Why Are Republicans Yelling & Waiving Confederate Flags In Front The White House?

I found Jonathan Capehart's alleged outrage over the disrespect shown to President Obama highly laughable and questionable in it's sincerity given the amount of disrespect that was shown to President Bush from the left over the year's which I suspect back then he called a exercise in freedom of speech. Of course this was when descent was considered the highest form of patriotism funny how that changes when the President is black Democrat instead of a white Republican.

The Wadded Panties of Jonathan Capehart | RedState
Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

from your hack link

So imagine my revulsion at the sight of one outside the front gates of the White House.

at least the hack that wrote that pile was honest enough to keep it singular, while you were not.
The guy represents Republicans and the Republican Party

Look how not ONE of you rabid RWers of USMB has condemned him or his actions.

Not one.

I don't expect any of you to either, what I expect is for you to continue deflecting it, minimizing it and/or doubling down on it.

Is this another false flag operation. He looks like is from Boston Mass.



That's one heck of a young looking WWII vet.

deep down hatred from both sides gets debate no way and not good example for the next generation of kids
Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

from your hack link

So imagine my revulsion at the sight of one outside the front gates of the White House.

at least the hack that wrote that pile was honest enough to keep it singular, while you were not.
So are you saying that The Washington Post is considered a "hack link" now?
There is a group within the Republican Party and many people that are "Closet Racists" They are Cowards. Today there are people, especially in the South that celebrate Jefferson Davis' birthday ! Yes they celebrate the birthday of the President of the Confederecy, Today !!

I lived in the south and half lives there now.

I never heard of this. please provide a link showing large numbers doing so.
Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

from your hack link

So imagine my revulsion at the sight of one outside the front gates of the White House.

at least the hack that wrote that pile was honest enough to keep it singular, while you were not.
So are you saying that The Washington Post is considered a "hack link" now?

Are you really trying to tell me that that story wasn't utter bullshit?

ONE flag and it's in the news?

It's lying race baiters, like you, that have created more division than that moron with the flag would have done, if people like you would have ignored it instead of lying and putting that on everyone to the right.

And it’s remarkable that so many on the right believe such ignorant nonsense.

sadly both sides come up with really dumb stuff which gets far to personal. No need to but america become over last 20 years so partisan that it get very nasty insults thrown from one side to another.
This "both sides" nonsense is what is horribly wrong in our media climate today.

You can't find ONE member of Congress or Senate in the Democratic Party that lent credence to any of the anti-Bush stuff that went on.

However, if you're NOT spewing anti-Obama nonsense in the Republican Party today, you may not be voted in by the gerrymandered hard RW Districts.

Ted Cruz, Joe Wilson, and their ilk are actually leading out the nonsense.

Post a Democrat Congressman or Senator engaging in anything similar to what these radical RWers are currently doing.

I dare you.

I took your dare, and didn't include the insults that your dear leader has used.

“You cannot negotiate when they take hostages and when they extort, period.”
- Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.)
“What we’re not for is negotiating with people who have a bomb strapped to their chest”
-Senior WH Adviser Dan Pfeiffer
“They refuse to pass a budget unless I let them sabotage Obamacare, something they know is not going to happen.”
-President Barack Obama
“…the anarchists have taken over. They’ve taken over the House, now they’re here in the Senate.”
-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.)
“We need to act like adults not like squealing political pigs”
-Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.)
“Or we can finally call these people what McConnell once gleefully acknowledged they are: hostage takers, unrepresentative of the once-proud Republican Party and unfit to govern the greatest nation on Earth.”
-Former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau
Summing up bargaining by Tea Party Republicans as “if you don’t accept what we demand, we’re going to blow up the place.”
-Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.)
“I call them ‘legislative arsonists.’ They’re there to burn down what we should be building up in terms of investments and education and scientific research, and all that it is that makes our country great and competitive.”
-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)
“The only phrase that describes it is political terrorism.”
Former Vice President Al Gore (D)
“That’s a scandal — those people are guilty of murder in my opinion.”
- Sen. Angus King (I-Maine)
sadly both sides come up with really dumb stuff which gets far to personal. No need to but america become over last 20 years so partisan that it get very nasty insults thrown from one side to another.
This "both sides" nonsense is what is horribly wrong in our media climate today.

You can't find ONE member of Congress or Senate in the Democratic Party that lent credence to any of the anti-Bush stuff that went on.

However, if you're NOT spewing anti-Obama nonsense in the Republican Party today, you may not be voted in by the gerrymandered hard RW Districts.

Ted Cruz, Joe Wilson, and their ilk are actually leading out the nonsense.

Post a Democrat Congressman or Senator engaging in anything similar to what these radical RWers are currently doing.

I dare you.

I took your dare, and didn't include the insults that your dear leader has used.

“You cannot negotiate when they take hostages and when they extort, period.”
- Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.)
“What we’re not for is negotiating with people who have a bomb strapped to their chest”
-Senior WH Adviser Dan Pfeiffer
“They refuse to pass a budget unless I let them sabotage Obamacare, something they know is not going to happen.”
-President Barack Obama
“…the anarchists have taken over. They’ve taken over the House, now they’re here in the Senate.”
-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.)
“We need to act like adults not like squealing political pigs”
-Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.)
“Or we can finally call these people what McConnell once gleefully acknowledged they are: hostage takers, unrepresentative of the once-proud Republican Party and unfit to govern the greatest nation on Earth.”
-Former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau
Summing up bargaining by Tea Party Republicans as “if you don’t accept what we demand, we’re going to blow up the place.”
-Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.)
“I call them ‘legislative arsonists.’ They’re there to burn down what we should be building up in terms of investments and education and scientific research, and all that it is that makes our country great and competitive.”
-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)
“The only phrase that describes it is political terrorism.”
Former Vice President Al Gore (D)
“That’s a scandal — those people are guilty of murder in my opinion.”
- Sen. Angus King (I-Maine)

again both sides have been very rude about each other with neadless insults. We need to put hate to one side and get middle ground deal to avoid default and ecnomey tanking.
from your hack link

So imagine my revulsion at the sight of one outside the front gates of the White House.

at least the hack that wrote that pile was honest enough to keep it singular, while you were not.
So are you saying that The Washington Post is considered a "hack link" now?

Are you really trying to tell me that that story wasn't utter bullshit?

ONE flag and it's in the news?

It's lying race baiters, like you, that have created more division than that moron with the flag would have done, if people like you would have ignored it instead of lying and putting that on everyone to the right.
Ahhh...yes, blame me, the guy who's pointing out the rancid hatred of the radical far RW moran waiving the flag. I'm to blame, not the MORAN with the Confederate Flag in his hand spewing hatred.

Makes perfect sense.

That explains your Neg

Two Thumbs said:
Hi, you have received -1896 reputation points from Two Thumbs.
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you lied shit bag, that\'s what we are pointing out. Your lie makes the rest of your op mindless bullshit

Two Thumbs

Note: This is an automated message.
Carry on, I'll get my joy on the other side when the Republicans get booted out of Office with a Democratic Sweep in November 2014

Carry on bastard. Carry. on.
Last edited:
The guy represents Republicans and the Republican Party

Look how not ONE of you rabid RWers of USMB has condemned him or his actions.

Not one.

I don't expect any of you to either, what I expect is for you to continue deflecting it, minimizing it and/or doubling down on it.

Is this another false flag operation. He looks like is from Boston Mass.



That's one heck of a young looking WWII vet.

You are the only one saying he is a WWII vet. Everyone else is aware of the obvious.
This "both sides" nonsense is what is horribly wrong in our media climate today.

You can't find ONE member of Congress or Senate in the Democratic Party that lent credence to any of the anti-Bush stuff that went on.

However, if you're NOT spewing anti-Obama nonsense in the Republican Party today, you may not be voted in by the gerrymandered hard RW Districts.

Ted Cruz, Joe Wilson, and their ilk are actually leading out the nonsense.

Post a Democrat Congressman or Senator engaging in anything similar to what these radical RWers are currently doing.

I dare you.

I took your dare, and didn't include the insults that your dear leader has used.

“You cannot negotiate when they take hostages and when they extort, period.”
- Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.)
“What we’re not for is negotiating with people who have a bomb strapped to their chest”
-Senior WH Adviser Dan Pfeiffer
“They refuse to pass a budget unless I let them sabotage Obamacare, something they know is not going to happen.”
-President Barack Obama
“…the anarchists have taken over. They’ve taken over the House, now they’re here in the Senate.”
-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.)
“We need to act like adults not like squealing political pigs”
-Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.)
“Or we can finally call these people what McConnell once gleefully acknowledged they are: hostage takers, unrepresentative of the once-proud Republican Party and unfit to govern the greatest nation on Earth.”
-Former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau
Summing up bargaining by Tea Party Republicans as “if you don’t accept what we demand, we’re going to blow up the place.”
-Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.)
“I call them ‘legislative arsonists.’ They’re there to burn down what we should be building up in terms of investments and education and scientific research, and all that it is that makes our country great and competitive.”
-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)
“The only phrase that describes it is political terrorism.”
Former Vice President Al Gore (D)
“That’s a scandal — those people are guilty of murder in my opinion.”
- Sen. Angus King (I-Maine)

again both sides have been very rude about each other with neadless insults. We need to put hate to one side and get middle ground deal to avoid default and ecnomey tanking.
You answered someone else's question...not mine.

I asked you to post evidence of Democrats in Congress that gave credence to Anti-Bush stuff.

I'll take it you couldn't find any of that.

And that's because there were none.

What you posted is regular rhetoric...nothing new.

But the rancid hatred and kow-towing to the rabid RW base that Republicans have engaged in and continue to engage is simply unheard of on the Left.

Good day sir.

*tips hat*

Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

What do you think it means?

They want to bring back slavery, and make only white males in this country, eligible to vote.

That's what it means.

There's that elusive "They" again

I see one beatnik standing there with his asshole showing

Then I read an article written by another asshole that was linked to us by yet another asshole

Gotta love that 1st Amendment

Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

What do you think it means?

They want to bring back slavery, and make only white males in this country, eligible to vote.

That's what it means.

There's that elusive "They" again

I see one beatnik standing there with his asshole showing

Then I read an article written by another asshole that was linked to us by yet another asshole

Gotta love that 1st Amendment


Oh please.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQ0ZwA8BfWs]Klayman to Obama: Put the Koran down and come out with your hands up - YouTube[/ame]
I took your dare, and didn't include the insults that your dear leader has used.

again both sides have been very rude about each other with neadless insults. We need to put hate to one side and get middle ground deal to avoid default and ecnomey tanking.
You answered someone else's question...not mine.

I asked you to post evidence of Democrats in Congress that gave credence to Anti-Bush stuff.

I'll take it you couldn't find any of that.

And that's because there were none.

What you posted is regular rhetoric...nothing new.

But the rancid hatred and kow-towing to the rabid RW base that Republicans have engaged in and continue to engage is simply unheard of on the Left.

Good day sir.

*tips hat*


What I posted was hateful rhetoric from the left. There aren't enough pages on this site to post all of the anti-Bush stuff the slime balls on your team used.
why do liberals like marc say republicanS, when this is clearly ONE person?

who knows his reasons, go ask him marc, how the hell should anyone here know....
The guy represents Republicans and the Republican Party

Look how not ONE of you rabid RWers of USMB has condemned him or his actions.

Not one.

I don't expect any of you to either, what I expect is for you to continue deflecting it, minimizing it and/or doubling down on it.

he doesn't represent anyone you fucking idiot. he is ONE person making a statement that i, NOR, you have a clue what it is and yet you want me to condemn him?

are you mental?
The biggest A-hole posted on this page is Larry Klayman. 2nd to his a-hole followers, supporters and apologists.
What do you think it means?

They want to bring back slavery, and make only white males in this country, eligible to vote.

That's what it means.

There's that elusive "They" again

I see one beatnik standing there with his asshole showing

Then I read an article written by another asshole that was linked to us by yet another asshole

Gotta love that 1st Amendment


Oh please.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQ0ZwA8BfWs"]Klayman to Obama: Put the Koran down and come out with your hands up - YouTube[/ame]

"Oh please" my ass


So there's nuts, fruits and flakes in every bowl of cereal

Care for me to pull out every singular Occupier pic of someone or another shitting on a cop car or protesters burning city blocks?
You rabid far RW Republicans can deflect all you want, but it's not gonna make the situation any better.

The folks in your Party are doing nothing but spewing hate and obstruction.

I'm not making this up. The polls are baring what I'm saying out.

If you guys keep up this reprehensible behavior for another 6 months you'll be guaranteeing a wash-out come November.

Keep it up folks...your time will soon run out.

Very true.
again both sides have been very rude about each other with neadless insults. We need to put hate to one side and get middle ground deal to avoid default and ecnomey tanking.
You answered someone else's question...not mine.

I asked you to post evidence of Democrats in Congress that gave credence to Anti-Bush stuff.

I'll take it you couldn't find any of that.

And that's because there were none.

What you posted is regular rhetoric...nothing new.

But the rancid hatred and kow-towing to the rabid RW base that Republicans have engaged in and continue to engage is simply unheard of on the Left.

Good day sir.

*tips hat*


What I posted was hateful rhetoric from the left. There aren't enough pages on this site to post all of the anti-Bush stuff the slime balls on your team used.
Post one.

That is a person in Congress that gave credence to bogus BS, like Bush was responsible for 9-11.

Like how you have Republican Congressman and women giving credence to Obama being born in Kenya and all sorts of other nonsense.

Don't give me a page, I didn't ask for that, give me one.

That's all.

Your move.

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