Why Are There So Many School Shootings?

What Are There So Many School/Public Shootings?

  • Guns

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • Parenting

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Public Education System

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Diet

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Media Sensationalization

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • Video Games / The Internet

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Drugs

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • Other (Specify)

    Votes: 5 21.7%

  • Total voters
There;s no sound argument for doing this.

Sure, they just blow the place up instead... seriously you have to be kidding......

Much harder to do since explosives do not come in a glass display case for you to purchase. Much harder to deploy. And much more lethal to the bomb-maker. Much to the chagrin of the NRA I suspect.

There is no public "bombing range" for them to perfect their craft.

Yet still I have not heard your plan to eliminate guns....

We can't eliminate them. We have the 2nd Amendment and our Constitution makes any assault on it nearly impossible in any political climate much less today's.

I do have a plan to limit the number of guns on the street. It will take time but using market forces of supply and demand, you can have a reduction in the availability of guns.

Basically, you force manufacturers to put a $1,000 insurance policy on guns. Once that happens, when they sell them to Wal Mart, Wal Mart has to have one for each gun they have in their inventory. They have 500 guns, they have to buy 500 of these policies. So Wal Mart will not buy as many guns, the makers will not make as many, and that will reduce the pool.

Secondly, the money you paid for the insurance policy when you guy the gun (a thousand bucks) doesn't sit on a shelf somewhere. The seller of the policy will invest it in the State's employee pension fund where it will get the same match as employee contributions. Up to $10,000 in 10 years. It is capped at 10K.

What this does is limit the number of sellers of weapons because if you sell the weapon (and the policy), you sell the gun for whatever you negotiate but you have to sell the policy for $1,000. No more, no less. That could be amended to be whatever the current price is of the policy--it will likely raise over time--thus further limiting the number of sellers.

So, lets say you keep your gun for 10 years.

You can take the gun to the local State Police office and sell it to whatever they are going to pay for it. You walk out with the check for the sale of the gun and $10,000 bucks. And you still have a $1,000 policy you can use to piggy back onto another weapon. Or you can cash in the $1,000 policy and get 11,000 bucks. Or you can keep your gun but the investment dividend is capped at $10,000.

So fewer guns are being made; fewer guns are in the store, and fewer guns are available to buy since it is now an investment vehicle. This is how you dry up supply using market forces.

On the persecution side. Obviously, if the gun is used in a crime during this time, the policy pays the victims. I think we should make all crimes that one commits involving a gun (whether it is fired or not) a federal crime. SO if you commit a robbery using a gun in Oklahoma; you serve your time for robbery in OK then are shipped off to a federal pen--7 states away--for the gun crime. Lets call it 5 years for the first offense--hell make it 10.. And you serve 10 years; no parole, no time off, 10 long years. If you like it so much that you do another gun crime once you get back to da hood; you get a 30 year ride next time.

Sell a gun without the policy--gun crime. Get ready to do a stretch in prison.
Steal a gun? Gun crime. Pack your bags.
Tell the cashier you have a gun and to hand over the money. Gun crime. Adios amigo.

There are other things I would do on the education front to let people know that if you do a gun crime; you're going away for your full sentence several hundred miles away.

Of course, the guns used are all confiscated and melted--thus reducing the pool even further. I'd make an anklet out of a melted gun and force the jerk to wear it to remind him of his crime every day.


As is often pointed out by gun crazies; 99+% will never be used for a crime. This does not speak to them. There is no need to harass sane gun owners. Their guns will be handed down from responsible owners to responsible kids to hopefully responsible grand kids and so on. No need to. They are not part of the pool the psychopaths use to acquire weapons.

so basically poor people get denied their 2nd amendment rights. great.

It's infringement, pure and simple.

As long as there is a price charged for guns, there is an infringement. One cannot argue there is not in one case but there is in another.
so basically poor people get denied their 2nd amendment rights. great.

It's infringement, pure and simple.
Yet, getting a state issued FREE ID for voting is unnecessary burden and disenfranchising... WTF?
Not to mention the video games. Did you know they are most popular with ages 29-35?
Grand Theft, Halo, etc. I would not allow my boys to have them.

Gee, and they have the same games in Europe and Australia as well. Funny how you rarely read about massacres over there. Must be something we do differently here.

Anyone want to take a guess?

Here comes the race card....

It adds to the recipe.
Personally, I think it's because of the way we are raising our kids.
Other countries allow guns, no problem.
Raise your kids right, they are not going to be running around shooting up schools.........

I think you have a very good point there. By the same token, the way-out-of-proportion ratio between our # of massacres and theirs leads me to the conclusion that if you didn't have guns available next to the footballs and fishing gear at 70 stores in a 5 mile radius; you may have less shootings. Just a though

You can have guns galore, people just don't shoot people because a gun is available.... the "deviancy" must be in place in their mind...........

Well, a guy plugs in his GTA 5 game in Paris Texas. He sees that there is no downside to shooting anyone on the game. His boss calls him and tells him he is fired. The guy is pissed, buys a gun from the corner store and kills his boss.

Well, a guy plugs in his GTA 5 game in Paris France, He sees that there is no downside to shooting anyone on the game. His boss calls him and tells him he is fired. The guy is pissed, but he cannot buy a gun from the corner store. He may get a butcher knife from the kitchen an go after his boss but one would admit that his boss is on more equal footing with the cutlery than the Colt.

People are put into stressful situations all the time and how they react is anyone's guess (look into the Stanford Prison Expierment for proof of this).

Very good post. I think the problem is that those heat of the moment situations where people lose control. The problem with expecting people to control themselves is that we're all human and lose our rag sometimes. I don't think its down to cultural differences or is some indictment on American society, in Europe we have just as many nasty video games, violent movies, family break ups and mental health problems. The big difference is that we don't have the ability to either act out fantasies or take some perverted revenge in such a devastating manner.
Sure, they just blow the place up instead... seriously you have to be kidding......

Much harder to do since explosives do not come in a glass display case for you to purchase. Much harder to deploy. And much more lethal to the bomb-maker. Much to the chagrin of the NRA I suspect.

There is no public "bombing range" for them to perfect their craft.

Yet still I have not heard your plan to eliminate guns....

We can't eliminate them. We have the 2nd Amendment and our Constitution makes any assault on it nearly impossible in any political climate much less today's.

I do have a plan to limit the number of guns on the street. It will take time but using market forces of supply and demand, you can have a reduction in the availability of guns.

Basically, you force manufacturers to put a $1,000 insurance policy on guns. Once that happens, when they sell them to Wal Mart, Wal Mart has to have one for each gun they have in their inventory. They have 500 guns, they have to buy 500 of these policies. So Wal Mart will not buy as many guns, the makers will not make as many, and that will reduce the pool.

Secondly, the money you paid for the insurance policy when you guy the gun (a thousand bucks) doesn't sit on a shelf somewhere. The seller of the policy will invest it in the State's employee pension fund where it will get the same match as employee contributions. Up to $10,000 in 10 years. It is capped at 10K.

What this does is limit the number of sellers of weapons because if you sell the weapon (and the policy), you sell the gun for whatever you negotiate but you have to sell the policy for $1,000. No more, no less. That could be amended to be whatever the current price is of the policy--it will likely raise over time--thus further limiting the number of sellers.

So, lets say you keep your gun for 10 years.

You can take the gun to the local State Police office and sell it to whatever they are going to pay for it. You walk out with the check for the sale of the gun and $10,000 bucks. And you still have a $1,000 policy you can use to piggy back onto another weapon. Or you can cash in the $1,000 policy and get 11,000 bucks. Or you can keep your gun but the investment dividend is capped at $10,000.

So fewer guns are being made; fewer guns are in the store, and fewer guns are available to buy since it is now an investment vehicle. This is how you dry up supply using market forces.

On the persecution side. Obviously, if the gun is used in a crime during this time, the policy pays the victims. I think we should make all crimes that one commits involving a gun (whether it is fired or not) a federal crime. SO if you commit a robbery using a gun in Oklahoma; you serve your time for robbery in OK then are shipped off to a federal pen--7 states away--for the gun crime. Lets call it 5 years for the first offense--hell make it 10.. And you serve 10 years; no parole, no time off, 10 long years. If you like it so much that you do another gun crime once you get back to da hood; you get a 30 year ride next time.

Sell a gun without the policy--gun crime. Get ready to do a stretch in prison.
Steal a gun? Gun crime. Pack your bags.
Tell the cashier you have a gun and to hand over the money. Gun crime. Adios amigo.

There are other things I would do on the education front to let people know that if you do a gun crime; you're going away for your full sentence several hundred miles away.

Of course, the guns used are all confiscated and melted--thus reducing the pool even further. I'd make an anklet out of a melted gun and force the jerk to wear it to remind him of his crime every day.


As is often pointed out by gun crazies; 99+% will never be used for a crime. This does not speak to them. There is no need to harass sane gun owners. Their guns will be handed down from responsible owners to responsible kids to hopefully responsible grand kids and so on. No need to. They are not part of the pool the psychopaths use to acquire weapons.

so basically poor people get denied their 2nd amendment rights. great.

It's infringement, pure and simple.

As long as there is a price charged for guns, there is an infringement. One cannot argue there is not in one case but there is in another.

A reasonable price for the actual manufacture of the gun is not infringement. Inflating the price by $1000 per gun is infringement.

Why do you hate poor people?
Very good post. I think the problem is that those heat of the moment situations where people lose control. The problem with expecting people to control themselves is that we're all human and lose our rag sometimes. I don't think its down to cultural differences or is some indictment on American society, in Europe we have just as many nasty video games, violent movies, family break ups and mental health problems. The big difference is that we don't have the ability to either act out fantasies or take some perverted revenge in such a devastating manner.
The nation is not divided as it is over here... race against race, national origin against national origin, religion against religion, religion against non-religion, male against female.... and vice versa... That's how career politicians do whatever they want because we are bickering among ourselves not realizing it is a game for the political parties..
Gee, and they have the same games in Europe and Australia as well. Funny how you rarely read about massacres over there. Must be something we do differently here.

Anyone want to take a guess?

Here comes the race card....

It adds to the recipe.
Personally, I think it's because of the way we are raising our kids.
Other countries allow guns, no problem.
Raise your kids right, they are not going to be running around shooting up schools.........

I think you have a very good point there. By the same token, the way-out-of-proportion ratio between our # of massacres and theirs leads me to the conclusion that if you didn't have guns available next to the footballs and fishing gear at 70 stores in a 5 mile radius; you may have less shootings. Just a though

You can have guns galore, people just don't shoot people because a gun is available.... the "deviancy" must be in place in their mind...........

Well, a guy plugs in his GTA 5 game in Paris Texas. He sees that there is no downside to shooting anyone on the game. His boss calls him and tells him he is fired. The guy is pissed, buys a gun from the corner store and kills his boss.

Well, a guy plugs in his GTA 5 game in Paris France, He sees that there is no downside to shooting anyone on the game. His boss calls him and tells him he is fired. The guy is pissed, but he cannot buy a gun from the corner store. He may get a butcher knife from the kitchen an go after his boss but one would admit that his boss is on more equal footing with the cutlery than the Colt.

People are put into stressful situations all the time and how they react is anyone's guess (look into the Stanford Prison Expierment for proof of this).

Very good post. I think the problem is that those heat of the moment situations where people lose control. The problem with expecting people to control themselves is that we're all human and lose our rag sometimes. I don't think its down to cultural differences or is some indictment on American society, in Europe we have just as many nasty video games, violent movies, family break ups and mental health problems. The big difference is that we don't have the ability to either act out fantasies or take some perverted revenge in such a devastating manner.

Well, I think Bonzi (sp?) has a good point about parenting. It's the first line of defense. But availability of weaponry is a factor too. Too many countries with restrictions have very low body counts compared to ours with very few restrictions.
Much harder to do since explosives do not come in a glass display case for you to purchase. Much harder to deploy. And much more lethal to the bomb-maker. Much to the chagrin of the NRA I suspect.

There is no public "bombing range" for them to perfect their craft.

Yet still I have not heard your plan to eliminate guns....

We can't eliminate them. We have the 2nd Amendment and our Constitution makes any assault on it nearly impossible in any political climate much less today's.

I do have a plan to limit the number of guns on the street. It will take time but using market forces of supply and demand, you can have a reduction in the availability of guns.

Basically, you force manufacturers to put a $1,000 insurance policy on guns. Once that happens, when they sell them to Wal Mart, Wal Mart has to have one for each gun they have in their inventory. They have 500 guns, they have to buy 500 of these policies. So Wal Mart will not buy as many guns, the makers will not make as many, and that will reduce the pool.

Secondly, the money you paid for the insurance policy when you guy the gun (a thousand bucks) doesn't sit on a shelf somewhere. The seller of the policy will invest it in the State's employee pension fund where it will get the same match as employee contributions. Up to $10,000 in 10 years. It is capped at 10K.

What this does is limit the number of sellers of weapons because if you sell the weapon (and the policy), you sell the gun for whatever you negotiate but you have to sell the policy for $1,000. No more, no less. That could be amended to be whatever the current price is of the policy--it will likely raise over time--thus further limiting the number of sellers.

So, lets say you keep your gun for 10 years.

You can take the gun to the local State Police office and sell it to whatever they are going to pay for it. You walk out with the check for the sale of the gun and $10,000 bucks. And you still have a $1,000 policy you can use to piggy back onto another weapon. Or you can cash in the $1,000 policy and get 11,000 bucks. Or you can keep your gun but the investment dividend is capped at $10,000.

So fewer guns are being made; fewer guns are in the store, and fewer guns are available to buy since it is now an investment vehicle. This is how you dry up supply using market forces.

On the persecution side. Obviously, if the gun is used in a crime during this time, the policy pays the victims. I think we should make all crimes that one commits involving a gun (whether it is fired or not) a federal crime. SO if you commit a robbery using a gun in Oklahoma; you serve your time for robbery in OK then are shipped off to a federal pen--7 states away--for the gun crime. Lets call it 5 years for the first offense--hell make it 10.. And you serve 10 years; no parole, no time off, 10 long years. If you like it so much that you do another gun crime once you get back to da hood; you get a 30 year ride next time.

Sell a gun without the policy--gun crime. Get ready to do a stretch in prison.
Steal a gun? Gun crime. Pack your bags.
Tell the cashier you have a gun and to hand over the money. Gun crime. Adios amigo.

There are other things I would do on the education front to let people know that if you do a gun crime; you're going away for your full sentence several hundred miles away.

Of course, the guns used are all confiscated and melted--thus reducing the pool even further. I'd make an anklet out of a melted gun and force the jerk to wear it to remind him of his crime every day.


As is often pointed out by gun crazies; 99+% will never be used for a crime. This does not speak to them. There is no need to harass sane gun owners. Their guns will be handed down from responsible owners to responsible kids to hopefully responsible grand kids and so on. No need to. They are not part of the pool the psychopaths use to acquire weapons.

so basically poor people get denied their 2nd amendment rights. great.

It's infringement, pure and simple.

As long as there is a price charged for guns, there is an infringement. One cannot argue there is not in one case but there is in another.

A reasonable price for the actual manufacture of the gun is not infringement. Inflating the price by $1000 per gun is infringement.

Why do you hate poor people?

What one calls reasonable, some one will see as an infringement. You can't argue one is okay and one is not. Sorry.
Very good post. I think the problem is that those heat of the moment situations where people lose control. The problem with expecting people to control themselves is that we're all human and lose our rag sometimes. I don't think its down to cultural differences or is some indictment on American society, in Europe we have just as many nasty video games, violent movies, family break ups and mental health problems. The big difference is that we don't have the ability to either act out fantasies or take some perverted revenge in such a devastating manner.
The nation is not divided as it is over here... race against race, national origin against national origin, religion against religion, religion against non-religion, male against female.... and vice versa... That's how career politicians do whatever they want because we are bickering among ourselves not realizing it is a game for the political parties..

I think the problem is that this debate has become too polarized. And too much left versus right. Whats needed is a compromise which both sides can live with. If you look at surveys on gun control a start would be to find areas where both sides agree. So leave out the really polarizing aspects and work on background checks, removing loopholes. That has overwhelming support from both Dems and Reps. If you start from an area of strong agreement it can at least start building some bridges between both sides.
Yeah, run with that.
There is a major problem with NOT understanding or purposefully not applying the motto on the Great Seal of the U.S.A. : E Pluribus Unum The motto should be understood for every facet of life including arbitrarily selective taxation of persons, properties and goods..
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Availability of guns? Mental Health? Bad Parenting? The media....

Or is it more complex and some combination of these and other things....?

Can we all agree that anyone that does this is mentally unstable?
If so, why? Genetic or environmental (developed thru experience...)?
Can't have a campus shooting without a gun. Get rid of the guns; you get rid of the shootings
There;s no sound argument for doing this.

Sure, they just blow the place up instead... seriously you have to be kidding......
I have to be kidding to say there's no sound argument for getting rid of guns?
Care to lay one out?
Availability of guns? Mental Health? Bad Parenting? The media....

Or is it more complex and some combination of these and other things....?

Can we all agree that anyone that does this is mentally unstable?
If so, why? Genetic or environmental (developed thru experience...)?
Can't have a campus shooting without a gun. Get rid of the guns; you get rid of the shootings
There;s no sound argument for doing this.

Sure, they just blow the place up instead... seriously you have to be kidding......
I have to be kidding to say there's no sound argument for getting rid of guns?
Care to lay one out?

I'm pretty sure he was talking to me.
Yet still I have not heard your plan to eliminate guns....

We can't eliminate them. We have the 2nd Amendment and our Constitution makes any assault on it nearly impossible in any political climate much less today's.

I do have a plan to limit the number of guns on the street. It will take time but using market forces of supply and demand, you can have a reduction in the availability of guns.

Basically, you force manufacturers to put a $1,000 insurance policy on guns. Once that happens, when they sell them to Wal Mart, Wal Mart has to have one for each gun they have in their inventory. They have 500 guns, they have to buy 500 of these policies. So Wal Mart will not buy as many guns, the makers will not make as many, and that will reduce the pool.

Secondly, the money you paid for the insurance policy when you guy the gun (a thousand bucks) doesn't sit on a shelf somewhere. The seller of the policy will invest it in the State's employee pension fund where it will get the same match as employee contributions. Up to $10,000 in 10 years. It is capped at 10K.

What this does is limit the number of sellers of weapons because if you sell the weapon (and the policy), you sell the gun for whatever you negotiate but you have to sell the policy for $1,000. No more, no less. That could be amended to be whatever the current price is of the policy--it will likely raise over time--thus further limiting the number of sellers.

So, lets say you keep your gun for 10 years.

You can take the gun to the local State Police office and sell it to whatever they are going to pay for it. You walk out with the check for the sale of the gun and $10,000 bucks. And you still have a $1,000 policy you can use to piggy back onto another weapon. Or you can cash in the $1,000 policy and get 11,000 bucks. Or you can keep your gun but the investment dividend is capped at $10,000.

So fewer guns are being made; fewer guns are in the store, and fewer guns are available to buy since it is now an investment vehicle. This is how you dry up supply using market forces.

On the persecution side. Obviously, if the gun is used in a crime during this time, the policy pays the victims. I think we should make all crimes that one commits involving a gun (whether it is fired or not) a federal crime. SO if you commit a robbery using a gun in Oklahoma; you serve your time for robbery in OK then are shipped off to a federal pen--7 states away--for the gun crime. Lets call it 5 years for the first offense--hell make it 10.. And you serve 10 years; no parole, no time off, 10 long years. If you like it so much that you do another gun crime once you get back to da hood; you get a 30 year ride next time.

Sell a gun without the policy--gun crime. Get ready to do a stretch in prison.
Steal a gun? Gun crime. Pack your bags.
Tell the cashier you have a gun and to hand over the money. Gun crime. Adios amigo.

There are other things I would do on the education front to let people know that if you do a gun crime; you're going away for your full sentence several hundred miles away.

Of course, the guns used are all confiscated and melted--thus reducing the pool even further. I'd make an anklet out of a melted gun and force the jerk to wear it to remind him of his crime every day.


As is often pointed out by gun crazies; 99+% will never be used for a crime. This does not speak to them. There is no need to harass sane gun owners. Their guns will be handed down from responsible owners to responsible kids to hopefully responsible grand kids and so on. No need to. They are not part of the pool the psychopaths use to acquire weapons.

so basically poor people get denied their 2nd amendment rights. great.

It's infringement, pure and simple.

As long as there is a price charged for guns, there is an infringement. One cannot argue there is not in one case but there is in another.

A reasonable price for the actual manufacture of the gun is not infringement. Inflating the price by $1000 per gun is infringement.

Why do you hate poor people?

What one calls reasonable, some one will see as an infringement. You can't argue one is okay and one is not. Sorry.

Someone has to make the gun, and they should be compensated for it. Adding $1000 to the cost "just because" is infringement.
We can't eliminate them. We have the 2nd Amendment and our Constitution makes any assault on it nearly impossible in any political climate much less today's.

You do know that the founders included the 2nd Amendment because of the danger that there would be people like you, right?
And that the NRA is such a powerful lobby because of people like you? People who want to lay mindless, needless and unconstitutional restrictions on the rights of the law abiding is why the NRA is so powerful.

The harder you work, the less likely you are to succeed.
Keep up the good work.
The reason for so many school shootings is due to the democrat policies that took away guns and God from the school grounds.

When I was in school on any given day you would see guns in gun racks loaded and ready in almost every pickup truck in the parking lot, especially during hunting seasons.
Yeah, run with that.
There is a major problem with NOT understanding or purposefully not applying the motto on the Great Seal of the U.S.A. : E Pluribus Unum The motto should be understood for every facet of life including selective taxation of persons, properties and goods..

Yeah, run with that one too....
That's how it should be...may be you are alien to the concept. It would be hard to put the Genie into the bottle anymore so it may not be feasible but if civics were thought in schools emphasizing the Constitution, Federalist Papers...then, maybe some would understand and embrace that everything and everybody is "one of the many" before the courts of life.

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