Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Simple: to have control over those states. The federal government has to steal our money, then hang it over our heads if we want our own money back. If you want your money back, then you'll do things the way the federal government wants you to do them.
Don't you live in Michigan or somesuch? If so, you get back more than you give. As a matter of fact, most of the people who complain most bitterly on this site get back more than they give.
which means people in other states are paying for programs that they don't benefit from

which is why we have to end the the federal government's strangle hold on state funding

let the money stay with the people in their own states after all that's how it was supposed to be if you want to use the Constitution

Personally I would rather pay less to the feds and more in my own state and town at least that way I have more of a say on what the fucktard politicians do with my money
That is why we started a UNITED States

Kansas helps pay for shore protection. Maine helps pay for tornado relief. NYC pays for farm subsidies. Rich states pay for electrification of poor states

We are stronger as a whole than we are with every state looking out for themselves

Our country by design was for states to operate like miniature countries only to combine forces for national interests only. Those are very few and far between which are also listed in the US Constitution.
Due to the immense distances between states and poor modes of transportation, they had little choices

It was not till we became UNITED States that we achieved greatness

You can believe that if you like, but I believe our greatness was due to individual desires to better ourselves whenever opportunity presented itself. The federal government was always there and will be in the future unfortunately. But it's not the federal government that made this country great. In fact, I would say it's the federal government that's stopping us from even being better.
California is a state comprised mostly of Illegals, Negroes, Limousine Liberals, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts, Feminazis, queers, confused college students and their bat shit crazy Marxist professors, and politically correct pink pussy hat wearing Moon Bats. So which group hangs out at the 49ner Tavern?
I posted a pic of the bar. If you're too stupid to read pictures, I don't know what to tell you, troll.
which means people in other states are paying for programs that they don't benefit from

which is why we have to end the the federal government's strangle hold on state funding

let the money stay with the people in their own states after all that's how it was supposed to be if you want to use the Constitution

Personally I would rather pay less to the feds and more in my own state and town at least that way I have more of a say on what the fucktard politicians do with my money
That is why we started a UNITED States

Kansas helps pay for shore protection. Maine helps pay for tornado relief. NYC pays for farm subsidies. Rich states pay for electrification of poor states

We are stronger as a whole than we are with every state looking out for themselves

no we get our money wasted by people who we cannot vote out of office
As a UNITED States we have become the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world.
We could not achieved that with 50 states looking out for themselves

well if all you want is power

I wouldn't care if we weren't a super power and we just minded our own business
You're ignoring history, which is why we have these laws and policies, Mr. Engineering Whiz/political ignoramus. See sig, last line.

Why is it when we argue for upholding to the constitution you say we are backwards outdated [insert insult here] but you argue for unconstitutional laws and bloated bureaucracies and we are the ones that are ignoring history.

It's precisely because we understand history that we argue for the constitution
hey you can always move to a state with lower taxes. federal taxes are a constant for everyone

Taxes in all states go up as New BS GOP federal aid goes down. World's thickest substance. GOP dupe skull. "Let's have a flat tax!". YOU ALREADY DO. A gold mine for the rich. Time for a nap before you give me a serious headache.

look idiot we have our taxes backwards anyway

you SHOULD be paying more in state and local taxes than in federal taxes since most of your government services are provided at the state and local government level.

you drive more on local roads, your kids go to local schools, your police and fire departments are local not federal etc

the real question is why the fuck does the federal government need to tax us only to give it to the states?
Because states rights and taxes is code for regressive, racist, rube policy? lol

so you would rather have 48 senators and dozens of congressmen that you cannot vote out of office decide where most of your tax money goes

and you call other people dupes

now that's fucking hilarious
As long as they're Dems, not corrupt bought off hypocrite New BS GOPers, dupe. lol.

You guys literally just nominated and voted for the most corrupt politician in modern history. You really have no moral authority on this issue
Why are you so cruel to the poor?
hey you can always move to a state with lower taxes. federal taxes are a constant for everyone

Taxes in all states go up as New BS GOP federal aid goes down. World's thickest substance. GOP dupe skull. "Let's have a flat tax!". YOU ALREADY DO. A gold mine for the rich. Time for a nap before you give me a serious headache.

look idiot we have our taxes backwards anyway

you SHOULD be paying more in state and local taxes than in federal taxes since most of your government services are provided at the state and local government level.

you drive more on local roads, your kids go to local schools, your police and fire departments are local not federal etc

the real question is why the fuck does the federal government need to tax us only to give it to the states?
Because states rights and taxes is code for regressive, racist, rube policy? lol

so you would rather have 48 senators and dozens of congressmen that you cannot vote out of office decide where most of your tax money goes

and you call other people dupes

now that's fucking hilarious
That is why we wrote a Constitution

We the People of the United States...

Writing a constitution is useless if you refuse to follow it
Republicans have a choice..

Blame the rich who are assuming more and more of our nations wealth
Blame the poor who cannot stand up for themselves

It's a Nazi-like bully mentality. They know the poor can't stand up for themselves. They're easy to abuse. I seriously believe some greedy Republicans on this thread, would support passing laws making being poor a 'crime.' They would have no problem imprisoning them all. They would gladly 'disappear' them.

They have been playing that card for decades

As the middle class struggles and wonders why their standard of living is diminishing....Rather than point out the rich who have seen their personal wealth increase significantly....it is easier for Republicans to point to some poor person who has a cell phone


What's real easy is trying to make the case that the reason one has too little is because others have too much. It's as false as it can get, but it sure beats blaming the individuals for their plight.
Then why do Republicans claim the poor have too much?

I don't know that any Republican has made that claim. I do know that the so-called poor are not doing too badly, especially against all humanity worldwide. They are fat and happy, have most of the amenities that working households have, some living in the suburbs with utilities paid. But because we say that doesn't mean we think they have too much.
All one has to do is look at Trumpcare

Republicans immediately attacked those who qualified for Medicaid, made employment restriction on Medicaid and slashed taxes on the rich
Taxes in all states go up as New BS GOP federal aid goes down. World's thickest substance. GOP dupe skull. "Let's have a flat tax!". YOU ALREADY DO. A gold mine for the rich. Time for a nap before you give me a serious headache.

look idiot we have our taxes backwards anyway

you SHOULD be paying more in state and local taxes than in federal taxes since most of your government services are provided at the state and local government level.

you drive more on local roads, your kids go to local schools, your police and fire departments are local not federal etc

the real question is why the fuck does the federal government need to tax us only to give it to the states?
Because states rights and taxes is code for regressive, racist, rube policy? lol

so you would rather have 48 senators and dozens of congressmen that you cannot vote out of office decide where most of your tax money goes

and you call other people dupes

now that's fucking hilarious
As long as they're Dems, not corrupt bought off hypocrite New BS GOPers, dupe. lol.

You guys literally just nominated and voted for the most corrupt politician in modern history. You really have no moral authority on this issue

look idiot we have our taxes backwards anyway

you SHOULD be paying more in state and local taxes than in federal taxes since most of your government services are provided at the state and local government level.

you drive more on local roads, your kids go to local schools, your police and fire departments are local not federal etc

the real question is why the fuck does the federal government need to tax us only to give it to the states?
Because states rights and taxes is code for regressive, racist, rube policy? lol

so you would rather have 48 senators and dozens of congressmen that you cannot vote out of office decide where most of your tax money goes

and you call other people dupes

now that's fucking hilarious
As long as they're Dems, not corrupt bought off hypocrite New BS GOPers, dupe. lol.
now that's funny

the dems have their masters too

and you call other people brainwashed

now that's even more fucking hilarious
Sorry, we don't HAVE a giant bs propaganda machine run by greedy idiot billionaires. Even the bs myth of Soros is NOTHING compared to Murdoch Fox, Koch Heritage, the Moon Times, Adelson Examiner, Bannon Breitbart and all the other fake news websites which overwhelm facts on social media and Google. We have this thing called traditional journalism around the world, ALL aghast and horrified by the lying bought off New BS GOP and its oligarchist minions...dupe.

He isn't serious is he?
It's a Nazi-like bully mentality. They know the poor can't stand up for themselves. They're easy to abuse. I seriously believe some greedy Republicans on this thread, would support passing laws making being poor a 'crime.' They would have no problem imprisoning them all. They would gladly 'disappear' them.

They have been playing that card for decades

As the middle class struggles and wonders why their standard of living is diminishing....Rather than point out the rich who have seen their personal wealth increase significantly....it is easier for Republicans to point to some poor person who has a cell phone


What's real easy is trying to make the case that the reason one has too little is because others have too much. It's as false as it can get, but it sure beats blaming the individuals for their plight.
Then why do Republicans claim the poor have too much?

I don't know that any Republican has made that claim. I do know that the so-called poor are not doing too badly, especially against all humanity worldwide. They are fat and happy, have most of the amenities that working households have, some living in the suburbs with utilities paid. But because we say that doesn't mean we think they have too much.
All one has to do is look at Trumpcare

Republicans immediately attacked those who qualified for Medicaid, made employment restriction on Medicaid and slashed taxes on the rich

And why not? Medicaid is the largest expenditures in most states. When we "give" things to groups of people, we place a value on that group. Why is it the left is so hell bent on placing a larger value on people that don't work than those that do?

As a middle-class working man, I'm so sick of hearing about kids that aren't mine that I should be taking care of and the so-called poor. Why is it the poor are considered more valuable to society than I am? I pay my taxes, I give people places to live, I work more than one job, but who gives a shit about me???

I'm sick of it to be honest. And dare a working person lookout for themselves, they are greedy and full of hatred towards the poor.
Libs cut gov't and add services that cost nothing in the end, dupissimus ignoramus.

please quote a libcommie who wants to cut govt
All of them. Obama did to start with...
lets see quote???????????????????????????????
Barack Obama has shrunk the US federal workforce more than Ronald Reagan
funny how Dems cut gov't while the GOP never stops lying, dupe.
They have been playing that card for decades

As the middle class struggles and wonders why their standard of living is diminishing....Rather than point out the rich who have seen their personal wealth increase significantly....it is easier for Republicans to point to some poor person who has a cell phone


What's real easy is trying to make the case that the reason one has too little is because others have too much. It's as false as it can get, but it sure beats blaming the individuals for their plight.
Then why do Republicans claim the poor have too much?

I don't know that any Republican has made that claim. I do know that the so-called poor are not doing too badly, especially against all humanity worldwide. They are fat and happy, have most of the amenities that working households have, some living in the suburbs with utilities paid. But because we say that doesn't mean we think they have too much.
All one has to do is look at Trumpcare

Republicans immediately attacked those who qualified for Medicaid, made employment restriction on Medicaid and slashed taxes on the rich

And why not? Medicaid is the largest expenditures in most states. When we "give" things to groups of people, we place a value on that group. Why is it the left is so hell bent on placing a larger value on people that don't work than those that do?

As a middle-class working man, I'm so sick of hearing about kids that aren't mine that I should be taking care of and the so-called poor. Why is it the poor are considered more valuable to society than I am? I pay my taxes, I give people places to live, I work more than one job, but who gives a shit about me???

I'm sick of it to be honest. And dare a working person lookout for themselves, they are greedy and full of hatred towards the poor.
Medicaid ends suffering. It saves lives

Why do Republicans hate it?
state and local taxes are too variable to use. which is why I only speak to federal taxes
And that's why you're a brainwashed functional idiot, dupe of the greedy rich GOP. TAXES ARE TAXES, and the Gop has been busy moving fed taxes (progressive) to the states (regressive). DUH. All they have is bs for the dupes about how the rich pay all the taxes. (BULLSHYTTE).

hey you can always move to a state with lower taxes. federal taxes are a constant for everyone

Taxes in all states go up as New BS GOP federal aid goes down. World's thickest substance. GOP dupe skull. "Let's have a flat tax!". YOU ALREADY DO. A gold mine for the rich. Time for a nap before you give me a serious headache.

look idiot we have our taxes backwards anyway

you SHOULD be paying more in state and local taxes than in federal taxes since most of your government services are provided at the state and local government level.

you drive more on local roads, your kids go to local schools, your police and fire departments are local not federal etc

the real question is why the fuck does the federal government need to tax us only to give it to the states?

It really doesn't make sense. Take education. The constitution is clear that it is a state issue, but for some reason we send our tax money to the federal government to support a bureaucracy that does nothing to improve education, only maintains the status quo and some of that money gets sent back to the states who are actually responsible for education. Why? Why should the federal government have any say in how we educate locally?
Because you're regressive RW rubes? Who have no clue what the Dept of Ed. does?

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