Why Aren't Millions of Americans Going to Cuba for Healthcare?

Yeah, even ole Michael Moore wouldn't choose Cuba over the US if he needed treatment for a serious illness. So what does that make him? I'll let folks answer that themselves.
For the same reason that so many Cubans are willing to risk their lives by setting out for America on a piece of driftwood. Cuba is a fucking hellhole, as are most socialist and communist countries.

Canada is a hellhole? Switzerland? Germany? Israel? Japan? South Korea? Sweden? Norway? These don't seem like terrible places at all. People in them seem to be pretty happy.
I guess their healthcare system opted out of kissing the ass of Big Pharms the way Obamacare did. While some of their drugs are cheaper, the availability of healthcare isn't good. There are waiting lists for MRIs and other things. Some have fought to come to America because some treatments are unavailable there. Canadian healthcare doesn't cover treatment in other countries. If you are visiting the US from Canada and fall ill or get injured, they will only cover so much and you have to get your ass back to Canada. Also, those working and making huge salaries get treatment not available to retired or low income people. Leaders often head here for treatment, just like leaders from all over the world. Mayo hospital in Rochester, MN, is a preferred place for so many leaders of socialist/communist countries. The citizens have to settle for whatever care the government is willing to give them but the dictators are always above all that.

When foreigners come here for treatment, are they enrolling in insurance plans? Is the Sultan of Brunei enrolling in Aetna to get treatment at the Mayo Clinic? No. They pay cash.
For years the left touted the Cuban healthcare system as being superior. Yet a year after Obama allowed Americans to travel there airlines cancelled flights because the planes were always empty.

A) Because it is illegal for Americans to go to Cuba for healthcare.

No, it isn't.

Pretty much so- it requires prior approval by the State Department- U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control- and they aren't issuing them.
Americans May See Appeal of Medical Tourism in Cuba
While tourism or traveling to receive health care are still not allowed, the administration lifted a restriction requiring many Americans to travel with authorized groups or get a license in advance to visit the island.

A Breakout Year for Cuban Entrepreneurs

Family visits

2. Official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations

3. Journalistic activity

4. Professional research and professional meetings

5. Educational activities

6. Religious activities

7. Public performances, clinics, workshops, athletic and other competitions, and exhibitions

8. Support for the Cuban people

9. Humanitarian projects

10. Activities of private foundations or research or educational institutes

11. Exportation, importation, or transmission of information or information materials

12. Certain export transactions that may be considered for authorization under existing regulations and guidelines.

What The Shift In Cuba Policy Means For Americans Who Want To Travel To Cuba

While the thaw in relations does include a provision to allow Americans to bring back up to $400 worth of goods from Cuba (up to $100 in alcohol and tobacco products), it does not actually change the 12 existing categories of licenses available to Americans who want to visit the country, nor does it create a tourist visa for Americans.
For years the left touted the Cuban healthcare system as being superior. Yet a year after Obama allowed Americans to travel there airlines cancelled flights because the planes were always empty.Is everyone in America healthy or was the left just spewing more BS?

So this is a straw-man. Of course, medical tourism does happen...but when foreigners come to the US for health care, are they enrolling in insurance plans or are they paying cash? No one comes from, say, Belgium and enrolls in Aetna to get cancer treatment. Also, those coming to America for health care are also typically wealthy people. Conservatives want to make it out like regular, ordinary citizens come to the US for health care, and that's just not true.

How come their country's nationzied health care don't pay for their citizens to come to the USA and get the best health care possible?

Hell Cuba won't even allow their citizens to come to America! Not if they can prevent it.

But if they wanted to send their citizens for the best healthcare why would they send them to the US?

Probably because of this


World | Ranking Web of Hospitals

1 Cleveland Clinic
230 5 17 11
2 St Jude Children's Research Hospital
58 3 103 37
3 Johns Hopkins Medicine
23 6 31 61
4 Mayo Clinic Scottsdale AZ
125 1 987 94
5 University of Maryland Medical Center
92 2 1262 34
6 M D Anderson Cancer Center
97 14 25 39
7 Massachusetts General Hospital
401 20 82 18
8 Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris
96 67 10 43
9 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
26 18 619 107
10 New York Presbyterian / Lower Manhattan

How come no Cuban hospitals listed?
Probably don't have web listings.

Which is what the 'study' based it on.
I would never travel to a communist country. You never know if you might end up like this guy:

US student freed by North Korea in a coma has died at 22
Communist countries I have been to:
Yugoslavia(no longer exists)
Hungary(no longer communist)

Countries I would not go to no matter what(and whether they call themselves communist or not)
North Korea

Out of those, the only one I would maybe visit is Hungary since it's no longer communist, but the entire EU is a no go zone for me until they stamp out islamic extremism. I have studied in France for two semesters, but that was over 10 years ago.
I would never travel to a communist country. You never know if you might end up like this guy:

US student freed by North Korea in a coma has died at 22
Communist countries I have been to:
Yugoslavia(no longer exists)
Hungary(no longer communist)

Countries I would not go to no matter what(and whether they call themselves communist or not)
North Korea

Out of those, the only one I would maybe visit is Hungary since it's no longer communist, but the entire EU is a no go zone for me until they stamp out islamic extremism. I have studied in France for two semesters, but that was over 10 years ago.

LOL- are all Trump supporters such cowardly weenies?

Just got back from France- had a great time.

Glad you cowardly weenies weren't there.
I would never travel to a communist country. You never know if you might end up like this guy:

US student freed by North Korea in a coma has died at 22
Communist countries I have been to:
Yugoslavia(no longer exists)
Hungary(no longer communist)

Countries I would not go to no matter what(and whether they call themselves communist or not)
North Korea

Out of those, the only one I would maybe visit is Hungary since it's no longer communist, but the entire EU is a no go zone for me until they stamp out islamic extremism. I have studied in France for two semesters, but that was over 10 years ago.

LOL- are all Trump supporters such cowardly weenies?

Just got back from France- had a great time.

Glad you cowardly weenies weren't there.

I'd rather see more of America than go back to Europe. Better to spend my money here at home.
The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency

Cuba: 4.5 deaths per 1,000 live births.

US: 5.8 deaths per 1,000 live births.
As reported by their countries, dufus.
Infant mortality is twice as bad as what the communist regime reports. Shocker, I know.
Project MUSE - Infant Mortality in Cuba: Myth and Reality
Shocker- one person's paper on the issue.

By exploring a sharp discrepancy between late fetal and early neonatal deaths, I develop a method for adjusting Cuba’s reported IMR. The results indicate that the adjusted IMR might be twice the reported one

.| Infant Mortality in Cuba: Myth and RealityThe Cuban Economy – La Economía Cubana

While perhaps further work is needed to analyze this LFD-END puzzle, Gonzalez work has certainly raised serious questions about Cuba’s long-vaunted Infant Mortality Rate.

Perhaps WHO and the CIA are wrong- but stating categorically that they are- based upon the possibility raised in one paper is well........typical of your cherry picking of information.
I would never travel to a communist country. You never know if you might end up like this guy:

US student freed by North Korea in a coma has died at 22
Communist countries I have been to:
Yugoslavia(no longer exists)
Hungary(no longer communist)

Countries I would not go to no matter what(and whether they call themselves communist or not)
North Korea

Out of those, the only one I would maybe visit is Hungary since it's no longer communist, but the entire EU is a no go zone for me until they stamp out islamic extremism. I have studied in France for two semesters, but that was over 10 years ago.

LOL- are all Trump supporters such cowardly weenies?

Just got back from France- had a great time.

Glad you cowardly weenies weren't there.

I'd rather see more of America than go back to Europe. Better to spend my money here at home.

And you just happen to be a cowardly weenie scared of the scarey Mooslims.
I would never travel to a communist country. You never know if you might end up like this guy:

US student freed by North Korea in a coma has died at 22
Communist countries I have been to:
Yugoslavia(no longer exists)
Hungary(no longer communist)

Countries I would not go to no matter what(and whether they call themselves communist or not)
North Korea

Out of those, the only one I would maybe visit is Hungary since it's no longer communist, but the entire EU is a no go zone for me until they stamp out islamic extremism. I have studied in France for two semesters, but that was over 10 years ago.

LOL- are all Trump supporters such cowardly weenies?

Just got back from France- had a great time.

Glad you cowardly weenies weren't there.

I'd rather see more of America than go back to Europe. Better to spend my money here at home.

And you just happen to be a cowardly weenie scared of the scarey Mooslims.

If you feel that way, go to Afghanistan. :)
For years the left touted the Cuban healthcare system as being superior. Yet a year after Obama allowed Americans to travel there airlines cancelled flights because the planes were always empty.

Is everyone in America healthy or was the left just spewing more BS?

For the same reason that so many Cubans are willing to risk their lives by setting out for America on a piece of driftwood. Cuba is a fucking hellhole, as are most socialist and communist countries.


Yep- Canada is a hellhole- but good capitalist Saudi Arabia is paradise.

Cubans and Haitians risk their lives fleeing their countries.

But for Cubans its always because they are 'fleeing communism'- why isn't it that Haitians are 'fleeing capitalism'?
Communist countries I have been to:
Yugoslavia(no longer exists)
Hungary(no longer communist)

Countries I would not go to no matter what(and whether they call themselves communist or not)
North Korea

Out of those, the only one I would maybe visit is Hungary since it's no longer communist, but the entire EU is a no go zone for me until they stamp out islamic extremism. I have studied in France for two semesters, but that was over 10 years ago.

LOL- are all Trump supporters such cowardly weenies?

Just got back from France- had a great time.

Glad you cowardly weenies weren't there.

I'd rather see more of America than go back to Europe. Better to spend my money here at home.

And you just happen to be a cowardly weenie scared of the scarey Mooslims.

If you feel that way, go to Afghanistan. :)

LOL- I have no desire to go to Afghanistan or India for that matter. But I would love to visit Turkey and Morocco.

I am not the one to scared to go to Denmark because of the scarey Mooslems- that would be you.
What does that have to do with the facts?

People are not flooding into Cuba for other far more obvious reasons, idiot.
Like Cubas crappy everything, especially healthcare.
I was stationed in Gitmo. I spoke with several of the Cubans who trekked through the world's largest active minefield to get to our base and escape Castro's Cuba.

Not one of them mentioned health care as a reason why they risked their lives to get the hell out of there.
Oh wow. People afraid of being murdered by their government didn't complain about healthcare.
Now you are catching on.


Your OP question is now answered.

You're welcome.
No, you just parrot communist propaganda right here like a good useful idiot

LOL- funny coming from the guy who just parrots right wing talking points, as a rather useless idiot.
Yeah, even ole Michael Moore wouldn't choose Cuba over the US if he needed treatment for a serious illness. So what does that make him? I'll let folks answer that themselves.

A person who wouldn't choose to go to a third world country for medical treatment?

Or a person who doesn't want to break the law?
Yeah, even ole Michael Moore wouldn't choose Cuba over the US if he needed treatment for a serious illness. So what does that make him? I'll let folks answer that themselves.

A person who wouldn't choose to go to a third world country for medical treatment?

Or a person who doesn't want to break the law?

Moore's a Bullshite Artist. He would choose US healthcare over Cuba healthcare every time. If his life depended on it, who do you think he would choose to save it?
For years the left touted the Cuban healthcare system as being superior. Yet a year after Obama allowed Americans to travel there airlines cancelled flights because the planes were always empty.

A) Because it is illegal for Americans to go to Cuba for healthcare. and
B) Because most Americans prefer to get their care near home even when it might bankrupt them.

Hmmmmm, wonder why 47,000 Canadians a year don't think the same way-)

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