Why Are Republicans Yelling & Waiving Confederate Flags In Front The White House?

You rabid far RW Republicans can deflect all you want, but it's not gonna make the situation any better.

The folks in your Party are doing nothing but spewing hate and obstruction.

I'm not making this up. The polls are baring what I'm saying out.

If you guys keep up this reprehensible behavior for another 6 months you'll be guaranteeing a wash-out come November.

Keep it up folks...your time will soon run out.

Marc as i said before.....very little is going to change.....remember.... its YOUR Congress person who needs to go.....MINE is cool.....
I took your dare, and didn't include the insults that your dear leader has used.

again both sides have been very rude about each other with neadless insults. We need to put hate to one side and get middle ground deal to avoid default and ecnomey tanking.
You answered someone else's question...not mine.

I asked you to post evidence of Democrats in Congress that gave credence to Anti-Bush stuff.

I'll take it you couldn't find any of that.

And that's because there were none.

What you posted is regular rhetoric...nothing new.

But the rancid hatred and kow-towing to the rabid RW base that Republicans have engaged in and continue to engage is simply unheard of on the Left.

Good day sir.

*tips hat*


Sorry mate but its bollocks to say i bow down to gop lot. That just bollocks as us londerners would say.

I admit hard find dems use anti bush stuff but many on left called him a war criminal. I am just saying both have thrown insults at each other that does not help compromise. instead of attacking me why not at least admit it be good to see both sides come together to get thing done.
Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

My guess is that they have to be stupid, ignorant, and crazy, and proud to let the world know it. The confederate flag represents a regime that hated America and it's constitution and so were willing to secede.,

The Confederacy was wrong but they dd not hate the Constitution. Learn a little History.

They absolutely hated the Constitution.

What the fuck are you smoking?
So are you saying that The Washington Post is considered a "hack link" now?

Are you really trying to tell me that that story wasn't utter bullshit?

ONE flag and it's in the news?

It's lying race baiters, like you, that have created more division than that moron with the flag would have done, if people like you would have ignored it instead of lying and putting that on everyone to the right.
Ahhh...yes, blame me, the guy who's pointing out the rancid hatred of the radical far RW moran waiving the flag. I'm to blame, not the MORAN with the Confederate Flag in his hand spewing hatred.

Makes perfect sense.

That explains your Neg

Two Thumbs said:
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you lied shit bag, that\'s what we are pointing out. Your lie makes the rest of your op mindless bullshit

Two Thumbs

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Carry on, I'll get my joy on the other side when the Republicans get booted out of Office with a Democratic Sweep in November 2014

Carry on bastard. Carry. on.

don't stop lying or man the fuck up and admit you did.

That would be WAY out of character for all liberals.

using your "logic" you being a lying race baiter means the rest of you are just the same.

and it's

John Kerry on
Why Are Republicans Waiving Confederate Flags In Front of The White House?
Why Are Gays Waiving Rainbow Flags In Front of The White House?
Why Are Reconquista Protesters Waiving Mexican Flags In Front of The White House?
and most revolting of all, why do Obamabots fly the Obama flag In Front of The White House
The answer is simple, It is because they can, thankfully due to the First Amendment.


has a point.....
Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

What do you think it means?

They want to bring back slavery, and make only white males in this country, eligible to vote.

That's what it means.

who is "they?"......"they" appear in a lot of threads.....why dont you guys just say what you mean?.....
Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

A picture of one guy, who could easily be an OFA operative, is not representative of either Republicans or the Million Vet March.
Don't know about symbolism in The Confederate Flag - but the spelling and mis-usage of words in the above bespeaks an exceedingly LIBERAL education.



You sure about that?


Ready to try to squeeze out of this one? Or maybe I should say, "Redy to try to skweeze out of this won?"

Last edited:
Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

A picture of one guy, who could easily be an OFA operative, is not representative of either Republicans or the Million Vet March.
All of this complaining and moaning, yet not ONE of you have condemned him nor it. Not. one.

Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

What do you think it means?

They want to bring back slavery, and make only white males in this country, eligible to vote.

That's what it means.

who is "they?"......"they" appear in a lot of threads.....why dont you guys just say what you mean?.....

"They" are probably the ones who have closed down Planned Parenthood in 5 states and advocate transvaginal probes.... for starters.

"They" are the ones who have spent hundreds of millions of taxpayers dollars to pass bogus voter ID laws when .00009% of actual voter fraud exists...anywhere.
Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

My guess is that they have to be stupid, ignorant, and crazy, and proud to let the world know it. The confederate flag represents a regime that hated America and it's constitution and so were willing to secede.,

Really, I say it represented free men who chose to separate themselves form an oppressive government. Of course according to the left, you can only be partially free if you bow to that government. The end of the civil war didn't prove who was right, just who was strongest militarily and who was willing to target the most civilians. Both sides were wrong on some aspects, but the outcome proved that even in this country, free men are not allowed to govern themselves as they chose.
Looks like an obvious plant by the Democrats.
Anyone complaining about disrespect towards Obama was either asleep during the Bush years, or missed Obama's characterizations of the GOP as terrorists and worse.

Probably was, like the plants in OWS. Although, you can ride around a real conservative state like South Carolina and you'll see plenty of them on display.
The biggest A-hole posted on this page is Larry Klayman. 2nd to his a-hole followers, supporters and apologists.

actually, you are the biggest a hole

No, Klayman is. He's a first class phony. He's got a first class education and obviously way to bright to not know he's acting like a first class asshole...for fame n' fortune.

"Larry graduated from Duke University with honors in political science and French literature. Later, he received a law degree from Emory University. During the administration of President Ronald Reagan, Larry was a Justice Department prosecutor and was on the trial team that succeeded in breaking up the telephone monopoly of AT&T, thereby creating competition in the telecommunications industry.

Between Duke and Emory, Larry worked for U.S. Senator Richard Schweiker (R-Pa.) during the Watergate era. He has also studied abroad and was a stagiaire for the Commission of the European Union in its Competition Directorate in Brussels, Belgium. During law school, Larry also worked for the U.S. International Trade Commission in Washington, D.C."" (Wikipedia)

He's sort of like a Ted Cruz-Wannabe. If you go to his website he will gladly accept your donations.
here's a question for the OP

why were Democrats holding these signs when they were out marching in the streets and on National Television for the WHOLE WORLD TO SEE?

grow up and spare us the faux outrage

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