Why Are Republicans Yelling & Waiving Confederate Flags In Front The White House?

Why Are Republicans Waiving Confederate Flags In Front of The White House?
Why Are Gays Waiving Rainbow Flags In Front of The White House?
Why Are Reconquista Protesters Waiving Mexican Flags In Front of The White House?
and most revolting of all, why do Obamabots fly the Obama flag In Front of The White House
The answer is simple, It is because they can, thankfully due to the First Amendment.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ American Flag Etiquette.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Federal law stipulates many aspects of flag etiquette. The section of law dealing with American Flag etiquette is generally referred to as the Flag Code. Some general guidelines from the Flag Code answer many of the most common questions:

The flag should be lighted at all times, either by sunlight or by an appropriate light source.
The flag should be flown in fair weather, unless the flag is designed for inclement weather use.
The flag should never be dipped to any person or thing. It is flown upside down only as a distress signal.
The flag should not be used for any decoration in general. Bunting of blue, white and red stripes is available for these purposes. The blue stripe of the bunting should be on the top.
The flag should never be used for any advertising purpose. It should not be embroidered, printed or otherwise impressed on such articles as cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins, boxes, or anything intended to be discarded after temporary use. Advertising signs should not be attached to the staff or halyard.
The flag should not be used as part of a costume or athletic uniform, except that a flag patch may be used on the uniform of military personnel, fireman, policeman and members of patriotic organizations.
The flag should never have any mark, insignia, letter, word, number, figure, or drawing of any kind placed on it, or attached to it.
The flag should never be used for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything.
When the flag is lowered, no part of it should touch the ground or any other object; it should be received by waiting hands and arms. To store the flag it should be folded neatly and ceremoniously.
The flag should be cleaned and mended when necessary.
When a flag is so worn it is no longer fit to serve as a symbol of our country, it should be destroyed by burning in a dignified manner.

Read a more comprehensive set of flagetiquette rules for display of the American Flag.

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American Flag Etiquette | USA Flag Site
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here's a question for the OP

why were Democrats holding these signs when they were out marching in the streets and on National Television for the WHOLE WORLD TO SEE?

grow up and spare us the faux outrage

Oh gee..because they were sick of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Hey, at least these people can SPELL.

Yep, it's rare mistake when a preprinted form a benefactor is misspelled. Just proves who the real astroturf is.
your opinion is not fact

stop pretending otherwise. you don't know his intent, so how can you claim to know his intent?

Im sure it wasn't an act of friendship to the first black President of the USA.

I personally don't care if a stupid redneck waves a Confederate flag in front of the White House or even the Lincoln Memorial. Better than waving a gun anywhere. It's his right. Let it go. Ted Cruz with a microphone and a check from Heritage Action is a much bigger threat.
Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

My guess is that they have to be stupid, ignorant, and crazy, and proud to let the world know it. The confederate flag represents a regime that hated America and it's constitution and so were willing to secede.,

Really, I say it represented free men who chose to separate themselves form an oppressive government. Of course according to the left, you can only be partially free if you bow to that government. The end of the civil war didn't prove who was right, just who was strongest militarily and who was willing to target the most civilians. Both sides were wrong on some aspects, but the outcome proved that even in this country, free men are not allowed to govern themselves as they chose.
Even if they choose to hold other men as slaves right?

It doesn't surprise me that the irony is lost on you.
Maybe someone from the media could have asked them...
But journalism is dead.They will just make something up,
here's a question for the OP

why were Democrats holding these signs when they were out marching in the streets and on National Television for the WHOLE WORLD TO SEE?

grow up and spare us the faux outrage

Oh gee..because they were sick of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Hey, at least these people can SPELL.

Yep, it's rare mistake when a preprinted form a benefactor is misspelled. Just proves who the real astroturf is.

WTF? Let's try some grammar first and then we can move on to your problem with spelling.

My guess is that they have to be stupid, ignorant, and crazy, and proud to let the world know it. The confederate flag represents a regime that hated America and it's constitution and so were willing to secede.,

The Confederacy was wrong but they dd not hate the Constitution. Learn a little History.

The confederates hated the country. Don't tell me they didn't. Their armed, high treason is all the proof i need.
They were foolish headstrong and stupid but they did not hate the Constitution, they thought they were doing right. Don't get me wrong, they were WRONG on so many levels but not from hatred of the Constitution.

Slavery was the overriding issue for them and they felt wrongly that Lincoln was the end for their way of life. They felt the Constitution was freely joined so could freely be left.

Their hubris pride and stupidity were their own undoing.
your opinion is not fact

stop pretending otherwise. you don't know his intent, so how can you claim to know his intent?

Im sure it wasn't an act of friendship to the first black President of the USA.

he is half white. and we both can guess that this was a racist gesture, but, we don't know. quit whining. obama is a big boy, he can handle himself. just read his words about what he thinks about white people.
What words were those?

My guess is that they have to be stupid, ignorant, and crazy, and proud to let the world know it. The confederate flag represents a regime that hated America and it's constitution and so were willing to secede.,

Really, I say it represented free men who chose to separate themselves form an oppressive government. Of course according to the left, you can only be partially free if you bow to that government. The end of the civil war didn't prove who was right, just who was strongest militarily and who was willing to target the most civilians. Both sides were wrong on some aspects, but the outcome proved that even in this country, free men are not allowed to govern themselves as they chose.
Even if they choose to hold other men as slaves right?

It doesn't surprise me that the irony is lost on you.

And logic is lost on you, freedom is only available to those that have the might to take it, we did that once and have been giving it back a little every generation. Americans will live under a dictator one day if the trend is not reversed.
your opinion is not fact

stop pretending otherwise. you don't know his intent, so how can you claim to know his intent?

Im sure it wasn't an act of friendship to the first black President of the USA.

I personally don't care if a stupid redneck waves a Confederate flag in front of the White House or even the Lincoln Memorial. Better than waving a gun anywhere. It's his right. Let it go. Ted Cruz with a microphone and a check from Heritage Action is a much bigger threat.

you claim to not care about much...yet you whine about much

pound sand
The Confederacy was wrong but they dd not hate the Constitution. Learn a little History.

The confederates hated the country. Don't tell me they didn't. Their armed, high treason is all the proof i need.
They were foolish headstrong and stupid but they did not hate the Constitution, they thought they were doing right. Don't get me wrong, they were WRONG on so many levels but not from hatred of the Constitution.

Slavery was the overriding issue for them and they felt wrongly that Lincoln was the end for their way of life. They felt the Constitution was freely joined so could freely be left.

Their hubris pride and stupidity were their own undoing.
Assuming that's true, that the old Confederates didn't hate the Constitution and were just sorely, sorely, mistaken...wrong.

What about those Confederates TODAY, that are KNOWINGLY latching on to a wrong philosophy and mindset.

Do they hate the Constitution? Or what's their story?
Really, I say it represented free men who chose to separate themselves form an oppressive government. Of course according to the left, you can only be partially free if you bow to that government. The end of the civil war didn't prove who was right, just who was strongest militarily and who was willing to target the most civilians. Both sides were wrong on some aspects, but the outcome proved that even in this country, free men are not allowed to govern themselves as they chose.
Even if they choose to hold other men as slaves right?

It doesn't surprise me that the irony is lost on you.

And logic is lost on you, freedom is only available to those that have the might to take it, we did that once and have been giving it back a little every generation. Americans will live under a dictator one day if the trend is not reversed.
Oh...so it's about FORCE now?

I get it.

Thanks for enlightening me.

Funny as hell that he's holding the Confederate flag and the Marine Corps flag. The Marine's helped to defeat the South.
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What do you think it means?

They want to bring back slavery, and make only white males in this country, eligible to vote.

That's what it means.

who is "they?"......"they" appear in a lot of threads.....why dont you guys just say what you mean?.....

"They" are probably the ones who have closed down Planned Parenthood in 5 states and advocate transvaginal probes.... for starters.

"They" are the ones who have spent hundreds of millions of taxpayers dollars to pass bogus voter ID laws when .00009% of actual voter fraud exists...anywhere.

well who the fuck are THEY?dont be afraid identify them....im here you wont get hurt.....
Even if they choose to hold other men as slaves right?

It doesn't surprise me that the irony is lost on you.

And logic is lost on you, freedom is only available to those that have the might to take it, we did that once and have been giving it back a little every generation. Americans will live under a dictator one day if the trend is not reversed.
Oh...so it's about FORCE now?

I get it.

Thanks for enlightening me.

Are you really so ignorant to not know it's been about force from the beginning of time, for good or bad the strongest have always prevailed. It doesn't always present as violence but facts are facts.

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