Why are Tea Partiers opposed to having a safety net?

Why are Tea Partiers opposed to having a safety net?

There is only one possible answer to that question.

They're all one percenters, their parents and children are all one percenters and none of them have to fear that their investments in the stock market could be lost, as we saw with the 08 Bush crash.

If they were just regular folks, like you and me, it would be downright stupid for them to put their money in the hands of the same people who were running Wall Street in 08.

To those who disagree, how much money did you lose of your investments in the Bush crash?
Compare that amount to how much you lost from your Social Security account.

You don't need to tell us because all of us already know you did not lose one cent from your Social Security account.

The Tea Party is not about making money or the 1%. It's about govt elitism and resisting the ruling class. The Tea Party is about Constitutional principles and liberty. You aren't getting it.
Why are Tea Partiers opposed to having a safety net?

There is only one possible answer to that question.

They're all one percenters, their parents and children are all one percenters and none of them have to fear that their investments in the stock market could be lost, as we saw with the 08 Bush crash.

If they were just regular folks, like you and me, it would be downright stupid for them to put their money in the hands of the same people who were running Wall Street in 08.

To those who disagree, how much money did you lose of your investments in the Bush crash?
Compare that amount to how much you lost from your Social Security account.

You don't need to tell us because all of us already know you did not lose one cent from your Social Security account.

WTF is wrong with you?
Err...uhmm...it's a fucking message board and NONE of your business?

It's not like I'm asking for a W-2 form or background for an NSA clearance. Something general... In your case it could be something like I'm a mover and shaker in the sanitation engineering profession.

Interesting how you claim to be for the less fortunate, and then at the same time try to insult people according to professions you deem, beneath you.

It's arrogance. A very leftist trait.
I am for voluntary safety nets... I fully support charity

But nobody owes you anything for your personal wants or needs.. you, as an adult, are responsible for your own upkeep, food, lodging, etc....

And how many soap box talking points are you going to try and string together in one mini-paragraph??

As many as it takes I guess.

So why has voluntary charity proven inadequate?

Voluntary charity hasn't proven inadequate. It has simply been replaced by the safety net. We are no longer as charitable as we used to be because we expect government to step in with all of those tax dollars that we pay instead. The higher taxes that we pay today take too much money out of our pockets and we don't have that money to be charitable with.

I'm not opposed to the safety net; I'm opposed to the safety net being too large. It takes away the incentive to try to make good decisions or be responsible.
Interesting how you claim to be for the less fortunate, and then at the same time try to insult people according to professions you deem, beneath you.

Every now and then progressive statists are accidentally honest and show their true colors.

"I love the little guy!!! I mock low paying jobs!!!"

I don't mock low paying jobs. I mock the people who have them. :D

But seriously, I just can't understand how the most replaceable people can champion the corporate and financial elite when it's clear that they care nothing about them.
Have you ever considered that the arguments are made as a matter of self interest AND principle as well?

I argue for less taxes, not on the rich, but for everyone. I defend higher, unfair taxation for business, because it is the right thing to do, and keeps government in check.

If the government can run rough shod over the most powerful of people and organizations in this country, just how much of a chance at freedom and liberty do you think the less powerful have?

Fighting for what is right, regardless of income, is what people of character do.
Why are Tea Partiers opposed to having a safety net?

There is only one possible answer to that question.

They're all one percenters, their parents and children are all one percenters and none of them have to fear that their investments in the stock market could be lost, as we saw with the 08 Bush crash.

If they were just regular folks, like you and me, it would be downright stupid for them to put their money in the hands of the same people who were running Wall Street in 08.

To those who disagree, how much money did you lose of your investments in the Bush crash?
Compare that amount to how much you lost from your Social Security account.

You don't need to tell us because all of us already know you did not lose one cent from your Social Security account.

The Tea Party is not about making money or the 1%. It's about govt elitism and resisting the ruling class. The Tea Party is about Constitutional principles and liberty. You aren't getting it.

Talking to a rock is easier then explaining the fundamental principles of freedom and common sense. As for anyone that proclaims the current recession has not impacted everyones life is nothing more than naive, a liar, or an elected politician. The difference is that some people understand the concept of living within one's means, seeking employment in a lessor field to house and feed one's family until opportunities present themselves, and yet the lessons learned from the prior generation fall on deaf ears.
Why are Tea Partiers opposed to having a safety net?
There is only one possible answer to that question.

They're all one percenters, their parents and children are all one percenters and none of them have to fear that their investments in the stock market could be lost, as we saw with the 08 Bush crash.

If they were just regular folks, like you and me, it would be downright stupid for them to put their money in the hands of the same people who were running Wall Street in 08.

To those who disagree, how much money did you lose of your investments in the Bush crash?
Compare that amount to how much you lost from your Social Security account.

You don't need to tell us because all of us already know you did not lose one cent from your Social Security account.
People who trust in Social Security have lost it all. If government does not borrow money, they have nothing. Or have you forgotten the great debt ceiling debate we had a few years ago? Obama said it himself. If we don't raise the debt ceiling and borrow more money, Social Security checks won't be sent out. Because there is no money to send out unless we borrow..

Sounds like a fucked up investment to Me.

However, in January 08, when the crash was reaching near the bottom, I increased My 401k contributions from 10% to the max of 15% and started putting as much as I could afford to do without into some IRA's.

Right now, I'm not where I could have been when the crash happened, but I've not lost a dime either.

So, I'd say that I'm ahead, but those fucks who believed in government programs are screwed.

I just wish I had invested in silver when it bottomed out a $9. Before it started pulling back, it managed to get near $40.....Oh well, I guess that missed opportunity is the fault of those bastards on wall street too, right?
Every now and then progressive statists are accidentally honest and show their true colors.

"I love the little guy!!! I mock low paying jobs!!!"

I don't mock low paying jobs. I mock the people who have them. :D

But seriously, I just can't understand how the most replaceable people can champion the corporate and financial elite when it's clear that they care nothing about them.
Have you ever considered that the arguments are made as a matter of self interest AND principle as well?

I argue for less taxes, not on the rich, but for everyone. I defend higher, unfair taxation for business, because it is the right thing to do, and keeps government in check.

If the government can run rough shod over the most powerful of people and organizations in this country, just how much of a chance at freedom and liberty do you think the less powerful have?

Fighting for what is right, regardless of income, is what people of character do.

I admire principle, character and self reliance. Although I'm left leaning, I've been fiscally responsible my whole life and I'm in a pretty good place financially because of it.

So, in your ideal world, what's to stop the corporations from running roughshod over you if the government's powers are limited to the extent that they've been essentially bought and paid for by the monied interests?
Interesting how you claim to be for the less fortunate, and then at the same time try to insult people according to professions you deem, beneath you.

Every now and then progressive statists are accidentally honest and show their true colors.

"I love the little guy!!! I mock low paying jobs!!!"

I don't mock low paying jobs. I mock the people who have them. :D

But seriously, I just can't understand how the most replaceable people can champion the corporate and financial elite when it's clear that they care nothing about them.

Yes you mock them, so I don't know why you pretend to care about them. Just start being honest.

Corporate and financial elite don't care about the bottom people for the most part I agree, but they do care about the job existing so that helps them with employment.

Those of you who try to "stick it to the elite" by wanting to tax and regulate the financial elite are too stupid to understand what you're doing, they'll just pass on those costs to the bottom people. for ex.) the little guy who works for them or the little guy who buys their products. These are the people you end up ripping off with your anti-capitalism views.
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I'm for safety nets, for the sick, the truly disabled, the old, the very young. No. I do not believe that giving money to an indigent mother helps her children. Taking the children away helps the children.

I am not for a trampoline.
Conservatives aren't opposed to having a societal safety net. We're just opposed to it becoming a fishing net.
I don't mock low paying jobs. I mock the people who have them. :D

But seriously, I just can't understand how the most replaceable people can champion the corporate and financial elite when it's clear that they care nothing about them.
Have you ever considered that the arguments are made as a matter of self interest AND principle as well?

I argue for less taxes, not on the rich, but for everyone. I defend higher, unfair taxation for business, because it is the right thing to do, and keeps government in check.

If the government can run rough shod over the most powerful of people and organizations in this country, just how much of a chance at freedom and liberty do you think the less powerful have?

Fighting for what is right, regardless of income, is what people of character do.

I admire principle, character and self reliance. Although I'm left leaning, I've been fiscally responsible my whole life and I'm in a pretty good place financially because of it.

So, in your ideal world, what's to stop the corporations from running roughshod over you if the government's powers are limited to the extent that they've been essentially bought and paid for by the monied interests?
Because corporations don't have any power to run roughshod over Me. You do realize that a vast majority of business in this country are small businesses filling niche demands for the people?

I will never understand how it is that business gets demonized. They have no power, no guns, no ability to levy a law against people and take away any of their rights. Government does.

Businesses solve the problem of a need that society has. We need a better way to communicate over distances. A business provides that. We have a need to feed more and more people.. A business provides that. We have a need to move freely and fast to conduct our own personal business, a business provides hat.

In My entire 51 years, I have never been run over, abused, or harmed by a business or even a corporation.

I have by My government, however.
I'm for safety nets, for the sick, the truly disabled, the old, the very young. No. I do not believe that giving money to an indigent mother helps her children. Taking the children away helps the children.

I am not for a trampoline.
I know of no one who is against helping people, who, through no fault of their own, are unable to provide for themselves. Such as the mentally handicapped, the physically disabled, those who suffer debilitating disease, the infirmed, and those who are to young to survive without adult aid, such as minor children without parents or the elderly with no family.
Have you ever considered that the arguments are made as a matter of self interest AND principle as well?

I argue for less taxes, not on the rich, but for everyone. I defend higher, unfair taxation for business, because it is the right thing to do, and keeps government in check.

If the government can run rough shod over the most powerful of people and organizations in this country, just how much of a chance at freedom and liberty do you think the less powerful have?

Fighting for what is right, regardless of income, is what people of character do.

I admire principle, character and self reliance. Although I'm left leaning, I've been fiscally responsible my whole life and I'm in a pretty good place financially because of it.

So, in your ideal world, what's to stop the corporations from running roughshod over you if the government's powers are limited to the extent that they've been essentially bought and paid for by the monied interests?
Because corporations don't have any power to run roughshod over Me. You do realize that a vast majority of business in this country are small businesses filling niche demands for the people?

I will never understand how it is that business gets demonized. They have no power, no guns, no ability to levy a law against people and take away any of their rights. Government does.

Businesses solve the problem of a need that society has. We need a better way to communicate over distances. A business provides that. We have a need to feed more and more people.. A business provides that. We have a need to move freely and fast to conduct our own personal business, a business provides hat.

In My entire 51 years, I have never been run over, abused, or harmed by a business or even a corporation.

I have by My government, however.

Classic misunderstanding of the relationship between business and government. To say corporations have no power or less power than the individual denies the fact that corporations are a group of drumroll....people.
The title of this thread started out with LIE

why is it some people can't ever be HONEST and have to lie for effect?
Every now and then progressive statists are accidentally honest and show their true colors.

"I love the little guy!!! I mock low paying jobs!!!"

I don't mock low paying jobs. I mock the people who have them. :D

But seriously, I just can't understand how the most replaceable people can champion the corporate and financial elite when it's clear that they care nothing about them.

Yes you mock them, so I don't know why you pretend to care about them. Just start being honest.

Corporate and financial elite don't care about the bottom people for the most part I agree, but they do care about the job existing so that helps them with employment.

Those of you who try to "stick it to the elite" by wanting to tax and regulate the financial elite are too stupid to understand what you're doing, they'll just pass on those costs to the bottom people. for ex.) the little guy who works for them or the little guy who buys their products. These are the people you end up ripping off with your anti-capitalism views.

What you call mockery, I think of as tough love. I just want to smack you guys upside the head to call attention to what's going on in this country. The corporate interests are doing everything in their power to maximize profits at the expense of the rank and file worker. Now with Citizens United, they have immense funds to influence government in their favor. As a result, the middle class is dying. People are working longer hours for less and the market for anything other than essential goods and services is drying up. Far from seeing the error of this business model, they are doubling down and making things even tougher for you and me.

This country needs the things that the Tea Party is most opposed to. Collective bargaining, a strong safety net, and more income equality.
I admire principle, character and self reliance. Although I'm left leaning, I've been fiscally responsible my whole life and I'm in a pretty good place financially because of it.

So, in your ideal world, what's to stop the corporations from running roughshod over you if the government's powers are limited to the extent that they've been essentially bought and paid for by the monied interests?
Because corporations don't have any power to run roughshod over Me. You do realize that a vast majority of business in this country are small businesses filling niche demands for the people?

I will never understand how it is that business gets demonized. They have no power, no guns, no ability to levy a law against people and take away any of their rights. Government does.

Businesses solve the problem of a need that society has. We need a better way to communicate over distances. A business provides that. We have a need to feed more and more people.. A business provides that. We have a need to move freely and fast to conduct our own personal business, a business provides hat.

In My entire 51 years, I have never been run over, abused, or harmed by a business or even a corporation.

I have by My government, however.

Classic misunderstanding of the relationship between business and government. To say corporations have no power or less power than the individual denies the fact that corporations are a group of drumroll....people.

Why don't you tell me about the time the government came after you, guns loaded and hauled you away.

I take it that you're a small business owner? Here's an example of how a corporation will eventually harm you. One of my in-laws owned a video rental business at a time when that industry was exploding and he was lucky enough to be located in an area that was growing like crazy. Things were good for a while during the golden years when he was beneath the radar of Blockbuster and Hollywood Video. Then the big guys came in. Now, he does whatever odd jobs a man in his 70's can do and ekes out a living that's about 10% of what it was back in the day.
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I don't mock low paying jobs. I mock the people who have them. :D

But seriously, I just can't understand how the most replaceable people can champion the corporate and financial elite when it's clear that they care nothing about them.

Yes you mock them, so I don't know why you pretend to care about them. Just start being honest.

Corporate and financial elite don't care about the bottom people for the most part I agree, but they do care about the job existing so that helps them with employment.

Those of you who try to "stick it to the elite" by wanting to tax and regulate the financial elite are too stupid to understand what you're doing, they'll just pass on those costs to the bottom people. for ex.) the little guy who works for them or the little guy who buys their products. These are the people you end up ripping off with your anti-capitalism views.

What you call mockery, I think of as tough love. I just want to smack you guys upside the head to call attention to what's going on in this country. The corporate interests are doing everything in their power to maximize profits at the expense of the rank and file worker. Now with Citizens United, they have immense funds to influence government in their favor. As a result, the middle class is dying. People are working longer hours for less and the market for anything other than essential goods and services is drying up. Far from seeing the error of this business model, they are doubling down and making things even tougher for you and me.

This country needs the things that the Tea Party is most opposed to. Collective bargaining, a strong safety net, and more income equality.

I'm not sure how talking shit about janitors is showing them tough love. Sounds a hell of a lot more like being an asshole just to be an asshole.

Yes corporate interests are doing everything they can to maximize profits. That HELPS the little guy. Competition makes products and services better and cheaper. Competition brings choices, choices bring jobs.

All you'd have to do is take a basic economics 101 course at your nearest community college to realize that more regulations and more taxes does nothing but hurt the economy.
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I'm for safety nets, for the sick, the truly disabled, the old, the very young. No. I do not believe that giving money to an indigent mother helps her children. Taking the children away helps the children.

I am not for a trampoline.

You just hit on a very good point. Via Welfare and other entitlements, we are paying and supporting the least qualified segment of society to have children. Parents should take care of their children, not the government. Very often, these are the people who dropped out of school, use drugs, tobacco, or alcohol, lack good parenting skills, make poor decisions in life, are more likely to commit crimes, are single parent households where the father figure is not present, live in the worst neighborhoods, and supervise their children the least.

Isn't there something wrong with that picture?

No government program has ever done more to destroy the strength of poor and minority families than welfare.
Because corporations don't have any power to run roughshod over Me. You do realize that a vast majority of business in this country are small businesses filling niche demands for the people?

I will never understand how it is that business gets demonized. They have no power, no guns, no ability to levy a law against people and take away any of their rights. Government does.

Businesses solve the problem of a need that society has. We need a better way to communicate over distances. A business provides that. We have a need to feed more and more people.. A business provides that. We have a need to move freely and fast to conduct our own personal business, a business provides hat.

In My entire 51 years, I have never been run over, abused, or harmed by a business or even a corporation.

I have by My government, however.

Classic misunderstanding of the relationship between business and government. To say corporations have no power or less power than the individual denies the fact that corporations are a group of drumroll....people.

Why don't you tell me about the time the government came after you, guns loaded and hauled you away.

I take it that you're a small business owner? Here's an example of how a corporation will eventually harm you. One of my in-laws owned a video rental business at a time when that industry was exploding and he was lucky enough to be located in an area that was growing like crazy. Things were good for a while during the golden years when he was beneath the radar of Blockbuster and Hollywood Video. Then the big guys came in. Now, he does whatever odd jobs a man in his 70's can do and ekes out a living that's about 10% of what it was back in the day.

Here you go.....

Enforcing the Laws and Paying Taxes: Is There a Connection?

Way too easy....

BTW...Your in-law failed to be agile and adapt. As a business owner, you must be able to spot trends, monitor competition, and stay on the cutting edge. You seem to think that a person should just be able to open their doors and provide their product/service and from that point forward, no one else can provide that product/service in that area.

Corporations did not hurt you in-law. These same corporations are doing the same to each other. It is called competition, and its not a game for the timid. If you can't compete, get out of the way.

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