Why are Trump's tax returns so important again?

He ain't as rich as he claims to be, ("only" around $5B) he doesn't give as much to charity as he could, and he likely doesn't pay much in taxes.....billionaires don't...ask Bezos. The Rats are just window-peeking...they'll never see his tax returns and they know it.

25% of income. That's just Fed...you forgot about Madcow.

Its not a big deal in its self, as every other modern president has released its kind of a reassuring deal, & when a president works so hard not too, it makes you wonder.

He got elected without showing his taxes. Multi-millions of voters weren't wondering then, so what makes you think their panties are all bunched about it now, Einstein?

Next they'll ask to see Melania's underwear drawers......they're perverts.
He ain't as rich as he claims to be, ("only" around $5B) he doesn't give as much to charity as he could, and he likely doesn't pay much in taxes.....billionaires don't...ask Bezos. The Rats are just window-peeking...they'll never see his tax returns and they know it.

25% of income. That's just Fed...you forgot about Madcow.


That should have been looked into....she had no right to his return and would sing like a pelican (can they sing?) if she'd been taken in for questioning about who gave it to her.
Its not a big deal in its self, as every other modern president has released its kind of a reassuring deal, & when a president works so hard not too, it makes you wonder.

He got elected without showing his taxes. Multi-millions of voters weren't wondering then, so what makes you think their panties are all bunched about it now, Einstein?

Next they'll ask to see Melania's underwear drawers......they're perverts.

Those stupid F'in dopeheads still ain't gonna see his taxes.
Goddamn losers!
He ain't as rich as he claims to be, ("only" around $5B) he doesn't give as much to charity as he could, and he likely doesn't pay much in taxes.....billionaires don't...ask Bezos. The Rats are just window-peeking...they'll never see his tax returns and they know it.

25% of income. That's just Fed...you forgot about Madcow.


That should have been looked into....she had no right to his return and would sing like a pelican (can they sing?) if she'd been taken in for questioning about who gave it to her.

Duh, it's public knowledge who gave it to her. Google it...
He ain't as rich as he claims to be, ("only" around $5B) he doesn't give as much to charity as he could, and he likely doesn't pay much in taxes.....billionaires don't...ask Bezos. The Rats are just window-peeking...they'll never see his tax returns and they know it.

25% of income. That's just Fed...you forgot about Madcow.


That should have been looked into....she had no right to his return and would sing like a pelican (can they sing?) if she'd been taken in for questioning about who gave it to her.
They know who gave it to her and he says he got them in his letterbox or something like that. I recall we went into detail about it at the time: it was mirth on steroids.

Its not a big deal in its self, as every other modern president has released its kind of a reassuring deal, & when a president works so hard not too, it makes you wonder.
You mean like it makes you wonder when the moobat media shits it's collective drawers at the prospect of Barr investigating the RUSSIA! collusion delusion fiasco?
This is actually a serious question. There have been so many accusations and "scandals" and rumors and investigations and breaking news stories and blockbusters and leaks and assumptions over the last several years that it can be difficult to keep track.

Obviously there must be some smoke here, and the goal is to discover the fire so that he can be brought down.

So what's the smoke?

Again, serious question.
Keep focus off all the shitty candidates and their equally shitty platforms they are trying to run on to defeat Trump in 2020. The obvious goal is LOOK! See how bad Trump is! It should be LOOK! Our platform is better for America and you than his is!
Lol, they are running on
End free speech
Open borders
Men in girls locker room's and in their sports.
More taxes
Scraping the electoral college
Free Medicare for all
Just to name a few.
This is actually a serious question. There have been so many accusations and "scandals" and rumors and investigations and breaking news stories and blockbusters and leaks and final straws and assumptions over the last several years that it can be difficult to keep track.

Obviously there must be some smoke here, and the goal is to discover the fire so that he can be brought down.

So what's the smoke?

Again, serious question.
Because the new standard is, if you don't have anything to hide, you are required to divulge. Boxers or briefs, it could cost you a state if there are enough democrats in it.
This is actually a serious question. There have been so many accusations and "scandals" and rumors and investigations and breaking news stories and blockbusters and leaks and final straws and assumptions over the last several years that it can be difficult to keep track.

Obviously there must be some smoke here, and the goal is to discover the fire so that he can be brought down.

So what's the smoke?

Again, serious question.
Because he is clearly hiding something. And finding out what the president is hiding matters.
The massive trove of Fred Trump financial documents obtained by the NY Times show that Trump was raised to be a pathological tax cheat. He has probably never really paid taxes at all. They are also needed to show if he committed fraud by misrepresenting his income to banks and insurance companies. Lastly they are just something we should all expect from the people who want to lead our country.
I mean if you want a serious answer, sure. But this isn't really a forum for serious or productive discussion.

It represents a transgression against a political norm that had been held for some 40 years previous. Releasing tax returns was an extremely nominal commitment to transparency, but Trump can't even bring himself to pretend to be transparent.

Catching something would be nice, not gonna lie. But it's more a symbolic issue about the erosion of norms, and holding Trump to the same standards we hold everyone else.

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