Why Aren’t More Young People Outraged with Our Government!?


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010
October 09, 2013

With every “free trade” agreement that our President signs, more and more of our future prosperity is signed away. With every lie the mainstream media feeds the American public, the more we become brainwashed and uninformed to the true horrors taking place in our corrupt government.

If we allow this to continue, there won’t be much of an America left for us to defend. Young people in particular should be up in arms about what’s going on, because they’re the generation that’s going to suffer the most.

Let’s take a look at just what is wrong with our current situation…

The President and his close inner-circle of buddies are obsessed with disregarding our Constitution and signing away our sovereignty and freedoms in the name of damaging “free trade,” like the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Transatlantic “Free Trade” Agreement (TAFTA) that President Obama is working tirelessly to ram through Congress with fast-track negotiating authority.

Through the use of their economy-killing trade agenda – handed down to them from presidents over the past 3 decades, the Obama administration is opening up America’s doors to corporate control, a new American way of life where corporations will become the new government and freedoms that average Americans take for granted for today will become obsolete.

read more Why Aren?t More Young People Outraged with Our Government!? | Economy In Crisis
Because they're stupid.

Have you not seen who is in charge of our educational system?

Stupid people produce stupid children. Always have, always will.

And stupid children grow into stupid adults.

Always have, always will.
They are making sure we don't go extinct.

The most important thing each generation does is replicate itself. Otherwise we go extinct.

So the most powerful chemicals in their body are directing them to concentrate on this most important project.

It is a shame in this case...for Obama is taking them to the cleaners...while they are thus distracted.

But, the chemicals are very powerful.
Because the only President we remember before Obama is Bush. So despite his failings, Obama's doing a bang up job compared to his predecessor.
because they are extremely stupid.
and uneducated.
Why Aren’t More Young People Outraged with Our Government!?

Because both the Government and the Mass Media always have a shiny object to dangle in the faces of young Americans to keep them distracted from what's really going on.
October 09, 2013

With every “free trade” agreement that our President signs, more and more of our future prosperity is signed away. With every lie the mainstream media feeds the American public, the more we become brainwashed and uninformed to the true horrors taking place in our corrupt government.

If we allow this to continue, there won’t be much of an America left for us to defend. Young people in particular should be up in arms about what’s going on, because they’re the generation that’s going to suffer the most.

Let’s take a look at just what is wrong with our current situation…

The President and his close inner-circle of buddies are obsessed with disregarding our Constitution and signing away our sovereignty and freedoms in the name of damaging “free trade,” like the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Transatlantic “Free Trade” Agreement (TAFTA) that President Obama is working tirelessly to ram through Congress with fast-track negotiating authority.

Through the use of their economy-killing trade agenda – handed down to them from presidents over the past 3 decades, the Obama administration is opening up America’s doors to corporate control, a new American way of life where corporations will become the new government and freedoms that average Americans take for granted for today will become obsolete.

read more Why Aren?t More Young People Outraged with Our Government!? | Economy In Crisis

They are government educated.
No one cares any more.

If it doesn't effect them personally, they don't care. People have to feel pain right away to know that there's trouble. No one cares any more.
October 09, 2013

With every “free trade” agreement that our President signs, more and more of our future prosperity is signed away. With every lie the mainstream media feeds the American public, the more we become brainwashed and uninformed to the true horrors taking place in our corrupt government.

If we allow this to continue, there won’t be much of an America left for us to defend. Young people in particular should be up in arms about what’s going on, because they’re the generation that’s going to suffer the most.

Let’s take a look at just what is wrong with our current situation…

The President and his close inner-circle of buddies are obsessed with disregarding our Constitution and signing away our sovereignty and freedoms in the name of damaging “free trade,” like the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Transatlantic “Free Trade” Agreement (TAFTA) that President Obama is working tirelessly to ram through Congress with fast-track negotiating authority.

Through the use of their economy-killing trade agenda – handed down to them from presidents over the past 3 decades, the Obama administration is opening up America’s doors to corporate control, a new American way of life where corporations will become the new government and freedoms that average Americans take for granted for today will become obsolete.

read more Why Aren?t More Young People Outraged with Our Government!? | Economy In Crisis

They are government educated.

I'll bet you are too if you have any education at all.
Because they're stupid.

Have you not seen who is in charge of our educational system?

Stupid people produce stupid children. Always have, always will.

And stupid children grow into stupid adults.

Always have, always will.

Not all are stupid...naive and poorly educated, yes.

Most young people are products of the public education system which has systematically brainwashed them to think that Government and Collectivism are good and Private Civil Society and Individualism are bad. And the result is what we see today.
Because they're stupid.

Have you not seen who is in charge of our educational system?

Stupid people produce stupid children. Always have, always will.

And stupid children grow into stupid adults.

Always have, always will.

Not all are stupid...naive and poorly educated, yes.

Most young people are products of the public education system which has systematically brainwashed them to think that Government and Collectivism are good and Private Civil Society and Individualism are bad. And the result is what we see today.

What private school did you attend?
Don't blame the government. We are willfully dumbing ourselves down.

Marissa Peterson was eliminated last night on Survivor 2013 after losing out to Candice and John in the Redemption Island duel. Now Marissa is back with her “The Day After” interview where she discusses the game and her experience on Survivor.
Despite being the first castaway voted off a tribe this season her spirit and attitude remains strong. Marissa was disappointed in her tribe overall and wishes she could have been part of Galang, a tribe that appeared more concerned with winning competitions than Tadhana.
Surprisingly she doesn’t seem to resent Gervase for his showboating that first competition that contributed to her send-off. Instead Marissa says she’s glad Gervase did not try and swap with her at Redemption Island. She wouldn’t have wanted to give her tribe the satisfaction of weakening Galang in the process.

Survivor Fandom | Survivor 2013 Blood vs Water Updates, Results, and News
Don't blame the government. We are willfully dumbing ourselves down.

Yeah, that's pretty much it.

The increase in our dependence on government coincides with our decrease in standards, our increase in apologizing for those who claim victimhood, our increase in anger at those who succeed, our increase in immediately medicating kids who show minor problems, our increase in valuing things like "self esteem" over accomplishment (http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/12329/).

As our culture continues to decay, our dependence on government will continue to increase.

Personally, I don't see a reversal.

Last edited:
October 09, 2013

With every “free trade” agreement that our President signs, more and more of our future prosperity is signed away. With every lie the mainstream media feeds the American public, the more we become brainwashed and uninformed to the true horrors taking place in our corrupt government.

If we allow this to continue, there won’t be much of an America left for us to defend. Young people in particular should be up in arms about what’s going on, because they’re the generation that’s going to suffer the most.

Let’s take a look at just what is wrong with our current situation…

The President and his close inner-circle of buddies are obsessed with disregarding our Constitution and signing away our sovereignty and freedoms in the name of damaging “free trade,” like the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Transatlantic “Free Trade” Agreement (TAFTA) that President Obama is working tirelessly to ram through Congress with fast-track negotiating authority.

Through the use of their economy-killing trade agenda – handed down to them from presidents over the past 3 decades, the Obama administration is opening up America’s doors to corporate control, a new American way of life where corporations will become the new government and freedoms that average Americans take for granted for today will become obsolete.

read more Why Aren?t More Young People Outraged with Our Government!? | Economy In Crisis

They are government educated.

I'll bet you are too if you have any education at all.

You lose the bet. Thanks for playing.
October 09, 2013

With every “free trade” agreement that our President signs, more and more of our future prosperity is signed away. With every lie the mainstream media feeds the American public, the more we become brainwashed and uninformed to the true horrors taking place in our corrupt government.

If we allow this to continue, there won’t be much of an America left for us to defend. Young people in particular should be up in arms about what’s going on, because they’re the generation that’s going to suffer the most.

Let’s take a look at just what is wrong with our current situation…

The President and his close inner-circle of buddies are obsessed with disregarding our Constitution and signing away our sovereignty and freedoms in the name of damaging “free trade,” like the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Transatlantic “Free Trade” Agreement (TAFTA) that President Obama is working tirelessly to ram through Congress with fast-track negotiating authority.

Through the use of their economy-killing trade agenda – handed down to them from presidents over the past 3 decades, the Obama administration is opening up America’s doors to corporate control, a new American way of life where corporations will become the new government and freedoms that average Americans take for granted for today will become obsolete.

read more Why Aren?t More Young People Outraged with Our Government!? | Economy In Crisis

Wasting a good thread title on wackadoodle economics.
Because the only President we remember before Obama is Bush. So despite his failings, Obama's doing a bang up job compared to his predecessor.

:lol: No objective person could ever make such a ridiculous claim when you look at the simple, raw numbers. Bush was a poor president; Obama is a poor president, but I'd gladly take 2001 to 2008 back again then relive 2008 to 2013. Times were much better in the first set.

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