Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

That is why we started a UNITED States

Kansas helps pay for shore protection. Maine helps pay for tornado relief. NYC pays for farm subsidies. Rich states pay for electrification of poor states

We are stronger as a whole than we are with every state looking out for themselves

no we get our money wasted by people who we cannot vote out of office
As a UNITED States we have become the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world.
We could not achieved that with 50 states looking out for themselves

well if all you want is power

I wouldn't care if we weren't a super power and we just minded our own business
You're ignoring history, which is why we have these laws and policies, Mr. Engineering Whiz/political ignoramus. See sig, last line.

Why is it when we argue for upholding to the constitution you say we are backwards outdated [insert insult here] but you argue for unconstitutional laws and bloated bureaucracies and we are the ones that are ignoring history.

It's precisely because we understand history that we argue for the constitution
In dupe world...In reality, Dems cut gov't and help people while the GOP is an incompetent kleptocracy. Barack Obama has shrunk the US federal workforce more than Ronald Reagan
Taxes in all states go up as New BS GOP federal aid goes down. World's thickest substance. GOP dupe skull. "Let's have a flat tax!". YOU ALREADY DO. A gold mine for the rich. Time for a nap before you give me a serious headache.

look idiot we have our taxes backwards anyway

you SHOULD be paying more in state and local taxes than in federal taxes since most of your government services are provided at the state and local government level.

you drive more on local roads, your kids go to local schools, your police and fire departments are local not federal etc

the real question is why the fuck does the federal government need to tax us only to give it to the states?
Because states rights and taxes is code for regressive, racist, rube policy? lol

so you would rather have 48 senators and dozens of congressmen that you cannot vote out of office decide where most of your tax money goes

and you call other people dupes

now that's fucking hilarious
That is why we wrote a Constitution

We the People of the United States...

Writing a constitution is useless if you refuse to follow it
There was no public education in 1787. It's a guide, not a finished product. I'll go with the Supreme Court, Congress, and the US Justice system over bought off HS grad RW pundits and mainly racist dupes...
They eat cheap high caloric food loaded with starch, fat, and sugar.
they CHOOSE to eat that garbage

Choices are often made based on what people know. If you educated people badly, they'll then eat bad food at lot.

But then you'll have excuses for why people shouldn't be educated, just so you can blame them for making bad choices.

Government can't educate. Only people can educate themselves

And yet another excuse.

Actually you could say "teachers can't educate, pupils can only teach themselves", and yet good teachers inspire and bad teachers.... expire????

You're talking crap of course.

Govt can set out a way for education to succeed, or not, and you can see the difference in education systems throughout the world. Otherwise if your fantasy world were real, a kid in Somalia would have as much chance of making it in this world as a kid in the best schools.... but it ain't so.

My friend and I went to public school together. We sat in many of same classes. I studied hard. He turned to drug use.

Government spent the same amount of money on both of us. We both obtained degrees. But i learned much more about history, sciences, math, etc than he did.

We are told that the government needs to educate, and I have no doubt it can help yo some degree. But it's up to the individual to actually learn. Good teachers are great but if the student is unwilling he wont learn.

Oh and FYI my friend has cleaned up his life and taught himself alot since then. He is an intelligent and industrious man despite our school years.

It is. I'm not disagreeing with you here.

However the point here is that you take two people and you educated them a certain amount and they might achieve a certain amount based on their personality, experiences, choices etc.
You educated them much more and they might achieve more, or they might not, again, based on many things.

We can talk about individual cases until the cows come home, but we should be talking about a generalized view of the whole thing. The better education is, the better the generalized mass of students will do. Some will fail, and sometimes you need some to fail.

Another point is the direction of education. My education was: study English, History, Math, now, go out into the real world and get a job.
In Austria, Germany and other countries they have technical schools which from the age of around 13 are directing their students towards a job. This isn't for all students, but many of the kids who might go into crime, might instead end up in a profession.

Why? Simply said because academia doesn't suit everyone, and if you're lower down the pile of academia, you're basically being told every day that you're stupid. And people start to believe it, and start not to care and then you have a problem.

Education should be run intelligently, but usually it's not.
Taxes in all states go up as New BS GOP federal aid goes down. World's thickest substance. GOP dupe skull. "Let's have a flat tax!". YOU ALREADY DO. A gold mine for the rich. Time for a nap before you give me a serious headache.

look idiot we have our taxes backwards anyway

you SHOULD be paying more in state and local taxes than in federal taxes since most of your government services are provided at the state and local government level.

you drive more on local roads, your kids go to local schools, your police and fire departments are local not federal etc

the real question is why the fuck does the federal government need to tax us only to give it to the states?
Because states rights and taxes is code for regressive, racist, rube policy? lol

so you would rather have 48 senators and dozens of congressmen that you cannot vote out of office decide where most of your tax money goes

and you call other people dupes

now that's fucking hilarious
As long as they're Dems, not corrupt bought off hypocrite New BS GOPers, dupe. lol.

You guys literally just nominated and voted for the most corrupt politician in modern history. You really have no moral authority on this issue
Funny how 25 years of BS/hate against Hillary and Bill just disappeared isn't it, dupe? Lock her up was all imaginary Pubcrappe for dupes like you. Infotainment horse patoot.

They're not... that's leftist job.

They eat cheap high caloric food loaded with starch, fat, and sugar.
they CHOOSE to eat that garbage

Choices are often made based on what people know. If you educated people badly, they'll then eat bad food at lot.

But then you'll have excuses for why people shouldn't be educated, just so you can blame them for making bad choices.
that's bullshit too

ask anyone if a salad is healthier than a Snickers bar and tell me what they say

Yeah sure, and ask anyone which they'd prefer to eat, and many would say Snickers Bar simply because they don't know what the snickers bar will actually do to them.

Again, it's about making choices and having reasons to make those choices.

If the salad tasted better because they'd been taught how to do it, taught how to enjoy salad, then maybe they'd eat it. If they'd been taught what sugar does to their brains then maybe they'd have reasons no to eat the snickers. Some would, some wouldn't.

But education is how you change people's attitudes. Maybe if a snickers wasn't cheaper than a salad, then maybe people would also choose to eat salad.

But hey, you keep them there excuses rolling.
I don't think education is the problem when it comes to the poor and their diet.
When parents have to find the cheapest food available for their family, it’s nearly always going to be less likely to be fresh; more likely to be highly calorific, and therefore more filling.

You also have to factor in how exhausting poverty is. Often the last thing that stressed poor parents need at the end of the day is to start a meal from scratch. This is why, however well meant, the “why not buy some veg from the local market and make a lovely stew?” rationale so often takes on the ring of Marie Antoinette’s fabled suggestion to let them eat cake.

Why do you think they go for what they think is the cheapest food? They could actually probably eat for cheaper if they knew how to, but they don't.

If they knew how to make the food more filling, things like oats for breakfast, really filling, cheap, easy to make palatable for children.

Yes, there is the issue of people who work massive amounts of hours.

It's a massive right wing inconsistency.

"we want people to work long hours" "We want stable families" and they don't see that the former destroys the latter.

However there's a massive cycle of poverty, and you need to put things in place to start changing this, and education is one of those ways. Educate about nutrition, but also educate so people have jobs to go to, instead of gangs to go to.
It's all about the hate & greed. Most white Republican dudes have adopted a very hateful hostile approach to our poor. It's a 'FUCK YOU, I GOT MINE' mentality. I know the mentality well, i used to consider myself a Republican. Their treatment of our poor is pretty evil.

It really is amazing they actually consider themselves 'Good Americans' and 'Good Christians.' 'Conservative Christians' should try actually reading Jesus' teachings sometime. Instead of always desperately trying to justify their hate & hostility towards our poor, they should start reading the Bible again. It might just save their rotting souls.

It must be a tough life living with so much misplaced, hate and bitterness in your heart.

Specifically, what biblical readings are we Conservative Christians missing, in your opinion?
What's real easy is trying to make the case that the reason one has too little is because others have too much. It's as false as it can get, but it sure beats blaming the individuals for their plight.
Then why do Republicans claim the poor have too much?

I don't know that any Republican has made that claim. I do know that the so-called poor are not doing too badly, especially against all humanity worldwide. They are fat and happy, have most of the amenities that working households have, some living in the suburbs with utilities paid. But because we say that doesn't mean we think they have too much.
All one has to do is look at Trumpcare

Republicans immediately attacked those who qualified for Medicaid, made employment restriction on Medicaid and slashed taxes on the rich

And why not? Medicaid is the largest expenditures in most states. When we "give" things to groups of people, we place a value on that group. Why is it the left is so hell bent on placing a larger value on people that don't work than those that do?

As a middle-class working man, I'm so sick of hearing about kids that aren't mine that I should be taking care of and the so-called poor. Why is it the poor are considered more valuable to society than I am? I pay my taxes, I give people places to live, I work more than one job, but who gives a shit about me???

I'm sick of it to be honest. And dare a working person lookout for themselves, they are greedy and full of hatred towards the poor.
Medicaid ends suffering. It saves lives

Why do Republicans hate it?

Medicaid is the worst possible program to be on. For one, trying to find providers that accept Medicaid because they (like Medicare) pay less than the cost of care is a challenge within itself. If you do find anybody willing to accept substandard pay, they will likely offer only substandard care.

While non-working get free medical care paid for by us working people, we working people have nothing to care for ourselves. I'm sorry you don't see anything wrong with that, but then again, maybe you never worked for a living. If you ever decide to, and fork over your money to give care to people you can't even afford to give yourself, maybe then you will understand where we working people come from.
Then why do Republicans claim the poor have too much?

I don't know that any Republican has made that claim. I do know that the so-called poor are not doing too badly, especially against all humanity worldwide. They are fat and happy, have most of the amenities that working households have, some living in the suburbs with utilities paid. But because we say that doesn't mean we think they have too much.
All one has to do is look at Trumpcare

Republicans immediately attacked those who qualified for Medicaid, made employment restriction on Medicaid and slashed taxes on the rich

And why not? Medicaid is the largest expenditures in most states. When we "give" things to groups of people, we place a value on that group. Why is it the left is so hell bent on placing a larger value on people that don't work than those that do?

As a middle-class working man, I'm so sick of hearing about kids that aren't mine that I should be taking care of and the so-called poor. Why is it the poor are considered more valuable to society than I am? I pay my taxes, I give people places to live, I work more than one job, but who gives a shit about me???

I'm sick of it to be honest. And dare a working person lookout for themselves, they are greedy and full of hatred towards the poor.
Medicaid ends suffering. It saves lives

Why do Republicans hate it?

Medicaid is the worst possible program to be on. For one, trying to find providers that accept Medicaid because they (like Medicare) pay less than the cost of care is a challenge within itself. If you do find anybody willing to accept substandard pay, they will likely offer only substandard care.

While non-working get free medical care paid for by us working people, we working people have nothing to care for ourselves. I'm sorry you don't see anything wrong with that, but then again, maybe you never worked for a living. If you ever decide to, and fork over your money to give care to people you can't even afford to give yourself, maybe then you will understand where we working people come from.
Go find out the facts of ACA and stop parroting bs propaganda...Non workers always got Medicaid, now poor WORKERS can too, and you can get ACA cheap...
However there's a massive cycle of poverty, and you need to put things in place to start changing this, and education is one of those ways. Educate about nutrition, but also educate so people have jobs to go to, instead of gangs to go to.

Once again for the slow. I'll paste this slowly so perhaps you can keep up.

I don't know that any Republican has made that claim. I do know that the so-called poor are not doing too badly, especially against all humanity worldwide. They are fat and happy, have most of the amenities that working households have, some living in the suburbs with utilities paid. But because we say that doesn't mean we think they have too much.
All one has to do is look at Trumpcare

Republicans immediately attacked those who qualified for Medicaid, made employment restriction on Medicaid and slashed taxes on the rich

And why not? Medicaid is the largest expenditures in most states. When we "give" things to groups of people, we place a value on that group. Why is it the left is so hell bent on placing a larger value on people that don't work than those that do?

As a middle-class working man, I'm so sick of hearing about kids that aren't mine that I should be taking care of and the so-called poor. Why is it the poor are considered more valuable to society than I am? I pay my taxes, I give people places to live, I work more than one job, but who gives a shit about me???

I'm sick of it to be honest. And dare a working person lookout for themselves, they are greedy and full of hatred towards the poor.
Medicaid ends suffering. It saves lives

Why do Republicans hate it?

Medicaid is the worst possible program to be on. For one, trying to find providers that accept Medicaid because they (like Medicare) pay less than the cost of care is a challenge within itself. If you do find anybody willing to accept substandard pay, they will likely offer only substandard care.

While non-working get free medical care paid for by us working people, we working people have nothing to care for ourselves. I'm sorry you don't see anything wrong with that, but then again, maybe you never worked for a living. If you ever decide to, and fork over your money to give care to people you can't even afford to give yourself, maybe then you will understand where we working people come from.
Go find out the facts of ACA and stop parroting bs propaganda...Non workers always got Medicaid, now poor WORKERS can too, and you can get ACA cheap...

If you weren't such a dumb ass and read my posts, you'd see I was trying to get a plan in Commie Care, but it was unaffordable. So once again for "fakes" like yourself who claim to have an education, the cost was 25% of my net pay. It came with a 7K out of pocket and 7.1K deductible with no prescription, dental or vision coverage.

Now go back to your commie propaganda sites about Commie Care and pretend you know what you're talking about.
I have been hearing that Medicare is going broke and will fail. What a surprise that you should bring it up! How long will I have to wait for that to happens?
Will it fail before, or after Social Security? Before or after ACA?

Look for yourself. Bottom row, unfunded liabilities.


U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

So, just when will the sky fall, Chicken Little? All the people who told me that medicare would fail when I first started my insurance career have been dead for decades.
All one has to do is look at Trumpcare

Republicans immediately attacked those who qualified for Medicaid, made employment restriction on Medicaid and slashed taxes on the rich

And why not? Medicaid is the largest expenditures in most states. When we "give" things to groups of people, we place a value on that group. Why is it the left is so hell bent on placing a larger value on people that don't work than those that do?

As a middle-class working man, I'm so sick of hearing about kids that aren't mine that I should be taking care of and the so-called poor. Why is it the poor are considered more valuable to society than I am? I pay my taxes, I give people places to live, I work more than one job, but who gives a shit about me???

I'm sick of it to be honest. And dare a working person lookout for themselves, they are greedy and full of hatred towards the poor.
Medicaid ends suffering. It saves lives

Why do Republicans hate it?

Medicaid is the worst possible program to be on. For one, trying to find providers that accept Medicaid because they (like Medicare) pay less than the cost of care is a challenge within itself. If you do find anybody willing to accept substandard pay, they will likely offer only substandard care.

While non-working get free medical care paid for by us working people, we working people have nothing to care for ourselves. I'm sorry you don't see anything wrong with that, but then again, maybe you never worked for a living. If you ever decide to, and fork over your money to give care to people you can't even afford to give yourself, maybe then you will understand where we working people come from.
Go find out the facts of ACA and stop parroting bs propaganda...Non workers always got Medicaid, now poor WORKERS can too, and you can get ACA cheap...

If you weren't such a dumb ass and read my posts, you'd see I was trying to get a plan in Commie Care, but it was unaffordable. So once again for "fakes" like yourself who claim to have an education, the cost was 25% of my net pay. It came with a 7K out of pocket and 7.1K deductible with no prescription, dental or vision coverage.

Now go back to your commie propaganda sites about Commie Care and pretend you know what you're talking about.
And how much was your subsidy?
However there's a massive cycle of poverty, and you need to put things in place to start changing this, and education is one of those ways. Educate about nutrition, but also educate so people have jobs to go to, instead of gangs to go to.

Once again for the slow. I'll paste this slowly so perhaps you can keep up.


Well it doesn't always work like that. I appreciate how you'd love life to be so simple, but it's not.
Keep voting for the pander to the rich, screw the nonrich New BS GOP then, dupe.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!!

How many times have you copied and pasted this same lie? Other than the fact that you're lazy and have no response for all the FACTS lodged against you, what purpose does this serve? What good are you?

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