Why Are Republicans Yelling & Waiving Confederate Flags In Front The White House?

here's a question for the OP

why were Democrats holding these signs when they were out marching in the streets and on National Television for the WHOLE WORLD TO SEE?

grow up and spare us the faux outrage

Oh gee..because they were sick of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Hey, at least these people can SPELL.
not what she is askin.....that one guy might be kinda pissed off and sick of a lot of shit too...matter of fact he may have been to those Wars......
here's a question for the OP

why were Democrats holding these signs when they were out marching in the streets and on National Television for the WHOLE WORLD TO SEE?

grow up and spare us the faux outrage

Oh gee..because they were sick of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Hey, at least these people can SPELL.

not what she is askin.....that one guy might be kinda pissed off and sick of a lot of shit too...matter of fact he may have been to those Wars......

Which one? The Civil War or Iraq?

Does the moron waving the Confederate and USMC flags respectively realize that the Marines fought against the South in the Civil War?

Just askin...
Oh gee..because they were sick of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Hey, at least these people can SPELL.

not what she is askin.....that one guy might be kinda pissed off and sick of a lot of shit too...matter of fact he may have been to those Wars......

Which one? The Civil War or Iraq?

Does the moron waving the Confederate and USMC flags respectively realize that the Marines fought against the South in the Civil War?

Just askin...

yea im sure he does.....but he cant be pissed off?....only those your talking about can be?....and if he has been to Iraq and Afghanistan he has more of a right to be pissed off than the ones you were talking about.....hey just sayin....
I think the fool with the rebel flag was a plant.
When have you Ever seen a crowd of conservatives or Tea Party people where there was a confederate flag ?
I haven't and I've been In some of those crowds.

Confederate flags belong in history books, movies or tv documentaries on the Civil War. I don't want to see one anywhere else.

This is from the Cornerstone speech given by the VP of the Confederacy, Alexander Stephens, on March 21, 1861...2 to 3 weeks before the Civil War started.
It is Highly offensive to me and the conservatives I know:

From link :

On March 21, 1861, Stephens gave his famous Cornerstone Speech in Savannah, Georgia. In it he declared that slavery was the natural condition of blacks and the foundation of the Confederacy. He declared, "Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition."[18]

How repulsive....
And the Confederate flag was Their flag !
After I saw that part of Stephens' speech, that flag represents even more racial bigotry and hatred than before.....Before that, i never see a documentary on Caucasion hate groups in this country without seeing that flag's image.
I don't want to see it Anywhere.

I'm a native Texan and I live 100 miles from Houston.
It is very rare to see that flag image Anywhere around here.

Sam Houston didn't think Texas should get involved in the Civil War, saying in a speech in Galveston that he thought "the Union will deliver an ignoble defeat to the confederacy", because the Union had more to lose....saying the north wanted to keep the country together and were highly motivated.
But Sam lost his re-election for governor and his successor got Texas involved in it.

Hortysir....Pink Floyd is hilarious !
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Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

What do you think it means?

They want to bring back slavery, and make only white males in this country, eligible to vote.

That's what it means.

I will assume you are being sarcastic because you cannot really be that stupid.
Looks like one redneck to me. And the CF is not open to interpretation. Perhaps you should spend less time being a racist and pick up a book.
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So are you saying that The Washington Post is considered a "hack link" now?

Are you really trying to tell me that that story wasn't utter bullshit?

ONE flag and it's in the news?

It's lying race baiters, like you, that have created more division than that moron with the flag would have done, if people like you would have ignored it instead of lying and putting that on everyone to the right.
Ahhh...yes, blame me, the guy who's pointing out the rancid hatred of the radical far RW moran waiving the flag. I'm to blame, not the MORAN with the Confederate Flag in his hand spewing hatred.

Makes perfect sense.

That explains your Neg

Two Thumbs said:
Hi, you have received -1896 reputation points from Two Thumbs.
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you lied shit bag, that\'s what we are pointing out. Your lie makes the rest of your op mindless bullshit

Two Thumbs

Note: This is an automated message.
Carry on, I'll get my joy on the other side when the Republicans get booted out of Office with a Democratic Sweep in November 2014

Carry on bastard. Carry. on.

One "moran" among how many hundreds of protesters? As far as I know, there was not some limit set on who could, or could not, attend. Yet, all you "morans" can focus on is this one guy. What a disaster for you "morans" if Congressional delegates ever actually start paying attention to the true majority in this country.
your opinion is not fact

stop pretending otherwise. you don't know his intent, so how can you claim to know his intent?

Im sure it wasn't an act of friendship to the first black President of the USA.

He's nothing more than another rich, white lawyer...but you "morans" really want to believe he's black, jus' 'cause he says so.
he is half white. and we both can guess that this was a racist gesture, but, we don't know. quit whining. obama is a big boy, he can handle himself. just read his words about what he thinks about white people.

there is no logical, rational, or intelligent reason to believe he has anything but respect for white people.

OMG! You really are that stupid! I'm sorry for you. It must be hell, going through life with your condition. People must point and laugh...a lot.
Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

God, but I love you Progressives!!! All kinds of veterans march on the White House to protest and you ignore everyone but the one redneck with a Confederate flag...
Are you really trying to tell me that that story wasn't utter bullshit?

ONE flag and it's in the news?

It's lying race baiters, like you, that have created more division than that moron with the flag would have done, if people like you would have ignored it instead of lying and putting that on everyone to the right.
Ahhh...yes, blame me, the guy who's pointing out the rancid hatred of the radical far RW moran waiving the flag. I'm to blame, not the MORAN with the Confederate Flag in his hand spewing hatred.

Makes perfect sense.

That explains your Neg

Two Thumbs said:
Hi, you have received -1896 reputation points from Two Thumbs.
Reputation was given for this post.

you lied shit bag, that\'s what we are pointing out. Your lie makes the rest of your op mindless bullshit

Two Thumbs

Note: This is an automated message.
Carry on, I'll get my joy on the other side when the Republicans get booted out of Office with a Democratic Sweep in November 2014

Carry on bastard. Carry. on.

One "moran" among how many hundreds of protesters? As far as I know, there was not some limit set on who could, or could not, attend. Yet, all you "morans" can focus on is this one guy. What a disaster for you "morans" if Congressional delegates ever actually start paying attention to the true majority in this country.
You big dummy.

You missed the whole joke. It went COMPLETELY over your little pea-brained head.

The "moran" is a mock of the dumb TeaBaggers that came out early in Obama's campaign and were big Sarah Palin fans.

Remember this...?


Pay a damn tention, before you go attempting to correct someone for something you yourself don't have a clue about.

You big Dummy...you fell for my trap hook, line and sinker.

Why are Die-Hard Republicans and Republican Party supporters yelling and waiving the Confederate Flag in front of the White House?

Ugly rebel yell in front of the White House

What message are they trying to send by that?

What good does it do?

What does the Confederate Flag symbolize to you?

God, but I love you Progressives!!! All kinds of veterans march on the White House to protest and you ignore everyone but the one redneck with a Confederate flag...
So can I chalk this up as a bash against the redneck with the Confederate Flag or no?
Ahhh...yes, blame me, the guy who's pointing out the rancid hatred of the radical far RW moran waiving the flag. I'm to blame, not the MORAN with the Confederate Flag in his hand spewing hatred.

Makes perfect sense.

That explains your Neg

Carry on, I'll get my joy on the other side when the Republicans get booted out of Office with a Democratic Sweep in November 2014

Carry on bastard. Carry. on.

One "moran" among how many hundreds of protesters? As far as I know, there was not some limit set on who could, or could not, attend. Yet, all you "morans" can focus on is this one guy. What a disaster for you "morans" if Congressional delegates ever actually start paying attention to the true majority in this country.
You big dummy.

You missed the whole joke. It went COMPLETELY over your little pea-brained head.

The "moran" is a mock of the dumb TeaBaggers that came out early in Obama's campaign and were big Sarah Palin fans.

Remember this...?


Pay a damn tention, before you go attempting to correct someone for something you yourself don't have a clue about.

You big Dummy...you fell for my trap hook, line and sinker.



P.S. I'm an Alaskan...

What did you do with your Malcom X avi?

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