Why are Yanks so pro-Jew?

Are you still trying to say Jew is a race, because Jew is not. There are 4-5 main races and it goes by skin color and facial features. Actually using race anymore is false.

Your a New Yorker and I'm a Michigander. How do you like those apples. anti Semitic should not even be used anymore. Since Jews think they are Semites well your the same a arabs then.

It is bad enough that you post jibberish Penelope-----must you LIE too? I never stated that "JEW IS A RACE" -----you are a filthy liar. ----besides being fuctionally illiterate What makes you think I am a "New Yorker" and what
us a "MICHIGANDER" michi gander??? anyone???
So, jews in this forum feel uncomfortable being in the center of attention. Like always they feel themselves in life, because know that if people start to pay attention to their affairs... this would be not in the jews' interests. America is pro-jewish because it is the reachiest country in the world with vast banking sector - the best habitat for jewish population.

Learn English or STFU, idiot.
What is STFU? Learn english!

"English," moron.
Are you still trying to say Jew is a race, because Jew is not. There are 4-5 main races and it goes by skin color and facial features. Actually using race anymore is false.

Your a New Yorker and I'm a Michigander. How do you like those apples. anti Semitic should not even be used anymore. Since Jews think they are Semites well your the same a arabs then.

It is bad enough that you post jibberish Penelope-----must you LIE too? I never stated that "JEW IS A RACE" -----you are a filthy liar. ----besides being fuctionally illiterate What makes you think I am a "New Yorker" and what
us a "MICHIGANDER" michi gander??? anyone???

Oh just so were clear, that Jew is not a race. Don't you live in NY.
Are you still trying to say Jew is a race, because Jew is not. There are 4-5 main races and it goes by skin color and facial features. Actually using race anymore is false.

Your a New Yorker and I'm a Michigander. How do you like those apples. anti Semitic should not even be used anymore. Since Jews think they are Semites well your the same a arabs then.

It is bad enough that you post jibberish Penelope-----must you LIE too? I never stated that "JEW IS A RACE" -----you are a filthy liar. ----besides being fuctionally illiterate What makes you think I am a "New Yorker" and what
is a "MICHIGANDER" michi gander??? anyone???

Oh just so were clear, that Jew is not a race. Don't you live in NY.

you are disgusting, bitch. There is absolutely nothing that a bit of scum like YOU can tell me about races. I live on the planet JUPITER
Are you still trying to say Jew is a race, because Jew is not. There are 4-5 main races and it goes by skin color and facial features. Actually using race anymore is false.

Your a New Yorker and I'm a Michigander. How do you like those apples. anti Semitic should not even be used anymore. Since Jews think they are Semites well your the same a arabs then.

It is bad enough that you post jibberish Penelope-----must you LIE too? I never stated that "JEW IS A RACE" -----you are a filthy liar. ----besides being fuctionally illiterate What makes you think I am a "New Yorker" and what
is a "MICHIGANDER" michi gander??? anyone???

Oh just so were clear, that Jew is not a race. Don't you live in NY.

you are disgusting, bitch. There is absolutely nothing that a bit of scum like YOU can tell me about races. I live on the planet JUPITER
There you go with the potty mouth again. Yes I believe you are an alien. You also admitted that Jew is not a race and thank you, finally.
Are you still trying to say Jew is a race, because Jew is not. There are 4-5 main races and it goes by skin color and facial features. Actually using race anymore is false.

Your a New Yorker and I'm a Michigander. How do you like those apples. anti Semitic should not even be used anymore. Since Jews think they are Semites well your the same a arabs then.

It is bad enough that you post jibberish Penelope-----must you LIE too? I never stated that "JEW IS A RACE" -----you are a filthy liar. ----besides being fuctionally illiterate What makes you think I am a "New Yorker" and what
is a "MICHIGANDER" michi gander??? anyone???

Oh just so were clear, that Jew is not a race. Don't you live in NY.

you are disgusting, bitch. There is absolutely nothing that a bit of scum like YOU can tell me about races. I live on the planet JUPITER
There you go with the potty mouth again. Yes I believe you are an alien. You also admitted that Jew is not a race and thank you, finally.

I never said otherwise you disgusting lying Nazi cock sucking bitch ---
you express yourself very much in the manner of those of the dung
heap from which you were spawned-------one shit mouth lie after the other
So, jews in this forum feel uncomfortable being in the center of attention. Like always they feel themselves in life, because know that if people start to pay attention to their affairs... this would be not in the jews' interests. America is pro-jewish because it is the reachiest country in the world with vast banking sector - the best habitat for jewish population.

Learn English or STFU, idiot.
What is STFU? Learn english!

"English," moron.
Hey, jewish pig, I have a good joke for you and others like you. Here it is:
"Everybody knows that jews divide people onto jews and non-jews (goys).
I respect that old national tradition.
I only do not understand why when goys start to divide people on goys and non-goys it is called anti-semitism?"
I am old enough to remember when the islamo Nazi pigs of the world invented
the lie that all jews are citizens of Israel. It was in the early 1960s I am
a jew and not a citizen of Israel. Most jews are not citizens of Israel. ---but
islamo Nazi pigs INSIST. Way back in the early 60s ---islamo Nazi scum---
passed out pamphlets and even published articles in periodicals in which the pigs
claimed that the US congress has passed a SPECIAL LAW for jews only that allowed jews to hold "DUAL CITIZENSHIP"------of course that islamo Nazi shit which shit still claim is another lie. Dual citizenship is allowed to all
US citizens and lots of US citizens have two , three and even four citizenships. I see we got a blob of islamo Nazi shit on board---Charlie----so
happy to fart out the CLASSICAL ISLAMO NAZI SHIT------old stuff ----from way
back in the early 60s-----and our dear Penelope farts "amen"

Bibbi Nethanyahoo disagrees with you, "...“not just as the prime minister of Israel but as a representative of the entire Jewish people.” Why Benjamin Netanyahu represents all Jews - Opinion - Jerusalem Post

why do you insist upon revealing the fact that you are a lump of depraved shit?

With every post you reveal yourself to be a typically nasty Jew, it's no wonder most folk are wary of your sort.

Puts me in the minority then, I don't mind Jewish people, Christian people or Muslim people, I take all people as I find them. There's good and evil, joy and malice in everyone...even the potty mouths.

you are elaborating a new "philosophy to cover your remarkably malodoru
Jews by their very nature believe in a homeland, therefore all Jews are Israelis. All Jews in the US have dual citizenship too, which means their allegiance is split..yet you still support these people.

I am old enough to remember when the islamo Nazi pigs of the world invented
the lie that all jews are citizens of Israel. It was in the early 1960s I am
a jew and not a citizen of Israel. Most jews are not citizens of Israel. ---but
islamo Nazi pigs INSIST. Way back in the early 60s ---islamo Nazi scum---
passed out pamphlets and even published articles in periodicals in which the pigs
claimed that the US congress has passed a SPECIAL LAW for jews only that allowed jews to hold "DUAL CITIZENSHIP"------of course that islamo Nazi shit which shit still claim is another lie. Dual citizenship is allowed to all
US citizens and lots of US citizens have two , three and even four citizenships. I see we got a blob of islamo Nazi shit on board---Charlie----so
happy to fart out the CLASSICAL ISLAMO NAZI SHIT------old stuff ----from way
back in the early 60s-----and our dear Penelope farts "amen"

Bibbi Nethanyahoo disagrees with you, "...“not just as the prime minister of Israel but as a representative of the entire Jewish people.” Why Benjamin Netanyahu represents all Jews - Opinion - Jerusalem Post

why do you insist upon revealing the fact that you are a lump of depraved shit?

With every post you reveal yourself to be a typically nasty Jew, it's no wonder most folk are wary of your sort.

Charlie----I am a yankee jew-----in the sense that both of my parents were jews
born in the North-east part of the USA. What is a "YANK" to you----I have encountered people who described only New England persons as "yanks" and
others who considered all USA people "yanks" I have described my background
and will ask you yours-----of course, you are not obligated to answer

England - Yorkshire. All US citizens are Yanks to me. Americans are natives.
So, jews in this forum feel uncomfortable being in the center of attention. Like always they feel themselves in life, because know that if people start to pay attention to their affairs... this would be not in the jews' interests. America is pro-jewish because it is the reachiest country in the world with vast banking sector - the best habitat for jewish population.

Learn English or STFU, idiot.
What is STFU? Learn english!

"English," moron.
Hey, jewish pig, I have a good joke for you and others like you.

When did I ever claim to be Jewish, you idiot?
So, jews in this forum feel uncomfortable being in the center of attention. Like always they feel themselves in life, because know that if people start to pay attention to their affairs... this would be not in the jews' interests. America is pro-jewish because it is the reachiest country in the world with vast banking sector - the best habitat for jewish population.

Learn English or STFU, idiot.
What is STFU? Learn english!

"English," moron.
Hey, jewish pig, I have a good joke for you and others like you.

When did I ever claim to be Jewish, you idiot?
You have claimed to be pro-jewish. And as far as I think that being Jewish is only a way of thinking - that's enough.
Learn English or STFU, idiot.
What is STFU? Learn english!

"English," moron.
Hey, jewish pig, I have a good joke for you and others like you.

When did I ever claim to be Jewish, you idiot?
You have claimed to be pro-jewish. And as far as I think that being Jewish is only a way of thinking - that's enough.

I'm anti- bigoted cowards like you.
What is STFU? Learn english!

"English," moron.
Hey, jewish pig, I have a good joke for you and others like you.

When did I ever claim to be Jewish, you idiot?
You have claimed to be pro-jewish. And as far as I think that being Jewish is only a way of thinking - that's enough.

I'm anti- bigoted cowards like you.

We are all bigots in some way, it is normal natural human behaviour to be so. You are not normal.
Why are you an anti-semite?
. The creature is an antisemites for the same reason as any other antisemites. It's a piece of excrement without any value as a human being, so has selected a tiny group of people to focus all it's hatred rather than taking any steps to deal with its worthlessness.
Same thing.
No it isn't.
Israel likes to claim it represents the Jewish people of the world, but this is propaganda used to try to legitimise it's existance. Israel is a Zionist state and is supported by Zionists, whether Chistian or Jewish, that's the difference.

Jews by their very nature believe in a homeland, therefore all Jews are Israelis. All Jews in the US have dual citizenship too, which means their allegiance is split..yet you still support these people.

Blatant Nazi propaganda not worthy of serious consideration.
So, jews in this forum feel uncomfortable being in the center of attention. Like always they feel themselves in life, because know that if people start to pay attention to their affairs... this would be not in the jews' interests. America is pro-jewish because it is the reachiest country in the world with vast banking sector - the best habitat for jewish population.

Learn English or STFU, idiot.
What is STFU? Learn english!

It means shut the fuck up you fucking idiot.
So, jews in this forum feel uncomfortable being in the center of attention. Like always they feel themselves in life, because know that if people start to pay attention to their affairs... this would be not in the jews' interests. America is pro-jewish because it is the reachiest country in the world with vast banking sector - the best habitat for jewish population.

Learn English or STFU, idiot.
What is STFU? Learn english!

It means shut the fuck up you fucking idiot.
Oh, ok! Finally I understood it. Thank you!
can anyone here define the term YANK ? When I was a child-----a YANKEE was a baseball player in New York City

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