Why are the homeless, homeless?

Nope. Most homeless are that way by choice, or bad choices. Even when families struggle to keep them off the streets, they often would rather be homeless because of easily-available drugs, and not having to answer to anyone. I've had dealings with more than several homeless women when I lived in Texas. You can help them try to straighten out their lives and get off drugs, but they invariably seem to end up back on the streets.
"I've had dealings with more than several homeless women when I lived in Texas."

anecdotal stories are difficult to translate

But a segment of the people we call homeless, fit your experiences.

The homeless in motor vehicle, the homeless in tent/encampments, the street people/thugs, the people who lose housing because of tragedy, marriage shit, deaths, illness...

The main problem is most everyone lumps the 'homeless' into one easily defined group
conservatives are by and large more likely to give to charity to help homeless then folks that ID as libs…why? Because libs are selfish and don’t care about people being homeless
What is true is not linked to partisan ideologies. Conservatives are more likely to be church members, giving in religious houses of worship, not to charities outside of their bubbles.

'More likely?" Hmm... 'charity to help the homeless?" I believe in rural areas that's true. But in those areas the religious conservatives fought government or non religious charities.
What is true is not linked to partisan ideologies. Conservatives are more likely to be church members, giving in religious houses of worship, not to charities outside of their bubbles.

'More likely?" Hmm... 'charity to help the homeless?" I believe in rural areas that's true. But in those areas the religious conservatives fought government or non religious charities.
Churches do a lot of homeless people…soup kitchens, shelters etc

And yes having reflux is faith is ideological, leftist typically aren’t religious…because of their selfish nature they can’t see beyond themselves

Can you give us an example of religious Conservatives fighting against charities?

Also govt isn’t charity, and does a horrible job dealing with homeless, in fact they contribute to the problem.
Churches do a lot of homeless people…soup kitchens, shelters etc

And yes having reflux is faith is ideological, leftist typically aren’t religious…because of their selfish nature they can’t see beyond themselves

Can you give us an example of religious Conservatives fighting against charities?

Also govt isn’t charity, and does a horrible job dealing with homeless, in fact they contribute to the problem.
I've lived in a rural community where religious groups, conservative and liberal, took on the role we see many non-religious non profits take up in urban areas, where religious groups also have a huge presence.

but we must remember, religious groups get to play non profit and use what otherwise would be tax dollars. And many get government monies.

Government deals with the homeless, because no one else has the resources. And it's the government's responsibility(s) on many levels. They are not the cause, the blame or the golden answer.

Conservatives ve fought 'food not bombs' and other groups. use a search engine
I've lived in a rural community where religious groups, conservative and liberal, took on the role we see many non-religious non profits take up in urban areas, where religious groups also have a huge presence.

but we must remember, religious groups get to play non profit and use what otherwise would be tax dollars. And many get government monies.

Government deals with the homeless, because no one else has the resources. And it's the government's responsibility(s) on many levels. They are not the cause, the blame or the golden answer.

Conservatives ve fought 'food not bombs' and other groups. use a search engine
You said charities fought agains non tegligiius charities..

Local govts took issue with FNB large public sharing events because they didn’t always get proper permits…including the San Fran Govt (hardly conservative) religious groups, churches joined FNB in lawsuits against these govts

Try again
You said charities fought agains non tegligiius charities..

Local govts took issue with FNB large public sharing events because they didn’t always get proper permits…including the San Fran Govt (hardly conservative) religious groups, churches joined FNB in lawsuits against these govts

Try again
cherry pick all you want.

I'll not bother in a circle jerk with you. I've noticed your m.o. here
cherry pick all you want.

I'll not bother in a circle jerk with you. I've noticed your m.o. here
What am I cherry picking?

I wasn’t asking you to circle jerk with me, you are the one that engaged me because reality hurts your feelings
Why are the homeless, homeless?

My personal belief is that the homeless were abandoned by their families for whatever reason.

Does anyone know of any studies on this?

I'll go with mental illness which can lead to drugs and inability to hold a job. For a few it is low salary due to low skills resulting in failure to have health insurance. Medical bills are a major cause of bankruptcy in this country.
A lot of today's homeless are homeless because they choose to be. A lot of them are dopeheads and all they want to do is get high, if that's your life ambition you can't have a job or pay bills. A lot just plod along with a meaningless existence and no purpose and do the absolute bare minimum to not die.

But a small percent were dealt a bad hand in life and they let it crush them, or they packed the willpower to recover from it.

But our society fosters the homeless. Places like California they give them money, hand them food, look the other way on crime and so on. Everyone says "the poor homeless we need to help them" and end up doing nothing to actually help them. Just giving them shit won't help them, that will just make it worse. You have to give them an opportunity to get on their feet and give them incentives to do so like "were going to help you but if you don't succeed you're going to starve to death because we won't let you stay here and we won't support you".

Our society is in decline, that's why we have so many homeless. We need society to go back to American values, pride, morals and standards where we were tough but fair.

Closing the border and kicking out all of the illegals will go a long way towards getting rid of the homeless. We get rid of the illegal homeless, and we can turn resources towards our homeless because right now we take better care of illegals than us citizens that are homeless.

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