Why Are The Mormons Having A War On Masturbation?

What every they do, it is their business. That's the whole point of the thread, DingDong.

Then why are you so upset that some people choose not to masturbate?

I never said that once, and you are being dishonest. What I don't agree with, is your Church putting up ridiculous, unrealistic videos.

You might have a point if the Church did.

Problem is you are lying about that.

You owe me an apology.

No. I don't. Now please stop lying and claiming the Church made the video.

So, the Brigham Young University has nothing to do with the Mormon Church?

How about Mark Peterson? Is he not part of the Mormon Church either?

Total Articles: 8
Mark E. Peterson, Mormon Apostle from 1944 to 1984, famous for his anti-masturbation talk, anti-oral sex. He demanded that sex between a man and a woman was only for procreation. In 1975 at a Stake Conference in Seattle, he claimed "I've been married to my wife for 44 years, and never once have seen her body uncovered." Mark, also a typical Mormon racist, stated "I would be willing to let every Negro drive a Cadillac if they could afford it."
MARK E. PETERSON -Link To MC Article-
The following guide to overcoming masturbation was presented as a letter in the Mormon missionary guide in 1970 by Mormon Apostle Mark E. Peterson.Be assured that you can be cured of your difficulty. Many have been, both male and female, and you can be also if you determine that it must be so.

This determination is the first step. That is where we begin. You must decide that you will end this practice, and when you make that decision, the problem will be greatly reduced at once.

But it must be more than a hope or a wish, more than knowing that it is good for you. It must be actually a decision. If you truly make up your mind that you will be cured, then you will have the strength to resist any tendencies which you may have and any temptations which may come to you. After you have made this decision, then observe the following specific guidelines.

A Guide to Self-Control
Thank you, carla, for proving yet again, that to the progressive mind, distributing porn to young people and healthy sex are one and the same thing.
Per the HuffPo, who had to print a retraction/update, and the Mormon church:

"Brigham Young University-Idaho adheres to the doctrines and practices of its sponsoring institution, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As such, we regard addiction to pornography as a harmful and destructive vice. We also regard each other as brothers and sisters and believe we have a Christian obligation to watch out for the spiritual and physical well-being of those around us. The sole purpose of the video is to illustrate those principles for BYU-Idaho students as well as to encourage them to reach out in a spirit of love and concern if someone they know is struggling with any form of addiction. Any other interpretation of the video is inaccurate and unwarranted."

BYU-Idaho Video Depicts Porn Addiction As War UPDATED

Per the Idaho Statesman:

"Masturbation is never mentioned in the video.

"The video says students have an obligation to help anyone they know who struggles with any kind of addiction."

Read more here: Boise Meridian Nampa Caldwell news by Idaho Statesman

I'm not surprised Carla is leaving the thread. I would, too.
Look at the end of the video!...it shows the "good friend" that wants to help him stop his masturbating and porn...byyyy...hooking him up with girls!!! That'll do it! Hell yeah, nothing else slows down a young man from jacking off than a willing girlfriend!!
Per the HuffPo, who had to print a retraction/update, and the Mormon church:

"Brigham Young University-Idaho adheres to the doctrines and practices of its sponsoring institution, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As such, we regard addiction to pornography as a harmful and destructive vice. We also regard each other as brothers and sisters and believe we have a Christian obligation to watch out for the spiritual and physical well-being of those around us. The sole purpose of the video is to illustrate those principles for BYU-Idaho students as well as to encourage them to reach out in a spirit of love and concern if someone they know is struggling with any form of addiction. Any other interpretation of the video is inaccurate and unwarranted."

BYU-Idaho Video Depicts Porn Addiction As War UPDATED

Per the Idaho Statesman:

"Masturbation is never mentioned in the video.

"The video says students have an obligation to help anyone they know who struggles with any kind of addiction."

Read more here: Boise Meridian Nampa Caldwell news by Idaho Statesman

I'm not surprised Carla is leaving the thread. I would, too.

Obviously, you have difficulty reading, as I've pointed out twice now, I asked why it's any of their business if the young man is watching porn.

They may not have specifically mentioned masturbation in the video, but they have all sorts of literature on how to overcome masturbating.

Steps In Overcoming Masturbation*
Anonymous author but attributed to Mark E. Petersen

Steps In Overcoming Masturbation

and here's the direct link (again)

The Mormon Curtain - MARK E. PETERSON

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Thank you, carla, for proving yet again, that to the progressive mind, distributing porn to young people and healthy sex are one and the same thing.

Mormons are also against healthy sex, even "safe" sex, unless you're married. And that's probably why the average age for getting married, until recently, was 18, in the Mormon Church.
Yes, because *safe* sex isn't very safe.

A lot of us tell our children to stick to that goal. It's a good goal. Reduces the likelihood of pregnancy and STD transmission.

I know. Amazing.
But thank you for accepting the statement that you view porn addiction as the means by which young (men?) can safely avoid the likelihood of becoming serial rapists.
Thank you, carla, for proving yet again, that to the progressive mind, distributing porn to young people and healthy sex are one and the same thing.

Mormons are also against healthy sex, even "safe" sex, unless you're married. And that's probably why the average age for getting married, until recently, was 18, in the Mormon Church.

Yes. Somehow they get married at age 18 and then serve two year missions right after they get married. And they serve their missions being single despite having married before they left.

Carla, please educate yourself. if you don't understand something, that doesn't mean it's wrong. It just means you don't understand it.
Porn is poisoning the hearts and minds of people and makes it difficult if not impossible for them to have reasonable expectations in a relationship. It destroys lives and families.
Plus it's ILLEGAL to expose children to it.

Porn isn't sex ed. I shudder for kids these days.
Thank you, carla, for proving yet again, that to the progressive mind, distributing porn to young people and healthy sex are one and the same thing.

Mormons are also against healthy sex, even "safe" sex, unless you're married. And that's probably why the average age for getting married, until recently, was 18, in the Mormon Church.

Yes. Somehow they get married at age 18 and then serve two year missions right after they get married. And they serve their missions being single despite having married before they left.

Carla, please educate yourself. if you don't understand something, that doesn't mean it's wrong. It just means you don't understand it.

And attend, and finish, college.

And not suck at the government teat...the Mormon church provides for their own members, they intervene with housing, cash, food, to keep their members from becoming welfare dependents.
They do all the things progressive nutbags want the government to do....except they actually succeed at it, and they fund it themselves.
Mormons are also against healthy sex, even "safe" sex, unless you're married. And that's probably why the average age for getting married, until recently, was 18, in the Mormon Church.

In fairness, the average age for Mormon wedlock had long been held artificially low by the likes of Brian David Mitchell and Warren Jeffs (of FLDS fame), until the recent crackdown by forces largely outside of the Church. ;)

If memory serves, I think Joseph Smith himself had a number of 'child-brides'.

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