Why are U.S. cities the epicenter of gun violence?

I really dont care about the rest of the world one way or another.
The fact remains that most gun related murders are committed by inner city minorities.
Well they are obviously very frequent here. Just like our police more frequently shoot people and are themselves more frequently shot.

Other countries have big cities, and not our levels of gun violence. Strong gun control limits gun violence. Our crime rates dropped after we got background checks.

Frequently committed by inner city minorities yeah.
Mass shootings are pretty white actually.

Not when you consider percentage of population statistics.
Blacks in fact commit more mass shootings than whites.
I assume you have a link?

The worst mass shooters sure have been white.

You mean except for Virginia Tech...asian.... the long Island train shooter, Black..... you have no idea what you are talking about, then you have the other 11,004 shootings in 2016, the majority of which are minority on minority...
Well, it has been interesting. If y'all figure out why cities seem to bring out the worst in us, let me know.

It isn't the cities.... it is the weak policies on crime and the generations of teenage girls raising young males without fathers.
I have argued this for years, that guns don't people, cities kill people...and the concept bubbled to the surface once again in an article from liberal leaning Vox...that 60% of gun homicides occur in just 50 major US cities.

According to Pew Research, 58% of rural households have legal guns (and 75% of those more than one) while urban household gun ownership is at 29% (mostly consisting of just one gun per household).

Here are your links:
A gun debate compromise: let cities and rural areas pass different laws ,
Rural and urban gun owners have different experiences, views on gun policy

So, here's the two part question...if gun control is the answer...

1] Why do cities, despite a deficit of legal gun owners, represent far and away the highest threat of gun violence to their citizenry. (And, for the record, the answer it isn't poverty...both urban and rural citizens face equal poverty levels.)

2] Why are rural areas where guns are prevalent significantly safer from gun violence?

Keep in mind, this is a correlation, not a conclusion...if we are going to reduce gun violence, we must understand it's root causes. Obviously more legal guns does not equate to more gun violence, and less guns with more regulation does not equate to less gun violence...so what forces are actually at work here?

Gun violence in America is mostly caused by inner city minorities, illegals, gang bangers and druggies.

Not all the gun crime but the vast majority.

Mostly in Democrat controlled big city shitholes.

76 shot in Chicago just last weekend.

Liberals are assholes. They want to take guns away from the people that don't commit the crimes while ignoring the fact that the ones that do commit the crimes don't adhere to gun control laws.

Passing a law to ban AR-15s will prevent the White law abiding man in rural Georgia from having the weapon but will do nothing to stop the 76 shootings in Chicago.

This begs the issue of the Liberals not really caring about gun crime and having a real agenda to curtail the right to keep and bear arms because it is a threat to authoritative socialistic government control, which they love so much.
No one is out to ban guns ! You can’t anyway .

BUT, gun control makes it harder for criminals and crazies to get them.

Gun nut states have more gun crime and gun control counterparts . And that’s not even counting gun suicides .
Gun control also lowers the demand for criminals to have guns. Concealed carry is way up and violent crime also increased. More armed lawful people forces more criminals to also be armed.

Say that again.
I just want to be sure you're this stupid.
Would you rob someone unarmed?

I wouldnt rob anyone.
But with lots of people armed you’d be sure to be armed if you did. And our armed also get their guns stolen at an alarming rate, helping to arm criminals.

The Criminals in island nations like Britain and Australia get guns just fine...... law abiding gun owners are not the problem. Democrats letting violent gun criminals out of jail over and over again is the problem.

When the guy you testified against is back in your neighborhood in less than 3 years... you don't help the police. When his buddies are still in your neighborhood, you don't talk to the police.
Frequently committed by inner city minorities yeah.
Mass shootings are pretty white actually.

Not when you consider percentage of population statistics.
Blacks in fact commit more mass shootings than whites.
I assume you have a link?

The worst mass shooters sure have been white.

Mass shootings in the U.S.: shooters by race 2018 | Statistic
Wrong? That tx church shooter sure looked white, same with that Vegas shooter and newtown. Those are some of the worst.

Blacks make up at most 13% of the population yet commit 16% of mass shootings.
While whites make up 62% of the population while making up 59% percent of mass murders.
Mass shootings are a drop in the bucket compared to inner city murders.
And still very tragic and unique to the US. Nobody else regularly has them.

Neither do we.
They are quite frequent here relative to anywhere else in the civilized world.

I really dont care about the rest of the world one way or another.
The fact remains that most gun related murders are committed by inner city minorities.
Well they are obviously very frequent here. Just like our police more frequently shoot people and are themselves more frequently shot.

Other countries have big cities, and not our levels of gun violence. Strong gun control limits gun violence. Our crime rates dropped after we got background checks.

They don't have our criminals..... we have more generations of teenage girls raising young males without fathers..... their societies were wrecked by World War 1 And 2 and just now are reaching our levels of teenage mother hood....and their violence rates are showing this...
Mass shootings are pretty white actually.

Not when you consider percentage of population statistics.
Blacks in fact commit more mass shootings than whites.
I assume you have a link?

The worst mass shooters sure have been white.

Mass shootings in the U.S.: shooters by race 2018 | Statistic
Wrong? That tx church shooter sure looked white, same with that Vegas shooter and newtown. Those are some of the worst.

Blacks make up at most 13% of the population yet commit 16% of mass shootings.
While whites make up 62% of the population while making up 59% percent of mass murders.
So that means whites committed more mass shootings than any other demographic.
Not when you consider percentage of population statistics.
Blacks in fact commit more mass shootings than whites.
I assume you have a link?

The worst mass shooters sure have been white.

Mass shootings in the U.S.: shooters by race 2018 | Statistic
Wrong? That tx church shooter sure looked white, same with that Vegas shooter and newtown. Those are some of the worst.


Mass public shooters average 75 people killed a year..... inner city gang members, in democrat controlled areas account for almost all of the other 11,004 murders in 2016....

Black on Black murder is the biggest driver of gun murder in this country. And it is happening in democrat controlled areas.
Dipshit, most mass shooters are white.

Not by percentage.
I have argued this for years, that guns don't people, cities kill people...and the concept bubbled to the surface once again in an article from liberal leaning Vox...that 60% of gun homicides occur in just 50 major US cities.

According to Pew Research, 58% of rural households have legal guns (and 75% of those more than one) while urban household gun ownership is at 29% (mostly consisting of just one gun per household).

Here are your links:
A gun debate compromise: let cities and rural areas pass different laws ,
Rural and urban gun owners have different experiences, views on gun policy

So, here's the two part question...if gun control is the answer...

1] Why do cities, despite a deficit of legal gun owners, represent far and away the highest threat of gun violence to their citizenry. (And, for the record, the answer it isn't poverty...both urban and rural citizens face equal poverty levels.)

2] Why are rural areas where guns are prevalent significantly safer from gun violence?

Keep in mind, this is a correlation, not a conclusion...if we are going to reduce gun violence, we must understand it's root causes. Obviously more legal guns does not equate to more gun violence, and less guns with more regulation does not equate to less gun violence...so what forces are actually at work here?
Gangs tend to be in cities.

True enough.
So why dont dems clean up their cities?
NYC is doing rather well.

Yes... Rudy Giuliani gave them the tools to lock up violent criminals and deblasio is throwing them away.
Not when you consider percentage of population statistics.
Blacks in fact commit more mass shootings than whites.
I assume you have a link?

The worst mass shooters sure have been white.

Mass shootings in the U.S.: shooters by race 2018 | Statistic
Wrong? That tx church shooter sure looked white, same with that Vegas shooter and newtown. Those are some of the worst.

Blacks make up at most 13% of the population yet commit 16% of mass shootings.
While whites make up 62% of the population while making up 59% percent of mass murders.
So that means whites committed more mass shootings than any other demographic.

But minorities shoot more people.....
I assume you have a link?

The worst mass shooters sure have been white.

Mass shootings in the U.S.: shooters by race 2018 | Statistic
Wrong? That tx church shooter sure looked white, same with that Vegas shooter and newtown. Those are some of the worst.

Blacks make up at most 13% of the population yet commit 16% of mass shootings.
While whites make up 62% of the population while making up 59% percent of mass murders.
So that means whites committed more mass shootings than any other demographic.

But minorities shoot more people.....
But whites commit more mass shootings...which was the point. Nice deflection.

"The worst mass shooters sure have been white."
There will always be increased violence in cities regardless of guns. Considering the FACT that gun crime has been dropping since the 80s, I don't see why we even need to have conversations about gun violence that imply it's some horrible epidemic.
We panic if 30 people die of the measles. In 2017, 15,000 died from guns (omitting suicides)..
That's why we imply it's a horrible epidemic.

But only in the inner cities.
We’ve had plenty of mass shootings not in inner cities.

Mass shootings are a drop in the bucket compared to inner city murders.
And still very tragic and unique to the US. Nobody else regularly has them.

Their people don't commit mass shootings.... they have guns...

Australia banned guns.... they have had about the same number of nuts walk into public places with guns to shoot people, but their killers, on their own, didn't shoot more than 3 people, or if they did, they didn't kill 3 or more.... their gun control didn't stop them.....their own choice and bad shooting did.

Relying on luck doesn't show that gun control works.
Interesting question, although I wouldn't go so far as to jump to your final conclusion.

But I see you didnt offer your own.
I don't know the answer.

The answer to gun crimes is simple.
Commit one, 25 years automatic sentence no parol.
Fire that weapon in the commission of a crime 50 years automatic sentence no parol.
Kill someone in the commission of a crime with a firearm?
Life in prison or the death penalty depending on state law.
Personally I support a speedy trial and a speedy execution.
We already have the fullest jails in the world.

Moron, democrats in democrat controlled cities let violent gun offenders out of prison in less than 3 years.... they also let violent gun offenders out on bail over and over again.....allowing them to commit murder during their free time.

How many people you lock up doesn't matter if you keep letting the violent criminals out over and over again.
You make up a lot. The fact is our jails are the fullest in the world.
Wrong? That tx church shooter sure looked white, same with that Vegas shooter and newtown. Those are some of the worst.

Blacks make up at most 13% of the population yet commit 16% of mass shootings.
While whites make up 62% of the population while making up 59% percent of mass murders.
So that means whites committed more mass shootings than any other demographic.

But minorities shoot more people.....
But whites commit more mass shootings...which was the point. Nice deflection.

"The worst mass shooters sure have been white."

No.... the point is there were 11,004 gun murders in 2016..... there were about 75 victims of mass public shooters..... that leaves just under 11,000 murders, the majority of which were committed by minorities in democrat controlled cities....
But I see you didnt offer your own.
I don't know the answer.

The answer to gun crimes is simple.
Commit one, 25 years automatic sentence no parol.
Fire that weapon in the commission of a crime 50 years automatic sentence no parol.
Kill someone in the commission of a crime with a firearm?
Life in prison or the death penalty depending on state law.
Personally I support a speedy trial and a speedy execution.
We already have the fullest jails in the world.

Moron, democrats in democrat controlled cities let violent gun offenders out of prison in less than 3 years.... they also let violent gun offenders out on bail over and over again.....allowing them to commit murder during their free time.

How many people you lock up doesn't matter if you keep letting the violent criminals out over and over again.
You make up a lot. The fact is our jails are the fullest in the world.

And you are a troll... again, if they let violent gun offenders out of jail as soon as they lock them up.... it doesn't matter how full our jail are on a temporary basis......you moron.
Not when you consider percentage of population statistics.
Blacks in fact commit more mass shootings than whites.
I assume you have a link?

The worst mass shooters sure have been white.

Mass shootings in the U.S.: shooters by race 2018 | Statistic
Wrong? That tx church shooter sure looked white, same with that Vegas shooter and newtown. Those are some of the worst.


Mass public shooters average 75 people killed a year..... inner city gang members, in democrat controlled areas account for almost all of the other 11,004 murders in 2016....

Black on Black murder is the biggest driver of gun murder in this country. And it is happening in democrat controlled areas.
Dipshit, most mass shooters are white.

Not by percentage.
We panic if 30 people die of the measles. In 2017, 15,000 died from guns (omitting suicides)..
That's why we imply it's a horrible epidemic.

But only in the inner cities.
We’ve had plenty of mass shootings not in inner cities.

Mass shootings are a drop in the bucket compared to inner city murders.
And still very tragic and unique to the US. Nobody else regularly has them.

Their people don't commit mass shootings.... they have guns...

Australia banned guns.... they have had about the same number of nuts walk into public places with guns to shoot people, but their killers, on their own, didn't shoot more than 3 people, or if they did, they didn't kill 3 or more.... their gun control didn't stop them.....their own choice and bad shooting did.

Relying on luck doesn't show that gun control works.
Nobody else has near as many guns or such weak gun laws.
But only in the inner cities.
We’ve had plenty of mass shootings not in inner cities.

Mass shootings are a drop in the bucket compared to inner city murders.
And still very tragic and unique to the US. Nobody else regularly has them.

Neither do we.
They are quite frequent here relative to anywhere else in the civilized world.

Nope..... Britain and Canada are on course for their average number of shootings....Australia has lucked out...their shooters haven't been interested in killing 3 or more people or they were bad shot.
Wrong? That tx church shooter sure looked white, same with that Vegas shooter and newtown. Those are some of the worst.

Blacks make up at most 13% of the population yet commit 16% of mass shootings.
While whites make up 62% of the population while making up 59% percent of mass murders.
So that means whites committed more mass shootings than any other demographic.

But minorities shoot more people.....
But whites commit more mass shootings...which was the point. Nice deflection.

"The worst mass shooters sure have been white."

No.... the point is there were 11,004 gun murders in 2016..... there were about 75 victims of mass public shooters..... that leaves just under 11,000 murders, the majority of which were committed by minorities in democrat controlled cities....
not that wasnt the point. This was the point.

"The worst mass shooters sure have been white."

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