Why Are Republicans Yelling & Waiving Confederate Flags In Front The White House?

Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

Why am I not surprised to see a stupid post like this? Libtard paid to haunt discussion forums?

ONE individual in the crowd. The vast majority of attendees celebrating their American rights and responsibilities.:cuckoo:

That one individual was likely a leftist plant to begin with.
Why Are Republicans Yelling & Waiving Confederate Flags In Front The White House?

Bigots don't like a black president. Does anyone really believe the KKK voted for Obama?

is that any of your business who voted for who?

now go play the race card again with this President... it's about all you people have left to spread your hate..you've used the tea party out..time to move on back to how all the people against Obama are racist?

Ah...there's that Race Card Card.....again.
Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

Why am I not surprised to see a stupid post like this? Libtard paid to haunt discussion forums?

ONE individual in the crowd. The vast majority of attendees celebrating their American rights and responsibilities.:cuckoo:

That one individual was likely a leftist plant to begin with.

I love when RWrs make that excuse. It shows that even they think it's out-of-line. :D
Republicans remind me of that old "Stop littering" poster that shows a guy tossing a can out the window and saying "It's only one" and on the other side is a pile of cans stacked high.

This is only ONE racist, but put them all together and repubs have a huge pile of racist that they try to convince everyone that each one is only ONE and doesn't reflect the repubs
Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?
Your thread is not titled correctly. I see only one redneck Texan holding the Stars and Bars...and he doesn't appear to be yelling anything at all.

Do you have some proof that this photo is not just a spoof created by the same idiot that wrote the article?

Do you have a video with audible sound?


You simply have the words of a numbnut liberal contributor to the admittedly partisan Post. What should we expect other than distortions of reality?
Why Are Republicans Yelling & Waiving Confederate Flags In Front The White House?

Bigots don't like a black president. Does anyone really believe the KKK voted for Obama?

is that any of your business who voted for who?

now go play the race card again because the poor poor Obama is such a little child he needs all his sheep to take care of him... it's about all you people have left to spread your hate..you've used the tea party out..time to move on back to how all the people against Obama are racist?

BWAH HA HA HA HA! Sandbox banter, I love it! "I know you are, but what am I?", says the bigot. BWAH HA HA HA HA! PFT!

Do you have some proof that this photo is not just a spoof created by the same idiot that wrote the article?

BWAH HA HA! When you can't deal with reality, pretend it isn't. Just pretend Obama isn't really black. BWAH HA HA!
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Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

Your attempt to fan the flames of racial hatred is duly noted.
The fact that a few idiots with rebel flags decide to make a bunch of useless noise does not translate to the entire GOP..
Knock it off.
I could say the same thing about the NBPP representing the interests of democrats. But I won't because it isn't true.
why do liberals like marc say republicanS, when this is clearly ONE person?

who knows his reasons, go ask him marc, how the hell should anyone here know....
The guy represents Republicans and the Republican Party

Look how not ONE of you rabid RWers of USMB has condemned him or his actions.

Not one.

I don't expect any of you to either, what I expect is for you to continue deflecting it, minimizing it and/or doubling down on it.

Oh! There's your problem right there Marc. You think one person doing one thing represents ALL of the group to which he may belong (based on your own assumption) therefore all of that group are the same.

If you represent all liberals, we are in deep shit.

If OJ represents all blacks, they are ALL murderers.

If Obama represents all Presidents, they are ALL liars.

That's the way your logic works, dude! Perhaps some home schooling would be appropriate for you.
Republicans remind me of that old "Stop littering" poster that shows a guy tossing a can out the window and saying "It's only one" and on the other side is a pile of cans stacked high.

This is only ONE racist, but put them all together and repubs have a huge pile of racist that they try to convince everyone that each one is only ONE and doesn't reflect the repubs

That's because the left always does the same thing.

CONFIRMED: Left Wing Plant at Houston Pro-Zimmerman Rally Is Far Left Activist | The Gateway Pundit

One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, “We’re racist & proud.”

Austin resident Renee Vaughan echoed the sign’s ugly sentiments by yelling, “We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better because we’re white,” at the Martin group as they passed, according to the Chronicle.

The act to smear the Zimmerman supporters as racists with a leftist plant worked as the photo and comment was picked up and spread worldwide.

Scanning the internet we found that a “Renee Vaughn” from Austin worked for a far left environmental group, the Texas Campaign for the Environment.
outrageous occupy wall street signs - Bing Images

And we're up in arms about a guy with a confederate flag? How disingenuous of the left. My God, someone carrys a sign saying "Fuck the Troops" and conservatives go crazy. The left's response? Why, he's just exercising his free speech. He doesn't represent all of us. But the guy with the confederate flag? Why of course, HE represents ALL conservatives.

You have got to STOP being so blatantly hypocritical. If a guy with a confederate battle flag represents ALL conservatives, then a guy with a "FUCK THE TROOPS" sign at an OWS rally, represents ALL of the left.

Occassionally, you show signs of honest integrity in your posts and during those times I feel that we could honestly debate the issues and actually learn from one another. This is not one of them. This is something that rdean or black flag comes up with.

By the way, when I was very young and my grandmother was still alive (early 60's), there was a rule in her house (she lived in Emporia, Kansas). You don't talk about, you don't bring up, and you never consort with Missouri bushwhackers. Doing so was an offense of the worst sort. Her grand father had a farm in eastern Kansas. When her father and his brothers and sisters were very young, a group of bush whackers came by and almost beat their father to death, simply because he was a Kansas Jayhawker. He lost the sight in one eye and his leg never healed right. They had to take over the chores on the farm. Having said this, you never know what history someone has or why someone does what they do.

Regardless of why, the man with the flag has the RIGHT to free speech. YOU do not have the ability to silence that speech. And if anything, you should follow the lefts stance that Barry's time with the wonderful Reverend Jeremiah Wright does not taint Barry because we are NOT defined by who we keep company with. Or does Bill Ayers now matter?
Republicans remind me of that old "Stop littering" poster that shows a guy tossing a can out the window and saying "It's only one" and on the other side is a pile of cans stacked high.

This is only ONE racist, but put them all together and repubs have a huge pile of racist that they try to convince everyone that each one is only ONE and doesn't reflect the repubs

That's because the left always does the same thing.

CONFIRMED: Left Wing Plant at Houston Pro-Zimmerman Rally Is Far Left Activist | The Gateway Pundit

One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, “We’re racist & proud.”

See? This is why there are no conservative comedians. LOL

Either way Repubs treat every racist incident from their side as "just one" but if you pan out and look at the big picture...that's A HUGE group of racist
Republicans remind me of that old "Stop littering" poster that shows a guy tossing a can out the window and saying "It's only one" and on the other side is a pile of cans stacked high.

This is only ONE racist, but put them all together and repubs have a huge pile of racist that they try to convince everyone that each one is only ONE and doesn't reflect the repubs

That's because the left always does the same thing.

CONFIRMED: Left Wing Plant at Houston Pro-Zimmerman Rally Is Far Left Activist | The Gateway Pundit

One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, “We’re racist & proud.”

See? This is why there are no conservative comedians. LOL

Either way Repubs treat every racist incident from their side as "just one" but if you pan out and look at the big picture...that's A HUGE group of racist

So in your small mind every conservative is a raging racist-----------Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds?

Is Herman Cain a racist?, is Bill Cosby? is Alan West? is Thomas Sowell? Is Ben Carson? Condi Rice?

NO, the biggest racist is the guy you fools put in the whitehouse.
It's not right that the media zeroed in on one person in the whole entire crowd who was portrayed as the whole group.
The mainstream media has focused on the wrong things.
It was a protest about the vets being treated unfairly.
They don't do this when the left protests.
When the left protest it's more about the protest rather than the politicians and the Hollywood crowd.
That's because the left always does the same thing.

CONFIRMED: Left Wing Plant at Houston Pro-Zimmerman Rally Is Far Left Activist | The Gateway Pundit

One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, “We’re racist & proud.”

See? This is why there are no conservative comedians. LOL

Either way Repubs treat every racist incident from their side as "just one" but if you pan out and look at the big picture...that's A HUGE group of racist

So in your small mind every conservative is a raging racist-----------Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds?

Is Herman Cain a racist?, is Bill Cosby? is Alan West? is Thomas Sowell? Is Ben Carson? Condi Rice?

NO, the biggest racist is the guy you fools put in the whitehouse.

Ahhh...the "every" dodge that pretends the questioner only understands topics in absolutes. For example by saying: Birds fly the "every" dodge says "NOT ALL BIRDS" pretending to not understand the topic or the statement or the WORLD doesnt work in absolutes
Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

God, but I love you Progressives!!! All kinds of veterans march on the White House to protest and you ignore everyone but the one redneck with a Confederate flag...
So can I chalk this up as a bash against the redneck with the Confederate Flag or no?

You can chalk this up to liberals doing the same thing to THIS protest that they did to myriad Tea Party protests...deliberately ignoring everyone else to concentrate on the one person who they think "represents" the entire group. You want to infer that this is a racial thing because Barry is black. This protest was over Barack Obama trying to pressure the GOP by closing down as many government related things as possible...even when there was no reason to close them...and when closing them cost more money than keeping them open.
Republicans remind me of that old "Stop littering" poster that shows a guy tossing a can out the window and saying "It's only one" and on the other side is a pile of cans stacked high.

This is only ONE racist, but put them all together and repubs have a huge pile of racist that they try to convince everyone that each one is only ONE and doesn't reflect the repubs

That's because the left always does the same thing.

CONFIRMED: Left Wing Plant at Houston Pro-Zimmerman Rally Is Far Left Activist | The Gateway Pundit

One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, “We’re racist & proud.”

See? This is why there are no conservative comedians. LOL

Either way Repubs treat every racist incident from their side as "just one" but if you pan out and look at the big picture...that's A HUGE group of racist

I remember when Katzy said that she was the only *cough* "American" working at her office. :rolleyes: We all know what the old bag meant when she made that remark ;)
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You can chalk this up to liberals doing the same thing to THIS protest that they did to myriad Tea Party protests...deliberately ignoring everyone else to concentrate on the one person who they think "represents" the entire group. You want to infer that this is a racial thing because Barry is black. This protest was over Barack Obama trying to pressure the GOP by closing down as many government related things as possible...even when there was no reason to close them...and when closing them cost more money than keeping them open.



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