two different things. To put it another way, do you really believe that if we ended welfare as we know it today, that charity contributions would be the same or less? Of course not. Americans are the most generous people in the world. Private donations would increase ten fold.

When government wastes money, it's barely reported. If you wish to give to a charity, you can look up exactly where every penny goes on the site Charity Navigator. org. They tell you how much the charity collects, how much they pay out, how much they use for advertising, how much the use for administration, everything. So unlike government, if you believe the charity you had in minds wastes too much money, you simply don't give to that charity.

Marvin Olasky, in "The Tragedy of American Compassion," explains that human needs were taken care of by other human beings- not by bureaucracies. The important difference was that the latter may take care of food and shelter...but the former also dealt with the human spirit and behavior.
Welfare programs today, are Liberal….conservatives don’t look for material solutions, but understand that changing values is what solves the problem of poverty..

What is poverty?
Poverty is the situation of not having enough money.

What is the solution to poverty?
People having more money.

Where does one get money from?
A job.

The solution to poverty from a liberal point of view is give people the money they need. It may give some relief from poverty but certainly prolongs it at the same time. The solution to poverty is not giving people money other people make, the solution is people in poverty creating their own money and being able to pull themselves out of poverty.

Very true. The problem here is that many on the right who claim to want to help the poor, don't actually.

How do you help the poor?

Well, number one is with good education. Education that is aimed at producing workers. Education that is aimed at producing good adults.

The problem on the right is that they'll demand that people work all hours god gives them in order to earn enough money, and then they'll complain that their marriages are breaking up. Er... what?

The problem is that the right doesn't look at education as a means of producing productive workers, they look on it as a way of indoctrinating people and so tell poor people that the govt is trying to fuck with them.

The other problem is the lack of democracy, the right, as well as the left, don't want this to change, but a change is necessary in order to have things working properly.

A lot of people are looking out for their own interests and are clearly not interested in poor people moving up in the world with better education, a better situation etc. If you really want a situation where people can feel like a part of a functioning society, then a MAJOR overhaul is necessary, but the rich don't want it, their lapdog Congressmen and women don't want it, and they don't tell the people to want it, so they don't want it either.

Oh please with these unfounded conspiracy theories.

Again, no industrial country in the entire world spends more per capita on primary education than the United States, and we only have mediocre results to show for that money. More money is not the answer. It never was and never will be.

"The right" has no ability to indoctrinate in public schools--only the left does. The right doesn't complain about how long marriages last. It's never been an issue. The right has fought for school choice, the right has fought for school vouchers, the right has fought for home schooling. It's the left that opposed any change in the status quo to support their union teacher buddies. The left doesn't care about results, the left cares about politics.

Stopping poverty is easy. Quit allowing and encouraging poor people into procreating more poor people. You can't stop poverty when you also support expanding it. Poor people will likely create more poor people, just like middle-class will likely create more middle-class people and wealthy create more wealthy people.

Again, spending money on education doesn't mean good education.

As for the right has no ability to indoctrinate in public schools, er... what they fuck? How about religion? How about trying to get rid of evolution and replacing it with creationism?
It has always been my firm belief that the leaders of the Republican Party do not have a complete set of cojones amongst them. Frustrates me to no end.
Now that's what I think about the Democrats.
And here is the first relief supplies arriving at the Superdome, 4 days after the storm, by HELICOPTER!

New Orleans' Superdome after Hurricane Katrina 29Aug05


I just see some ol picture of a helicopter and people

Where is the water? Where is the superdome? That picture could of been taken in Afghanistan for all I know.

New Orleans' Superdome after Hurricane Katrina 29Aug05

276 × 345 - Hurricane Katrina photo gallery - confusion and mobs at the Superdome.

It was sarcasm Franco, go back and look at what he said about my Washington Post story/picture....

It has always been my firm belief that the leaders of the Republican Party do not have a complete set of cojones amongst them. Frustrates me to no end.
Now that's what I think about the Democrats.
And here is the first relief supplies arriving at the Superdome, 4 days after the storm, by HELICOPTER!

New Orleans' Superdome after Hurricane Katrina 29Aug05


I just see some ol picture of a helicopter and people

Where is the water? Where is the superdome? That picture could of been taken in Afghanistan for all I know.

Apparently, you did not click on the link I provided.
It has always been my firm belief that the leaders of the Republican Party do not have a complete set of cojones amongst them. Frustrates me to no end.
Now that's what I think about the Democrats.
And here is the first relief supplies arriving at the Superdome, 4 days after the storm, by HELICOPTER!

New Orleans' Superdome after Hurricane Katrina 29Aug05


I just see some ol picture of a helicopter and people

Where is the water? Where is the superdome? That picture could of been taken in Afghanistan for all I know.

New Orleans' Superdome after Hurricane Katrina 29Aug05

276 × 345 - Hurricane Katrina photo gallery - confusion and mobs at the Superdome.

It was sarcasm Franco, go back and look at what he said about my Washington Post story/picture....


You can fill these pages with crap, if you want to. I certainly can not stop you from posting a lot of misinformation. In fact, go and fill in the gaps of who was on the grassy knoll, if you like,. It is still misinformation, and I will still call it out what what it is. Oh, and just like Bush said, Brownie was doing one hellofajob!
Not true. It takes balls to lie that outrageously, in public, with a straight face.

Democrats lack both morals and common sense, but they don't lack cojones.
I disagree. Republicans are the biggest liars on the planet.

I would have to disagree with known facts that liberals had a monopoly on lying till 1987 in the media when the fairness doctrine ended.... The Republicans and the right wing media have a long way to go to catch up.

Not true. It takes balls to lie that outrageously, in public, with a straight face.

Democrats lack both morals and common sense, but they don't lack cojones.
I disagree. Republicans are the biggest liars on the planet.

I would have to disagree with known facts that liberals had a monopoly on lying till 1987 in the media when the fairness doctrine ended.... The Republicans and the right wing media have a long way to go to catch up.


They lost this issue pretty much for all time when they stood around, openly admiring Bill Clinton for what an "unusually good liar" he was.
Not true. It takes balls to lie that outrageously, in public, with a straight face.

Democrats lack both morals and common sense, but they don't lack cojones.
I disagree. Republicans are the biggest liars on the planet.

I would have to disagree with known facts that liberals had a monopoly on lying till 1987 in the media when the fairness doctrine ended.... The Republicans and the right wing media have a long way to go to catch up.


They lost this issue pretty much for all time when they stood around, openly admiring Bill Clinton for what an "unusually good liar" he was.
Dem "lies" are about malicious GOP gossip, while GOP POLICY is based on bald faced lies, dupe.
Not true. It takes balls to lie that outrageously, in public, with a straight face.

Democrats lack both morals and common sense, but they don't lack cojones.
I disagree. Republicans are the biggest liars on the planet.

I would have to disagree with known facts that liberals had a monopoly on lying till 1987 in the media when the fairness doctrine ended.... The Republicans and the right wing media have a long way to go to catch up.


They lost this issue pretty much for all time when they stood around, openly admiring Bill Clinton for what an "unusually good liar" he was.
Dem "lies" are about malicious GOP gossip, while GOP POLICY is based on bald faced lies, dupe.

Gossip you still posting that.... Everyone look here we have one of the last hold outs from the Kennith Starr report.
Not true. It takes balls to lie that outrageously, in public, with a straight face.

Democrats lack both morals and common sense, but they don't lack cojones.
I disagree. Republicans are the biggest liars on the planet.

I would have to disagree with known facts that liberals had a monopoly on lying till 1987 in the media when the fairness doctrine ended.... The Republicans and the right wing media have a long way to go to catch up.


They lost this issue pretty much for all time when they stood around, openly admiring Bill Clinton for what an "unusually good liar" he was.
Dem "lies" are about malicious GOP gossip, while GOP POLICY is based on bald faced lies, dupe.

Gossip you still posting that.... Everyone look here we have one of the last hold outs from the Kennith Starr report.
Whitewater, Travelgate, etc etc was all bs...Edmund Hillary, Tuzla. Pocahontas ZZZZZZZ...2 years of control, Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol: ZZZZZZ
I disagree. Republicans are the biggest liars on the planet.

I would have to disagree with known facts that liberals had a monopoly on lying till 1987 in the media when the fairness doctrine ended.... The Republicans and the right wing media have a long way to go to catch up.


They lost this issue pretty much for all time when they stood around, openly admiring Bill Clinton for what an "unusually good liar" he was.
Dem "lies" are about malicious GOP gossip, while GOP POLICY is based on bald faced lies, dupe.

Gossip you still posting that.... Everyone look here we have one of the last hold outs from the Kennith Starr report.
Whitewater, Travelgate, etc etc was all bs...Edmund Hillary, Tuzla. Pocahontas ZZZZZZZ...2 years of control, Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol: ZZZZZZ

You just reminded me of my song I started to write last year.....

Travel gate, bengahzi gate, trooper gate and Jennifer flowers..
North Korea, South Korea,
Naomi Robson, Markie Post, and
Maria Furtwängler
Asia fund raising scandal, white water and Monica Lewinsky
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the Clintons been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it
File gate, email gate and hillary stealing white house furniture..
Quid pro quo, Athony Wiener.. And the corrupt clinton foundation..

We didn't start the fire
Nor did we light it
But we tried to fight it
Since the clintons been turning
I would have to disagree with known facts that liberals had a monopoly on lying till 1987 in the media when the fairness doctrine ended.... The Republicans and the right wing media have a long way to go to catch up.


They lost this issue pretty much for all time when they stood around, openly admiring Bill Clinton for what an "unusually good liar" he was.
Dem "lies" are about malicious GOP gossip, while GOP POLICY is based on bald faced lies, dupe.

Gossip you still posting that.... Everyone look here we have one of the last hold outs from the Kennith Starr report.
Whitewater, Travelgate, etc etc was all bs...Edmund Hillary, Tuzla. Pocahontas ZZZZZZZ...2 years of control, Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol: ZZZZZZ

You just reminded me of my song I started to write last year.....

Travel gate, bengahzi gate, trooper gate and Jennifer flowers..
North Korea, South Korea,
Naomi Robson, Markie Post, and
Maria Furtwängler
Asia fund raising scandal, white water and Monica Lewinsky
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the Clintons been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it
File gate, email gate and hillary stealing white house furniture..
Quid pro quo, Athony Wiener.. And the corrupt clinton foundation..

We didn't start the fire
Nor did we light it
But we tried to fight it
Since the clintons been turning
All crap, nothing there. And has nothing to do with running the country. Like all Boosh's catastrophes and Raygun selling the country to the rich.
no it's I worked for mine why don't you work for yours instead of wanting other people to pay for it
You belong to a society...so do I

As part of a society, you contribute an amount as determined by We the People

I obey the laws that is all I am obligated to do
And fight for the greedy idiot GOP rich every day...
I never voted for any republican
If you didn't vote Dem you did...

no I never voted for a republican or a democrat

you see that's your problem you only think in 2 dimensions

Republicans have propped up the wealthy since Reagan trickle down

Break the unions, reduce competition, hold back wages
A scared workforce is not in a position to demand more pay

Then, blame the poor because workers are struggling
Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever. Great job. And letting infrastructure go for 35 years now. We may be a banana republic any day now...

"Not to mention most expensive college costs, training programs and loans ever."

Every one due to Liberal/Democrat policies.
What Conservative Republican policies have helped cut college costs, provided low cost training or loans?
liberal policies haven't cut college costs
the idea that the government guarantees loans ofr students has done nothing but leave us with a trillion dollar debt bomb
Liberal policies haven't been PASSED in 30 years.

what do you call Obama care?
For one, private charities give to help those truly in need. Government on the other hand passes out money to those for the asking.

Long term disaster relief and house fires are two different things. To put it another way, do you really believe that if we ended welfare as we know it today, that charity contributions would be the same or less? Of course not. Americans are the most generous people in the world. Private donations would increase ten fold.

When government wastes money, it's barely reported. If you wish to give to a charity, you can look up exactly where every penny goes on the site Charity Navigator. org. They tell you how much the charity collects, how much they pay out, how much they use for advertising, how much the use for administration, everything. So unlike government, if you believe the charity you had in minds wastes too much money, you simply don't give to that charity.

Marvin Olasky, in "The Tragedy of American Compassion," explains that human needs were taken care of by other human beings- not by bureaucracies. The important difference was that the latter may take care of food and shelter...but the former also dealt with the human spirit and behavior.
Welfare programs today, are Liberal….conservatives don’t look for material solutions, but understand that changing values is what solves the problem of poverty..

What is poverty?
Poverty is the situation of not having enough money.

What is the solution to poverty?
People having more money.

Where does one get money from?
A job.

The solution to poverty from a liberal point of view is give people the money they need. It may give some relief from poverty but certainly prolongs it at the same time. The solution to poverty is not giving people money other people make, the solution is people in poverty creating their own money and being able to pull themselves out of poverty.

Very true. The problem here is that many on the right who claim to want to help the poor, don't actually.

How do you help the poor?

Well, number one is with good education. Education that is aimed at producing workers. Education that is aimed at producing good adults.

The problem on the right is that they'll demand that people work all hours god gives them in order to earn enough money, and then they'll complain that their marriages are breaking up. Er... what?

The problem is that the right doesn't look at education as a means of producing productive workers, they look on it as a way of indoctrinating people and so tell poor people that the govt is trying to fuck with them.

The other problem is the lack of democracy, the right, as well as the left, don't want this to change, but a change is necessary in order to have things working properly.

A lot of people are looking out for their own interests and are clearly not interested in poor people moving up in the world with better education, a better situation etc. If you really want a situation where people can feel like a part of a functioning society, then a MAJOR overhaul is necessary, but the rich don't want it, their lapdog Congressmen and women don't want it, and they don't tell the people to want it, so they don't want it either.

Oh please with these unfounded conspiracy theories.

Again, no industrial country in the entire world spends more per capita on primary education than the United States, and we only have mediocre results to show for that money. More money is not the answer. It never was and never will be.

"The right" has no ability to indoctrinate in public schools--only the left does. The right doesn't complain about how long marriages last. It's never been an issue. The right has fought for school choice, the right has fought for school vouchers, the right has fought for home schooling. It's the left that opposed any change in the status quo to support their union teacher buddies. The left doesn't care about results, the left cares about politics.

Stopping poverty is easy. Quit allowing and encouraging poor people into procreating more poor people. You can't stop poverty when you also support expanding it. Poor people will likely create more poor people, just like middle-class will likely create more middle-class people and wealthy create more wealthy people.

Again, spending money on education doesn't mean good education.

As for the right has no ability to indoctrinate in public schools, er... what they fuck? How about religion? How about trying to get rid of evolution and replacing it with creationism?

Yes, how about religion? You know, when the community that financially supports a school are not allowed to have religion in their school because of one liberal? Not even allowed to keep religious artifacts like a cross on the wall that hung there for generations?

Liberals have always run our public schools because of unions. As you correctly pointed out, conservatives "try" and are defeated by liberals. And if you're not talking about more money for schools, then WTF are you talking about?

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