Why Are There So Many School Shootings?

What Are There So Many School/Public Shootings?

  • Guns

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • Parenting

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Public Education System

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Diet

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  • Media Sensationalization

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • Video Games / The Internet

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Drugs

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • Other (Specify)

    Votes: 5 21.7%

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It is interesting to see that people, who are foreigners to the U.S.A. are chiming in for supporting anti 2nd Amendment ideas when it is not of their concern. Maybe the envy, what is transparent in their posts, compels them to try ridiculing the American way of life. Maybe they are on George Soros' payroll who finances worldwide anti gun efforts. Maybe they should just shut the fuck up. They gave up their right to be free so their bitterness is unwarranted.
It is interesting to see that people, who are foreigners to the U.S.A. are chiming in for supporting anti 2nd Amendment ideas when it is not of their concern. Maybe the envy, what is transparent in their posts, compels them to try ridiculing the American way of life. Maybe they are on George Soros' payroll who finances worldwide anti gun efforts. Maybe they should just shut the fuck up. They gave up their right to be free so their bitterness is unwarranted.
Hmmmm, let's see.....You joined this site, this year, in 2015 and Dr Grump, a very long time member who has been a member here since 2006, almost 10 years.....and you think he's a paid sock....?

okee dokee!

while we have people like Rusty and Kosh sounding like they are the same people, that went to the same thoughtless school of PAID political scammers/posters, and you don't even notice?

Me thinks you need some more coffee! :lol:
Oh.. I am so sorry....I did not know this was a union shop. I am jut going to shut up then.. Seniority.... You make your own coffee or less senior people brew it for you?
BTW, I did not address anybody particular since I did not quote. If one is a foreigner one has nothing to be concerned about what rights are in the US Constitution unless one is paid by George Soros to push anti gun agenda. Also, somebody mentioned AR 15s what SUBJECTS cannot own..... the envy almost killed that imbecile...
Let's talk when there is a shooting at a gun show.
shootings happen at places people have a connection to or at places they think will have an impact.
gun shows don't rank.

And that are gun free……..never forget that.

There was at least one trained shooter at the Oregon shooting, same with Tucson and others.

Really, there's no such thing as a "gun free zone".

Glad to see there is someone on the left that suspects the CIA is involved in this shit too.

I mean, when we were kids, this shit never happened with such regularity. No. . . Only when they decide they want to move toward world government do they start to want to make the laws of all nations the same.

For this, an active effort and program to turn the public against guns clearly needed to be started in all nations where folks had a right to bear arms, right?
Why there are "so many" school shootings:

(First, more people are killed in Chicago in one year than in all school shootings combined).

- Schools advertise themselves as Gun Free Zones and are incapable of mounting a proper defense
- High school, especially public high school, is a nasty place with mean kids and bullies enabled by incompetent administrators
- High school is no longer education, but instead is Prog Indoctrination
- The MSM sensationalizes such shootings, turning the shooter into a famous media phenom
- Our Prog Elites exploit such tragedies in order to promote an agenda of eliminating gun rights for law-abiding citizens
- Boys are treated as deformities by the public school system which punishes them for Being Boys and pushes drugging them for ADHD
- The result is that a few boys develop severe mental health issues which are not properly recognized and treated
- Our Prog elites would rather blame guns than to address mental health issues
And you Europeans love your death camps….12 million at a whack…that is some record……you might want to reflect on that, the intentional murder of 12 million unarmed, innocent people….before you cast stones…..

I'm not European. I'm sure the 100 of 1000s of Native Americans and Africans who were wiped out when you ancestors took them slave or just out and out killed them hear your pain.

BTW, these shootings are a modern topic, not the past. I'm sure there are history threads on this board somewhere.
Well, let's see. A shooting in a school? We need more people packing guns. A shooting in the mall? We need more people packing guns. A shooting in church? We need more people packing guns. We have more people packing guns, and the shootings continue to increase. Perhaps this part of the equation is not in line with reality?

Well lets see, someone else shoots up a school, and the left's response is to make it harder for ME to get a gun.

Why oh why it's harder for a law abiding citizens to buy a gun? I can go to any gun stores in California or Florida and I do not have a problem buying a gun.
WHY is it that people keep saying that?
Well, let's see. A shooting in a school? We need more people packing guns. A shooting in the mall? We need more people packing guns. A shooting in church? We need more people packing guns. We have more people packing guns, and the shootings continue to increase. Perhaps this part of the equation is not in line with reality?

Well lets see, someone else shoots up a school, and the left's response is to make it harder for ME to get a gun.

Why oh why it's harder for a law abiding citizens to buy a gun? I can go to any gun stores in California or Florida and I do not have a problem buying a gun.
WHY is it that people keep saying that?

Look up NYC gun laws, and then tell me how easy it is for me to get a handgun legally.
Simply put if guns were so good at keeping people safe then the USA should really be the safest place on the planet given how many guns are in circulation.

The fact that it has the worst gun murder rate of any developed country suggests there is a problem. Until the penny drops with people and this delusional refusal to accept facts then nothing will change.

As for the poster who thinks Europeans are somehow envious of America and come on here spouting anti American tirades that's hilarious.

Its quite possible to be pro America but anti guns, theres more to a country than its gun laws! I happen to like America but just think your gun laws suck!
Better question would be "Why ARENT they so many school stabbings vs school shootings?"

THERE is the answer
Simply put if guns were so good at keeping people safe then the USA should really be the safest place on the planet given how many guns are in circulation.

The fact that it has the worst gun murder rate of any developed country suggests there is a problem. Until the penny drops with people and this delusional refusal to accept facts then nothing will change.

As for the poster who thinks Europeans are somehow envious of America and come on here spouting anti American tirades that's hilarious.

Its quite possible to be pro America but anti guns, theres more to a country than its gun laws! I happen to like America but just think your gun laws suck!
It is a Constitutional Right you moron. It is the way the country is ensuring some freedom since you limeys were kicked out...Deal with it and as a subject ask from your government to issue a slingshot permit for you....You cannot even own a broadsword without a permit...
I don't think there is a single reason for it, it's a combination of crap. From not teaching kids to deal with inevitable failures, to not teaching them a respect for others. From money frustration to boredom. From mental illness to extreme narcissism. From a lack of hope to fanatical beliefs.

I'm not sure what we need to do to put an end to it, but I do know that there is no one solution to the problem.
Simply put if guns were so good at keeping people safe then the USA should really be the safest place on the planet given how many guns are in circulation.

The fact that it has the worst gun murder rate of any developed country suggests there is a problem. Until the penny drops with people and this delusional refusal to accept facts then nothing will change.

As for the poster who thinks Europeans are somehow envious of America and come on here spouting anti American tirades that's hilarious.

Its quite possible to be pro America but anti guns, theres more to a country than its gun laws! I happen to like America but just think your gun laws suck!
It is a Constitutional Right you moron. It is the way the country is ensuring some freedom since you limeys were kicked out...Deal with it and as a subject ask from your government to issue a slingshot permit for you....You cannot even own a broadsword without a permit...

ZZZZZ You call that freedom, living in fear of being shot! You can't even send your kids to school without the fear they won't be back. Continue to live in your delusional view of freedom. You're just paranoid, what exactly is your government going to do to you if you don't have a gun. The last time I looked the USA was a functioning democracy, its not some Third World sewer. God Bless Hillary Clinton who at least is willing to stand up to the NRA. God Bless Obama who has done wonders to improve the image of the USA across the world.
Well, let's see. A shooting in a school? We need more people packing guns. A shooting in the mall? We need more people packing guns. A shooting in church? We need more people packing guns. We have more people packing guns, and the shootings continue to increase. Perhaps this part of the equation is not in line with reality?

Well lets see, someone else shoots up a school, and the left's response is to make it harder for ME to get a gun.

Why oh why it's harder for a law abiding citizens to buy a gun? I can go to any gun stores in California or Florida and I do not have a problem buying a gun.
WHY is it that people keep saying that?

Look up NYC gun laws, and then tell me how easy it is for me to get a handgun legally.

I just did... but you can still buy your gun legally in NYC. So what is the problem?
Well, let's see. A shooting in a school? We need more people packing guns. A shooting in the mall? We need more people packing guns. A shooting in church? We need more people packing guns. We have more people packing guns, and the shootings continue to increase. Perhaps this part of the equation is not in line with reality?

Well lets see, someone else shoots up a school, and the left's response is to make it harder for ME to get a gun.

Why oh why it's harder for a law abiding citizens to buy a gun? I can go to any gun stores in California or Florida and I do not have a problem buying a gun.
WHY is it that people keep saying that?

Look up NYC gun laws, and then tell me how easy it is for me to get a handgun legally.

I just did... but you can still buy your gun legally in NYC. So what is the problem?

Why should I have to spend $1000 to do it, and wait 3 months for the paperwork to go through? How about we do the same to voting rights?

Its a de facto ban, if not a de jure ban.
To be fair, I worry about my son walking to school every day. Not because of guns, but because of bad drivers on ice, moose, bears, and occasionally wolves. The thought of him driving on the roads with other assholes who can't drive concerns me greatly. I worry about him having relationships with girls because I know what bitches they are. There are a thousand things out there that will hurt my son... The reality is that my son needs to learn to deal with those things, I cannot protect him forever.
Because Yanks love their peashooters....

Wish the brits would keep their loons under control and out of my country..
British-born gunman kills 9 in US college shooting

From you link "Police said Harper-Mercer was shot dead after the 45th school shooting in the US this year."

And the other 44? Where were they from?

Dont know,maybe you should research em all and get back with me.
Fact of the matter is this one is yours,and since he's an immigrant and all he gets no slack.
ZZZZZ You call that freedom, living in fear of being shot! You can't even send your kids to school without the fear they won't be back. Continue to live in your delusional view of freedom. You're just paranoid, what exactly is your government going to do to you if you don't have a gun. The last time I looked the USA was a functioning democracy, its not some Third World sewer. God Bless Hillary Clinton who at least is willing to stand up to the NRA. God Bless Obama who has done wonders to improve the image of the USA across the world.
So...why does it concern you what we do here when you are over there? What is it to you what Hillary or the NRA does? It doesn't affect your life either way... Oh..just like to be busybody, sticking your nose into every shit, into other people's business. Get a life, don't worry about us... Have some tea or some shit...
ZZZZZ You call that freedom, living in fear of being shot! You can't even send your kids to school without the fear they won't be back. Continue to live in your delusional view of freedom. You're just paranoid, what exactly is your government going to do to you if you don't have a gun. The last time I looked the USA was a functioning democracy, its not some Third World sewer. God Bless Hillary Clinton who at least is willing to stand up to the NRA. God Bless Obama who has done wonders to improve the image of the USA across the world.
So...why does it concern you what we do here when you are over there? What is it to you what Hillary or the NRA does? It doesn't affect your life either way... Oh..just like to be busybody, sticking your nose into every shit, into other people's business. Get a life, don't worry about us... Have some tea or some shit...

Okay yes it doesn't affect my life but I hate to see these tragic shootings, I'm sure there are things going on in the world that you have an opinion on. And as I've said several times on this forum this is not an anti-American rant! Why on earth would I have visited America loads of times if I didn't like the place. If you said you liked the UK but thought the Royal Family sucked I'd have no problem with that.
Well, let's see. A shooting in a school? We need more people packing guns. A shooting in the mall? We need more people packing guns. A shooting in church? We need more people packing guns. We have more people packing guns, and the shootings continue to increase. Perhaps this part of the equation is not in line with reality?

Well lets see, someone else shoots up a school, and the left's response is to make it harder for ME to get a gun.

Why oh why it's harder for a law abiding citizens to buy a gun? I can go to any gun stores in California or Florida and I do not have a problem buying a gun.
WHY is it that people keep saying that?
Look up NYC gun laws, and then tell me how easy it is for me to get a handgun legally.
I just did... but you can still buy your gun legally in NYC. So what is the problem?
In NYC you have to pay $500 for a permit to own a gun in your home.
You're OK with that because you can still get the gun.
Would you be OK with a similar $500 permit for an abortion?

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