Why are There White Democrats? This is what Holder, Waters, and Harris Have in Store for You

The only white democrats I know of are one of the following.
White trash
Degenerate weirdo
Pole puffer
Carpet muncher
Wetback lover
.GOV employee

Nobody White whom is stand-up, normal, productive and not a .GOV slave votes Democrat....NONE!
I do

I thought you were Greek?
No offense bud but like Italians, Portuguese and Spaniards in my opinion Greeks are more Latino...This makes you inherently dependent...you need free shit, you’re thoroughly convinced you can’t pave your own way...you embrace the idea of being Father Governments pet human.
I love we the people and a liberal democracy

This is why I don’t side with white racist republicans. I know after the Jews Mexicans Muslims and blacks I’m next
What is “liberal democracy?”

I love a “Liberal democracy” translated:

“I love AND NEED free shit stolen from America’s Best.”
“I love being Father Governments pet human.”
We created the middle class that the rest of the world had never seen before.

When you tell people make America great again that was fdr and unions and labor laws that did that
Did, and that didn't happen.
I applaud you. You did the right thing. Now what about Kavanaugh protesters lunatic behavior? Did you criticize that? Just as kooky as Kanye saying “George Bush hates black people.”

Don't get me wrong. Bush's response to Katrina sucked. People suffered and died because he appointed an idiot who had done nothing but manage some Arabian Horse organization before his appointment to be head of FEMA Beyond the fact that Kavanaugh was given Garlands stolen SC seat, his petulant and childish behavior proved he doesn't have the temperament to be a lifetime SC judge. It was unethical to limit the FBI investigation.
Then trump appointed 3 idiots. Rick perry, Ben carson and Betsy Devoss

Each of whom is at least 100 times more intelligent than you, obviously.

I'm guessing you haven't heard any of those three speak very much.
Ones a career politician, ones got a silver spoon in her mouth and the other is a rainman
Did, and that didn't happen.
I applaud you. You did the right thing. Now what about Kavanaugh protesters lunatic behavior? Did you criticize that? Just as kooky as Kanye saying “George Bush hates black people.”

Don't get me wrong. Bush's response to Katrina sucked. People suffered and died because he appointed an idiot who had done nothing but manage some Arabian Horse organization before his appointment to be head of FEMA Beyond the fact that Kavanaugh was given Garlands stolen SC seat, his petulant and childish behavior proved he doesn't have the temperament to be a lifetime SC judge. It was unethical to limit the FBI investigation.
Then trump appointed 3 idiots. Rick perry, Ben carson and Betsy Devoss

Each of whom is at least 100 times more intelligent than you, obviously.

I'm guessing you haven't heard any of those three speak very much.
Have you ever heard devos, carson or perry proudly tell us all the shit their doing to the three departments they run? They couldn’t explain it because it would all be unpopular

And where’s the so called liberal media?

Since you aren't Democratic, you should STFU. It's none of your business anyway.
I’m just speaking truth to power.

You're trying to stir shit. Guess what, your remarks only matter to other RWNJs. It's none of their business either. You should be concerned with your idiot president aligning himself with a bipolar idiot.

Ainchu jus all tough and shit.
I want a big thriving middle class. Your way produces a small rich and small merchant class and the masses are poor.

Our way worked from 1940 to the 80s when Reagan fucked the middle class.

What do you want?

I want Trump to kill off Democrats. He is doing a fine job.
Sorry Dotard This election day we will rise again
I don’t know. Rigged elections, gerrymandering and no black man on the ticket plus a booming economy
Democrats gerrymander just as bad as Republicans. Elections are not rigged. The worst fraud in Elections is when inner city minority precincts are left open for hours after polls close so the Democrats can determine how many votes they need to win.
Nonsense. The worst is when you make whites wait 20 minutes to vote but blacks 2 hours.

And purge thousands of them from the rolls like in Georgia.

Republicans gerrymandered Michigan so bad we have it on our ballot this year. To have a fair panel decide district lines because republicans went too far. Fact

So if it isnt Russia its mean old Republicans cheating you. Didnt you ever play sports in your life?

I thought you were Greek?
No offense bud but like Italians, Portuguese and Spaniards in my opinion Greeks are more Latino...This makes you inherently dependent...you need free shit, you’re thoroughly convinced you can’t pave your own way...you embrace the idea of being Father Governments pet human.
I love we the people and a liberal democracy

This is why I don’t side with white racist republicans. I know after the Jews Mexicans Muslims and blacks I’m next
What is “liberal democracy?”

I love a “Liberal democracy” translated:

“I love AND NEED free shit stolen from America’s Best.”
“I love being Father Governments pet human.”
We created the middle class that the rest of the world had never seen before.

When you tell people make America great again that was fdr and unions and labor laws that did that

See bud, you were on to something last year when you turned Republican for 13 hours...Remember when you hated illegal wetbacks in that time frame? NOBODY is fucking you and the middle class over more than WETBACKS and nobody but DEMOCRATS want WETBACKS here.
This is simple shit bud, open your eyes.

Since you aren't Democratic, you should STFU. It's none of your business anyway.
I’m just speaking truth to power.

You're trying to stir shit. Guess what, your remarks only matter to other RWNJs. It's none of their business either. You should be concerned with your idiot president aligning himself with a bipolar idiot.

Ainchu jus all tough and shit.

I never claimed to be tough. Just not stupid enough to be right wing.

Since you aren't Democratic, you should STFU. It's none of your business anyway.
I’m just speaking truth to power.

Why are you posting this stupid, divisive, racist, crap? You're not even speaking the truth, and posting here isn't "to power".

The larger question might be why does anyone who isn't wealthy and white, vote Republican? The Republican treatment of the poor and minorities goes over the border of "shameul". Republican policies of zero tolerance for minor drug offences, and minimum sentencing guidelines are largely responsible for the absence of black fathers from their children's lives in the inner cities. These policies, combined with the over-policing of black communities, and a justice system under which black males are far more likely to be jailed for a first time offence than a middle class white boy in similar circumstances.

The education scores of poor Republican states are the lowest in the country, and yet these states are the ones who are pushing for "charter schools" to replace public schools. This generation of Republicans has now stripped inner city kids of the opportunity to work their way out of poverty via education. At every turn, Republican policies are creating a permanent underclass of ghettoized poor people by under-educating inner city children, and depriving them of the kind of quality education they will need to work their way out of poverty. Poor children will never have any meaningful opportunity without access to and training in the use of the computers and smart technologies.

And here you are questioning why white people would be Democrats? Only an idiot would vote Republican given their total inability to manage the economy or protect everyday Americans and provide them with a level playing field.
Democrats are racist and divisive. Have you not seen the mob violence, the attempt to destroy a man and his family for political gain, see the seething anti white racism at the DNC national convention? No. Liberals started this shit.

Ah yes, the lates Russian propaganda talking point. Civil dissent is now "mob rule". Incidentally, polls continue to show that 60% of Americans from both parties, feel that Kavenaugh is unfit for the office of Supreme Court Justice. That includes members of his own profession who have launched an investigation into his lies at his confirmation hearing, his partisanship and his lack of judicial temperment.

Last but not least, women are pissed. Beyond pissed. 1 in 3 adult women over the age of 50, have been sexually assaulted or raped in their lifetime. Few of us ever report any of these crimes for any number of reasons. Mostly, we just want to move on, but in large part because we were fearful of the repercussions of reporting, not the least of which for young females is the potential for our fathers/brothers to go after our abusers, because it's unlikely the law will prosecute most of these assaults even if they are reported. No evidence, no witnesses, just he said/she said, and she is never believed. It's just "boys being boys".

Republicans made a very big deal of the fact that, unlike the Clarence Thomas hearings where they treated Anita Hill in a shameful manner, they treated Dr. Ford "respectfully". No they didn't. If they had treated her with respect, they would have believed her, they wouldn't have accepted either Kavenaugh's lies about his drinking, and his attitudes towards women while at prep school, they would have insisted on a fully investigation of the facts of the case, and Brett Kavenuagh would not have been confirmed.
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I thought you were Greek?
No offense bud but like Italians, Portuguese and Spaniards in my opinion Greeks are more Latino...This makes you inherently dependent...you need free shit, you’re thoroughly convinced you can’t pave your own way...you embrace the idea of being Father Governments pet human.
I love we the people and a liberal democracy

This is why I don’t side with white racist republicans. I know after the Jews Mexicans Muslims and blacks I’m next
What is “liberal democracy?”

I love a “Liberal democracy” translated:

“I love AND NEED free shit stolen from America’s Best.”
“I love being Father Governments pet human.”
We created the middle class that the rest of the world had never seen before.

When you tell people make America great again that was fdr and unions and labor laws that did that

See bud, you were on to something last year when you turned Republican for 13 hours...Remember when you hated illegal wetbacks in that time frame? NOBODY is fucking you and the middle class over more than WETBACKS and nobody but DEMOCRATS want WETBACKS here.
This is simple shit bud, open your eyes.
I don’t like illegal employers. They’re who we need to go after
I love we the people and a liberal democracy

This is why I don’t side with white racist republicans. I know after the Jews Mexicans Muslims and blacks I’m next
What is “liberal democracy?”

I love a “Liberal democracy” translated:

“I love AND NEED free shit stolen from America’s Best.”
“I love being Father Governments pet human.”
We created the middle class that the rest of the world had never seen before.

When you tell people make America great again that was fdr and unions and labor laws that did that

See bud, you were on to something last year when you turned Republican for 13 hours...Remember when you hated illegal wetbacks in that time frame? NOBODY is fucking you and the middle class over more than WETBACKS and nobody but DEMOCRATS want WETBACKS here.
This is simple shit bud, open your eyes.
I don’t like illegal employers. They’re who we need to go after

Hahaha...that’s not what you were saying in those 13 hours.
I see you’ve been fully programmed by the Free Shit Army...good stuff
What is “liberal democracy?”

I love a “Liberal democracy” translated:

“I love AND NEED free shit stolen from America’s Best.”
“I love being Father Governments pet human.”
We created the middle class that the rest of the world had never seen before.

When you tell people make America great again that was fdr and unions and labor laws that did that

See bud, you were on to something last year when you turned Republican for 13 hours...Remember when you hated illegal wetbacks in that time frame? NOBODY is fucking you and the middle class over more than WETBACKS and nobody but DEMOCRATS want WETBACKS here.
This is simple shit bud, open your eyes.
I don’t like illegal employers. They’re who we need to go after

Hahaha...that’s not what you were saying in those 13 hours.
I see you’ve been fully programmed by the Free Shit Army...good stuff
Well when you get cancer don’t you want your free stuff? Or do you want your insurance to drop you because cancer is a pre existing condition?

Nothings free I pay taxes.
Sorry Dotard This election day we will rise again
I don’t know. Rigged elections, gerrymandering and no black man on the ticket plus a booming economy
Democrats gerrymander just as bad as Republicans. Elections are not rigged. The worst fraud in Elections is when inner city minority precincts are left open for hours after polls close so the Democrats can determine how many votes they need to win.

Republicans have raised gerrymandering to an art form. But here's the thing, dipshit. It's wrong. Its the party picking it's voters, not the other way around. It should be made to be illegal because it is most certainly being used by Republicans to retain the House and State governments over the will of the people.
It's like you don't realize that gerrymandering created the various racial caucuses or something.....

Shes a Canadian. What would she know about American districts. And she is a marxist liberal. They have longed believed in the government picking its voters. Or importing new ones if need be.

Quite a bit since I actually had to learn what gerrymandering is, since we don't have that here, or at least we didn't until just recently. I am not and have never been a Marxist. Communism cannot work because the hungry, the ambitious, and the greedy will always find a way to thrive, making the entire system rife with corruption, bribery and abuse.

I am a fiscally conservative liberal and a full blown capitalist. I am the owner of a small business, and the daughter of small business owners. But I also a strong social net is required to provide for the poorest and the weakest when the inevitable recessions and economic downturns which are a natural characteristic of capitalistic economies, occur.

I also believe in fair rights for workers, rights that include mandated vacations, maternity/family leave, and job protections for pregnant women. And universal health care access is a right, not a privilege.

I don't think you're an American either. If you are, English is definitely a second language.
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I thought you were Greek?
No offense bud but like Italians, Portuguese and Spaniards in my opinion Greeks are more Latino...This makes you inherently dependent...you need free shit, you’re thoroughly convinced you can’t pave your own way...you embrace the idea of being Father Governments pet human.
I love we the people and a liberal democracy

This is why I don’t side with white racist republicans. I know after the Jews Mexicans Muslims and blacks I’m next
What is “liberal democracy?”

I love a “Liberal democracy” translated:

“I love AND NEED free shit stolen from America’s Best.”
“I love being Father Governments pet human.”
We created the middle class that the rest of the world had never seen before.

When you tell people make America great again that was fdr and unions and labor laws that did that

See bud, you were on to something last year when you turned Republican for 13 hours...Remember when you hated illegal wetbacks in that time frame? NOBODY is fucking you and the middle class over more than WETBACKS and nobody but DEMOCRATS want WETBACKS here.
This is simple shit bud, open your eyes.
When was America great? It was after ww2 to the 80s then Reagan was the beginning of the end.

Back then a guy could graduate from high school and start a family because there were good paying union jobs. Pensions, social security and Medicare, job security, labor laws, overtime, workman’s comp, unemployment insurance all liberal stuff that created the great America u remember.

Back then 35% of Americans were in unions. It brought everyone’s wages up. Today 10% of our workforce is union and look what that has produced.
I love we the people and a liberal democracy

This is why I don’t side with white racist republicans. I know after the Jews Mexicans Muslims and blacks I’m next
What is “liberal democracy?”

I love a “Liberal democracy” translated:

“I love AND NEED free shit stolen from America’s Best.”
“I love being Father Governments pet human.”
We created the middle class that the rest of the world had never seen before.

When you tell people make America great again that was fdr and unions and labor laws that did that

See bud, you were on to something last year when you turned Republican for 13 hours...Remember when you hated illegal wetbacks in that time frame? NOBODY is fucking you and the middle class over more than WETBACKS and nobody but DEMOCRATS want WETBACKS here.
This is simple shit bud, open your eyes.
When was America great? It was after ww2 to the 80s then Reagan was the beginning of the end.

Back then a guy could graduate from high school and start a family because there were good paying union jobs. Pensions, social security and Medicare, job security, labor laws, overtime, workman’s comp, unemployment insurance all liberal stuff that created the great America u remember.

Back then 35% of Americans were in unions. It brought everyone’s wages up. Today 10% of our workforce is union and look what that has produced.

You’re right...and how weird, that was all prior to the Wetback invasion post 1986. Are you starting to get it now?
Do you want me to further explain?
Did, and that didn't happen.
I applaud you. You did the right thing. Now what about Kavanaugh protesters lunatic behavior? Did you criticize that? Just as kooky as Kanye saying “George Bush hates black people.”

Don't get me wrong. Bush's response to Katrina sucked. People suffered and died because he appointed an idiot who had done nothing but manage some Arabian Horse organization before his appointment to be head of FEMA Beyond the fact that Kavanaugh was given Garlands stolen SC seat, his petulant and childish behavior proved he doesn't have the temperament to be a lifetime SC judge. It was unethical to limit the FBI investigation.
Then trump appointed 3 idiots. Rick perry, Ben carson and Betsy Devoss

Each of whom is at least 100 times more intelligent than you, obviously.

I'm guessing you haven't heard any of those three speak very much.

I’m guessing you haven’t read Bobobrainless’s posts very much.
This was at the DNC Convention in 2016. Black Lives Matter had delegates at convention and minorities now control the Democratic Party. To the back white idiots, to the back.

White Regressive Lefties have talked themselves into believing that they'll somehow be immune to what's coming.

That's how powerful White Guilt is.

Since you aren't Democratic, you should STFU. It's none of your business anyway.
It is my business. I love my country and I don’t want leftist radicals running my country.
If you loved your country you would leading the effort to impeach Trump


Since you aren't Democratic, you should STFU. It's none of your business anyway.
I’m just speaking truth to power.

Why are you posting this stupid, divisive, racist, crap? You're not even speaking the truth, and posting here isn't "to power".

The larger question might be why does anyone who isn't wealthy and white, vote Republican? The Republican treatment of the poor and minorities goes over the border of "shameul". Republican policies of zero tolerance for minor drug offences, and minimum sentencing guidelines are largely responsible for the absence of black fathers from their children's lives in the inner cities. These policies, combined with the over-policing of black communities, and a justice system under which black males are far more likely to be jailed for a first time offence than a middle class white boy in similar circumstances.

The education scores of poor Republican states are the lowest in the country, and yet these states are the ones who are pushing for "charter schools" to replace public schools. This generation of Republicans has now stripped inner city kids of the opportunity to work their way out of poverty via education. At every turn, Republican policies are creating a permanent underclass of ghettoized poor people by under-educating inner city children, and depriving them of the kind of quality education they will need to work their way out of poverty. Poor children will never have any meaningful opportunity without access to and training in the use of the computers and smart technologies.

And here you are questioning why white people would be Democrats? Only an idiot would vote Republican given their total inability to manage the economy or protect everyday Americans and provide them with a level playing field.
Democrats are racist and divisive. Have you not seen the mob violence, the attempt to destroy a man and his family for political gain, see the seething anti white racism at the DNC national convention? No. Liberals started this shit.

Ah yes, the lates Russian propaganda talking point. Civil dissent is now "mob rule". Incidentally, polls continue to show that 60% of Americans from both parties, feel that Kavenaugh is unfit for the office of Supreme Court Justice. That includes members of his own profession who have launched an investigation into his lies at his confirmation hearing, his partisanship and his lack of judicial temperment.

Last but not least, women are pissed. Beyond pissed. 1 in 3 adult women over the age of 50, have been sexually assaulted or raped in their lifetime. Few of us ever report any of these crimes for any number of reasons. Mostly, we just want to move on, but in large part because we were fearful of the repercussions of reporting, not the least of which for young females is the potential for our fathers/brothers to go after our abusers, because it's unlikely the law will prosecute most of these assaults even if they are reported. No evidence, no witnesses, just he said/she said, and she is never believed. It's just "boys being boys".

Republicans made a very big deal of the fact that, unlike the Clarence Thomas hearings where they treated Anita Hill in a shameful manner, they treated Dr. Ford "respectfully". No they didn't. If they had treated her with respect, they would have believed her, they wouldn't have accepted either Kavenaugh's lies about his drinking, and his attitudes towards women while at prep school, they would have insisted on a fully investigation of the facts of the case, and Brett Kavenuagh would not have been confirmed.
Everyone believed Ford. I believed Ford. I believe that she has no idea when this incident happened, where it happened, that her witnesses all claim it didn't happen and her best friend says that neither she nor Ford had ever met Kavanaugh. I believe that she described the interior of a home that does not exist. I believe that she had no idea how she got to the party or how she got home. I believe that she put on her street clothes over a wet bathing suit.

Taken all together and sorted that it made sense, Christine Blasey was a rather unattractive 15 year old girl that had a massive crush on a boy she knew from afar. He was everything she wanted, handsome, a football talent, monied and the girls he dated made common knowledge of how nice and respectful he was. She carried this crush all through her life. When she saw that name, that face, as nominee to the Supreme Court she would have her revenge. That is the ONLY place believing Ford leads to.

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