Why are White people more prone to accept Homosexuality?

Why are White people always more acceptive, of Homosexuality, as opposed Black people?
White people seem to accept Homosexuality, and other sexual perversions more so than Black

Do White people have a sexual deviant gene?
Please respond.

The reason black people arent more tolerant can only be because they have an inferior culture. This inferior culture not only has a negative impact on their moral values, but it effects them socially and economically. Just look at black nations.... every last one of them have massive problems the rest of the world doesnt share, but you cant really expect barbarians to be tolerant of anything.

The endless problems black people seem to have arent because of the color of their skin, but because they have a lesser culture. Will they be able to fix these problems? Time will tell, but i dont see it happening anytime soon.

Accepting Homos , comes from a higher more advanced culture?.
Please spare me, thats exactly why the Greeks and the Romans got hijacked by the Barbarians, they said yes to Homo, and blacks have always said No, Homo!!
Please give me a Break. Homo is the most backward insane life style you can ever try to defend.!!

Tolerance of people that are different from you is the first step to becoming an advanced culture. I think gay man sex is the most disgusting thing ever, but that doesnt mean im going to be an asshole to people that are into that sort of thing.
Why are White people always more acceptive, of Homosexuality, as opposed Black people?
White people seem to accept Homosexuality, and other sexual perversions more so than Black

Do White people have a sexual deviant gene?
Please respond.

The reason black people arent more tolerant can only be because they have an inferior culture. This inferior culture not only has a negative impact on their moral values, but it effects them socially and economically. Just look at black nations.... every last one of them have massive problems the rest of the world doesnt share, but you cant really expect barbarians to be tolerant of anything.

The endless problems black people seem to have arent because of the color of their skin, but because they have a lesser culture. Will they be able to fix these problems? Time will tell, but i dont see it happening anytime soon.

Accepting Homos , comes from a higher more advanced culture?.
Please spare me, thats exactly why the Greeks and the Romans got hijacked by the Barbarians, they said yes to Homo, and blacks have always said No, Homo!!
Please give me a Break. Homo is the most backward insane life style you can ever try to defend.!!

with AIDS having higher numbers in the homosexual community and with Africa having a much larger AIDS problem, one would think there was a lot of homosexuals in africa.:eusa_eh:
The reason black people arent more tolerant can only be because they have an inferior culture. This inferior culture not only has a negative impact on their moral values, but it effects them socially and economically. Just look at black nations.... every last one of them have massive problems the rest of the world doesnt share, but you cant really expect barbarians to be tolerant of anything.

The endless problems black people seem to have arent because of the color of their skin, but because they have a lesser culture. Will they be able to fix these problems? Time will tell, but i dont see it happening anytime soon.

Accepting Homos , comes from a higher more advanced culture?.
Please spare me, thats exactly why the Greeks and the Romans got hijacked by the Barbarians, they said yes to Homo, and blacks have always said No, Homo!!
Please give me a Break. Homo is the most backward insane life style you can ever try to defend.!!

Tolerance of people that are different from you is the first step to becoming an advanced culture. I think gay man sex is the most disgusting thing ever, but that doesnt mean im going to be an asshole to people that are into that sort of thing.

Well if you don't speak out against it, aren't you just as guilty as the people engaging in
that disgusting act?.
Why are White people always more acceptive, of Homosexuality, as opposed Black people?
White people seem to accept Homosexuality, and other sexual perversions more so than Black

Do White people have a sexual deviant gene?
Please respond.

The reason black people arent more tolerant can only be because they have an inferior culture. This inferior culture not only has a negative impact on their moral values, but it effects them socially and economically. Just look at black nations.... every last one of them have massive problems the rest of the world doesnt share, but you cant really expect barbarians to be tolerant of anything.

The endless problems black people seem to have arent because of the color of their skin, but because they have a lesser culture. Will they be able to fix these problems? Time will tell, but i dont see it happening anytime soon.

Accepting Homos , comes from a higher more advanced culture?.
Please spare me, thats exactly why the Greeks and the Romans got hijacked by the Barbarians, they said yes to Homo, and blacks have always said No, Homo!!
Please give me a Break. Homo is the most backward insane life style you can ever try to defend.!!

Apparently these guys didnt get the memo....



Look, heres a whole group of them all together at the same time.

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Accepting Homos , comes from a higher more advanced culture?.
Please spare me, thats exactly why the Greeks and the Romans got hijacked by the Barbarians, they said yes to Homo, and blacks have always said No, Homo!!
Please give me a Break. Homo is the most backward insane life style you can ever try to defend.!!

Tolerance of people that are different from you is the first step to becoming an advanced culture. I think gay man sex is the most disgusting thing ever, but that doesnt mean im going to be an asshole to people that are into that sort of thing.

Well if you don't speak out against it, aren't you just as guilty as the people engaging in
that disgusting act?.

You still dont get it, but you come from an inferior culture, so that should be expected.
Fact Sheet: HIV/AIDS among African Americans | Resources | African Americans | Topics | CDC HIV/AIDS
wow! black people have a much higher chance of getting AIDS or HIV, with black people making 46% of the people with AIDS in this community. And guess what the number one way black men get it is?
Sexual contact with another man.
I am thinking like you 52nd street they are just hiding the fact they like man on man action. :lol:

Of course there are just as many gay people in the black community, if not more. They just happen to be the most pathetic and pittied type of gay.... the closet homo, aka down low brothers. Courage isnt exactly a quality inferior cultures are known for either.
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"To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time." James Baldwin

Having read most of James Baldwin, I found this thread sorta funny. But let's face it if you are criticized for skin color alone why add another perceived negative to your worldview. Hope that makes sense.

"I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually." James Baldwin

"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." James Baldwin
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why do yoiu assume that is about skin color and not other reasons?

%100 percent of African tribes either Kill ,or banish anyone that displays Homosexual tendencies.
But many Europeans and White Americans, seem to accept it or allow it exist.
Please, do you really want to go in-depth into the ideals of African tribes, or anyone in Africa, for that matter? We are talking about a country who believes that raping a virgin girl, cures AIDS. Thus, they continue to rapidly spread the deadly disease.

So please, "black person with a major agenda", stop while you are ahead!
lil wayne?


who gives a shit about LIL WAYNE?

Thankfully, the west doesn't take advice on how to CURE AIDS from Africa either.
Are you one of these upset Homos that does not like the "No homo" campaign?
Oh I forgot your a Bisexual.

no, i'm asking: who REALLY gives a fuck about a ****** midget like lil wayne? Hell, if anything, this is some weak ass attempt to remain in an mtv spotlight which has been trying to drop him since it became apparent that he would not grow any taller.

insignificant is a word you've become used to, eh darkmouth?
why do yoiu assume that is about skin color and not other reasons?

%100 percent of African tribes either Kill ,or banish anyone that displays Homosexual tendencies.
But many Europeans and White Americans, seem to accept it or allow it exist.
Please, do you really want to go in-depth into the ideals of African tribes, or anyone in Africa, for that matter? We are talking about a country who believes that raping a virgin girl, cures AIDS. Thus, they continue to rapidly spread the deadly disease.

So please, "black person with a major agenda", stop while you are ahead!

Is that virgin girls that have or have not been "circumcized?" :lol:
Why are White people always more acceptive, of Homosexuality, as opposed Black people?
White people seem to accept Homosexuality, and other sexual perversions more so than Black

Do White people have a sexual deviant gene?
Please respond.
IMO it a result of slavery and the adoption of uber-Christian religions by blacks.
Why are White people always more acceptive, of Homosexuality, as opposed Black people?
White people seem to accept Homosexuality, and other sexual perversions more so than Black

Do White people have a sexual deviant gene?
Please respond.
IMO it a result of slavery and the adoption of uber-Christian religions by blacks.
Of course your white guilt would bring it back to slavery!
Why are White people always more acceptive, of Homosexuality, as opposed Black people?
White people seem to accept Homosexuality, and other sexual perversions more so than Black

Do White people have a sexual deviant gene?
Please respond.
IMO it a result of slavery and the adoption of uber-Christian religions by blacks.
Of course your white guilt would bring it back to slavery!
:lol: You really are a dope, aren't you?
%100 percent of African tribes either Kill ,or banish anyone that displays Homosexual tendencies.
But many Europeans and White Americans, seem to accept it or allow it exist.
Please, do you really want to go in-depth into the ideals of African tribes, or anyone in Africa, for that matter? We are talking about a country who believes that raping a virgin girl, cures AIDS. Thus, they continue to rapidly spread the deadly disease.

So please, "black person with a major agenda", stop while you are ahead!

Is that virgin girls that have or have not been "circumcized?" :lol:
Yeah, 52ndStreet is retardedly trying to use a country that spreads AIDS by raping virgins, and also cuts off womens clits, as some kind of positive example to the rest of the world! You gotta love his rationale!
It's threads like this that make me question whether fitty-deuce is really african american.
Why are White people always more acceptive, of Homosexuality, as opposed Black people?
White people seem to accept Homosexuality, and other sexual perversions more so than Black

Do White people have a sexual deviant gene?
Please respond.

White people go for the sexual perversions while black people commit violent crimes. It maintains balance.
Why are White people always more acceptive, of Homosexuality, as opposed Black people?
White people seem to accept Homosexuality, and other sexual perversions more so than Black

Do White people have a sexual deviant gene?
Please respond.

White people go for the sexual perversions while black people commit violent crimes. It maintains balance.

So where does that leave Asians?

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