Why Are Republicans Yelling & Waiving Confederate Flags In Front The White House?

Isn't it pink month on USMB?

Am I not a USMBer?

Duhhhh!!! Which way did he go George? Which way did he go?
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Hey lefties! Does this flag ring a bell?


I'm sure it does.
It actually seems kind of fitting that the Tea Baggers would be waving the flag of a defeated army...
Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

God, but I love you Progressives!!! All kinds of veterans march on the White House to protest and you ignore everyone but the one redneck with a Confederate flag...
So can I chalk this up as a bash against the redneck with the Confederate Flag or no?

are you an adult? you start a thread just so people will have to put down a person like you do...
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The right wing, despite their constant yapping about liberty and individual freedom, love the idea behind the Confederate flag,.

The Confederate Flag means that the Southern States concluded that excise taxes were destroying their economy and chose to exercise their absolute right as freemen to secede.


So I guess almost everyone of those states cited slavery as the main reason,

in their secession proclamations,

because they were trying to hide the tax issue?

lol, good one.
The Confederate Flag means that the Southern States concluded that excise taxes were destroying their economy and chose to exercise their absolute right as freemen to secede.



" My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. "

A. Lincoln


That is irrelevant because the slave states had come to believe that the Union, by its very nature was going to destroy slavery. Secession was designed to produce a smaller, more likeminded nation - likeminded on the issue of slavery - that would exclude enough of the power of the abolitionists to secure the institution of slavery from that threat.
You see who are the DIVIDERS in this country people

they stir up this kind of hate day in and day out

ONE guy has a flag and that is the BIG NEWS of this whole event

they are out to start a war I believe and to beat you down...be prepared
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Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

My guess is that they have to be stupid, ignorant, and crazy, and proud to let the world know it. The confederate flag represents a regime that hated America and it's constitution and so were willing to secede.,

The Confederacy was wrong but they dd not hate the Constitution. Learn a little History.

The Constitution you're referring to is the one that the southern states had insisted protect their rights to be slave states,

or they wouldn't have ratified it.
Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

What do you think it means?

They want to bring back slavery, and make only white males in this country, eligible to vote.

That's what it means.

BFS and you know it sallow, the flag represents rebellion (rebel flag) against the administration actions. It has nothing to do with wanting to bring back slavery. You usually are not one of the dishonest liberals on here. Why start now?
Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

Why am I not surprised to see a stupid post like this? Libtard paid to haunt discussion forums?

ONE individual in the crowd. The vast majority of attendees celebrating their American rights and responsibilities.:cuckoo:
Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

Why am I not surprised to see a stupid post like this? Libtard paid to haunt discussion forums?

ONE individual in the crowd. The vast majority of attendees celebrating their American rights and responsibilities.:cuckoo:

Of course, but the state controlled media is tasked to find and point out the radicals and pretend that they are representative of the entire group.
I love to see RWrs defend/excuse the Confederacy. That's what it's all about, isn't it? :D
Why Are Republicans Yelling & Waiving Confederate Flags In Front The White House?

Bigots don't like a black president. Does anyone really believe the KKK voted for Obama?
not what she is askin.....that one guy might be kinda pissed off and sick of a lot of shit too...matter of fact he may have been to those Wars......

Which one? The Civil War or Iraq?

Does the moron waving the Confederate and USMC flags respectively realize that the Marines fought against the South in the Civil War?

Just askin...

yea im sure he does.....but he cant be pissed off?....only those your talking about can be?....and if he has been to Iraq and Afghanistan he has more of a right to be pissed off than the ones you were talking about.....hey just sayin....

I'm stating the obvious error of his ignorance. You are speculating.
why do liberals like marc say republicanS, when this is clearly ONE person?

who knows his reasons, go ask him marc, how the hell should anyone here know....
The guy represents Republicans and the Republican Party

Look how not ONE of you rabid RWers of USMB has condemned him or his actions.

Not one.

I don't expect any of you to either, what I expect is for you to continue deflecting it, minimizing it and/or doubling down on it.

Nope, and since I'm on the first page and haven't gone futher. I'm betting that they in response attacked YOU while deflecting that this guy did anything wrong in the first place. Then they'll cry about how everyone thinks they are racist and pretend to not understand
Why Are Republicans Yelling & Waiving Confederate Flags In Front The White House?

Bigots don't like a black president. Does anyone really believe the KKK voted for Obama?

is that any of your business who voted for who?

now go play the race card again because the poor poor Obama is such a little child he needs all his sheep to take care of him... it's about all you people have left to spread your hate..you've used the tea party out..time to move on back to how all the people against Obama are racist?
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