"Why Aren't Christians More Like Jesus!?!?"--A Blistering BB Article

So you have nothing. I win.

"For the word of the Cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."--1 Corinthians 1:18

See you quoted Paul.

Yes it's part of the Biblical canon.

Like I said, Protestants quote Paul, more often than not, I seldom hear any quote Jesus.

BTW I quoted Jesus to you in this thread, post 65. But of course that didn't sink in either

No I noticed it. So you were raised non Christian. So once you were born again, Jesus was obsolete and you prefer Paul.
You mean following Jesus, you being a Christian, I would think you would as well, but then again I was not born again, since I was raised RC.
The reason Catholics are probably a little bemused about the "born again" issue is that we were born and birth and then almost immediately reborn through our baptism. From here on out we are raised in spirit and life and the beneficiaries of God's graces. We take time for renewal each time we confess our sins, attend Mass, receive the Eucharist, renew our baptismal promises, pray and practice our faith.

To us, saying I am a Born Again Christian would be similar to saying, I am a phone and a telephone. Aren't they one and the same? Seems superfluous to a Catholic, but it does seem to hold great meaning for non-Catholic Christians, and it is that meaning that is important.
So you have nothing. I win.

"For the word of the Cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."--1 Corinthians 1:18
Too bad no one here has any empirical evidence for god. I win again.

You can win all day long, Taz. You can win against me. You can even perceive that you win against God. That's fine. You didn't make your life and you don't determine it's eternal destiny. Until then, you have freedom to make posts like this.
But isn't it my destiny to do posts like that? The way god wants me to do it?

There is a lot of tension between pre-destination and free will. We know that God did pre-determine those He would save--that many believe that, many Christians. For me, I hold on to the rest very loosely, because if God is God He knows and can understand infinitely more than I do, and it's foolish for me to think I can figure out all the answers--or would need to--in the years I'm here.

"For now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face: now I know in part; but then I shall know even as I am known."--1 Corinthians 13:12

Imagine that. I can't wait. :)
You can't wait to die. It's a cult of death. Which you're in even if you admit to not understanding wtf they are talking about. Pretty sad really.
Answer not a fool according to his folly lest you be like him
So you have nothing. I win.

"For the word of the Cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."--1 Corinthians 1:18
I've always noticed the mods always tolerate this in this forum
Bogus quotes instead of a real answer?
If you believe Paul is a liar, and you believe Jesus is a liar, then you have nothing to contribute
I believe that those are words attributed to those people, since they were written several generations after the facts. In fact, that the quotes are written all in high-horse English, makes it look like they are all made up. And in fact, they didn't speak English, lol.
"For the word of the Cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."--1 Corinthians 1:18

See you quoted Paul.

Yes it's part of the Biblical canon.

Like I said, Protestants quote Paul, more often than not, I seldom hear any quote Jesus.

BTW I quoted Jesus to you in this thread, post 65. But of course that didn't sink in either

No I noticed it. So you were raised non Christian. So once you were born again, Jesus was obsolete and you prefer Paul.

So you are married to a Muslim. Right?
"For the word of the Cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."--1 Corinthians 1:18
Too bad no one here has any empirical evidence for god. I win again.

You can win all day long, Taz. You can win against me. You can even perceive that you win against God. That's fine. You didn't make your life and you don't determine it's eternal destiny. Until then, you have freedom to make posts like this.
But isn't it my destiny to do posts like that? The way god wants me to do it?

There is a lot of tension between pre-destination and free will. We know that God did pre-determine those He would save--that many believe that, many Christians. For me, I hold on to the rest very loosely, because if God is God He knows and can understand infinitely more than I do, and it's foolish for me to think I can figure out all the answers--or would need to--in the years I'm here.

"For now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face: now I know in part; but then I shall know even as I am known."--1 Corinthians 13:12

Imagine that. I can't wait. :)
You can't wait to die. It's a cult of death. Which you're in even if you admit to not understanding wtf they are talking about. Pretty sad really.

Mmmm, death as you understand it.
See you quoted Paul.

Yes it's part of the Biblical canon.

Like I said, Protestants quote Paul, more often than not, I seldom hear any quote Jesus.

BTW I quoted Jesus to you in this thread, post 65. But of course that didn't sink in either

No I noticed it. So you were raised non Christian. So once you were born again, Jesus was obsolete and you prefer Paul.

So you are married to a Muslim. Right?

Try again, RC. If I were married to a Muslim I would say so. So what religion is your husband?
Yet Paul didn't follow Jesus.
He wrote most of the NT satan follower. Under inspiration.

Not to mention he had such a strong vision of our Lord and Savior that he was struck blind on the road to Damascus.
That's a myth, like all the others.
You have no idea. Another case of talking out of your ass.
Then prove it, numbnutz.

The high income earners pay most of the Federal Income tax collected. Corporations, large and small, take on personal and business risk to provide the government new revenue streams while the government assumes no risk . The point in all of this is that this business of “government favoring the rich” is a crock of shit. The poor consume government services and entitlements with little or no payment. High income earners and businesses account for more from a revenue stream. Therefore, if you pay more, risk more, you should get more inthe form of a tax cut or tax incentive.
Yes it's part of the Biblical canon.

Like I said, Protestants quote Paul, more often than not, I seldom hear any quote Jesus.

BTW I quoted Jesus to you in this thread, post 65. But of course that didn't sink in either

No I noticed it. So you were raised non Christian. So once you were born again, Jesus was obsolete and you prefer Paul.

So you are married to a Muslim. Right?

Try again, RC. If I were married to a Muslim I would say so. So what religion is your husband?

Well that's the way you do things here. I tell you something and you just state something different no matter what I say. You said, "You don't follow Jesus, you follow Paul".

So, I'm just going to say, fine, you're married to a Muslim no matter what you say. That's how you operate Penny. See?
I cannot put it any better than these fine folks at Babylon Bee, so here it is in its entirety. I would guess this is in response to the Twitter storms this week regarding the ICE raids and Jesus--but who knows. This is timeless:

(PS Unbelievers: THIS IS SATIRE)


Christians these days are just the worst. They are always taking stances on divisive issues like abortion and marriage and constantly have a lot of people angry at them. This is so unlike the person they’re supposed to be emulating -- Jesus, a cool dude whom everyone loved.

Now, I’ve never read the Bible (I think Jesus would agree not to waste time on really old books when there are much lighter, more uplifting alternatives available on Audible), but my impression is that he was this really nice guy who went around giving everybody great self-esteem, telling people, “Hey, keep doing whatever you’re doing. You’re great and are going to Heaven.” That’s why everyone loves Jesus: because he told people they’re all great the way they are and don’t need to change. I don’t know where Christians got this idea that people need to sacrifice their old way of living and follow some exclusive Savior to get to Heaven, but it doesn’t sound very Jesus-like to me.

In fact, if Jesus were around today, I’ll bet he’d tell Christians to “chill out” on all their narrow morality that upsets people and accept whatever people feel like doing because it’s all good. The only thing he might challenge people to change is to try more socialism. The main thing to keep in mind is that if you’re making people upset, you’re not being like Jesus, who only made everyone happy.

Christians Should Be More Like Jesus, Who Was Loved By Everybody And Never Divisive
Notice how 5he left ALWAYS hijacks the threads in the Religion forum. Every. Damn. Time.

You talking about Penny Jackboots? Yes I have noticed. Always on about the same things too

That is because I follow Jesus, can't help the way I was raised.

You do and believe a ton of nonsensical things, Penny. I mean really weird, nonsensical things.

You mean following Jesus, you being a Christian, I would think you would as well, but then again I was not born again, since I was raised RC.
Catholicism started its death spiral in the early 1970's.
Welp, here it is folks---literally the stupidest thing I have ever read on USMB in the entire year I have been here.

Polish eater, see if you can spot the flaw in what you typed, okay? Read carefully now:

"THE BIBLE says reformations of THE VATICAN must be done from within, to quarrel with the original Church is a Sin."

How is that any dumber than any of the stuff you believe?

Here's the better question... if God's word is so clear, why do have so many sects in Christianity... You all have the same bible,a nd you have 1000 different opinions.

Since there are more Catholics than anything else, they must be more right than you are.

I might answer this question but it's the only one I'm going to bother with from you today. Because you hate Christianity and if I answer this one you will ignore it and move on to your next target. So this answer is not really for you, but for other readers. Just so we're clear.

In my life as a Protestant I have been United Methodist, Congregational, Evangelical Lutheran and Evangelical Presbyterian and more. Yes, all of those. There isn't much difference between them at all. Christians themselves do not make that much difference between them. When our pastor talks about neighboring churches he says "our brothers and sisters at ______"

You know who makes a big deal about them? You all. I guess you folks really hate diversity after all, but we knew that.

A.) Why does it make sense to have Christians fighting, even killing each other different sects?

B.) It is Biblical to not Quarrel with the original Church.

5 Reasons the Catholic Church is the True Church

. According to Titus 3:9-11, the divisions led by Patriarch Michael I and Martin Luther were sin. “Avoid foolish arguments, genealogies, rivalries, and quarrels about the law, for they are useless and futile. After a first and second warning, break off contact with a heretic, realizing that such a person is perverted and sinful and stands self-condemned..”
That means Ceasar’s (the State) is limited. At a minimum, Jesus did not want Caesar involved in collecting on behalf of God.

actually, you are confused. The Pharisees were trying to trap Jesus. If he condemned the temple tax, he was guilty of treason against Rome. If he approved of the tax, they could denounce him as a Roman Collaborator.

Instead, he was clever enough to point out that since Caesar's picture was on the money, it was Caesar's issue, not God's.

That is not the debate or issue. The issue is whether Jesus would want the Government collecting taxes and distributing to the poor.
You mean distributing to the rich, like in the US.
The poor dont pay taxes dumbass
Government programs favor the rich. Asswipe.

Yeah, kind of, and considering the Rich are greedy according to the Bible as a "Sin"
In a lot of cases the Rich are even more Sinful, and or non-Conservative profiting off of hiring people at poverty wages, which isn't to be understood by especially big Corporations who can afford more.
how they hire Illegal Criminals, Outsourcing jobs made in America, or the Porn industry, Media Liberalism, Hollywood Liberalism, or Social Media Liberalism.

It's a bit of a mystery why they are so pro-Greed & Rich, even though it's completely against everything they claim to stand for.
actually, you are confused. The Pharisees were trying to trap Jesus. If he condemned the temple tax, he was guilty of treason against Rome. If he approved of the tax, they could denounce him as a Roman Collaborator.

Instead, he was clever enough to point out that since Caesar's picture was on the money, it was Caesar's issue, not God's.

That is not the debate or issue. The issue is whether Jesus would want the Government collecting taxes and distributing to the poor.
You mean distributing to the rich, like in the US.
The poor dont pay taxes dumbass
Government programs favor the rich. Asswipe.

Yeah, kind of, and considering the Rich are greedy according to the Bible as a "Sin"
In a lot of cases the Rich are even more Sinful, and or non-Conservative profiting off of hiring people at poverty wages, which isn't to be understood by especially big Corporations who can afford more.
how they hire Illegal Criminals, Outsourcing jobs made in America, or the Porn industry, Media Liberalism, Hollywood Liberalism, or Social Media Liberalism.

It's a bit of a mystery why they are so pro-Greed & Rich, even though it's completely against everything they claim to stand for.

Since you brought up greed as a sin, here are two others: Sloth and Envy. Sloth or laziness is being committed by the able-bodied person’s choosing to be “poor” so they can take from Church and State. Envy to those who feel entitled to a rich person’s wealth because they have nicer cars and big homes.
I'm going to report you if you keep saying I hate "mexicans and gays" Joe. Keep it up and you're reported. That's first.

Go ahead and try... should be funny.

Second, no, "every last church" does not say they are the ONE TRUE CHURCH. I just told you mine does not and you still said that. Are you capable of reading for comprehension?

Again, 2000 years of you guys killing each other over whether or not Jesus was made of bread would indicate otherwise.
There is a legal way to enter this country and foreigners are welcome. People choose to go to the camps. Keep in mind what Jesus said about those that do not enter through the gate, but try to break in some other way. He called them thieves and liars.

If people choose not to got through the gate but choose to break in, they are cared for until their case is heard. It may not be the Taj Mahal, but they are given food, water, shelter, medical attention--and women and children are no longer in danger of rape.

Wow, it's kind of fun to watch you Trump cultists rationalize Concentration camps.

They are not being "Cared for" when they can't even get basic hygeine and are crowded 10 to a room.

I suggest if people want to do something more, they go down to the border and offer to shelter and care for a family in their own homes until their case is heard. Second, let's all elect government officials who will do their job and resolve this problem instead of delighting in their games of political football.

But that's the thing. Before your Fuhrer decided to throw these people into camps, most of them were able to find families to host them until their hearings, and 93% of them showed up to their hearings. These policies aren't out of necessity, they are gratuitously cruel for the express purpose of terrifying people away from wanting to come here.

Just remember, Conservative Jesus hates gays and Mexicans.

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