Why aren’t Palestinians welcome

Yeah it’s okay to mass murder the Palis because after all, there are lots of Muslims.
Yep. Now you got it!

Read this. It will blow our deluded state controlled mind.

The decision to obliterate Gaza has long been the dream of Israel’s crypto-fascists, heirs of Kahane’s movement. These Jewish extremists, which make up the ruling coaltion government, are orchestrating the genocide in Gaza, where hundreds of Palestinians are dying daily. They champion the iconography and language of their homegrown fascism. Jewish identity and Jewish nationalism are the Zionist versions of blood and soil. Jewish supremacy is sanctified by God, as is the slaughter of the Palestinians, who Netanyahu compared to the Biblical Ammonites, massacred by the Israelites. Enemies — usually Muslims — slated for extinction are subhuman who embody evil. Violence and the threat of violence are the only forms of communication those outside the magical circle of Jewish nationalism understand. Millions of Muslims and Christians, including those with Israeli citizenship, are to be purged.
A leaked 10-page document from the Israeli Ministry of Intelligence dated Oct. 13, 2023 recommends the forcible and permanent transfer of the Gaza Strip’s 2.3 million Palestinian residents to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.
It is a grave mistake not to take the blood curdling calls for the wholesale eradication and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians seriously. This rhetoric is not hyperbolic. It is a literal prescription. Netanyahu in a tweet, later removed, described the battle with Hamas as a “struggle between the children of light and the children of darkness, between humanity and the law of the jungle.”
These Jewish fanatics have begun their version of the final solution to the Palestinian problem. They dropped 12,000 tons of explosives on Gaza in the first two weeks of assault to obliterate at least 45 percent of Gaza’s housing units, according to the U.N.’s humanitarian office. They have no intention of being detoured, even by Washington.
Listen to this Article: "Israel’s Final Solution for the Palestinians"
More conspiracy theories from an old antisemite

You see that, but not Israel’s ethnic cleansing. Even though it’s happening before your eyes.

Can’t you see you’ve been duped by the msm? Israel is no different and likely worse.
So moron, I showed you true ethnic cleansing and you ignored it.
Nice dodge. Wanna get back to the topic?
That is the topic. Palestinians are a made up term for displaced Jordanians. Most of the world sees Jews as parasites. You agree with that? Why do I care what most of the world thinks?
That is the topic. Palestinians are a made up term for displaced Jordanians. Most of the world sees Jews as parasites. You agree with that? Why do I care what most of the world thinks?
Why are saying Palestinians on this board and not Jordanians then? I’ve seen you use the term several times
So moron, I showed you true ethnic cleansing and you ignored it.
No, you didn't. You are unequivocally, in every way, wrong. The entire intelligent, educated world, knows this.

ethnic cleansing​


Ethnic cleansing​

When Ethnic Cleansing is not Genocide: A Critical Appraisal of the ICJ's Ruling in Croatia v. Serbia in relation to Deportation and Population Transfer​


Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Article 7
Crimes Against Humanity
Lol. Yet another meaningless post from an idiot.

It wasn't, in fact, a meaningless post.

It was, in fact, right on point.

The world's global ruling elites, don't give a shit about either Israel, or the Palistinians. What they want? Is a world global government.. . . this is yet, just another global psyop. And this conflict zone, is being used to push that agenda. It is a flash point of instability, and the Zionists/Israel, will be FORCED, just like the American Nationalists/Populists, TO MAKE PEACE.

They. like the Islamic fundamentalists, will be forced to heal, just like the D.C. global elites forced them to with the Suez crisis.

For the folks at the WEF? This is all bad for control and bad for business. . .

America And The Suez Crisis​

". . . In discussions with the United States between August and October, the British Government repeatedly hinted that it might resort to force in dealing with Nasser. At the same time, the British and French held secret military consultations with Israel, who regarded Nasser as a threat to its security, resulting in the creation of a joint plan to invade Egypt and overthrow its President. In keeping with these plans, Israeli forces attacked across Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula on October 29, 1956, advancing to within 10 miles of the Suez Canal. Under the pretext of protecting the Canal from the two belligerents, Britain and France landed troops of their own a few days later.

In response, the Eisenhower administration, concerned about dissociating the United States from European colonialism—especially in light of its strident condemnation of the Soviet intervention in Hungary the same week—as well as the possibility that the Soviets would intervene to assist Nasser, pressured Britain and France to accept a United Nations ceasefire on November 6. Moreover, the United States voted for UN resolutions publicly condemning the invasion and approving the creation of a UN peacekeeping force. Washington’s public censure of two of its most important allies temporarily soured relations with London and Paris and helped contribute to the resignation of British Prime Minister Anthony Eden in January 1957. Concurrently, U.S. worries about the continued viability of European (particularly British) political and military power in the Middle East in the aftermath of the Suez Crisis prompted the creation of the Eisenhower Doctrine, which gave the administration increased power to aid countries in the region. By March 1957, however, the U.S.–U.K. bilateral relationship had recovered under Eden’s successor, Harold Macmillan."

US Marine Corps Officer Scott Ritter Reveals TRUTH About Israel War​

Atlantic = 100% antisemitic like you
The article is definitely political anti-Zionist, no question.

". . .If the Jewish state, or the national home, is not allowed to become a reality,it seems probable that the province of Palestine will either become part of theneighboring Arab state, whose capital is Damascus, or be held in trust by oneof the powers, under a mandate from the League of Nations, for the benefit ofthe dwellers therein, and for those pilgrims of the three great religions whowish to visit its holy places. In either contingency it is probable that someJews, as well as other Europeans, would find no difficulty in settling in theland; but neither foreign Jew nor foreign Gentile should be given any specialprivileges; and to entrust the Jews, who have not governed themselves for twothousand years, with any form of government of the country would be extremelyunwise. Under a just government the country has fair possibilities for futuredevelopment, but it will never be an Eldorado. At present it is more importantthat settlers should be men of technical knowledge than that they shouldcommand capital. All exploitation of the native people must be prevented. Aftersome years of good government, it may be that the Arabs will be able to findsome of the necessary capital for any big works which may be possible; or thegovernment may wish to keep such works in its own hands. All idea of a vastimmigration of European settlers must be given up. . . ."

It is also explicitly anti-Bolshevik?

It has far more concerns that some of the settlers of Israel are leftists, TBH.


".. . . The question of Bolshevism is outside the scope of this article, but it remains to be said that the European Jewish population of Palestine is already tainted with the tenets of that faith. The Jews of Southeastern Europe are, almost to a man, Bolsheviki. Europe and America cannot allow the possibility of a homogeneous Bolshevist state in Palestine, whence the propagandists would be in an excellent position to preach their doctrines throughout Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean coasts."
Because it’s a pejorative. I also call them Islamists and terrorists
Interesting, do you think the term Palestinian is an insult?!

No no Az, you use the term because it is the term used to identify the group of people you are talking about. If you called them Jordanians then nobody would know what you were talking about as that is a whole different group of people.

You can stop playing your little game now. For some mysterious reason you don’t like calling them Palestinians yet you have no other way to identify them. You use the term Palestinian yourself. It’s your OPs title. It is what it is. Accept it
Interesting, do you think the term Palestinian is an insult?!

No no Az, you use the term because it is the term used to identify the group of people you are talking about. If you called them Jordanians then nobody would know what you were talking about as that is a whole different group of people.

You can stop playing your little game now. For some mysterious reason you don’t like calling them Palestinians yet you have no other way to identify them. You use the term Palestinian yourself. It’s your OPs title. It is what it is. Accept it
I told you why I use it. Fakeastinians are just terrorists. Not sure how much more clearly I can explain it. And no one wants them.
I told you why I use it. Fakeastinians are just terrorists. Not sure how much more clearly I can explain it. And no one wants them.
You said you use it because you think it’s disparaging. How is the term “Palestinian” disparaging?
You said you use it because you think it’s disparaging. How is the term “Palestinian” disparaging?
“Palestinian” is a pejorative. Just ask Muslims. I am Not going to explain why they are offended. After all they are Muslims
The world's global ruling elites, don't give a shit about either Israel, or the Palistinians. What they want? Is a world global government.. . . this is yet, just another global psyop. And this conflict zone, is being used to push that agenda. It is a flash point of instability, and the Zionists/Israel, will be FORCED, just like the American Nationalists/Populists, TO MAKE PEACE.

EXACTLY. Well said. For me it's been clear almost from the start that this is another psyop. As I've said many times before, Order out of Chaos is one of the powers-that-shouldn't-be's most used, age-old tactics. Sadly, most people on this site have fallen for it and are doing exactly what the PTSB want us all to do: fight amongst ourselves, and cheer for more war.

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