Why are the Countries Primarily Made of Black and Brown People the Most Dangerous?

If you feel I misrepresented you, I apologize. But you did seem to make the same error that Jose' made in assuming that I was attributing JudeoChristian values or influence as the reason the nations discussed prospered when I did not do that. It was that point you seemed to be disagreeing with and went into some detail to explain why you disagreed with it when I never made that point. JudeoChristian influence was a factor in the nations flourishing, yes, but was not the underlying basic causation.

And Japan's demographics includes very few black or brown people so that falls outside the scope of the thesis for this thread.

No worries. Though I do feel like your post did make that point, though, well, you're saying that that wasn't the basic causation. Which leads me to ask then... what is/are the underlying basic causation(s.)?
José;2488868 said:
Originally posted by Foxfyre
If you feel I misrepresented you, I apologize. But you did seem to make the same error that Jose' made in assuming that I was attributing JudeoChristian values or influence as the reason the nations discussed prospered when I did not do that. It was that point you seemed to be disagreeing with and went into some detail to explain why you disagreed with it when I never made that point. JudeoChristian influence was a factor in the nations flourishing, yes, but was not the underlying basic causation

And Japan's demographics includes very few black or brown people so that falls outside the scope of the thesis for this thread.

OOOPS... sorry... disregard my last post, Foxfyre... Seems like I DID misunderstand you :D

I could swear you did say Judeo-Christian values was the main factor.

Apology accepted.

Why the JudeoChristian influence became important is because it is there that you have all the higher institutions of learning and repositories of the works of the classical age, etc., from the Fourth Century through the Rennaisance. It was because the concepts of human worth and rights had been infused into the Churches and Synagogues that it happened to be spread through those most of those nations that comprised the Empire. Constantine and his immediate successors, who favored the Church for political reasons, saw to that.

The cultural influences were then transplanted in America, Canada, and Australia as peoples left the Roman Empire to migrate elsewhere.

In those places where the Church aggressively imposed itself upon the cultures already in a place, it was far less successful in transforming those nations, and, as Epsilon pointed out, was sometimes more detrimental than helpful. And most of those countries coincidentally were populated with brown skinned people. Luck of the draw.

Most of the black skinned peoples of the world were not exposed to Alexander's Hellenism and remain locked in more primitive survival of the fittest cultures. Luck of the draw.

Again it was just the luck of the draw that Hellenism, Reformation, Rennaisance happened in the part of the world that it did. And it is coincidental that such part of the world was largely populated by Caucasians who really were not found in large numbers anywhere else in the world.
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If you feel I misrepresented you, I apologize. But you did seem to make the same error that Jose' made in assuming that I was attributing JudeoChristian values or influence as the reason the nations discussed prospered when I did not do that. It was that point you seemed to be disagreeing with and went into some detail to explain why you disagreed with it when I never made that point. JudeoChristian influence was a factor in the nations flourishing, yes, but was not the underlying basic causation.

And Japan's demographics includes very few black or brown people so that falls outside the scope of the thesis for this thread.

No worries. Though I do feel like your post did make that point, though, well, you're saying that that wasn't the basic causation. Which leads me to ask then... what is/are the underlying basic causation(s.)?

IF you had bothered to read Dr. Williams essay that I ever so diligently linked for you, you wouldn't be asking the question. :)

The ingredients for prosperity are respect for human rights and worth coupled with at least some capitalism, and free markets. Without respect for human rights and worth, however, a people doesn't ever get to capitalism and free markets.

Because, due to luck of the draw that infused their culture with an appreciation for those three things, most of the Caucasian people on the planet were blessed, while many, if not most, nations populated with black and brown people did not have that advantage.

It also explains that no matter how much economic aid we pour into poor countries, nothing much ever seems to change for most of the population. If we can find a way to give them respect for human rights and worth so that capitalism and free markets can flourish there, they would almost certainly become as prosperous as all other peoples.
Why the JudeoChristian influence became important is because it is there that you have all the higher institutions of learning and repositories of the works of the classical age, etc., from the Fourth Century through the Rennaisance.

The Church played a major role in suppressing science. Science goes hand in hand with liberal democracy, which rejects authority- hence the Church's suppression.

[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Science-Liberty--Reason-Nature/dp/0060781505?tag=amaz98-20"]Amazon.com: The Science of Liberty: Democracy, Reason, and the Laws of Nature (9780060781507): Timothy Ferris: Books[/ame]
It was because the concepts of human worth and rights had been infused into the Churches and Synagogues
Not for a long time. remember that the bible was used to justify slavery- you know, Cane and all that
The cultural influences were then transplanted in America, Canada, and Australia as peoples left the Roman Empire to migrate elsewhere.
Africa has been exposed to those influence, as was central America. They did nothing with it, meaning it's not the magic bullet.
In those places where the Church aggressively imposed itself upon the cultures already in a place
Read: everywhere it ever went after being hijacked by Constantine
, it was far less successful in transforming those nations, and, as Epsilon pointed out, was sometimes more detrimental than helpful. And most of those countries coincidentally were populated with brown skinned people. Luck of the draw.

Asians have the highest average IQ, followed by Caucasoids.

Negroids are last. Not surprisingly, the entire continent of Africa is a shithole and civilizations only arised in the far north, where caucasoid/Middle Eastern influence was strong.
Most of the black skinned peoples of the world were not exposed to Alexander's Hellenism and remain locked in more primitive survival of the fittest cultures. Luck of the draw.
Right.... which is way the successful negroid in America is so rare.... face it, the entire race is a failure with very few exceptions. Them're just the facts, mate.
Again it was just the luck of the draw that Hellenism, Reformation, Rennaisance happened in the part of the world that it did. And it is coincidental that such part of the world was largely populated by Caucasians who really were not found in large numbers anywhere else in the world.
blah, blah,. blah

they can't catch up even today
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Why the JudeoChristian influence became important is because it is there that you have all the higher institutions of learning and repositories of the works of the classical age, etc., from the Fourth Century through the Rennaisance.

you have to be kidding. the rennasance was a break from the church and a step towards reasoning. the church excommunicated and attempted ot murder anyone who believed in science instead of taking the bible literally (sounds familar still today).... remember them going after the guy who proved the earth was flat or that the moon doesn't produce light?

when organized religion is involved intellect plummets
The difference is the sanctity we and western Europe put on life is simply absent in most of the world. I would argue that this is because of our Judeo/Christian heritage, but that's an argument for another thread.

yeah, like in the 30 years war, wwi, wwii etc.

Why the JudeoChristian influence became important is because it is there that you have all the higher institutions of learning and repositories of the works of the classical age, etc., from the Fourth Century through the Rennaisance.

you have to be kidding. the rennasance was a break from the church and a step towards reasoning. the church excommunicated and attempted ot murder anyone who believed in science instead of taking the bible literally (sounds familar still today).... remember them going after the guy who proved the earth was flat or that the moon doesn't produce light?

when organized religion is involved intellect plummets

This is not a discussion about the sins of the Church. This is a discussion about the realities of what brought about the Reformation and the Renaissance and how all that dates back to the original classical thought and writings, and the people who were blessed by exposure to that and how that exposure occurred. And the prevalence of the Church and the fact that all the institutions of higher learning were part of the Church is a significant factor in that.

I won't turn this thread into an indictment of the Church which I know some of you would dearly love to do. There are ample threads for that.

This thread is why so few countries governed and populated by mostly black or brown people are often more violent/dangerous and less prosperous than others.

Let's focus on that okay?
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I try to argue with Willian Joyce when he goes into rants about Blacks and Latinos being overly violent people, so I had some time today and I researched it. Someone please explain facts! Please do it other then saying the WHITE MAN keeps them down, because that is bullshit and you know it.

What region of the world has the highest murder rate in the 2000s?

Interesting Note: Out of 20 regions, the 9 out of the top 10 are composed of Latin America or Africa Regions!

Intentional homicide rates per 100,000 population by region and subregion, 2004
Southern Africa 37.3
Central America 29.3
South America 25.9
West and Central Africa 21.6
East Africa 20.8
Africa 20
Caribbean 18.1
Americas 16.2
East Europe 8.1
North Africa 7.6
World 7.6
North America 6.5

Interesting the HATE-America-All-The-Time-Liberals always say America is the most dangerous place, but look at North America (composed of Canada, US, Mexico and Central America). Even with high murder rate countries like like Honduras #1 (67 m), El Salavador #3 (59), Venezuela #4 (45) Guatemala #5 (41), Belize #6 (33.4), Panama #15 (12.9), Mexico #17 (23) and Nicaragua #18 (12), North America (with USA as its biggest country) has a murder rate of 6.5, which is under the world murder rate!

It seems like the African and Latin America fight for the murder rate capital of the world!

Interesting note: Its funny how the socialism paradise in Latin America have the highest murder rate: Honduras is #1, El Salavador is #3, Venezuela is #4 (good job Hugo Fat Ass - when you bitch about other countries, you should start to look inward first) and Nicaragua at #18!.

It is also interesting that Africa and Latin America (two regions of the world that contribute to the most crime in the US) are far and away the murder rate contenders of th world!

Notes On Top 25 Murder Rate Countries:
(1) The Top 10 are all Latin American or Africa (or African decendent countries aka Jamaica and Trindad)
(2) Top 15 is composed of all Latin American or Africa (or African decendent countries aka Jamaica and Trindad), except for Mother Russia at 15!
(3) Top 25 is composed of all Latin American or Africa (or African decendent countries aka Jamaica and Trindad), except for Mother Russia at 15, Mongolia at 20, Kazakhstan at 21 and Kyrgyeshi at 25.
List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
NOTE: Yes I went to wikipedia for this, but click on the wikie sources and they are legit!

Interesting note about the USA:
Homicide, Robbery, Rape and Battery rates are all the highest per capitia in the large cities aka LA, SD, Chicago, D.C., PHX, Dallas, Atlanta, Miami etc. The racial make up of these cities are primarily made up of minorities: African-American (who trace back to Africa) and Latin America.

See the most dangerous parts of the country in the charts below in the chart. The chart shows the number of violent crimes committed per 100,000 people. Meaning violence per captia. The South runs away with this, specifically the ones with the highest Latin American immigrants. FL for example has a significant number of Mexican, Haitian, Cuban, Jamaican and other Latin American immigrants and its the most dangerous.

Take the Northwest and it has the lowest Latin American and African Population and its the safest by far!


Why are the two countries with the most Jews so prone to corruption and warmongering?
Why are the two countries with the most Jews so prone to corruption and warmongering?

Shut your dirty muslim shit mouth. You and your people are unimportant to the civilized world, so just shut up already.

It amuses me that my culture is superior in every single way to yours, and if my people want to crush your dirty rag wearing coward populace, its a simple task, because your people are inferior. Whenever your warmongering muslim brothers get uppity, we will be right there to smack their face.
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Well this thread just hit the skids.

If ya'll get back on topic, I hope I check back in about that time because it is an interesting subject. Until then, ya'll all have a great weekend.
Why are the two countries with the most Jews so prone to corruption and warmongering?

Shut your dirty muslim shit mouth. You and your people are unimportant to the civilized world, so just shut up already.

It amuses me that my culture is superior in every single way to yours, and if my people want to crush your dirty rag wearing coward populace, its a simple task, because your people are inferior. Whenever your warmongering muslim brothers get uppity, we will be right there to smack their face.
In Kalam's defense I think he's just pointing out the Ghook is being a bit *ahem* racialist.
Why are the two countries with the most Jews so prone to corruption and warmongering?

Hating the country you call home again, huh you little bitch! Why not go and live in a Middle Eastern country if you love it so much!

No country is immune to corruption, but America is by far one of the least corrupt countries in the world. Easily in the Western Hemisphere. Probably only Canada beats us in the Western Hemisphere.

And Israel is less corrupt then any of the Muslim, Arab, Persian, Turkish Whore, African, Latin American, Asian, Eastern European Countries, you can take that to the bank!

You're not an American. You're a wannabe Israeli at best.

Yep I'm Israel and you give me billions of dollar, and if I had the chance I would spit in your face while I was reaching into your pocket taking cash. Take for the money sucker! How does that make you feel? :lol:

Now go fuck yourself!
Why are the two countries with the most Jews so prone to corruption and warmongering?

Shut your dirty muslim shit mouth. You and your people are unimportant to the civilized world, so just shut up already.

It amuses me that my culture is superior in every single way to yours, and if my people want to crush your dirty rag wearing coward populace, its a simple task, because your people are inferior. Whenever your warmongering muslim brothers get uppity, we will be right there to smack their face.
In Kalam's defense I think he's just pointing out the Ghook is being a bit *ahem* racialist.

Have I not praise *ahem* the Arabs in the same thread for have very lower murder rates!

You can call it racism all you want. I call it pointing on FACTS and asking a pointed question. People want to blame the white man for everything, but look at the most violent countries in the world and they all fall in Africa and Latin America!
Shut your dirty muslim shit mouth. You and your people are unimportant to the civilized world, so just shut up already.

It amuses me that my culture is superior in every single way to yours, and if my people want to crush your dirty rag wearing coward populace, its a simple task, because your people are inferior. Whenever your warmongering muslim brothers get uppity, we will be right there to smack their face.
In Kalam's defense I think he's just pointing out the Ghook is being a bit *ahem* racialist.

Have I not praise *ahem* the Arabs in the same thread for have very lower murder rates!

You can call it racism all you want. I call it pointing on FACTS and asking a pointed question. People want to blame the white man for everything, but look at the most violent countries in the world and they all fall in Africa and Latin America!
People want to blame the white man for everything...an urban myth and a right wing talking point.

You seem to want to blame the black man and the brown man for everything.

Very interesting.
In Kalam's defense I think he's just pointing out the Ghook is being a bit *ahem* racialist.

Have I not praise *ahem* the Arabs in the same thread for have very lower murder rates!

You can call it racism all you want. I call it pointing on FACTS and asking a pointed question. People want to blame the white man for everything, but look at the most violent countries in the world and they all fall in Africa and Latin America!
People want to blame the white man for everything...an urban myth and a right wing talking point.

You seem to want to blame the black man and the brown man for everything.

Very interesting.

OMG! Ravi is finally getting some insight into the racial problem! Do you think she will actually compare the evidence from both sides and come to a logical conclusion as to which side is the more reasonable explaination?
In Kalam's defense I think he's just pointing out the Ghook is being a bit *ahem* racialist.

Have I not praise *ahem* the Arabs in the same thread for have very lower murder rates!

You can call it racism all you want. I call it pointing on FACTS and asking a pointed question. People want to blame the white man for everything, but look at the most violent countries in the world and they all fall in Africa and Latin America!
People want to blame the white man for everything...an urban myth and a right wing talking point.

You seem to want to blame the black man and the brown man for everything.

Very interesting.

So you claim that no one is blaming the white man for everything and then turn right around and accuse someone of blaming brown and black men for everything? You racist hack, how about this? There are idiots on both sides who do so, but you're a fucking piece of shit racist who wants to pretend like racism towards whites never happens.

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