Why are republicans so stupid when it comes to Food Stamps?

1) The cost of food stamps is a small fraction of the overall welfare budget

2) 2/3 of those on food stamps are kids

3) Few people even qualify for food stamps because it is reserved for the poorest of the poor. It's a program way behind on the rate of inflation as well.

4) Some Veterans are on food stamps.

5) Any adult on food stamps has a job

Republicans in congress are either complete assholes or are willfully ignorant.

But hey i get it: it gives republicans hard ons to say "i don't need a handout! I provide! I'm tough as nails! Derp, derp, derp!" They then pretend complete falsehoods or stereotypes about the program because it makes them feel more manly i guess.

Why can't facts ever permeate the republican bubble?
Any adult on food stamps has a job? Really? Billy is a lying POS. Typical. Average dem mind set.

The overwhelming majority of SNAP recipients who can work do so. Among SNAP households with at least one working-age, non-disabled adult, more than half work while receiving SNAP — and more than 80 percent work in the year prior to or the year after receiving SNAP. The rates are even higher for families with children — more than 60 percent work while receiving SNAP, and almost 90 percent work in the prior or subsequent year.

The Relationship Between SNAP and Work Among Low-Income Households

Multiple failures. Where did it go sideways? Government mandated education?
1) The cost of food stamps is a small fraction of the overall welfare budget

2) 2/3 of those on food stamps are kids

3) Few people even qualify for food stamps because it is reserved for the poorest of the poor. It's a program way behind on the rate of inflation as well.

4) Some Veterans are on food stamps.

5) Any adult on food stamps has a job

Republicans in congress are either complete assholes or are willfully ignorant.

But hey i get it: it gives republicans hard ons to say "i don't need a handout! I provide! I'm tough as nails! Derp, derp, derp!" They then pretend complete falsehoods or stereotypes about the program because it makes them feel more manly i guess.

Why can't facts ever permeate the republican bubble?
Any adult on food stamps has a job? Really? Billy is a lying POS. Typical. Average dem mind set.

The overwhelming majority of SNAP recipients who can work do so. Among SNAP households with at least one working-age, non-disabled adult, more than half work while receiving SNAP — and more than 80 percent work in the year prior to or the year after receiving SNAP. The rates are even higher for families with children — more than 60 percent work while receiving SNAP, and almost 90 percent work in the prior or subsequent year.

The Relationship Between SNAP and Work Among Low-Income Households

Multiple failures. Where did it go sideways? Government mandated education?
Everything the federal government touches it fucks up
1) The cost of food stamps is a small fraction of the overall welfare budget

2) 2/3 of those on food stamps are kids

3) Few people even qualify for food stamps because it is reserved for the poorest of the poor. It's a program way behind on the rate of inflation as well.

4) Some Veterans are on food stamps.

5) Any adult on food stamps has a job

Republicans in congress are either complete assholes or are willfully ignorant.

But hey i get it: it gives republicans hard ons to say "i don't need a handout! I provide! I'm tough as nails! Derp, derp, derp!" They then pretend complete falsehoods or stereotypes about the program because it makes them feel more manly i guess.

Why can't facts ever permeate the republican bubble?
Any adult on food stamps has a job? Really? Billy is a lying POS. Typical. Average dem mind set.

The overwhelming majority of SNAP recipients who can work do so. Among SNAP households with at least one working-age, non-disabled adult, more than half work while receiving SNAP — and more than 80 percent work in the year prior to or the year after receiving SNAP. The rates are even higher for families with children — more than 60 percent work while receiving SNAP, and almost 90 percent work in the prior or subsequent year.

The Relationship Between SNAP and Work Among Low-Income Households

Multiple failures. Where did it go sideways? Government mandated education?

You understand Gov't involvement even before the US Constitution?

Perhaps it has more to do with "free market" BS and the GOP's 40+ year denial of Gov't as part of a solution?
Congress recently passed a tax bill, as proposed in President Bush's economic stimulus plan, that offers a $100,000 tax credit for business owners who purchase any vehicle weighing 6,000 pounds or more when fully loaded.

Total LIE.

Rendering your entire post bogus.
1) The cost of food stamps is a small fraction of the overall welfare budget

2) 2/3 of those on food stamps are kids

3) Few people even qualify for food stamps because it is reserved for the poorest of the poor. It's a program way behind on the rate of inflation as well.

4) Some Veterans are on food stamps.

5) Any adult on food stamps has a job

Republicans in congress are either complete assholes or are willfully ignorant.

But hey i get it: it gives republicans hard ons to say "i don't need a handout! I provide! I'm tough as nails! Derp, derp, derp!" They then pretend complete falsehoods or stereotypes about the program because it makes them feel more manly i guess.

Why can't facts ever permeate the republican bubble?
Any adult on food stamps has a job? Really? Billy is a lying POS. Typical. Average dem mind set.

The overwhelming majority of SNAP recipients who can work do so. Among SNAP households with at least one working-age, non-disabled adult, more than half work while receiving SNAP — and more than 80 percent work in the year prior to or the year after receiving SNAP. The rates are even higher for families with children — more than 60 percent work while receiving SNAP, and almost 90 percent work in the prior or subsequent year.

The Relationship Between SNAP and Work Among Low-Income Households

Multiple failures. Where did it go sideways? Government mandated education?
Everything the federal government touches it fucks up

"Everything the federal government touches it fucks up" As long as the GOP has a hand in it!

Fixed it for you cupcake :)
He was a fuck up along with the GOP establishment

ANY GOPer and ALL CONservatives are fuck up's cupcake, I get that :)
Do you enjoy sucking the Cocks of career politicians?

Too funny cupcake after YOU did that for Dubya :)
Never was a fan of his, or any GOP establishment candidate for that matter. But you do like the shit stain that is Barry don't you?

YOUR defense of Dubya noted cupcake :(


Total LIE. 100% B.S.

We have never, ever had anywhere near a $5.6 TRILLION surplus.

NONE of your posts have any more truth than this one.
Congress recently passed a tax bill, as proposed in President Bush's economic stimulus plan, that offers a $100,000 tax credit for business owners who purchase any vehicle weighing 6,000 pounds or more when fully loaded.

Total LIE.

Rendering your entire post bogus.

Sorry Cupcake YOU are the LIAR

Fed Tax Break Encourages SUV Purchases

Fed Tax Break Encourages SUV Purchases


USATODAY.com - Bush plan gives huge tax break to buyers of big SUVs

Tax Breaks Given on Gas-Guzzling SUVs
George W. Bush spent like a progressive, he bailed out the auto companies and banks and gave aid Africa. Every bit of it was a waste. Typical of a career politician. Definitely a progressive

George Bush did not bail out the GM and Chrysler. President Bush made the first dispersal to the banks, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama made the second and then wrongly bailed out the automakers. The banks repaid all the money, with interest.
ANY GOPer and ALL CONservatives are fuck up's cupcake, I get that :)
Do you enjoy sucking the Cocks of career politicians?

Too funny cupcake after YOU did that for Dubya :)
Never was a fan of his, or any GOP establishment candidate for that matter. But you do like the shit stain that is Barry don't you?

YOUR defense of Dubya noted cupcake :(


Total LIE. 100% B.S.

We have never, ever had anywhere near a $5.6 TRILLION surplus.

NONE of your posts have any more truth than this one.

Weird you have reading comprehension issues cupcake??

Jan. 31, 2001
Budget-Surplus Estimate Is Boosted to $5.6 Trillion

-- As President Bush signaled new flexibility on his tax-cut plans, congressional analysts gave those plans a boost with a whopping $5.6 trillion estimate of the 10-year federal budget surplus.

The Congressional Budget Office report, to be released Wednesday, represents one of the biggest upward revisions yet in the government's rising tide of black ink since surpluses began appearing a few years ago.

Budget-Surplus Estimate Is Boosted to $5.6 Trillion

George W. Bush spent like a progressive, he bailed out the auto companies and banks and gave aid Africa. Every bit of it was a waste. Typical of a career politician. Definitely a progressive

George Bush did not bail out the GM and Chrysler. President Bush made the first dispersal to the banks, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama made the second and then wrongly bailed out the automakers. The banks repaid all the money, with interest.

You love you some socialism as long as it's to the Banksters huh Cupcake?

Bush announces $17.4 billion auto bailout

President George W. Bush stepped in Friday to keep America's auto industry afloat, announcing a $17.4 billion bailout for GM and Chrysler, with the terms of the loans requiring that the firms radically restructure and show they can become profitable soon.


Bush announces $17.4 billion auto bailout

Congress recently passed a tax bill, as proposed in President Bush's economic stimulus plan, that offers a $100,000 tax credit for business owners who purchase any vehicle weighing 6,000 pounds or more when fully loaded.

Total LIE.

Rendering your entire post bogus.

Sorry Cupcake YOU are the LIAR

Fed Tax Break Encourages SUV Purchases

Fed Tax Break Encourages SUV Purchases


USATODAY.com - Bush plan gives huge tax break to buyers of big SUVs

Tax Breaks Given on Gas-Guzzling SUVs

Your childish shouting gains you nothing.

You said there was a $100,000 TAX CREDIT. PERIOD. Your links don't save you either.

I remember well. I bought one strictly because of the tax advantage. I didn't want one, I don't like them but who could resist one in my profession?

George W. Bush spent like a progressive, he bailed out the auto companies and banks and gave aid Africa. Every bit of it was a waste. Typical of a career politician. Definitely a progressive

George Bush did not bail out the GM and Chrysler. President Bush made the first dispersal to the banks, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama made the second and then wrongly bailed out the automakers. The banks repaid all the money, with interest.

Congress recently passed a tax bill, as proposed in President Bush's economic stimulus plan, that offers a $100,000 tax credit for business owners who purchase any vehicle weighing 6,000 pounds or more when fully loaded.

Total LIE.

Rendering your entire post bogus.

Sorry Cupcake YOU are the LIAR

Fed Tax Break Encourages SUV Purchases

Fed Tax Break Encourages SUV Purchases


USATODAY.com - Bush plan gives huge tax break to buyers of big SUVs

Tax Breaks Given on Gas-Guzzling SUVs

Your childish shouting gains you nothing.

You said there was a $100,000 TAX CREDIT. PERIOD. Your links don't save you either.

I remember well. I bought one strictly because of the tax advantage. I didn't want one, I don't like them but who could resist one in my profession?

Sorry YOU are an ignorant tool cupcake :(


...Back then, taxpayers were exploiting Section 179 of the U.S. Tax Code – a provision designed to allow small businesses to expense (or immediately write off) small capital investments. As part of the 2003 Bush tax cuts, the maximum Section 179 write-off was increased from $24,000 to $100,000. In October 2004, after the Hummer hullabaloo, Congress limited the write-off for trucks weighing between 6,000 and 14,000 pounds to $25,000, curbing luxury SUVs’ tax appeal. (Write-offs for luxury cars were already more limited.)

How To Take A 100% Tax Write-Off For A New Porsche, BMW or Cadillac

Do you enjoy sucking the Cocks of career politicians?

Too funny cupcake after YOU did that for Dubya :)
Never was a fan of his, or any GOP establishment candidate for that matter. But you do like the shit stain that is Barry don't you?

YOUR defense of Dubya noted cupcake :(


Jan. 31, 2001
Budget-Surplus Estimate Is Boosted to $5.6 Trillion

-- As President Bush signaled new flexibility on his tax-cut plans, congressional analysts gave those plans a boost with a whopping $5.6 trillion estimate of the 10-year federal budget surplus.

The Congressional Budget Office report, to be released Wednesday, represents one of the biggest upward revisions yet in the government's rising tide of black ink since surpluses began appearing a few years ago.

Budget-Surplus Estimate Is Boosted to $5.6 Trillion

You claimed a $5.6 TRILLION SURPLUS. There never was any such thing. That is a lie.

The budget is a paper figure. The DEBT is real.

As you know too, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama has not had a single year of a budget deficit which was less than those of President Bush. Not one, including this year where out DEBT will exceed $20 TRILLION.

Stop posting lies and you won't get your panties in a wad when you are proven to be lying.
Last edited:
Any adult on food stamps has a job? Really? Billy is a lying POS. Typical. Average dem mind set.

The overwhelming majority of SNAP recipients who can work do so. Among SNAP households with at least one working-age, non-disabled adult, more than half work while receiving SNAP — and more than 80 percent work in the year prior to or the year after receiving SNAP. The rates are even higher for families with children — more than 60 percent work while receiving SNAP, and almost 90 percent work in the prior or subsequent year.

The Relationship Between SNAP and Work Among Low-Income Households

Multiple failures. Where did it go sideways? Government mandated education?
Everything the federal government touches it fucks up

"Everything the federal government touches it fucks up" As long as the GOP has a hand in it!

Fixed it for you cupcake :)
So cash payments to Clinton don't count?
Too funny cupcake after YOU did that for Dubya :)
Never was a fan of his, or any GOP establishment candidate for that matter. But you do like the shit stain that is Barry don't you?

YOUR defense of Dubya noted cupcake :(



Total LIE. 100% B.S.

We have never, ever had anywhere near a $5.6 TRILLION surplus.

NONE of your posts have any more truth than this one.

Weird you have reading comprehension issues cupcake??

Jan. 31, 2001
Budget-Surplus Estimate Is Boosted to $5.6 Trillion

-- As President Bush signaled new flexibility on his tax-cut plans, congressional analysts gave those plans a boost with a whopping $5.6 trillion estimate of the 10-year federal budget surplus.

The Congressional Budget Office report, to be released Wednesday, represents one of the biggest upward revisions yet in the government's rising tide of black ink since surpluses began appearing a few years ago.

Budget-Surplus Estimate Is Boosted to $5.6 Trillion


You claimed a $5.6 TRILLION SURPLUS. There never was any such thing. That is a lie.

The budget is a paper figure. The DEBT is real.

As you know too, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama has not had a single year of a budget deficit which was less than those of President Bush. Not one, including this year where out DEBT will exceed $20 TRILLION.

Stop posting lies and you won't get your panties in a wad when you are proven to be lying.

Learn how to post TO THE POSTER CUPCAKE, not within the quotes :)


Jan 7, 2009

CBO projects record $1.2 trillion deficit

CBO projects record $1.2 trillion deficit - Jan. 7, 2009
The overwhelming majority of SNAP recipients who can work do so. Among SNAP households with at least one working-age, non-disabled adult, more than half work while receiving SNAP — and more than 80 percent work in the year prior to or the year after receiving SNAP. The rates are even higher for families with children — more than 60 percent work while receiving SNAP, and almost 90 percent work in the prior or subsequent year.

The Relationship Between SNAP and Work Among Low-Income Households

Multiple failures. Where did it go sideways? Government mandated education?
Everything the federal government touches it fucks up

"Everything the federal government touches it fucks up" As long as the GOP has a hand in it!

Fixed it for you cupcake :)
So cash payments to Clinton don't count?

Cash payments huh cupcake? Weird IF there were proof of that MAYBE Cheeto would've won the popular vote?
Sorry YOU are an ignorant tool cupcake :(


...Back then, taxpayers were exploiting Section 179 of the U.S. Tax Code – a provision designed to allow small businesses to expense (or immediately write off) small capital investments. As part of the 2003 Bush tax cuts, the maximum Section 179 write-off was increased from $24,000 to $100,000. In October 2004, after the Hummer hullabaloo, Congress limited the write-off for trucks weighing between 6,000 and 14,000 pounds to $25,000, curbing luxury SUVs’ tax appeal. (Write-offs for luxury cars were already more limited.)

How To Take A 100% Tax Write-Off For A New Porsche, BMW or Cadillac



Your wrong yet AGAIN!

Your original lie stated clearly that there was a $100,000 CREDIT. PERIOD. Major lie.

Your own post above states a WRITE-OFF of $24,000 to $100,000. This is NOT the same as a TAX CREDIT. Not even close. A write-off is a tax deduction taken in one year. Previously your vehicle had to be amortized over a number of years or taking a per mile allowance.

You are right that President Bush made the first payment to the auto industry on Dec. 31, 2008. That was after consulting with President-Elect Obama and they agreed. After that, all payment were on the watch of President Obama.
Never was a fan of his, or any GOP establishment candidate for that matter. But you do like the shit stain that is Barry don't you?

YOUR defense of Dubya noted cupcake :(



Total LIE. 100% B.S.

We have never, ever had anywhere near a $5.6 TRILLION surplus.

NONE of your posts have any more truth than this one.

Weird you have reading comprehension issues cupcake??

Jan. 31, 2001
Budget-Surplus Estimate Is Boosted to $5.6 Trillion

-- As President Bush signaled new flexibility on his tax-cut plans, congressional analysts gave those plans a boost with a whopping $5.6 trillion estimate of the 10-year federal budget surplus.

The Congressional Budget Office report, to be released Wednesday, represents one of the biggest upward revisions yet in the government's rising tide of black ink since surpluses began appearing a few years ago.

Budget-Surplus Estimate Is Boosted to $5.6 Trillion


You claimed a $5.6 TRILLION SURPLUS. There never was any such thing. That is a lie.

The budget is a paper figure. The DEBT is real.

As you know too, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama has not had a single year of a budget deficit which was less than those of President Bush. Not one, including this year where out DEBT will exceed $20 TRILLION.

Stop posting lies and you won't get your panties in a wad when you are proven to be lying.

Learn how to post TO THE POSTER CUPCAKE, not within the quotes :)


Jan 7, 2009

CBO projects record $1.2 trillion deficit

CBO projects record $1.2 trillion deficit - Jan. 7, 2009

President Bush never signed a budget for 2009. The one submitted by President Bush had a $480 Billion deficit which Nancy Pelosi never allowed to come to a vote. President Obama signed it in April of 2009 after he had added a $1 TRILLION failed stimulus.

Sure wish Ronnie/Dubya didn't try just half of Keynes, you know when they both blew up spending AS they gutted revenues :(
There has never been a surplus for many, many decades... just debt... lol
We are an overtaxed society... And perceived future taxes do not exist

Sorry Cupcake, BJ Bill had 4 budget surpluses, 3 after vetoing the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut. You know what a budget surplus is right cupcake?

Carter had US near 19.6% of GDP in revenues and Ronnie GUTTED it to 17% of revenues but 22% in spending, BJ Bill got it back to 20% of revenues/spending cupcake, WHILE Dubya gutted revenues to 14.6% of GDP and blew up spending to almost 24%

There cannot be a surplus if there is any debt... simple case of arithmetic can tell you that

ANOTHER ignorant right winger who doesn't understand the difference with budgets and deficits/debt cupcake?

Hint money coming into treasury versus going out in a F/Y budget is called a budget surplus or deficit.

Q: During the Clinton administration was the federal budget balanced? Was the federal deficit erased?

A: Yes to both questions, whether you count Social Security or not.

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton - FactCheck.org


Curious, why did you not include the years of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama? Frightening isn't it?

As for a surplus during some years of the Clinton administration.

IF there was a surplus, WHY did the DEBT increase each year?

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