Why are so many people focused on Trump?

I would admire how you glossed over that representative democracy thing but it was kinda clumsy and not well done. :rolleyes:
You have a point buried in all that?
Yeah. In a true representative democracy you would be calling Shrillary POTUS instead of this idiot we currently have in office. :rolleyes:
Yadd yadda yadda. Mexicans are like my new overlords, Shhh, dont piss them off, si habla espanol. All those Lithuanians, Hungarians or east Germans that fled REAL oppression Mexicans get special treatment and even sanctuary...why? How do they rate such special treatment? They are better human beings?
So now you think youre qualified to measure whos oppression is worse?
Do you? Nobody voted for sanctuary cities, either.
If you live in one, you vote for it every time you pay your property tax, you get your car tags/city sticker or you pay local sales tax. You are part of the problem. You are being screwed. Is it good for you? They are enjoying it.
You have a point buried in all that?
Yeah. In a true representative democracy you would be calling Shrillary POTUS instead of this idiot we currently have in office. :rolleyes:
Yadd yadda yadda. Mexicans are like my new overlords, Shhh, dont piss them off, si habla espanol. All those Lithuanians, Hungarians or east Germans that fled REAL oppression Mexicans get special treatment and even sanctuary...why? How do they rate such special treatment? They are better human beings?
So now you think youre qualified to measure whos oppression is worse?
Do you? Nobody voted for sanctuary cities, either.
We voted for the people that made the decision to make it a sanctuary city.
You should be ashamed of that vote.
You have a point buried in all that?
Yeah. In a true representative democracy you would be calling Shrillary POTUS instead of this idiot we currently have in office. :rolleyes:
Yadd yadda yadda. Mexicans are like my new overlords, Shhh, dont piss them off, si habla espanol. All those Lithuanians, Hungarians or east Germans that fled REAL oppression Mexicans get special treatment and even sanctuary...why? How do they rate such special treatment? They are better human beings?
So now you think youre qualified to measure whos oppression is worse?
Do you? Nobody voted for sanctuary cities, either.
If you live in one, you vote for it every time you pay your property tax, you get your car tags/city sticker or you pay local sales tax. You are part of the problem. You are being screwed. Is it good for you? They are enjoying it.

That's a story you just made up.
You don't really believe your bullshit do you?
You have a point buried in all that?
Yeah. In a true representative democracy you would be calling Shrillary POTUS instead of this idiot we currently have in office. :rolleyes:
Yadd yadda yadda. Mexicans are like my new overlords, Shhh, dont piss them off, si habla espanol. All those Lithuanians, Hungarians or east Germans that fled REAL oppression Mexicans get special treatment and even sanctuary...why? How do they rate such special treatment? They are better human beings?
So now you think youre qualified to measure whos oppression is worse?
Do you? Nobody voted for sanctuary cities, either.
If you live in one, you vote for it every time you pay your property tax, you get your car tags/city sticker or you pay local sales tax. You are part of the problem. You are being screwed. Is it good for you? They are enjoying it.
Mexican illegals aren't doing that. I've seen Mexican illegals take the drivers test three in a booth with cell phones clearly marked no cell phones, one person per booth. Because fair is fair. And every time since 2000 when I do jury duty, its always some Mexican that needs an interpreter and then gets deported BOO Freeking HOO.
If you are living in a sanctuary city and you failed to rally your fellow citizens to stand against and oust the charlatans from office, you should give serious thought to moving and taking your part of the tax base with you. From what I have read, those cities are usually high tax cities and states. We don't have that problem here.
Yeah right. Its my fault our representatives aren't listening to us and putting us on the streets...HELLO! That's kinda why we have TRUMP, you moron.
He hasn't done much to stop the sanctuary city crap yet, but I think the justice department won on a suit about denying federal money to a sanctuary city just a few weeks ago. Don't remember details, though liked it at the time. Doubt with everything else on the plate it will help you any time soon. You definitely should think about getting out of the ant hill. I would not wait on this president or any president to rescue me.

So don't expect the president and lawmakers to work for good real Americans?
Have not seen much of that in a long time, definitely not this century. Have any, this century done much for you?
Eisenhower gave us much hope...Perhaps its time for a HUGE political reform because this system isn't working anymore.
Wow. I thought someone would give me crap for say this century. My memory only goes back to Kennedy. Before that I was crawling on the floor. Whatever city you are referring to is, obviously is a long time home you hate to give up. I get it. You, I can understand. Can't imagine what keeps the young people paying to support that. The last time big government worked for TN was TVA, that was started in 1933. It still works today and annually puts a lot of money back into the federal coffers, but it is the exception not the rule. I think somebody wanted Nashville to be a sanctuary city, but our state legislature has an anti-sanctuary city law. It ain't happening.
Yeah right. Its my fault our representatives aren't listening to us and putting us on the streets...HELLO! That's kinda why we have TRUMP, you moron.
He hasn't done much to stop the sanctuary city crap yet, but I think the justice department won on a suit about denying federal money to a sanctuary city just a few weeks ago. Don't remember details, though liked it at the time. Doubt with everything else on the plate it will help you any time soon. You definitely should think about getting out of the ant hill. I would not wait on this president or any president to rescue me.

So don't expect the president and lawmakers to work for good real Americans?
Have not seen much of that in a long time, definitely not this century. Have any, this century done much for you?
Eisenhower gave us much hope...Perhaps its time for a HUGE political reform because this system isn't working anymore.
Wow. I thought someone would give me crap for say this century. My memory only goes back to Kennedy. Before that I was crawling on the floor. Whatever city you are referring to is, obviously is a long time home you hate to give up. I get it. You, I can understand. Can't imagine what keeps the young people paying to support that. The last time big government worked for TN was TVA, that was started in 1933. It still works today and annually puts a lot of money back into the federal coffers, but it is the exception not the rule. I think somebody wanted Nashville to be a sanctuary city, but our state legislature has an anti-sanctuary city law. It ain't happening.

This century began in 2001...the 21st century.
There was no Kennedy era this century.
In this century, beginning in 2008 there was a push for CHANGE...a different new America...a global America...sanctuary cities were invented by the Kenyan, they are a piece of the globalization puzzle....Thanks oversized eared negro!
Yeah. In a true representative democracy you would be calling Shrillary POTUS instead of this idiot we currently have in office. :rolleyes:
Yadd yadda yadda. Mexicans are like my new overlords, Shhh, dont piss them off, si habla espanol. All those Lithuanians, Hungarians or east Germans that fled REAL oppression Mexicans get special treatment and even sanctuary...why? How do they rate such special treatment? They are better human beings?
So now you think youre qualified to measure whos oppression is worse?
Do you? Nobody voted for sanctuary cities, either.
If you live in one, you vote for it every time you pay your property tax, you get your car tags/city sticker or you pay local sales tax. You are part of the problem. You are being screwed. Is it good for you? They are enjoying it.

That's a story you just made up.
You don't really believe your bullshit do you?
You don't? What country do you live in? I love living in this country, but I would not live in a sanctuary city in any state of it. Of course you are paying for the policies of the city you live in with your local taxes and voting for it by staying and supporting it with your money. Whatever made you think you weren't?
The reason I post it is because its true. Drumpf is an incompetent fuckup. Are you getting triggered because I said that? Too bad. Go take some anti-depressants and stop reading my posts if they bother you that badly. :rolleyes:

Fascinating, so the purpose of your posts is an attempt to trigger others. We pretty much figured that. Hey the first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem. :auiqs.jpg:
If you really figured it then why did you get triggered? Dont tell me that you got triggered knowing that I was trying to trigger you. You are mentally weak and easily led. I bet you voted for Drumpf?

When I laugh at you and mock your hate filled mouth foaming posts...I'm the one who's triggered? :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Yep. Its obvious youre triggered. I said Drumpf was an idiot and you came to his defense like you were his bitch or something. :rolleyes:

LOL I think everyone knows who's triggered snowflake. :auiqs.jpg:
We voted FOR Trump, as opposed to we didn't need, or ask for sanctuary for illegal aliens, the democracy thing again. All those homeless jobless Americans, they vote too.
Yadd yadda yadda. Mexicans are like my new overlords, Shhh, dont piss them off, si habla espanol. All those Lithuanians, Hungarians or east Germans that fled REAL oppression Mexicans get special treatment and even sanctuary...why? How do they rate such special treatment? They are better human beings?
So now you think youre qualified to measure whos oppression is worse?
Do you? Nobody voted for sanctuary cities, either.
If you live in one, you vote for it every time you pay your property tax, you get your car tags/city sticker or you pay local sales tax. You are part of the problem. You are being screwed. Is it good for you? They are enjoying it.

That's a story you just made up.
You don't really believe your bullshit do you?
You don't? What country do you live in? I love living in this country, but I would not live in a sanctuary city in any state of it. Of course you are paying for the policies of the city you live in with your local taxes and voting for it by staying and supporting it with your money. Whatever made you think you weren't?

You are being ignorant and foolish...reading between your ambiguous lines you are implying that good real Americans should leave their homes when their city or state become full of anchor babies...those with illegal roots and stolen citizenships...those whom vote in favor of shithole cities...I mean sanctuary cities.
Do you really think good real Americans would give such stupid fucking advice?
I tell her to rally her neighbors and take their city back from wetbacks...It's pretty easy to think and speak like a good real american does...try it sometime.
Silly me thinking that this a was representative led democracy, err. What the hell IS America? I have local government giving sanctuary to illegal aliens without the majority consent...which should be a huge no-no but apparently its some kind of thing we are supposed to just accept blindly. Because YOU say we should. diversity and ...fuck that.
If you are living in a sanctuary city and you failed to rally your fellow citizens to stand against and oust the charlatans from office, you should give serious thought to moving and taking your part of the tax base with you. From what I have read, those cities are usually high tax cities and states. We don't have that problem here.
Yeah right. Its my fault our representatives aren't listening to us and putting us on the streets...HELLO! That's kinda why we have TRUMP, you moron.
He hasn't done much to stop the sanctuary city crap yet, but I think the justice department won on a suit about denying federal money to a sanctuary city just a few weeks ago. Don't remember details, though liked it at the time. Doubt with everything else on the plate it will help you any time soon. You definitely should think about getting out of the ant hill. I would not wait on this president or any president to rescue me.

So don't expect the president and lawmakers to work for good real Americans?
Have not seen much of that in a long time, definitely not this century. Have any, this century done much for you?
Who allowed them to?

We did.

Now what are we gonna do?
So now you think youre qualified to measure whos oppression is worse?
Do you? Nobody voted for sanctuary cities, either.
If you live in one, you vote for it every time you pay your property tax, you get your car tags/city sticker or you pay local sales tax. You are part of the problem. You are being screwed. Is it good for you? They are enjoying it.

That's a story you just made up.
You don't really believe your bullshit do you?
You don't? What country do you live in? I love living in this country, but I would not live in a sanctuary city in any state of it. Of course you are paying for the policies of the city you live in with your local taxes and voting for it by staying and supporting it with your money. Whatever made you think you weren't?

You are being ignorant and foolish...reading between your ambiguous lines you are implying that good real Americans should leave their homes when their city or state become full of anchor babies...those with illegal roots and stolen citizenships...those whom vote in favor of shithole cities...I mean sanctuary cities.
Do you really think good real Americans would give such stupid fucking advice?
I tell her to rally her neighbors and take their city back from wetbacks...It's pretty easy to think and speak like a good real american does...try it sometime.
That sounds like you have no idea how you got here. Know what I mean?
Yeah. In a true representative democracy you would be calling Shrillary POTUS instead of this idiot we currently have in office. :rolleyes:
Yadd yadda yadda. Mexicans are like my new overlords, Shhh, dont piss them off, si habla espanol. All those Lithuanians, Hungarians or east Germans that fled REAL oppression Mexicans get special treatment and even sanctuary...why? How do they rate such special treatment? They are better human beings?
So now you think youre qualified to measure whos oppression is worse?
Do you? Nobody voted for sanctuary cities, either.
If you live in one, you vote for it every time you pay your property tax, you get your car tags/city sticker or you pay local sales tax. You are part of the problem. You are being screwed. Is it good for you? They are enjoying it.
Mexican illegals aren't doing that. I've seen Mexican illegals take the drivers test three in a booth with cell phones clearly marked no cell phones, one person per booth. Because fair is fair. And every time since 2000 when I do jury duty, its always some Mexican that needs an interpreter and then gets deported BOO Freeking HOO.
They obviously are getting the benefit of the local and state taxes you pay, but this is not a new problem in California. You have been paying for the trade off for what you like about living there for a long time. Price getting too steep for what you are having to live with?
Silly me thinking that this a was representative led democracy, err. What the hell IS America? I have local government giving sanctuary to illegal aliens without the majority consent...which should be a huge no-no but apparently its some kind of thing we are supposed to just accept blindly. Because YOU say we should. diversity and ...fuck that.
If you are living in a sanctuary city and you failed to rally your fellow citizens to stand against and oust the charlatans from office, you should give serious thought to moving and taking your part of the tax base with you. From what I have read, those cities are usually high tax cities and states. We don't have that problem here.
Yeah right. Its my fault our representatives aren't listening to us and putting us on the streets...HELLO! That's kinda why we have TRUMP, you moron.
He hasn't done much to stop the sanctuary city crap yet, but I think the justice department won on a suit about denying federal money to a sanctuary city just a few weeks ago. Don't remember details, though liked it at the time. Doubt with everything else on the plate it will help you any time soon. You definitely should think about getting out of the ant hill. I would not wait on this president or any president to rescue me.

So don't expect the president and lawmakers to work for good real Americans?

Drumpf has done more than just lower the bar. He has lowered the floor we raise the bar from.
Problem is, it was so easy, i.e., he's a symptom of systemic rot and decay no one can confront. And this current challenge to our "way of life" is/was inevitable.
Yadd yadda yadda. Mexicans are like my new overlords, Shhh, dont piss them off, si habla espanol. All those Lithuanians, Hungarians or east Germans that fled REAL oppression Mexicans get special treatment and even sanctuary...why? How do they rate such special treatment? They are better human beings?
So now you think youre qualified to measure whos oppression is worse?
Do you? Nobody voted for sanctuary cities, either.
If you live in one, you vote for it every time you pay your property tax, you get your car tags/city sticker or you pay local sales tax. You are part of the problem. You are being screwed. Is it good for you? They are enjoying it.
Mexican illegals aren't doing that. I've seen Mexican illegals take the drivers test three in a booth with cell phones clearly marked no cell phones, one person per booth. Because fair is fair. And every time since 2000 when I do jury duty, its always some Mexican that needs an interpreter and then gets deported BOO Freeking HOO.
They obviously are getting the benefit of the local and state taxes you pay, but this is not a new problem in California. You have been paying for the trade off for what you like about living there for a long time. Price getting too steep for what you are having to live with?
Why have they always been invited? Capital seeking cheaper labor supported by American shopping habits.
Do you? Nobody voted for sanctuary cities, either.
If you live in one, you vote for it every time you pay your property tax, you get your car tags/city sticker or you pay local sales tax. You are part of the problem. You are being screwed. Is it good for you? They are enjoying it.

That's a story you just made up.
You don't really believe your bullshit do you?
You don't? What country do you live in? I love living in this country, but I would not live in a sanctuary city in any state of it. Of course you are paying for the policies of the city you live in with your local taxes and voting for it by staying and supporting it with your money. Whatever made you think you weren't?

You are being ignorant and foolish...reading between your ambiguous lines you are implying that good real Americans should leave their homes when their city or state become full of anchor babies...those with illegal roots and stolen citizenships...those whom vote in favor of shithole cities...I mean sanctuary cities.
Do you really think good real Americans would give such stupid fucking advice?
I tell her to rally her neighbors and take their city back from wetbacks...It's pretty easy to think and speak like a good real american does...try it sometime.
That sounds like you have no idea how you got here. Know what I mean?

Sorry bud....White European lineage...I "got here" legally and by invitation. I was who they were looking for.
"Why are so many people focused on Trump?

Because he’s the president, dummy.

A mistake we should all hope will be corrected this November.
My focus is on democrats, liberals and progressives. They create artificial islands of sanctuary for illegals without voter consent. This is still a Democracy, isn't it? That being said, how did sanctuary cities come about? But its ok Americans live in the streets though. Let's harbor illegal aliens and fuck our own poor and needy, its acceptable? That's Why we abandoned the Democratic party....The democrats abandoned America.

Maybe we should focus on not being too stupid to play nice with Cuba since they have a therapy for this pandemic first and we can get back to your partisanshit later.

No, it is not a representative democracy, where've you been?
Silly me thinking that this a was representative led democracy, err. What the hell IS America? I have local government giving sanctuary to illegal aliens without the majority consent...which should be a huge no-no but apparently its some kind of thing we are supposed to just accept blindly. Because YOU say we should. diversity and ...fuck that.
If you are living in a sanctuary city and you failed to rally your fellow citizens to stand against and oust the charlatans from office, you should give serious thought to moving and taking your part of the tax base with you. From what I have read, those cities are usually high tax cities and states. We don't have that problem here.
So you don't live in one. Stay where you are.
If you live in one, you vote for it every time you pay your property tax, you get your car tags/city sticker or you pay local sales tax. You are part of the problem. You are being screwed. Is it good for you? They are enjoying it.

That's a story you just made up.
You don't really believe your bullshit do you?
You don't? What country do you live in? I love living in this country, but I would not live in a sanctuary city in any state of it. Of course you are paying for the policies of the city you live in with your local taxes and voting for it by staying and supporting it with your money. Whatever made you think you weren't?

You are being ignorant and foolish...reading between your ambiguous lines you are implying that good real Americans should leave their homes when their city or state become full of anchor babies...those with illegal roots and stolen citizenships...those whom vote in favor of shithole cities...I mean sanctuary cities.
Do you really think good real Americans would give such stupid fucking advice?
I tell her to rally her neighbors and take their city back from wetbacks...It's pretty easy to think and speak like a good real american does...try it sometime.
That sounds like you have no idea how you got here. Know what I mean?

Sorry bud....White European lineage...I "got here" legally and by invitation. I was who they were looking for.
Genocide. Is that why you're so Nancied up about this?
That's a story you just made up.
You don't really believe your bullshit do you?
You don't? What country do you live in? I love living in this country, but I would not live in a sanctuary city in any state of it. Of course you are paying for the policies of the city you live in with your local taxes and voting for it by staying and supporting it with your money. Whatever made you think you weren't?

You are being ignorant and foolish...reading between your ambiguous lines you are implying that good real Americans should leave their homes when their city or state become full of anchor babies...those with illegal roots and stolen citizenships...those whom vote in favor of shithole cities...I mean sanctuary cities.
Do you really think good real Americans would give such stupid fucking advice?
I tell her to rally her neighbors and take their city back from wetbacks...It's pretty easy to think and speak like a good real american does...try it sometime.
That sounds like you have no idea how you got here. Know what I mean?

Sorry bud....White European lineage...I "got here" legally and by invitation. I was who they were looking for.
Genocide. Is that why you're so Nancied up about this?

"Nancied up"?
Have you been to Los Angeles lately...any decent, sane, good real American would get all "Nancied up" about this?
How many states should we allow Mexico to steal from our Republic? You ever gonna get "Nancied up"? What are you waiting for?
He hasn't done much to stop the sanctuary city crap yet, but I think the justice department won on a suit about denying federal money to a sanctuary city just a few weeks ago. Don't remember details, though liked it at the time. Doubt with everything else on the plate it will help you any time soon. You definitely should think about getting out of the ant hill. I would not wait on this president or any president to rescue me.

So don't expect the president and lawmakers to work for good real Americans?
Have not seen much of that in a long time, definitely not this century. Have any, this century done much for you?
Eisenhower gave us much hope...Perhaps its time for a HUGE political reform because this system isn't working anymore.
Wow. I thought someone would give me crap for say this century. My memory only goes back to Kennedy. Before that I was crawling on the floor. Whatever city you are referring to is, obviously is a long time home you hate to give up. I get it. You, I can understand. Can't imagine what keeps the young people paying to support that. The last time big government worked for TN was TVA, that was started in 1933. It still works today and annually puts a lot of money back into the federal coffers, but it is the exception not the rule. I think somebody wanted Nashville to be a sanctuary city, but our state legislature has an anti-sanctuary city law. It ain't happening.

This century began in 2001...the 21st century.
There was no Kennedy era this century.
In this century, beginning in 2008 there was a push for CHANGE...a different new America...a global America...sanctuary cities were invented by the Kenyan, they are a piece of the globalization puzzle....Thanks oversized eared negro!
You are just an idiot racist. Get back under that white sheet and STFU. Berkeley became the first city in the United States to pass a sanctuary resolution on November 8, 1971.[102]. Obama was 10 years old at the time. You can find both of those facts in Wikipedia, if you know how to think for yourself and not just how your parents and grandparent taught you to think. People like you worry me more the her illegal alien problem.

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