Why Aren't Millions of Americans Going to Cuba for Healthcare?

Are you playing stupid or does it come naturally?

When it comes to sophism, you take the cake:

Cuba Has Better Medical Care Than the U.S. | HuffPost
Actual except: "which annually spends a miserly $185 per person on health care, has better infant and adult mortality rates than the US, and has a life expectancy nearly equal to ours." So if you are looking at the health care systems purely within the context of those rates, Cuba is better than the US. That is how they're reaching their conclusions.​

Cuba's Health Care System: a Model for the World | HuffPost
More valuable context:

With an infant mortality rate of 4.2 per thousand births, the Caribbean island is the best performer on the continent and in the Third World generally. This is also demonstrated by the quality of its health care system and the impact it has on the well-being of children and pregnant women. The infant mortality rate in Cuba is lower than it is in the United States and is among the lowest in the world. [5]

With a life expectancy of 78 years, Cuba is one of the best performers on the American continent and in the Third World, achieving results similar to those of most developed nations. On the average, Cubans live 30 years longer than their Haitian neighbors. In 2025, Cuba will have the highest proportion of its population over the age of 60 in all of Latin America. [6]

So again, looking purely at health care metrics, Cuba produces better outcomes than our system does.

Cuba Has Better Health Care than the United States? | Human Events
Again, these links show that Cuba's health care system produces better metrics than ours. If we are looking at purely metrics and nothing else, we trail Cuba and most FIrst World single-payer nations in nearly every metric there is.
which annually spends a miserly $185 per person on health care,
The most the richest Cuban can make in a day gross is $15. Make a penny more and you go to prison. So $185 is a small fortune for a Cuban.
Two errors in your post.

First, there is no law against making more than $15 a day. I don't know who is filling your head with this bullshit.

Second, the $185 per capita spending does not come out of the citizens pocket, which is the whole point of single payer health care.
My bad.
Maximum wage in Cuba is $20 a DAY.

Maximum wage - Wikipedia
From the first link: One grand irony, Cuba whose economy has been bankrupt for the last decade — food shortages, drug shortages, chronic unemployment, etc. — and which annually spends a miserly $185 per person on health care, has better infant and adult mortality rates than the US, and has a life expectancy nearly equal to ours.
Yeah, Cuba is being flooded with immigrants.
What does that have to do with the facts?

People are not flooding into Cuba for other far more obvious reasons, idiot.
Like Cubas crappy everything, especially healthcare.
From the first link: One grand irony, Cuba whose economy has been bankrupt for the last decade — food shortages, drug shortages, chronic unemployment, etc. — and which annually spends a miserly $185 per person on health care, has better infant and adult mortality rates than the US, and has a life expectancy nearly equal to ours.
Yeah, Cuba is being flooded with immigrants.
What does that have to do with the facts?

People are not flooding into Cuba for other far more obvious reasons, idiot.
Like Cubas crappy everything, especially healthcare.
I was stationed in Gitmo. I spoke with several of the Cubans who trekked through the world's largest active minefield to get to our base and escape Castro's Cuba.

Not one of them mentioned health care as a reason why they risked their lives to get the hell out of there.
The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency

Cuba: 4.5 deaths per 1,000 live births.

US: 5.8 deaths per 1,000 live births.


While Cuba’s infant mortality rate is lower than the United States, Stusser said Cuban authorities use heavy-handed methods to keep it that way.

Doctors in Cuba’s public health system are pressured to induce abortions for potentially problematic pregnancies in order to artificially lower the infant mortality rate. Stusser estimatedthat if the deaths of living fetuses older than 21 weeks had been reported, Cuba’s infant mortality rate would be at least 50 percent higher.

Katherine Hirschfeld, chairwoman of the anthropology department at the University of Oklahoma, said in an email that she observed similar practices in Cuba in the 1990s.

One doctor told Hirschfeld that not encouraging abortions for fetuses with abnormalities "might raise the infant mortality rate." She said Cuba lacks neonatal intensive care wards that would prevent the deaths of infants with genetic defects, creating additional pressure to abort them and keep mortality rates low.

"The Cuban government's approach to health and health care seems to prioritize the health of ‘the revolution’ above the health of individual patients," she said. "This means doctors must hit specific statistical targets for their communities."

I remember watching the Cuban news over the air. One thing that immediately struck me as different was that they played martial music in the background in an obvious attempt to emotionally influence their viewers as they put out their propaganda.

That was a very unusual thing to see at the time.

Since then, Fox News has raised this methodology to an art form.

[cue doom music]

Mexicans are streaming over the border and raping our white women!
From the first link: One grand irony, Cuba whose economy has been bankrupt for the last decade — food shortages, drug shortages, chronic unemployment, etc. — and which annually spends a miserly $185 per person on health care, has better infant and adult mortality rates than the US, and has a life expectancy nearly equal to ours.
Yeah, Cuba is being flooded with immigrants.
What does that have to do with the facts?

People are not flooding into Cuba for other far more obvious reasons, idiot.
Like Cubas crappy everything, especially healthcare.
I was stationed in Gitmo. I spoke with several of the Cubans who trekked through the world's largest active minefield to get to our base and escape Castro's Cuba.

Not one of them mentioned health care as a reason why they risked their lives to get the hell out of there.
Oh wow. People afraid of being murdered by their government didn't complain about healthcare.
The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency

Cuba: 4.5 deaths per 1,000 live births.

US: 5.8 deaths per 1,000 live births.


While Cuba’s infant mortality rate is lower than the United States, Stusser said Cuban authorities use heavy-handed methods to keep it that way.

Doctors in Cuba’s public health system are pressured to induce abortions for potentially problematic pregnancies in order to artificially lower the infant mortality rate. Stusser estimatedthat if the deaths of living fetuses older than 21 weeks had been reported, Cuba’s infant mortality rate would be at least 50 percent higher.

Katherine Hirschfeld, chairwoman of the anthropology department at the University of Oklahoma, said in an email that she observed similar practices in Cuba in the 1990s.

One doctor told Hirschfeld that not encouraging abortions for fetuses with abnormalities "might raise the infant mortality rate." She said Cuba lacks neonatal intensive care wards that would prevent the deaths of infants with genetic defects, creating additional pressure to abort them and keep mortality rates low.

"The Cuban government's approach to health and health care seems to prioritize the health of ‘the revolution’ above the health of individual patients," she said. "This means doctors must hit specific statistical targets for their communities."

They believe anything a communist government feeds them without question.
From the first link: One grand irony, Cuba whose economy has been bankrupt for the last decade — food shortages, drug shortages, chronic unemployment, etc. — and which annually spends a miserly $185 per person on health care, has better infant and adult mortality rates than the US, and has a life expectancy nearly equal to ours.
Yeah, Cuba is being flooded with immigrants.
What does that have to do with the facts?

People are not flooding into Cuba for other far more obvious reasons, idiot.
Like Cubas crappy everything, especially healthcare.
I was stationed in Gitmo. I spoke with several of the Cubans who trekked through the world's largest active minefield to get to our base and escape Castro's Cuba.

Not one of them mentioned health care as a reason why they risked their lives to get the hell out of there.
Oh wow. People afraid of being murdered by their government didn't complain about healthcare.
Now you are catching on.


Your OP question is now answered.

You're welcome.
Yeah, Cuba is being flooded with immigrants.
What does that have to do with the facts?

People are not flooding into Cuba for other far more obvious reasons, idiot.
Like Cubas crappy everything, especially healthcare.
I was stationed in Gitmo. I spoke with several of the Cubans who trekked through the world's largest active minefield to get to our base and escape Castro's Cuba.

Not one of them mentioned health care as a reason why they risked their lives to get the hell out of there.
Oh wow. People afraid of being murdered by their government didn't complain about healthcare.
Now you are catching on.


Your OP question is now answered.

You're welcome.
No, you just parrot communist propaganda right here like a good useful idiot
For years the left touted the Cuban healthcare system as being superior. Yet a year after Obama allowed Americans to travel there airlines cancelled flights because the planes were always empty.Is everyone in America healthy or was the left just spewing more BS?

So this is a straw-man. Of course, medical tourism does happen...but when foreigners come to the US for health care, are they enrolling in insurance plans or are they paying cash? No one comes from, say, Belgium and enrolls in Aetna to get cancer treatment. Also, those coming to America for health care are also typically wealthy people. Conservatives want to make it out like regular, ordinary citizens come to the US for health care, and that's just not true.

How come their country's nationzied health care don't pay for their citizens to come to the USA and get the best health care possible?

Hell Cuba won't even allow their citizens to come to America! Not if they can prevent it.

But if they wanted to send their citizens for the best healthcare why would they send them to the US?

Probably because of this


World | Ranking Web of Hospitals

1 Cleveland Clinic
230 5 17 11
2 St Jude Children's Research Hospital
58 3 103 37
3 Johns Hopkins Medicine
23 6 31 61
4 Mayo Clinic Scottsdale AZ
125 1 987 94
5 University of Maryland Medical Center
92 2 1262 34
6 M D Anderson Cancer Center
97 14 25 39
7 Massachusetts General Hospital
401 20 82 18
8 Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris
96 67 10 43
9 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
26 18 619 107
10 New York Presbyterian / Lower Manhattan

Fantastic- so if I get sick I can go to St. Jude's Children's research hospital!


Or for the literate, we can actually read this from your citation:

The Cybermetrics Lab is publishing this Webometrics Ranking of World Hospitals from a purely academic point of view and as such it should be used. The Web indicators applied does NOT measure at all the quality of patient's treatment and health care offered by the hospitals included. So please be aware that if you are looking for the best place to treat a health condition this ranking is not appropriated for such a search.

Are you playing stupid or does it come naturally?

When it comes to sophism, you take the cake:

Cuba Has Better Medical Care Than the U.S. | HuffPost
Actual except: "which annually spends a miserly $185 per person on health care, has better infant and adult mortality rates than the US, and has a life expectancy nearly equal to ours." So if you are looking at the health care systems purely within the context of those rates, Cuba is better than the US. That is how they're reaching their conclusions.​

Cuba's Health Care System: a Model for the World | HuffPost
More valuable context:

With an infant mortality rate of 4.2 per thousand births, the Caribbean island is the best performer on the continent and in the Third World generally. This is also demonstrated by the quality of its health care system and the impact it has on the well-being of children and pregnant women. The infant mortality rate in Cuba is lower than it is in the United States and is among the lowest in the world. [5]

With a life expectancy of 78 years, Cuba is one of the best performers on the American continent and in the Third World, achieving results similar to those of most developed nations. On the average, Cubans live 30 years longer than their Haitian neighbors. In 2025, Cuba will have the highest proportion of its population over the age of 60 in all of Latin America. [6]

So again, looking purely at health care metrics, Cuba produces better outcomes than our system does.

Cuba Has Better Health Care than the United States? | Human Events
Again, these links show that Cuba's health care system produces better metrics than ours. If we are looking at purely metrics and nothing else, we trail Cuba and most FIrst World single-payer nations in nearly every metric there is.
There you go again.
A. They measure infant mortality different. We count the deaths in the womb. They don't count it until after 3 days after birth.

According to who?
For years the left touted the Cuban healthcare system as being superior. Yet a year after Obama allowed Americans to travel there airlines cancelled flights because the planes were always empty.

Is everyone in America healthy or was the left just spewing more BS?

For the same reason that so many Cubans are willing to risk their lives by setting out for America on a piece of driftwood. Cuba is a fucking hellhole, as are most socialist and communist countries.
I think where the US excels in medical care is in the treatment of diseases and illness. If I had a brain tumor, I'd rather be treated in the US than in Cuba.

IF I had adequate insurance or ccash to pay for the best treatment available in the U.S.
Are you playing stupid or does it come naturally?

When it comes to sophism, you take the cake:

Cuba Has Better Medical Care Than the U.S. | HuffPost
Actual except: "which annually spends a miserly $185 per person on health care, has better infant and adult mortality rates than the US, and has a life expectancy nearly equal to ours." So if you are looking at the health care systems purely within the context of those rates, Cuba is better than the US. That is how they're reaching their conclusions.​

Cuba's Health Care System: a Model for the World | HuffPost
More valuable context:

With an infant mortality rate of 4.2 per thousand births, the Caribbean island is the best performer on the continent and in the Third World generally. This is also demonstrated by the quality of its health care system and the impact it has on the well-being of children and pregnant women. The infant mortality rate in Cuba is lower than it is in the United States and is among the lowest in the world. [5]

With a life expectancy of 78 years, Cuba is one of the best performers on the American continent and in the Third World, achieving results similar to those of most developed nations. On the average, Cubans live 30 years longer than their Haitian neighbors. In 2025, Cuba will have the highest proportion of its population over the age of 60 in all of Latin America. [6]

So again, looking purely at health care metrics, Cuba produces better outcomes than our system does.

Cuba Has Better Health Care than the United States? | Human Events
Again, these links show that Cuba's health care system produces better metrics than ours. If we are looking at purely metrics and nothing else, we trail Cuba and most FIrst World single-payer nations in nearly every metric there is.
which annually spends a miserly $185 per person on health care,
The most the richest Cuban can make in a day gross is $15. Make a penny more and you go to prison. So $185 is a small fortune for a Cuban.

Plenty of Cubans make more than that- Cuban small business entrepeneurs.
A Breakout Year for Cuban Entrepreneurs
Whole lot of Americans run to Canada for meds. Explain that !

I guess their healthcare system opted out of kissing the ass of Big Pharms the way Obamacare did. While some of their drugs are cheaper, the availability of healthcare isn't good. There are waiting lists for MRIs and other things. Some have fought to come to America because some treatments are unavailable there. Canadian healthcare doesn't cover treatment in other countries. If you are visiting the US from Canada and fall ill or get injured, they will only cover so much and you have to get your ass back to Canada. Also, those working and making huge salaries get treatment not available to retired or low income people. Leaders often head here for treatment, just like leaders from all over the world. Mayo hospital in Rochester, MN, is a preferred place for so many leaders of socialist/communist countries. The citizens have to settle for whatever care the government is willing to give them but the dictators are always above all that.

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